Prelim: Ms. K. (maimmn M. M. Mr:thth Wef 13me Ms. R. Finn Dimch Ms. J. Hall Dimctor Mr. P. Let Dimetor Mr. B. Mt:wa D?uctor Mr. B. Moore Elector MI: H. Quinlan Director MS. Rae Dirmmr Mr C. My Dilute: Mr. 1.1161113? Water In azimdance: Mr. L. O?Riordzm Company Swarm")! Mr. R. O'Sullim Mint Ms. Khmatt, Hand of Emma Mr. J. Dmpsey I Had of Finance Mr. MG. O?Sl??m Group aname Director Vanna Irish Wm Omen. Galvin Hm. Talbot Strut, Dublin 1. Time 12.00pm UNITAR YBGARD The of: The Minutes of the Directors mating held on 17? 1m, 2014 were appmvul fur lining by the Chairman. The Bhutan noted the report on matters arising as ant?ned by Mr. .T. Tierney, Managing Director Irish MA magma DIRECTORS REPORT (Mr. J. Dempsey, Had of Finenee Irish Water, Mr. J. Gmnt, Head of Asset Wt Irish Water, Mr. R. O?Deyer, Head of Operations and WW Irish Water, Ms. E. Amen, Head of Cmenieatiens and Cmpurate A?'eire Irish Wm and Mr. M. Group Finance Director Ewiajeined the mee?ng}. . TheDireebers eftheManaging DWr'qumrt aseu?ined indaeilliym. J. Tierney Ma?aging Dirmtor ?sh Waite In paltieeler, it was noted that lime Metermg Programme has installed over metms am 19 inrela?ente these are hnving an the metedng pmjeet bolt been? and nationally. It was noted timt?w Metering review the level efrespense t0 site meets and in particular, those that are preveu?ng works ?'mn be. given to expien?ng amines in tort for damages as a meean manage di??ieult protesnors. The Directors noted that Ms. E. Amen, Head of and Corperate Services recently aremhendvieedof?uure recipient of PPS number in?ametinn to assist Wi?l the validatinn '9th lies been included in enacted Social Welfaze leg-131mm. The Directers listed the updatepmvided i?iela?en tn mun?ie? proceedings by Regulation (GER) and it is wcpeeted thnt?ae OER will this for 14 week consulta?en, with a ?nal decision-de hemedein September 2014. Details on the project were noted and ?ame was a detailed discussion on this matter with amusement. It was agreed mat details on cempliame with EPA Inquiremm?s for Annual Envirenmental Rm (including levels of eemplianee, inme?enel comparisons 3: Irish Water?s key messages) be previdedte 11%th Beard foerme In relation to custom operations it was amused that a graph outlining various categories of calls made In contacteeulre h? The mind the Baal-d pupal- as ou?i?ned by Mr. 1. 1331119595 Road :3me Irish Water. The Board ncied Board dammit as ou?ined by Mr. I. Dempsey, Head 0f Finance Irish Water. . . . . RISK REGIS HR ?the Board mm! the Board :10me as outlined byMr. Dempsey, Head Irish Water. The Directors mind the Bed documcntan outlined byMr. Gun; Hand of Asset Mum: Irish Wm. Dctailsofthecunenr and Mammy and, are 21mm: projects due In year with 0:3 years or 1339. It was agraad that ovea?md?ng s?'amgy in relation to shtdi be provided t0 the Irish Wm?wd induceme. also sand to The Board noted 11:: schedule of (incume which had been aerated under seal since the 111'?1 June 2014 Board mee?ng. TIA-L. - changes J'Dampaoy, Head afFinmI?shWam. The Board, having mama ?u proposal, resolved approve the addition of a number 0f categmy A signah?es as Mined in theBonrd paper. FDR MEIER SE (Mr. P. 0mm Head ometomqum?amIt-hh Walnut! Mt. LTwlor. mm 09mm wmjoined the meeting). The Bald Rated the Board dominant as outlined by Mr. P. O?Donoglme. Head of We: OperatimII-isth. The panama of the Tender was to establish Wm Reading Services for domestic and attend services to non damea?c at a later date. Itwmtedthatthe majmbenc?ts are, as in o?ler similar Elwin outgoume contacts forpmvision of mh-S??m: Mr. A. Taylor le? 1h: meeting. g; ESTGMEE T1032 QAMAIGN EDA TE TheBom-d Jq Timey, mgetha- with the draft domestic validation packs cirm?ated at the meeting. outlimd and natedbymenireem Due to 051m? Mr. M. McNicholas and Mr. C. Sheehy left tbs: meeting; The Board. noted ?le Board document as unlined by Mr. I. Tiemoy, Managing Erector Irish Water. The Dilation noted that tho Minor Capital Investment Programme 24114-2016 is an approvod olament of Iridl Wittet?s Capital and 1m a projected spend of: The Minor Copihll'mgrammowaa huncilodioMoymM-md m2: nbpropmnimod atoy?mising the pa?mnme ofootis?ng am throughmgotod lowmot intone-tho. Gimme ?me constraints associated with compliance and regulatory issues and the estimated volmno of projecto requimd to dolom- Minor Promos. it is necessary to request approval for the :3va programme budget who: than Er individual projects. It was noted that works omiod out under individual aub- The objective is to delim solutions on site for high met intotvm?ims in moxpoditious manna. In orda- to fac?i?ate the amt dolivcty of the Minor Promos objective, two Irish Water ?'umomh madman: 1* Multi-supplim- Framewotk for the provision of Minor Civil Eminoering Works; and - Mid-supplia' Promome for tho provision of Minor Mechnical, Elect?oal, Insomnmtatim, and Automation Work. It was noted that will be allocated to contractors by and not by individual task/plant. As web it is expected that contractors working on sub-91681311111133 1will carry out works in multipth Imus ammode Having oonsidorod the matter ml in particular, tho ?omowotk tendering and lamination process which were dimsod in detail, t1}: Booni is resolved to approve a camel budget of (incl. VAT) associated wi? the 2014-2016 Minor Capital Water Promo; capital budget of . (incl. VAT associated wi? tho 2014-2015 Minty Capital Programme Wasth Programmo; a capital budget of giant. assmidmd ?random-2016 Minor Capital Programme Energy Ef?cimcy Programme. Grant Support is being provided by 11m Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland on a numha' efpmjectS; the mblinhm?nt of a 3 i5: - year ml?-mp?et ?'atnewmit agreemmt with an estimated wine at" with a total of suppliers far the pmvisinn of Civil Engineering Works to Irish Water to help deliver Irish Water" 8 Capital Inveemhent leg the establishment ofaS 1/3 - yammnl?-supplier ?-amework agreement with an estimated value of . with a total of 30 supplim for the provision of Mm: Mechanical, Electri?ed, Inmeutatien, Canto} and Automation Works to Irish Water to help deliver Irish Water?s Capital Intremm Plan; and ?nedelegztion ofwmn?tytotheChiefExemtiveand the Irish WmManngingDirectur and the Cnmgiany execute under hand and to the Chief Exemtive and the Irish Water documents Wing thereto. It was noted that the abet-n was subject to E?i? Bond appmval. DA TE 0F NEXTMEEQZEG It was agreed that the Company Secretary would continue to liaise mm the Bond members regmiing furthe Iristh hehveen September and November 2014. A03 It was press cutting NW borecentParlinmm Questions wouldbe uploaded to the reading room section on. Board pad ?at the Board mmnhels consideration. 'I'hmeheingno ?n?nrbushness ?IeChah-mnn declared memee?ngeloeed. . ashq- Chairman: Dane: 2L3: ?rd (2) mt: Ms. R. Hues Chainnan Mr. M. McNeil-pins Chieow m. R. Finn Diractor Mr. Lee Director Mr. B. MC:me Dimctor Mr. B. Moore Dimtor Mr. H. Quinlm Director Shady Dix-actor MrJJ'imey Mmgingmmet?rhinth In mam Mr. O?Rioidan Company Summary Ms E. Amett Head omepomAm-n- Mr. J. Dmpsay Head :5me Apologies: Ma. Hall Dictator Ms. M. Rae Dimctor Irish Water Omani, Calvin House, Talbot Skeet, Dublin 1. Van Tim: 12.00pm. to 3.1513411. There being no ?rms: business the Chaim declared ?le meeting closed. Chaim Date: Present Ms. R. Hynes Mr. M. McNichm Gl? Finn Bin Mr. P. In: Dir: Mr. B. Mo?eown Dirt Mr. B. Mom Din Lit. H. Quinlan Director Mr C. Sheehy Director Mr. J. Tierney Waging Director Irish Watar Apoln?cs: Ms. J. Hall Erector Ms. M. Rae Directur In attendance: Mr. L. O'Rjordan Cnmpauy Mb. C. Ogle Gmup Seams: Venn: Irish Water Of?ces, Colvill Home, Talbot Street, Dublin 1. 12.00pm. to 3.15 pm. It Tim: The L?nutes of the Directom meeting held on 15Ill July, 2014 we approved ?n signing by the Chairman. The Dirac-tors noted ?an raport on matters am as outlined by the (mailman. It was noted that discussions mongoing wi?: ?n ofEuvironmenI. Oomnmniw ml Local Gavunmmt' the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources and in rem-am: to the establishmt of the Unitary Bum! prior to the and of Novemba 2&14. Irma agreed ?the Irish WmBoardwould be WWI-Bland ll 'l"l . . . fill. (Mr. J. Dwayne}; Head of Finn Irish Want, Mr. Grant. Hand ofAsset Water The Directors noted the contents of the Hanging Rupert as aut?ncd in detail by Mr. - Tiemsy Mugging Dirndl}! Irish Wain The Beard requested the-Bxeeu?ve to pro?de fut-ma details an 13an measures for ?nes obtained follow-Es prosecutions 1mm See?nn 12 Water Services Act 2007. The Boagd recommended ?int a comprehensive 151311 communication at operational level should be central to the overall plan Irish WM. The Beard requiem the Executive to bring apapetnn this issue to a fuminbomimee?ng. The Board also Wi?attbemeeu?ve circulate ?ue from the recent Pat Kenny interview and link to the radio programme would be pmvided re the Directom. Following a discussion an environmental compliance, ?ue Board Wed the Executive to review Irish Wat-M?s communication smegy in relation to mvirnnmemal issues. BUSHVESS PL UPDA Directors noted the Board paper as ou?ined in detail by Mr. J. Dempsey, Head of Finance Irish WM. (Ms. A. Costello, Human Rama Director Irish ijoimd me mating} The Dimotom noted the as outlined in detail by Mr. J. Timmy, Managing Director Irish Water md Ms. A. Costello, Hm Roseanne: Direon Irish Wain: It was agmed that ?le propnmd amour: for the Water Scr?ces Operating Framework would he provided to tho Directors for ?m?r consideration. The Dilectam non-.11 the Board paper as m?inod in detail by Mr. Ray O?Dwym, Head of Opemtions and We, Ink]: Water772."? - ..- . . 'lheDirwtom ont?nedin Why-mm Costello, Director Irish Wilton. ?e Directors mltho the oatab?shnm: ofa ?rm Irish Wm: ample?; and the 311me by Irish Water of requests for such commas) We: appm'lmls of the L?nistor ?r Communications, Entry and Nahual Was, the Minist? for Envimnmmi, Commnnitymd Local ngMnEta-?mmb?ohpendim nuanforman?or?w It was noted that misproposal is subject to Board appmval. FRAMEWQRE (13f! I S-NET WORK REHABILHM (2&5 Eli/@1? LNVESTIGAHVE I WMWM. Fallowiug a discussion on the matter, and subjmt In these projects sitting withhn an overall Work ofpriorities, the Directora resolved to unlit-ave: the establishment of a 3 5i - year mnlti-smlier ?'amework Want with a total of Twenty Eight (28) ampliers for the provision of Emmi: Survives and Rehabilitation Works to Irish Water to deliw Irish Water?s Capital Investment Plan; the establishth of a 4 - yea: multi?supp?u? Work Want with a total of nineteen: (19) suppliers for the pmvisiun of Investigative Works to Irish Wm to delivw: Irish Water?s Capital Investh Plan; and delegation of mummy it) an Chief Emiva an! the Irish Water Mmag?ng Director and Company Secretary bu mum under hand and to ?ne Chief Examtive and the Irish Water Mugging Directnr to uncut: under anal the Framewark AM or any ancillary Ewes subjecttomvia?nardappcwai. APPROVAL OF 1? was NOTICES UNDER S. 27 WA The Directom noted the Board paper as (unlined in detail by Mr. John Tierney, Diroctnr Irish Water. Having considered the matter in detail, the Diracm waived tn: i, pursuant to SectiOn 10 of die Luca! Government (2) Act, 1960, as by Section 86 ?if the Housing Act, 1966, as 4 mmded by Sec?on 6 of Schedule. of the Reads Act, 1993, and the Flaming and Developmmt Acts, 2000 2014, and as applied to Irish Water by Section 93 of ?at: Water Servimm 2007. authorise ?at the: seal of Ixish Wm may be mixed tn all CPOs anti my ancillary domments relating We and am the Managing Director and the Own}: Secretary oflrish Water In: appointed!? sign all GED: and anymcillarydocuments relating timetowhem the seal of Irish Waterismql?redmbemxedm mum! delegate authority ta the Irish Wm A5501 Programmes Manager to comi?r it is necessary?rthe purpose ofanyofthefanc?ms ofIriahWater to lnywatermains, 3mm, lends: manna andmlaied cabins and wires to use of the: Water Sewicaa Ant, 230?, ?lrsame-and to Sign anym?ees to ha issued in an owner or nmupier ofland, on Irish Water and to undertake any of processes provided for in Section oflhe Watt! Services Act, 2007 provided always tint a schedule of CPD: lk?ng the pnr?culars of each CPU is provided to Irish Water Board by way ofinfomn?on at the mart Bum-d meeting IRISH WA TER EIPLEMENTA HGN 0F TheDirmrs Iahannpsey,HcadothaameIdsh Water. BA Hm? NEXT M?ma It was noted by the Dimmers that the next Board meating was acheduled for Tuesday 14"1 Octobar 2014 commencing at 1pm in Home, 2.1.93 Thar: being We: businc? Chairman de?ated ?le mee?ng closed ?h?n I-vbv-I-b-wv Hahn- gum.? Chahman: Date: 6 In Mac: Venus Time Ms. R. Hm Mr. M. McNinhm Ms. E. Finn Ms. J. Hall Mr. Lee Mr. B. McKeown Mr. B. Moore Ms. M. Rac- Mr C. Shedle Mr. I. Tierney" Mr. L. O?Riordan Ms. c: Ogle Director Manama Dictator Irish Wntar Company Secretary Gmup Seamtadat Irish Wm Omens, Calvin Hausa, Talbotsm Dublin 1. 12.01} pm. to 3.15 p.111. :73 0F FORMER DIRECTOR Thar Director- nntad?at ainwiblaat muting, Mr. S. Kdly. {altar messing mo] moss can behalf cf Bo 1.01:; .5 275a,? gamma haddild. ?amm?ma ardbammhisfam?y. The noted?lu report mmattem arising as marlimd by Mr. J. flame); MA MGR MG. O'Sullivaro Group Finance Director hirvia, Mr. J. Dempsey, Heat! of Finame Irish Water. MI. I: Grant, Head of Asset Management Irish Water, Ms. Amen, Head of Comnn?oatiens and Corporate Affairs Irish Watet', MI. E. Collins, Head of Capital Delivery Irish Watet and Mr. P. O?Donoghne, Head of Customer Opaationa Irish Water joimd the meeting}. The Direction: noted theoontmta ofthe Wagingnirector?a Report as outlined J. Tierney Managing Director his]: Water. In relation to the metering promo, the Directors noted it is proposed that Irish Water will britlg prosecution: under seotitm 12 of the Water Services Act 2007 and that Board approval would be sought prior to issuing pmoeedings under this legislation. The Directors requested that a letter of commendation would inane to all metering cementum for reaching the target installation of metals. accountsfordleninemonthato the end ofseptemherZUM meeting. ,1 5?in CHARGES PLAN L. The Dimmers noted the Boat! papa as outlined in detail by Mr John Dempsey, Head of Finance Irish Water. af?rman PLAN mamm- QUARLERL UPDATE TheDiz-mtora noted?teBoardpapet-and, Grand-lead owaet Management 111511 Water. The Directors raquated that an outgoing programme toganling operational matters at regarding same. The Directors twoan that suitable additional resources be sought in Corporate Aifairs to ensure the delivery ofhoth a full time minis management team and a fall time proactive management team. Irish Waist. It mam which; mm for a gradual shift ?nmoompliance dc?cit to asset risk for customnr armies un? economic needs, with EBA as an objective :1an of prioriihtion based on costr'bml?t Th5 Directors mindthe Board paper as outlined in detailby Mr. P. O?Donoghun, Head of Custama 01mm his}: Wm. .: gis?n?gml J31 in; Mi} 3? Bummer as J. 13m.msing?imtarlriah Water. . It was noted that this policy is being developed in W011 with the Ervia Corporate policy to ensure an: alignnd. The Dizwtom requested that 31:105th timeline regarding the development of DQNEGAL 32 SE SCHEMES WASTEWATER TREATMENT (PR OJECT N12. I 056?! 7602 The Direetms noted the Board papa! as ou?ined in detail by Mr J. Grant, Head ofAsaet Management Irish Waite. Having ammiderud the matter; and subject to Enria Board mined, the Dimetms resolved to ism: (53333 appmvalfbr?he?anegal?mup B~K?lybegsand3undmm5ewemge Schunes CWNO. 1 - Design Build and Operate Cuntraet for Killybegs, 131me and Convoy Sewerage Schemes including: a Capital Budget in ?le amount om?ned in the Board paper; award ofihe Design Bx'n'ld 0pm Maintain Contract to in the amount mullian in the Board papa: mm of appoirmnant for Adndnim-ation in the amount outlined in ?ue Board papa; furtheme ofsite the contract with will also include the apemionand maintenance of the 4 No. and minted works for a period of? years. The estimated value of?ds contact was noted as the delegadonofanthorityto *to execute under land and to. to execute under seal the Design Build Operate mm Cantact or any m?lumdocmnemsrela?ng thereto. UPPL FMME WORK The Directors noted the Board paper as nu?ined in d?ail by Mr. Icahn Dempsey, Head of Fm Irish Water. It was noted 11m the award of a two year Single Supplier Ervia ?amework Agreement to for the Revision of Electricity Supply to ?Qua?er Hourly? and ?NomQum-er 1! Hourly" metered consump?m am: ?ne Md Of a two year Single Sup?lier Ene?ia Framawork Agreanmt to . '1 1) En the vaision 0f Electricity Supply to ?Uan' maniption had been ?113;de at the Erwin Board meeting on 1? October 2914. Hawing widened the matter, Directors resolved to: au?lmse to execute saparnte 'eall-off? undamundfortbc to execute the 'call-o?? contacts under an]. The Direciom timed the schadnle ?of documents whieh had been exuanted under seal by Irish Water. It was mated by the Dix?ctors ?at the next Board meeting was for My 13?l Nombm Chatmmdeclarcd themeting closed. Mt: hattcn?anoe: Verna E6100 N4 115,12. Hm Mr. M. McNi?oIn? Ma. IL Firm M1Moore MIC. Shaehy Ma. I . Ha? ELM. Rad Mr. I. 'I'im'nay Mr. L. O?Riordan Ms E. Amett Mr. .T. mum hid: Water Of?ces, (3011! pm. in 1.00 pan. .91. 1. his in Therebeing no ?mher business the Ohm declared ?le meeting closed. Chairman: Date: