MOBILE COUNTY COMMISSION ELECTED OFFICIALS END OF YEAR REPORT FY 2014 Submitted 02151201 5 mcaaoe Mobile County Commission General Fund Revenues and Expenditures Budget to Actual 09/30l2014 (unaudited) Original Approved Budget Amendments 1,040,543.00 121 ,866,085.00 1 22,906,628.00 Carry over Revenues 4,361 ,769.00 3,496,572.00 7,858,341 .00 Other Sources Current Budget 9(3012014 5,402,312.00 125,362,657.00 1 30,764,969.00 Actual 132,326,882.09 1 32,326,882.09 Total Revenue and Carry Over Total Funds Available 7,858,341.00 Expenditures and Other Uses 5 122,428,393.00 7,575,585.00 (282,756.00) 7,858,341 .00 Net Operating Transfers ln(0ut) Total Uses of Funds (478,235.00) 122,906,628.00 122,906,628.00 Total lncreaselDecrease in Fund Balance The Original Approved Budget contained a revenue projection of $121 ,866,085. Expenditures and Other Uses were projected to be $122,428,393. The Original Approved Budget contained net Operating Transfers of $478,235. During fiscal 2014 $4,361,769. of additional carry over was amended into the budget. This consisted of designated funds from FY 2013 as well as the following: 620,066.00 for one time bonuses in FY 2014 270,666.00 for the first employee premium on the new insurance plan. 350,000.00 for medical costs at the jail. $3,496,572.00 in revenue was amended in including: 2,575,579.00 associated with the fire damage in the north tower roof was amended in. 276,228.00 of receipts in excess of budget for City of Mobile cost sharing at Metro Jail was amended in. $127,774.00 from an increase in the contract with the City of Semmes was amended in. 335,128.00 for Retiree RSA ACT 2014429 one time bonus for retirees) 1 30,764,969.00 1 30,003,978.00 (760,991.00) 1 30,764,969.00 132,326,882.09 123,148,265.29 (4,041 ,513.00) 127,189,778.29 5,137,103.80 Mobile County Commission General Fund The FY 2014 Budget contained General Fund Transfers out of $4,043,301.00. it also contained transfers to the General Fund from the Tobacco Tax Fund of $3,282,310.00. Because the General Fund had over $2,000,000. in unbudgeted one time revenue as well as a net positive variance in overall general fund revenues, we did not transfer any funds from the Tobacco Tax Fund. Revenues are discussed in the next section) REVENUES The following major revenues contributed to the general fund performance for ?scal 2014: Property Taxes-Real Property: General Fund property tax receipts for fiscal 2014 were $22,698,637.36. This was 245,833.64 or 1.07% below budgeted property tax revenue for fiscal 2014. This was 66,087.63 or 0.29% below ?scal 2013 property tax receipts. Pro Taxes -Motor Vehicles: Property tax receipts on motor vehicles were $3,342,841.11. This was 352,841.11 or 11.80% above the 2014 budget. This was 11,395.35 or 0.34% above fiscal 2013 motor vehicle property tax receipts. Sales Taxes: Sales Tax receipts for fiscal 2014 were $54,592,08963. This was $2,248,558.85 or 4.30 above 2013 receipts. This was 4,047,089.63 or 8% above the 2014 budget for sales tax revenue. Sale of Fixed Assets am Miscellaneous The total one time revenue in the FY 2014 budget was $3,725,243.16. This accounted for more than 46% of increase in undesignated fund balance. We collected $2.002,390.40 from the one time sale of fixed assets in fiscal 2014. We also had one time miscellaneous revenue of $1,722,852.76. We have attached a report of general fund revenue which shows amendments as well as amended budget to actual results. Mobile County Commission General Fund Budget Amendments: The following were major general fund budget amendments in fiscal 2014: 4,387,418.00 was amended in for encumbrances, designated funds and projects in process including: 620,066.00 for one time bonuses in FY 2014 270,666.00 for the first employee premium on the new insurance plan 350,000.00 for medical costs at the jail 2,575,579.00 associated with the fire damage in the north tower roof 276,228.00 of receipts in excess of budget for City of Mobile cost sharing at Metro Jail $127,774,00 from an increase in the contract with the City of Semmes 335,128.00 for Retiree RSA ACT 2014?429 one time bonus for retirees) EXPENDITURES Expenditures in the General Fund totaled 123,148,265.29. This was 95% of budgeted expenditures. An additional $461,747.11 was encumbered at year end. The expenditures in major categories are as follows: Personnel: Personnel expenditures in the General Fund totaled $66,998,980.59. This was 97% of the personnel budget. This produced a positive variance of $1,426,110.93. Operational: Operating expenditures in the General Fund totaled $31,904,026.62. This represented 88% of the General Fund Operational Budget. An additional $461,747.11 was encumbered at year end. The positive budget variance in the operational area is due primarily to unspent designated funds and projects in progress Utilities: We expended $5,533,005.24 in the Utilities category. This represented 97% of the 2014 budget for utilities. encumbered at year and. Debt Service: Debt Service payments totaled $10,386,35545. We expended 96% of the budgeted debt service funds. Appropriations: Budgeted Appropriations ended the year with a positive variance of $47.73. We have included a year end Departmental Summary Budget Report for your information and use. Analysis of Fund Balance- General Fund Beginning Fund Balance (as amended) Increase in Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance 09!30i2014 Desi nated Funds Other Projects in Process Lodging Tax Carryover Education Projects Carryover Commission District Carryover Youth Subsidy Carryover Total Designated Funds Reserved Funds Reserved For: General Fund Encumbrances Inventories Prepaid Expenses Total Reserved Funds TOTAL Reserved and Designated Funds Total UnreservedIUndesignated Fund Balance 09l30l2014 Minimum Unreservedi Undesignated Fund Balance per Policy Balance in excess of minimum UndesignatediUnreserved per policy Budgeted in FY 2014 Original Approved Budget Available for use in FY 2014 6969936969 69699} 585,024.34 649,553.58 357,886.96 341,665.14 495,842.13 461 ,747.1 1 188,049.05 925,744.34 2,429,972.15 1,575,540.50 7,633,496.88 5,137,103.80 32,337,19169 4,005,512.65 28,331,679.04 20,698,18216 7,533,496.88 7,633,496.88 mcqomn mmnon Fiscal: 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categogg Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% 1 Total personel: 68,425,091.52 66,998,980.59 0.00 1,426,110.93 0.97 Total operational 36,427,371 .48 31 ,904,026.62 263,078.91 4,260,265 .95 0.88 Total Utilities 5,646,317.00 5,533,005.24 0.00 113,311.76 0.97 Total Capital 1,337,388.00 897,285.12 198,668.20 241,434.68 0_81 Total Infrastructure 0?00 0-00 0-00 0.00 0.00 Total Debt Service 10,739,150.00 10,3 86,355.45 0.00 352,794.55 0,96 Total Appropriation 7,428,660.00 7,428,612.27 0.00 47.73 1.00 Report Total 130,003,978.00 123,148,265.29 461,747.11 6,393,965.60 0,95 User ID: DOF Page: 19 1211672014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Report 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categong Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% 1 GENERAL FUND 001000000 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 3,917,798.00 3,718,030.57 0.00 199,767.43 0.94 Operational 699,694.00 524,580.67 37,461.18 137,652.15 0.80 Utilities 116,726.00 115,369.26 0.00 1,356.74 0.98 Capital 290,111.00 90,105.50 0.00 200,005.50 031 County Commission 001010000 Total: 5,024,329.00 4,448,086.00 37,461.18 538,781.82 0.89 Personnel 307,356.00 328,254.71 0.00 ~20,898.71 1.06 Operational 51,395.00 23,934.20 0.00 27,460.80 0.46 Utilities 2,204.00 1,504.70 0.00 699.30 0.68 Treasurer 001020000 Total: 360,955.00 353,693.61 0.00 7,261.39 0.97 Personnel 334,286.00 310,000.83 0.00 24,285.17 0.92 Operational 4,435.00 4,328.92 0.00 106.08 09? Utilities 28975.00 23,136.11 0.00 838.89 0.97 Circuit Court-Judges 00103100] Total: 367,696.00 342,465.86 0.00 25,230.14 0.93 Utilities 0.00 1,549.01 0.00 -l,549.01 0.00 Circuit Court Clerk 001031002 Total: 0.00 1,549.01 0.00 -1,549.01 0.00 Operational 0.00 153.84 0.00 -153.84 000 Utilities 0-00 1,832.59 0.00 4,832.59 0.00 Circuit Court-Criminal Divisn 001031003 Total: 0.00 1,986.43 0.00 -1,986.43 0.00 Circuit Court-Eq uity Division 001031004 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 1,211,085.00 1,105,968.16 0.00 105,116.84 0.9] Operational 102,850.00 81,622.45 1,596.15 19,631.40 030 Utilities 8,300.00 9,540.91 000 4,240.91 L14 Circuit Court?I&R Division 101031006 Total: 1,322,235.00 1,197,131.52 1,596.15 123,507.33 0.90 Personnel 0.00 -17.00 0.00 17.00 0.00 User ID: DOF Page: 1 1271672014 :Current Date 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal: 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expendedencumbered Category Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1.00 100% Operational 24,938.00 23,831.65 0.00 1,106.35 0.95 Utilities 1,425 -00 1,442.17 0.00 -17.17 1.01 Circuit Court-Law Library 001031009 Total: 26,363.00 25,256.82 0.00 1,106.18 0.95 Operational 0.00 6.12 0.00 -6.12 0,00 Utilities 9,500.00 8,153.11 0.00 1,346.89 0.85 Circuit Ct-Domestic Relations 001031014 Total: 9,500.00 8,159.23 0.00 1,340.77 0.85 Supreme Court Of?ce 001031022 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Absentee Ballot Of?ce 001031034 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 45,178.00 41,701.21 0.00 3,476.79 0.92 Operational 166.00 13.12 0.00 152.88 007 Utilities 19,190.00 20,508.54 000 431854 105 District Court-Judges 001041001 Total: 64,534.00 62,222.87 0.00 2,311.13 0.96 Personnel 208,711.00 206,794.25 0.00 1,916.75 0.99 Operational 17,986.00 7,748.24 0.00 10,237.76 0,43 Utilities 1,473.00 1,252.90 0.00 220.10 0.85 Accounts Clerk Of?ce 001041005 Total: 228,170.00 215,795.39 0.00 12,374.61 0.94 Operational 1,5 54,503.00 1,553,722.05 0.00 780.95 1.00 Utilities 700-00 29,173.52 0.00 -28,473.52 41.67 District Attny Administration 001051000 Total: 1,555,203.00 1,582,895.57 0.00 -27,692.57 1.01 Operational 0.00 454.71 0.00 -454.71 000 Utilitie: 0.00 3,620.49 0.00 ?3,620.49 0.00 65% Check Enforcement Unit 001051007 Total: 0.00 4,075.20 0.00 -4,075.20 0.00 Operational 0.00 1,3 84.84 0.00 -1,384.84 0.00 User ID: DOF Page: 2 1211612014 Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal, 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Eneumbered Categog Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbranees Budget Balance (#00 100% District Attny Recovery Unit 001051013 Total: 0.00 1,384.84 0.00 -1,384.84 0.00 Personnel 3,006,789.00 2,834,178.47 0.00 172,610.53 0.94 Operational 464,945.00 406,232.07 2,525 .00 56,187.93 0.87 Utilities 29,250.00 24,193.37 0.00 5,056.63 082 Capital 10,800.00 10,540.00 0.00 260.00 0.97 Probate Court Administration 4 001061000 Total: 3,511,784.00 3,275,143.91 2,525.00 234,115.09 0.93 Personnel 0.00 4,260.30 0.00 -4,260.30 000 Operational 1,949,610.00 947,777.41 91.40 1,001,741.19 0,43 Utilitie: 21,000.00 15,445.82 0.00 5,554.18 0.73 Capital 52,470.00 52,470.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Probate Court Elections 001061010 Total: 2,023,080.00 1,019,953.53 91.40 1,003,035.07 0.50 Personnel 313,265.00 77,196.21 0.00 236,068.79 0.24 Absentee Ballot Manager 001061034 Total: 313,265.00 77,196.21 0.00 236,068.79 0.24 Personnel 359,425.00 348,778.09 0.00 10,646.91 0.97 Operational 77,663.00 46,735.87 0.00 30,927.13 0,60 Utilitie: 3,075.00 3,383.20 0.00 4,691.80 0.41 Board of Registrars 001070000 Total: 445,163.00 398,897.16 0.00 46,265.84 0.89 Personnel 4,719,815.00 5,069,457.76 0.00 -349,642.76 1.07 Operational 1,467,494.00 1,122,899.14 58.19 344,536.67 0.76 Utilities 79536-00 76,160.63 0.00 3,425.37 0.95 Capital 92,276.00 90,990.44 0.00 1,285 .56 0.98 License Commissioner 001080000 Total: 6,359,171.00 6,359,507.97 58.19 -395.16 1.00 Personnel 2,462,450.00 2,538,169.20 0.00 -75,719.20 1.03 Operational 135,492.00 107,438.90 0.00 28,053.10 0_79 Utilities 25,730.00 26,290.24 0.00 -560_24 1.02 Revenue Commissioner-Admin 101091000 Total: 2,623,672.00 2,671,898.34 0.00 -48,226.34 1.0] Operational 4,869.00 3,405.62 0.00 1,463.38 0.69 User ID: DOF Page: 3 12/1612014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time mm], 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categogg Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1.00 100% Rev Comm Personal Property I 001091052 Total: 4,869.00 3,405.62 0.00 1,463.38 0.69 Operational 273,995.00 276,965.66 64.15 -3,034.81 1 Utilities 25,500.00 23,427.13 0.00 2,072.87 0.91 Revenue-Collection Dept 001091053 Total: 299,495.00 300,392.79 64.15 ~961.94 1.00 Operational 411,618.00 354,220.51 1,813.88 55,583.61 086 Rev Comm - Assessing Dept 001091054 Total: 411,618.00 354,220.51 1,813.88 55,583.61 0.86 Operational 32,594.00 16,126.32 0.00 16,467.68 0.49 Utilities 5,000.00 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00 Rev Comm Data Processing De] 001092037 Total: 37,594.00 16,126.32 0.00 21,467.68 0.42 Personnel 1,701,949.00 1,864,710.37 0.00 -162,761.37 1.09 Operational 5,019,995.00 5,782,858.71 0.00 -762,863.71 1,15 Utilities 47,500.00 41,413.01 0.00 6,086.99 0.87 General Support Services 001110000 Total: 6,769,444.00 7,688,982.09 0.00 ~919,538.09 1.13 Operational 475.00 4.73 0.00 470.27 000 Utilities 33,225 .00 14,971.40 0.00 18,253.60 0.45 State Of?ces (Non Judicial) 001111027 Total: 33,700.00 14,976.13 0.00 18,723.87 0.44 Operational 63,067.00 67,689.98 0.00 -4,622.98 1.07 Waste Disposal 001111028 Total: 63,067.00 67,689.98 0.00 4,622.98 1.07 Operational 329,51 1.00 0.00 0.00 329,511.00 0,00 Appropriation 1,790,000.00 1,790,000.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 County Tourism Other 001111032 Total: 2,119,511.00 1,790,000.00 0.00 329,511.00 0.84 Operational 1,360,929.00 1,568,226.01 0.00 292,702.99 084 Risk Management 001111039 Total: 1,860,929.00 1,568,226.01 0.00 292,702.99 0.84 User ID: DOF Page: 4 1211672014 :Current Date ReportlD: 15:44:33 :Current Time Departmental Summary Budget Report Fiscal: 2014 Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categong Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1.00 100% 1 Operational 0.00 120.00 0.00 -120.00 0.00 Utilities 0.00 -120.00 0.00 120.00 0.00 MCC Health Cline 001111057 Total: 0.00 -0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 702,809.00 619,271.81 0.00 83,537.19 0.88 Operational 125,240.00 101,822.80 299.58 23,117.62 0.8] Utilities 50,413.00 47,482.64 0.00 2,930.36 0.94 Garage #4 001120000 Total: 878,462.00 768,577.25 299.58 109,585.17 0.87 Personnel 0.00 16.41 0.00 -16.41 0.00 Racing Commission 001130000 Total: 0.00 16.41 0.00 -l6.4l 0.00 Personnel 151,305.00 150,040.86 0.00 1,264.14 0.99 Operational 5,817.00 6,263.91 0.00 -446.91 1.07 .egislative Delegation Office 001140000 Total: 157,122.00 156,304.77 0.00 817.23 0.99 Personnel 175,038.00 173,699.06 0.00 1,338.94 0.99 Operational 197,857.00 107,533.02 9,170.00 81,103.98 0.59 Utilities 53,725.00 46,355.09 0.00 7,369.91 0.86 Voting Machine Operations 001150000 Total: 426,620.00 327,637.17 9,170.00 89,812.83 0.78 Personnel 123,912.00 1 19,365.75 0.00 4,546.25 0.96 Operational 74,097.00 82,482.99 529.00 -8,914.99 1.12 Utilities 1,506.00 1,311.14 0.00 194.86 0.87 Tax Equalizatiou Board 001160000 Total: 199,515.00 203,159.88 529.00 4,173.88 1.02 Operational 3,484.00 0.00 0.00 3,484.00 0.00 Utilitie: 463.00 355.67 0.00 107.33 0.76 Build Maint-Pa rking Deck 001184001 Total: 3,947.00 355.67 0.00 3,591.33 0.09 Operational 253,066.00 202,126.27 13,793.38 37,146.35 (185 Utilities 1,208,232.00 1,200,327.83 0.00 7,904.17 0.99 UserlD: DOF Page: 5 12/1672014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal: 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog; Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% 1 Build Maint-Govt Plaza 001184002 Total: 1,461,298.00 1,402,454.10 13,793.38 45,050.52 0.96 Operational 255,456.00 241,932.70 4,859.24 8,664.06 0% Utilities 10,900.00 7,661.14 0.00 3,238.86 0.70 Build Maint-Other Buildings 001184003 Total: 266,356.00 249,593.84 4,859.24 11,902.92 0.95 Operational 19,326.00 18,589.11 0.00 736.89 096 Utilities 3,800.00 3,482.20 0.00 317.80 0.91 Build Maint-County Airport 001184004 Total: 23,126.00 22,071.31 0.00 1,054.69 0.95 Personnel 2,262,393.00 2,213,510.94 0.00 48,882.06 0.97 Operational 449,367.00 426,614.12 7,449.33 15,303.55 0% Utilities 112,230.00 108,657.17 0.00 3,572.83 0.96 Capital 33,119.00 32,966.25 0.00 152.75 1.00 Yuild Maint-Complex 001184005 Total: 2,857,109.00 2,781,748.48 7,449.33 67,911.19 0.97 Operational 8,326.00 5,028.52 0.00 3,297.48 0.60 Utilities 56,119.00 56,029.13 0.00 89.87 1.00 Build Maint-Bay Haas 001184006 Total: 64,445.00 61,057.65 0.00 3,387.35 0.94 Personnel 221,195.00 203,684.77 0.00 17,510.23 0.92 Operational 78,402.00 70,443.20 2,039.00 5,919.80 092 Utilities 263,730.00 259,210.14 0.00 4,519.86 0.98 Build Maint-SYC Building 001184007 Total: 563,327.00 533,338.11 2,039.00 27,949.89 0.95 Operational 3,152.00 9,610.18 0.00 -1,458.18 1_17 Utilities 30,554.00 27,801.42 0.00 2,752.58 0.90 Build Maint-Eight Mile Shop 001184011 Total: 38,706.00 37,411.60 0.00 1,294.40 0.96 Personnel 505,852.00 484,602.03 0.00 21,249.97 0.95 Operational 457,256.00 427,609.49 14,321.23 15,325 .28 0.96 Utilities 1,408,713.00 1,417,688.48 0.00 -8,975.48 1.00 Capital 10,500.00 0.00 10,396.34 103.66 0.99 UserlD: DOF Page: 6 12/1612014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Departmental Summary Budget Report Fiscal: 2014 Report ID: Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% 1 Build Maint-Jail Building 001184012 Total: 2,382,321.00 2,329,900.00 24,717.57 27,703.43 0.98 Operational 13,700.00 8,520.28 783.76 4,395.96 067 Utilities 11336-00 7.375-11 0.00 3,460.89 0.69 Build Maint-Agricutu ral 001184013 Total: 25,036.00 16,395.39 783.76 7,856.85 0.68 Operational 35,086.00 29,581.84 596.80 4,907.36 086 Utilities 84,205.00 70,123.97 0.00 14,081.03 0.83 Build Maint-Comm Corr Corn: 001184014 Total: 119,291.00 99,705.81 596.80 18,988.39 0.84 Operational 37.04100 32535-02 2,053.00 2,453.98 0_97 Utilities 228,200.00 216,938.48 0.00 11,261.52 0.95 Build Maint-Michael Sq Compl 001184015 315,242.00 299,473.50 2,053.00 13,715.50 0.95 Operational -8,020.00 ?9,183.16 3,248.08 -2,084.92 0_74 Utilities 228,252.00 222,865.58 0.00 5,386.42 0.97 Build Maint-Sheriff Admin 001184016 220,232.00 213,682.42 3,248.08 3,301.50 0.98 Operational 20,004.00 16,491.60 499.99 3,012.41 (184 Utilities 30,194.00 31,168.47 0.00 -97447 1_03 Build Maint SYC Annex 001184018 50,198.00 47,660.07 499.99 2,037.94 0.95 Operational 17,807.00 12,744.24 30.34 5,032.42 0.71 Utilities 70,389.00 68,939.59 0.00 1,449.41 0.97 Build Maint Theodore Oaks 001184019 Total: 88,196.00 81,683.83 30.34 6,481.83 0.92 Operational 9,170.00 6,770.72 0.00 2,399.28 0.73 Utilities 57,706.00 43,966.51 0.00 13,739.49 0.76 Building Maint Animal Control 001184020 Total: 66,876.00 50,737.23 0.00 16,138.77 0.75 Operationa] 35,748.00 25,115.97 5,279.37 5,352.66 0.85 Utilities 295,650.00 310,178.10 0.00 -14,528.10 1.04 User ID: DOF Page: 7 12/1612014 :Current Date 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal, 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Category Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance I 1.00 100% 1 Building Maint Annex 001184021 Total: 331,398.00 335,294.07 5,279.37 -9,175.44 1.02 Personnel 1,236,348.00 1,206,5 8 8.63 0 .00 29,7593 7 0.97 Operational 212,146.00 127,540.37 803.16 83,802.47 0.60 Utilities 22,260.00 11,852.50 0.00 10,407.50 0.53 001191000 Total: 1,470,754.00 1,345,981.50 803.16 123,969.34 0.91 Operational 0.00 1,522.10 380.21 -1,902.31 000 Utilities 0.00 3,032.80 0.00 -3,032.80 0.00 Sentencing 001193002 Total: 0.00 4,554.90 380.21 4,935.11 0.00 Operational 0.00 1,289.20 158.96 -1,448.16 000 Utilities 0.00 1,971.42 0.00 -1,971.42 0.00 Service ?01193004 Total: 0.00 3,260.62 158.96 -3,419.58 0.00 Operational 0.00 6,153.93 127.98 -6,28 .91 0,00 Utilities 0-00 2,829.27 0.00 -2,829.27 0.00 Diversion 001193005 Total: 0.00 8,983.20 127.98 -9,111.18 0.00 Operational 0.00 1,583.89 57.18 -1,641.07 0.00 Utilities 0.00 1,524.10 0.00 -1,524.10 0.00 001193006 Total: 0.00 3,107.99 57.18 -3,165.17 0.00 Utilities 0.00 1,649.91 0.00 -1,649.91 0.00 Monitoring 001193007 Total: 0.00 1,649.91 0.00 -1,649.91 0.00 Referral 001193008 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Operational 0.00 1,660.35 253.69 -1,914.04 0.00 Utilities 0.00 3,557.25 0.00 ?3,557.25 0.00 Court 001193009 Total: 0.00 5,217.60 253.69 -5,471.29 0.00 User ID: DOF Page: 8 12/161?2014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Departmental Summary Budget Report Fiscal: 2014 Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% Ct Enhancement 001193010 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Program 001193011 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Operational 0.00 68,638.08 2,131.58 -70,769.66 0.00 Utilities 0.00 627.80 0.00 -627 .80 0.00 Alcohol and Other Drug 1 001193012 Total: 0.00 69,265.88 2,131.58 -71,397.46 0.00 Personnel 293,156.00 246,586.32 0.00 46,569.68 084 Operational 56,040.00 53,367.62 199.00 2,473.38 0.95 Utilities 5,117-00 5,300.30 0.00 -183.80 1.03 County Attorney 001210000 Total: 354,313.00 305,254.74 199.00 48,859.26 0.86 Personnel 631,191.00 570,963.45 0.00 60,227.55 0.90 Operational 597,503.00 474,865.74 8,216.98 1 14,420.28 0,80 Utilities 110,437.00 111,562.02 0.00 -1,125.02 1.01 Capital 14,000.00 6,966.35 0.00 7,033 .65 0,49 Electronics 001230000 Total: 1,353,131.00 1,164,357.56 8,216.98 180,556.46 0.86 ELECTR AL HOMELAND SE 001232024 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 17,124,694.00 16,510,893.87 0.00 613,800.13 0.96 Operational 2,020,233.00 1,675,741.35 11,726.28 332,765.37 0,83 Utilities 251,060.00 220,388.17 0.00 30,671.83 0.87 Capital 323,265.00 201,993.62 121,270.20 1.18 1,00 Sheriff Administration 001242001 Total: 19,719,252.00 18,609,017.01 132,996.48 977,238.51 0.95 Operational 24,074.00 20,358.05 198.00 3,5l7.95 0.85 Sheriff Patrol Div 001242002 Total: 24,074.00 20,358.05 198.00 3,517.95 0.85 Operational 43,063.00 23,925.66 0.00 19,137.34 0.55 Capital 6,250.00 6,179.00 0.00 71.00 0.98 User ID: DOF Page: 9 1211612014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Departmental Summary Budget Report Fiscal: 2014 Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Catego? Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% 1 Sheriff Investigations Div Report ID: 001242003 Total: 49,313.00 30,104.66 0.00 19,208.34 0.61 Operational 30,709.00 24,072.55 0.00 6,636.45 0,78 Sheriff Narcotics Div 001242004 Total: 30,709.00 24,072.55 0.00 6,636.45 0.78 Operational 224,407.00 171,577.10 14,713.52 38,116.38 0,83 Sheriff SuppOrt Services Div 001242005 Total: 224,407.00 171,577.10 14,713.52 38,116.38 0.83 Operational 254,433.00 256,663.93 0.00 -2,230.93 100 Utilities 27,058.00 25,767.60 0.00 1,290.40 0.95 Capital 105,238.00 81,320.67 0.00 23,917.33 0.77 Sheriff Human Resources 001242006 Total: 386,729.00 363,752.20 0.00 22,976.80 0.94 Personnel 14,939,409.00 14.833.939.77 0.00 50,469.23 1.00 Operational 7,460,823.00 7,366,220.25 11,492.68 83,110.07 0.98 Utilities 36,965.00 31530-77 0.00 5,434.23 0.85 Capital 29,052.00 16,591.28 0.00 12,460.72 057 Sheriff Metro Jail 001252047 Total: 22,466,249.00 22,303,282.07 11,492.68 151,474.25 0.99 Personnel 4,126,079.00 4,096,489.90 0.00 29,589.10 0.99 Operational 382,526.00 430,494.81 1,042.52 -49,011.33 1,12 Utilities 61,750.00 51,538.31 0.00 10,211.69 0.83 Youth Center Administration 001261000 Total: 4,570,355.00 4,578,523.02 1,042.52 ?9,210.54 1.00 Personnel 492,558.00 487,81 1.78 0.00 4,746.22 0.99 Operational 176,144.00 100,462.92 25,830.62 49,850.46 0.71 Youth Center Child Nutrition 001261015 Total: 668,702.00 588,274.70 25,830.62 54,596.68 0.91 Personnel 98,145.00 109,124.44 0.00 40,979.44 1.11 Operational 1,726,271.00 1,273,324.90 0.00 452,946.10 073 Capital 0.00 6,016.35 0.00 -6,016.35 0.00 Fouth Center uv Treatment P1 001261016 Total: 1,824,416.00 1,388,465.69 0.00 435,950.31 0.76 User ID: DOF Page: 10 1211612014 :Current Date 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal: 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance (LOO 100% ARRA Strickland Educ Enrich} Report ID: 001261020 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Youth Advocate Program 001261050 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 1,065,704.52 932,480.21 0.00 133,224.31 0.87 Operational 202,678.48 127,139.64 10,539.41 64,999.43 067 Utilities 32,083.00 31,242.75 0.00 840.25 0.97 Capital 141,414.00 74,412.00 67,001.66 0.34 100 Building Inspection 001270000 Total: 1,441,880.00 1,165,274.60 77,541.07 199,064.33 0.86 Operational 0.00 154.72 0.00 -154.72 0.00 001280000 Total: 0.00 154.72 0.00 -154.72 0.00 Appropriation 285,493.00 285,493.00 0.00 0,00 1 _00 Economic Development - Apprt 001291011 Total: 285,493.00 285,493.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Appropriation 2,697,207-00 2.697.159-27 0-00 47.73 1.00 Public Safety - Appropriation 001291017 Total: 2,697,207.00 2,697,159.27 0.00 47.73 1.00 Appropriation 874,418.00 874,418.00 0.00 0.00 100 Health - Appropriation 001291018 Total: 874,418.00 874,418.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Appropriation 301,083.00 301,083.00 0.00 0.00 100 Welfare - Appropriation 001291019 Total: 301,083.00 301,083.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Appropriation 1,480,459.00 1,480,459.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Education - Appropriation 001291020 Total: 1,480,459.00 1,480,459.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Culture Recreation - Approp 101291021 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 677,955.00 677,377.97 0.00 577.03 1.00 User ID: DOF Page: 1 1 12/06/2014 :Current Date 15:44:33 :Current Time Departmental Summary Budget Report Fiscal: 2014 Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Catego? Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% 1 Operational 210,126.00 120,494.87 5,182.63 84,448.50 0.59 Utilities 23,966.00 28,199.90 0.00 766.10 097 Capital 164,708.00 164,708.00 0.00 0.00 100 Environmental Services 001370000 Total: 1,081,755.00 990,780.74 5,182.63 85,791.63 0.92 Operational 130,945.00 89,363.60 0.00 41,581.40 0.68 Utilities 0.00 2,669.32 0.00 ?2,669.32 0.00 Capital 15,000.00 13,502.60 0.00 1,497.40 090 Governmtal Utility Serv Corp 001371023 Total: 145,945.00 105,535.52 0.00 40,409.48 0.72 Operatioual 40,300.00 44,407.62 7,462.00 -11,569.62 1.28 Utilitiet 10,190.00 5,691.34 0.00 4,498.66 0.55 Capital 12,000.00 0.00 0.00 12,000.00 0,00 Axis Plant 001371033 Total: 62,490.00 50,098.96 7,462.00 4,929.04 0.92 Personnel 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Environmental Grants Dept 001371058 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 826,228.00 784,850.79 0.00 41,377.21 0.94 Operational 233,919.00 228,478.83 1,607.90 3,832.27 0.98 Utilities 19,138.00 15,852.83 0.00 3,285.17 0.82 Capitai 6,017.00 6,016.35 0.00 0.65 100 Animal Control 001380000 Total: 1,085,302.00 1,035,198.80 1,607.90 48,495.30 0.95 Personnel 808,216.00 740,027.95 0.00 68,188.05 0.9] Operational 190,751.00 166,189.35 683.86 23,877.79 0,87 Utilities 10,400.00 11,180.07 0.00 -780.07 1.07 Mo Co Dept of Env Enforcemei 001390000 Total: 1,009,367.00 917,397.37 683.86 91,285.77 0.90 Mobile County Health Depart 001400000 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Operational 4,750.00 0.00 0.00 4,750.00 000 User ID: DOF Page: 12 1211612014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal: 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1.00 100% Mobile Public Library Theodor 001440000 Total: 4,750.00 0.00 0.00 4,750.00 0.00 Operational 146,000.00 143,808.29 0.00 2,191.71 0.98 Utilities 2,000.00 28,741.47 0.00 -26,741.47 14.37 Mobile Public Library Semmes 001448000 Total: 148,000.00 172,549.76 0.00 -24,549.76 1.16 Operational 2,387.00 0.00 0.00 2,387.00 000 Grand Bay Museum Library 00144800] Total: 2,387.00 0.00 0.00 2,387.00 0.00 Personnel 607,282.00 557,497.80 0.00 49,784.20 0.91 Operational 198,207.00 169,353.39 19,801.96 9,051.65 0.95 Utilitie: 151,722.00 145,821.55 0.00 5,900.45 0.96 Chickasabogue Park 001457001 Total: 957,211.00 872,672.74 19,801.96 64,736.30 0.93 Personnel 364,631.00 358,375.72 0.00 6,255 .28 0.98 Operational 132,425.00 123,360.36 1,863.14 7,201.50 094 Utilities 86,436.00 82,509.73 0.00 3,926.27 095 West Mobile Park 001457002 Total: 583,492.00 564,245.81 1,863.14 17,383.05 0.97 Operational 83,106.00 84,503.06 0.00 -1,397.06 10] Utilities 7,208.00 6,685.73 0.00 522.27 0.92 Bayfront Park 001457003 Total: 90,314.00 91,188.79 0.00 -874.79 1.00 Personnel 366,187.00 342,762.16 0.00 23,424.84 0.93 Operational 133,724.00 109,586.06 8,680.99 15,456.95 0.88 Utilities 89,424.00 85,698.58 0.00 3,725.42 095 River Delta Marina 001457004 Total: 589,335.00 538,046.80 8,680.99 42,607.21 0.92 Operational 2,945.00 1,956.61 0.00 988.39 0.66 Utilities 5,225.00 5,945.31 0.00 -720.31 1.13 Extension Service (Co Agent) J01490000 Total: 8,170.00 7,901.92 0.00 268.08 0.96 Operational 736.00 28.82 0.00 707.18 0.03 User ID: DOF Page: 13 1271672014 :(Iurrent Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal. 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% Educational/Ag Center Arena 001500000 Total: 736.00 28.82 0.00 707.18 0.03 Child Advocacy Center Prograi 001515001 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DUI Grant 001515014 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Personnel 538.00 6,918.45 0.00 -6,3 80.45 12.85 Operational 0.00 -490.42 0.00 490.42 0.00 Utilities 0.00 2,534.81 0.00 -2,534.81 0.00 Community Traf?c Safety Prog 001515016 Total: 538.00 8,962.84 0.00 -8,424.84 16.65 Families Learning Thru Exper 001515017 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Juvenile Accountability Incent 001515018 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Bulletproof Vest program 001515019 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 US 45/98 Safe Communities 001515020 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Seat Belt Enforcement Prograrr 001515022 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Selective Traf?c Enforcement 001515023 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Traff Enforce Equip Incentive 001515024 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Innovative Seat Belt Use 101515025 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 User ID: DOF Page: 14 1211612014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal: 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Report ID: Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% 1 Project FLEX at CMLA 001515026 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Child Passenger Safety 001515030 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Click It Or Ticket 001515033 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Operational 0.00 -13,100.00 0.00 13,100.00 0.00 Capital 0.00 13,100.00 0.00 -13,100.00 0,00 Area Selectve Enf P1 001515046 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Operational 0.00 -20.61 0.00 20.61 000 Debt Service 10,739,150.00 10,386,355.45 0.00 352,794.55 096 General Fund Debt Service 01550000 Total: 10,739,] 50.00 10,386,334.84 0.00 352,815.16 0.96 Personnel 1,049,524.00 1,100,898.87 0.00 ?51,374.87 1.04 Operationa] 125,044.00 71,318.13 3,826.62 49,899.25 0,60 Utilities 4,334-00 4,254.36 0.00 129.64 0.97 Thirteenth Judicial Police 001560000 Total: 1,178,952.00 1,176,471.36 3,826.62 -l,345.98 1.00 Personnel 888,077.00 865,977.87 0.00 22,099.13 0.97 Operational 70,137.00 64,591.27 227.50 5,318.23 0.92 Utilities 1,860.00 1,325.15 0.00 34.85 0.98 Plaza Custodial 001574002 Total: 960,074.00 932,394.29 227.50 27,452.21 0.97 Personnel 98,558.00 102,739.88 0.00 -4,181.88 1.04 Operational 79,280.00 65,444.41 0.00 13,835 .59 0_82 Utilities 63-00 32-12 0.00 30.88 0.50 Courthouse Custodial 001574005 Total: 177,901.00 168,216.41 0.00 9,684.59 0.94 Operational 20,970.00 20,688.16 0.00 281.84 0.98 Utilities 12,895.00 5,321.53 0.00 7,573.47 0.41 User ID: DOF Page: 15 12/16/2014 :Current Date 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal. 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Catego? Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% I Semmes Community Center 001580000 Total: 33,865.00 26,009.69 0.00 7,855.31 0.76 Operational 4,293.00 4,098.81 0.00 194.19 095 Grand Bay Community Center 001586100 Total: 4,293.00 4,098.81 0.00 194.19 0.95 Operational 2,768.00 2,602.24 0.00 165.76 0.94 Wilmer Senior Center 001586101 Total: 2,768.00 2,602.24 0.00 165.76 0.94 Operational 4,839.00 5,071.45 0.00 -232.45 1 ,04 Tillmans Corner Sr Center 001586102 Total: 4,839.00 5,071.45 0.00 -232.45 1.04 Operational 2,107.00 2,396.96 0.00 -289.96 1 .13 Semmes Senior Center 01586103 Total: 2,107.00 2,396.96 0.00 -289.96 1.13 Operational 5,331-00 5,084.37 0.00 246.63 095 Coastal Response Center 001586104 Total: 5,331.00 5,084.37 0.00 246.63 0.95 MCEMS 001590000 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mobile County EMA 001610000 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Operational 88,388.00 84,777.55 0.00 3,610.45 095 General Govt Projects 001991000 Total: 88,388.00 84,777.55 0.00 3,610.45 0.95 Public Safety Projects 001991017 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Education Projects 01991020 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Capital 1,761.00 0.00 0.00 1,761.00 000 User ID: DOF Page: 16 127160014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time Fiscal, 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1 1.00 100% 1 Culture and Recreation Project 001991021 Total: 1,761.00 0.00 0.00 1,761.00 0.00 Operational 43,316.00 5,160.00 0.00 38,156.00 0_11 Environmental Projects 001991023 Total: 43,316.00 5,160.00 0.00 38,156.00 0.11 Highway and Road Projects 001991024 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Education Project 2002 00199103] Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Operational 240,155.00 0.00 0.00 240,155.00 000 Environmental Property 001991040 Total: 240,155.00 0.00 0.00 240,155.00 0.00 Operational 60,572.00 36,439.24 0.00 24,132.76 060 District One Gen Projects 001991041 Total: 60,572.00 36,439.24 0.00 24,132.76 0.60 Operational 70,156.00 9,683.62 0.00 60,472.38 0.13 District Two Gen Projects 001991042 Total: 70,156.00 9,683.62 0.00 60,472.38 0.13 Operational 322,470.00 65,409.36 0.00 257,060.64 020 District Three Gen Projects 001991043 Total: 322,470.00 65,409.36 0.00 257,060.64 0.20 Operational 360,311.00 291,782.86 199.54 68,328.60 081 District One Ed Projects 001991044 Total: 360,311.00 291,782.86 199.54 68,328.60 0.8] Operational 549,371.00 331,548.05 17,108.95 200,714.00 0.63 Capital 29,407.00 29,406.71 0.00 0.29 L00 District Two Ed Projects 001991045 Total: 578,778.00 360,954.76 17,108.95 200,714.29 0.65 Operational 167,305.00 78,460.93 0.00 88,844.07 0.46 User ID: DOF Page: 17 1271612014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44; 3 3 :Current Time Fiscal, 2014 Departmental Summary Budget Report Ledger: GL Budget to Actual by Category Through Fiscal Month: SEPTEMBER Fiscal Period: 12 SEPTEMBER 30 1.00 Percent of Budget Expended/Encumbered Categog: Current Budget Expenditures YTD Encumbrances Budget Balance 1.00 100% District Three Ed Projects 001991046 Total: 167,305.00 78,460.93 0.00 88,844.07 0.46 Brewer Center Demolition 001991055 Total: 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Operational 19,001.00 0.00 0.00 19,001.00 0.00 A1 Gen Fund Comm Grant 001991056 Total: 19,001.00 0.00 0.00 19,001.00 0.00 Operational 2,575,579.00 2,489,627.66 0.00 85,951.34 096 Fire Remediation Govt Plaza 001991063 Total: 2,575,579.00 2,489,627.66 0.00 85,951.34 0.96 User ID: DOF Page: 18 1211612014 :Current Date Report ID: 15:44:33 :Current Time 00:qu_ mama AS OF 09 30 2014 1? BUDGET 1,040,543.00 81,579,758.00 1,334,000.00 21,106,127.00 15,922,765.00 1,923,435.00 122,906,628.00 43,565,389.00 58,945,137.00 0.00 3,212,116.00 874,418.00 301,083.00 2,398,220.00 2,392,880.00 10,739,150.00 0.00 0.00 122,428,393.00 478,235.00 0.00 0.00 3,282,310.00 3,760,545.00 -478,235.00 0.00 5,402,312.00 81,579,758.00 1,334,000.00 21,568,366.00 15,932,765.00 4,947,768.00 130,764,969.00 47,213,863.00 61,052,722.00 0.00 3,470,605.00 874,418.00 301,083.00 2,448,397.00 2,566,352.00 10,739,150.00 1,337,388.00 0.00 130,003,978.00 760,991.00 0.00 0.00 3,282,310.00 4,043,301.00 ~760,991.00 0.00 263591. 15463570438 0.00 5,402,312.00 86,261,101.83 ?4,681,343.83 105.74% 1,239,150.12 94,849.88 92.89% 21,485,571.96 82,794.04 99.62% 16,209,626 61 ?276,861.61 101.74% 7, 131,431.57 -2,183,663 .57 144.13% 132,326,882.09 ?1,561,913.09 101.19% 44,298,154.96 2,915,708.04 93.82% 58,985,584 91 2,067,137.09 96.61% 0.00 0.00 2,919,944.44 550,660.56 84.13% 874,418 00 0.00 100.00% 301,083.00 0.00 100.00% 2,295,278.44 153,118.56 93.75% 2,190,181.58 376,170.42 85.34% 10,386,334.84 352,815.16 96.71% 897,285.12 440,102.88 67.09% 0.00 0.00 123,148,265 29 6,855,712.71 94.73% 9,178,616.80 ?8,417,625.80 1,206.14% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,282,310.00 4,041,513.00 1,788.00 99.96% ?4,041,513.00 3,280,522.00 531.09% 5,137,103.80 ?5,137,103.80 0.00% Egg Egg. $335952; 85mm.? mmowomwomo? Eo?mu Q?mmza . NEH. EH 59H. Egg o. 56% mag E39 0.00 0.00 wawNHmem I GENERAL FUND REVENUES ADOPTED CURRENT YTD AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET REVENUES VARIANCE 0F BUDGET 41111 Property Taxes-Real Property 22,944,471.00 22,944,471.00 22,698,637.36 (245,833.64) -1.07% 41112 Property Taxes-Motor Vehicle 2,990,000.00 2,990,000.00 3,342,841.11 352,841.11 11.80% 41116 Property Taxes-Rev Com Suprnum 30,361.00 30,361.00 30,361.20 0.20 0.00% 41117 Property Taxes?Rev Com Salary 115,452.00 115,452.00 109,465.62 (5,986.38) -5.19% 41118 Property Taxes-Lie Com Salary 111,376.00 111,376.00 111,946.29 570.29 0.51% 41119 Property Taxes-Lic Com Suprnum 79,698.00 79,698.00 79,698.00 - 0.00% 41180 Land Redemptions 200,000.00 200,000.00 269,153.73 69,153.73 34.58% 41181 Payment in Lieu of Taxes 30,000.00 30,000.00 48,812.10 18,812.10 62.71% 41210 Sales Tax 50,545,000.00 50,545,000.00 54,592,089.63 4,047,089.63 8.01% 41211 Sales Tax-Motor Vehicles 574,000.00 574,000.00 654,490.83 80,490.83 14.02% 41212 Sales Tax-Boats 60,000.00 60,000.00 61,100.38 1,100.38 1.83% 41250 County Lodging Tax 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 2,320,042.29 320,042.29 16.00% 41270 County Table Wine Tax 22,000.00 22,000.00 24,908.56 2,908.56 13.22% 41301 Racing Commission Distribution 12,000.00 12,000.00 9,025.08 (2,974.92) -24.79% 41302 Local Cable Tax 610,000.00 610,000.00 583,726.82 (26,273.18) ?4.3 1% 41311 Mortgage Filing Tax 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,051,045.34 51,045.34 5.10% 41312 Deed Filing Tax 255,000.00 255,000.00 273,116.21 18,116.21 7.10% 41330 Mineral Filing Tax 400.00 400.00 641.28 241.28 60.32% 43100 Business Privilege License 515,000.00 515,000.00 484,720.47 (30,279.53) ?5.88% 43160 Solid Waste Permits 13,000.00 13,000.00 9,300.00 (3,700.00) -28.46% 43161 Junkyard License Fees 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 (1,000.00) 46.67% 43200 Building Permits 670,000.00 670,000.00 614,897.26 (55,102.74) ?8.22% 43850 Manufactured Homes 130,000.00 130,000.00 125,232.39 (4,767.61) -3.67% 44100 Forfeited Bail 25,000.00 25,000.00 18,227.25 (6,772.75) 27.09% 44101 Drivers License Act 2006-554 46,000.00 46,000.00 39,984.00 (6,016.00) ?13.08% 1/16/201' ?.39 PM GENERAL FUND REVENUES ADOPTED CURRENT YTD AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET REVENUES VARIANCE OF BUDGET 44111 ABC Store Profits 12,000.00 12,000.00 12,422.86 422.86 3.52% 44112 ABC Board Licenses 187,000.00 187,000.00 167,225.00 (19,775.00) -10.57% 44120 State Beer Tax 115,000.00 115,000.00 117,965.43 2,965.43 2.58% 44125 State Table Wine Tax - 149.52 149.52 44130 Financial Institutions Excise - 235,656.06 235,656.06 44140 State Sales Tax 19,500.00 19,500.00 19,151.40 (348.60) ?1.79% 44150 Business Privilege Tax - State 560,000.00 560,000.00 563,514.21 3,514.21 0.63% 44151 Corporate Shares Replace-State 407,200.00 407,200.00 410,214.33 3,014.33 0.74% 44160 Oil 8 Gas-Regular 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,368,282.87 (131,717.13) -8.78% 44161 Oil Gas?Offshore 30,000.00 30,000.00 (30,000.00) -100.00% 44201 Circuit Court 1,160,000.00 1,160,000.00 981,014.36 (178,985.64) -15.43% 44209 License State Cost Sharing 45,000.00 45,000.00 45,000.00 - 0.00% 44230 Elections 898,600.00 898,600.00 619,937.47 (278,662.53) -31.01% 44240 Board of Voter Registrars 50,000.00 50,000.00 52,123.75 2,123.75 4.25% 44272 Community Subsidy-Youth Center 367,340.00 367,340.00 461,865.60 94,525.60 25.73% 44276 Special Program Revenue-Youth 1,040,634.00 1,040,634.00 1,006,000.00 (34,634.00) -3.33% 44601 Metro Jail - Federal and State 1,437,000.00 1,437,000.00 1,224,038.25 (212,961.75) -14.82% 44710 Disaster Assistance Grants 2,476.73 2,476.73 44800 Qualified Bonds Credit 13,237.00 13,237.00 259,216.64 245,979.64 1858.27% 44801 Federal Payments in Lieu of Tax 20,000.00 20,000.00 27,271.00 7,271.00 44905 City of Mobile-Govt Plaza 2,307,251.00 2,307,251.00 2,416,808.56 109,557.56 4.75% 44908 SYC Social Security Incentive 2,000.00 2,000.00 800.00 (1,200.00) -60.00% 44909 Metro Jail Social Sec incentive 70,000.00 70,000.00 96,400.00 26,400.00 37.71% 44910 City of Mobile-Metro Jail 7,763,101.00 276,228.00 8,039,329.00 8,111,531.12 72,202.12 0.90% 44911 City of Mobile?Youth Center 2,647,929.00 2,647,929.00 2,659,951.31 12,022.31 0.45% 44913 City of Semmes 440,572.00 127,774.00 568,346.00 568,344.24 (1.76) 0.00% 45110 Circuit Court Fees 260,000.00 260,000.00 222,658.05 (37,341.95) ?14.36% 45111 Alt Senten Act 98-298 Circuit 83,000.00 83,000.00 76,458.97 (6,541.03) -7.88% 45115 Community Corrections Fees 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 - 0.00% 45119 Domestic Relations Court Fees 50,000.00 50,000.00 40,960.58 (9,039.42) -18.08% 1/16/201': 7:39 PM GENERAL FUND REVENUES ADOPTED CURRENT YTD AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET REVENUES VARIANCE 0F BUDGET 45120 District Court Fees 249,000.00 249,000.00 299,389.51 50,389.51 20.24% 45121 Alt Senten Act 98-298 District 230,000.00 230,000.00 176,615.69 (53,384.31) -23.21% 45130 Juvenile Court Fees 15,500.00 15,500.00 13,958.58 (1,541.42) -9.94% 45131 Juvenile Supervision Fees 3,265.00 3,265.00 (3,265.00) -100.00% 45210 Probate Judge Fees 1,500,000.00 1,500,000.00 1,404,284.57 (95,715.43) -6.38% 45230 Revenue Comm. Fees Standard 8,263,000.00 8,263,000.00 8,399,778.28 136,778.28 1.66% 45231 Revenue Comm. Fees School 2001 1,377,500.00 1,377,500.00 1,407,825.72 30,325.72 2.20% 45250 License Commissioner Fees 2,450,000.00 2,450,000.00 2,627,443.81 177,443.81 7.24% 45291 Sheriff Fees 9,500.00 9,500.00 10,212.21 712.21 7.50% 45292 Sheriff Bingo Permits 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,675.00 175.00 11.67% 45293 Sheriff Sex Offender Fees 6,500.00 10,000.00 16,500.00 15,690.38 (809.62) -4.91% 45415 Animal Shelter Fees 41,000.00 41,000.00 32,679.43 (8,320.57) -20.29% 45416 Junk Ordinance Fees - 420.00 420.00 45417 Landfill fees 16,528.55 16,528.55 45620 Chickasabogue Park Fees 185,000.00 185,000.00 145,934.98 (39,065.02) -21.12%. 45621 West Mobile County Park Fees 77,000.00 77,000.00 60,543.00 (16,457.00) -21.37% 45622 River Delta Marina Fees 236,000.00 236,000.00 172,060.08 (63,939.92) -27.09% 45682 Commissions on Pay Telephones 450,000.00 450,000.00 432,140.43 (17,859.57) -3.97% 45684 IP Video Franchise Fees 135,000.00 135,000.00 352,368.79 217,368.79 161.01% 47100 Net Investment Earning/Interest 300,000.00 300,000.00 226,786.71 (73,213.29) -24.40% 47210 Rental-Building 8: Land 25,000.00 25,000.00 17,457.18 (7,542.82) -30.17% 47212 Rental?Agricultural Center 12,740.00 12,740.00 13,439.92 699.92 5.49% 47214 Rental-Govt Plaza Other 135.15 135.15 47215 Rental Snack Machine 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,682.70 (1,317.30) -13.17% 47217 Rental-Eight Mile Center 50,000.00 50,000.00 51,250.26 1,250.26 2.50% 47218 Rental-Voting Machines 2,000.00 2,000.00 47219 Rental-Michael Square Center 9,000.00 9,000.00 8,922.35 (77.65) -0.86% 1/16/20] 7:39 PM GENERAL FUND REVENUES ADOPTED CURRENT YTD AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2014 BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS BUDGET REVENUES VARIANCE 0F BUDGET 47220 Rental ATM Agreement 9,000.00 9,000.00 7,650.00 (1,350.00) -15.00% 47221 Rental Theodore Oaks 84,600.00 84,600.00 102,575.01 17,975.01 21.25% 47285 Rental-Parking Garage 110,000.00 110,000.00 86,443.19 (23,556.81) ?21.42% 47381 Sale of Fixed Assets 1,035,000.00 1,035,000.00 2,002,390.40 967,390.40 93.47% 47750 Donations 40,276.00 40,276.00 40,276.00 - 47825 Supernumerary Contr?Circuit Jd 7,047.00 7,047.00 7,047.00 - 0.00% 47902 Beer Tax Admin Costs 82,700.00 82,700.00 98,157.10 15,457.10 18.69% 47903 Gasoline Tax Admin Costs 15,000.00 15,000.00 13,445.31 (1,554.69) ?10.36% 47905 Insurance Recovery 2,575,579.00 2,575,579.00 2,578,003.37 2,424.37 0.09% 47951 Oil Leases 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,856.93 356.93 7.93% 47952 Indirect Cost Recovery 133,848.00 133,848.00 133,847.64 (0.36) 0.00% 47953 Natural Gas Leases 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,212.59 212.59 4.25% 47999 Miscellaneous 30,000.00 408,478.00 438,478.00 1,722,852.76 1,284,374.76 292.92% 121,866,085.00 3,496,572.00 125,362,657.00 132,326,882.09 6,964,225.09 5.56% Department Total: 1/16/20] 7:39 PM mo_mm Han Mobile County Commission Sales Tax Receipts 2013-2015 October 2012 November 2012 December 2012 January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013 July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 YTD 2012 YTD 2013 YTD Difference difference October 2013 November 2013 December 2013 January 2014 February 2014 March 2014 April 2014 May 2014 June 2014 July 2014 August 2014 September 2014 YTD 2013 YTD 2014 YTD Difference difference October 2014 Change from Previous Year -2.99% 41.43% -4.49% 6.01% 14.47% 12.52% 4.76% -10.88% 0.92% 27.12% 6.62% 2.64% 50,545,497.37 52,343,53078 1,798,033.41 3.56% 2.57% 29.26% 6.65% 2.15% -1.62% -7.20% 2.32% 19.32% 3.31% ?5.01% -3.05% 13.86% 52,343,53078 54,592,08963 2,248,558.85 4.30% 1.09% Gross Receipts 4,229,569.91 3,404,818.86 4,962,393.37 3,967,199.37 4,740,811.10 5,104,812.95 4,285,771.59 3,767,487.79 4,398,602.33 4,953,797.36 4,341,009.23 4,187,256.92 4,338,224.43 4,400,967.20 5,292,340.50 4,052,685.30 4,663,930.33 4,737,256.78 4,385,368.52 4,495,333.56 4,544,213.59 4,705,621.17 4,208,613.61 4,767,534.64 4,385,480.70 5% Collection Fee 207,870.54 166,328.04 216,872.80 135,620.05 210,447.33 225,899.76 209,126.79 184,447.19 189,966.62 231,957.10 213,739.78 187,693.43 187,866.84 190,356.45 224,984.84 170,075.68 192,743.69 194,500.65 154,906.13 152,460.58 147,952.24 130,617.20 83,444.80 68,579.54 80,403.97 Net Receipts 4,021,699.37 3,238,490.82 4,745,520.57 3,831,579.32 4,530,363.77 4,878,913.19 4,076,644.80 3,583,040.60 4,208,635.71 4,721,840.26 4,127,269.45 3,999,563.49 4,150,357.59 4,210,610.75 5,067,355.66 3,882,609.62 4,471,186.64 4,542,756.13 4,230,462.39 4,342,872.98 4,396,261.35 4,575,003.97 4,125,168.81 4,698,955.10 4,305,076.73