r'ij Puek'g'f f' fib'm 3,0; )mlk Cu 0 g. l 5 --0 w r! --o ?... ..;1 o- o. ; /.dJitr', E EI o E7 V)..-tti' Y_. EI o €""iig*l:,"*t':t --6 ai;, $ --0 $ l. JI o E E - ------ ,. ";r,;' '- ... L ,, i l:l ":.;,"i"":"'"?,, '+ - Fe!...,"do",."r o r'oo -' ""o1-d - -----i -". 5 '"**-"* s i=ryaz .I ->-- n;Zm: 4,1 ictlt ' . .' ' F';n:t:: ' t ^.,t; v!:tP9lp/o57& t"-,/A /ti C U.S. Postal Servicem CERTIFIED MA (Danie;- t: Herum Regain! Fee E: (Endorsement HEq-m'md} Has-tamed Dalrvery Fae Endorsement Requuredll I, E??l?ilibiwaff arPC? Bax Na. PS Form 3800. August 2005 See Reverse lur Instructions S'Wll southwestern Energu' Houston wmumn in mm PA mew DOREEN DOUGH Re CONDUCT A Plib', DRILLING WA SUPPLV SURVEV Energy prurlucliau Company ("swim") unonus lo drill gas well in HI: vicinuy or your business uml'ov wulor supply ln lhe nrur Act l'cq umus. SEPCO is Irquircd In irlonlil'y any Wain supplies muo n. boundary of llieir \vcll localiuus, Thur: unicr supplies uro la be illcludcd on well pulml npplimlinns unil sui-rucc awllels or \vnlel' supplios will be given llDXIfiEURa(lnll by serco sowco is requcuing yuu pallicipmc in rue \vmcl being done ymll' men. If you choose lo pnl1lcipme in mo supply survey, be advised lhn| such survey woulrl causisl ul' lucnlillg nurl nbla or yulu \mler supply or supplies and do enmllon ofauy quali|y in well unu opllr dnlu. A represeul ve will followup will. you in (In: um so days. lrynu have ally K||lcs|iolls palmiuillg lo ||Iis survey in mo please comm sEPco at (In: number below. Offic: 917 Slate Rome 92 Nalvh PA I8657 57039641200 you, we your ussisinncc VWfi/y kw" Kimberly Gulellu Senior Regulmury Company . ma nor muomun won unnu Mm" urn-mm Mommaer sapca 235w Sam Houston Pkwy a sure i2s Production Compang' Medinaan 77032 VIA US MAIL CERTIFIED RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED September 3, 2013 ERY TUNKHANNOCK, PA 18657 SUBJECT: Permits to Drill Dziuba Ben'amin 2H EATON TOWNSHIP WYOMING Dear Sir or Madam, The intent of this mailing is meant only as a notification, no action is required by you. As of April 1, 2012, all operators are required by the PA DEP to notify any water well purveyor within 3000' of a proposed drill site and all Municipalities adjacent to the well prior to submitting any applications to drill or alter a well. For this reason enclosed please find the following documents regarding the above referenced wellts). - Permit Application for Drilling (DEP Form - Well Location Plat (DEP Form - Landowner Notification of Well Drilling (DEP Form 5500-FM-OG0052) Feel free to contact me at 281/618>>6153 or with any questions or concerns you may have. Regards. Ou'kflaw Barbara Critchlow Staff Regulatory Analyst Encl 8000,PM.oocrvl0001b 4/2012 ''rJ COMIMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTIVIENT OF ENVIRONI,1ENTAL PROTECTION OFFICEOF OILAND GAS IVIANAGEMENT qslLslr::.n'a.," PERMIT APPLICATION TO DRILL ANO OPERATE AN UNCONVENTIONAL WELL DEP USE ONLY Date . Do iol issue belore 0bjrtjon s37._-_-_-_ - _--; -_-_; and -_-_; APL t nordt Desiqdaton: c EH0 DEv G: ]NV: I API* {tava 7- Southwestern Energy Production Company yr'el FarmNade i Dziuba Benjamin LAr 2350 N. Sam Houslon Pkwy East Ste 125 lable) sFtd P,oje(r 41" 32' 42.14', Number I seriard LoNG 75'59',54.56', I MJni. pal ly Nam€/ C'ry ao@ugh.Towiehp Zip 281/618-6153 4,? Eme€ency Phone fl ? hiarl h ro' d € ldq katoi r N. ' addE$ ol wel s le Fo rmauoi lo b e pe n errared avalrab e) Commercial PERMITTYPE TYPE OF I/\IELI APPTICANONTEE 8146 Tarqel Fomarion(s) proposed ror prod!c(oi Anlicipaled Target Top/Boltom l\4arcellus 8425'-8175 -L !his.bolllellq..e{el&!!!r'll9C,[b!!4:_ Ls.99[s]441 I Gas oir Re.pemit expked tr E D€epenwsll tr olher (specify) wo E D Number oiwe lbore lalerals prcposed under lhis application Tolalfeel olwelbore lo be drilled under this apptication 13875 Ft. It aplyia toii peimit tirew;rt rf exlafis w; h6iregisGl;a orp;fiitiea, n Ddr a new well E ch;;i E A ler wel C olher (spec ry) Aiythreatened orendangered "hil" m!st inc ude a clpyofthe Coal wel:n At(ach Coal CBM well! Atach Coal lvodule X Altach iustificaion. Non coalwell llodule E veni€l E Hodzonlar E Devhted E Muliiple laleols Willthe wellbe subject lo the Oiland cas Conservation Law? lf"No,,go102). Does the locatjon fallwilhin an area covered by a spacing c. lithe well \aill be multilatelal, lf"Yes' to #1, islhe wellalleast330 feet from outside leaseor unjt boundary? ordef identily the wellborcs on ihe sketch on page 3olthe plat that w l be as conseryalion and non-conseruation willeither the edge ol the disturbed area oi any podion ot ttre wetiiite ofine unconventicirill we le w rin 100 feet, or the vertical v/eJl bore be rvithin 300feel, from the edge ol any solid blue lined strearn, spring or body of water identiiied on lhe mosl currenl 7%' lopographic quadmrgie map or wefland grcater than acre in size orin a welland? lfyes, ls a walver requesl (fom 5500-F[/ 0G0057)and s]te-specific E&S controlplan attached? 1- Marce lus $ 3650.00 I comb. (sas & COORDINATION wlTH REGULATIONS ANO OTHER PERJITITS a. b. E R€drill wellborc clearance letter from the applicable agency(ies) '1. (i 460 Slonylvountain Rd, Tunkhafnock, PA Harding Edward.WYOMlNG,2-PAD1 Onondaoa X 911 map d Deepest PND Attached ontacirumber (800)-s41-20s0 Check ifthjs is a new address e \.a" Ik"./e I ldsnlrcaloi 'fo.r Tlikhannockcrcek I v,-m" r USGS 7.5 dii. qradran!l€ Tunkhannock Barbara.critchlow@swn.com o;e 08977745 iiact-pM-ooGM0o01b 4/2012 -l ljvilllhe vertical wellbo re penetrate or be wilhin 3,000 feet ofan active gas storage reservoir a. : . lfYes, printlhe names of: Storcge Operaio.i Field: are;;f a landfill? tr A existing water suPPlY? . attached? ! b. lfwitlen consent is nol altached, is a variance request (lom 8000 FIM-OOGM0058)anached? fl 5.l.,li.ll the v;dicalwellbore of the uncorventonal ellbe dri'led wir';n 1,000 leet fror any e^siing wate'we'r, n ! tr X ownerattached? n n X lf'Yes," is written consent from the owner surface water inlake, reservoir or other watersupply extraction point used by a water purveyop n Ilwritten consent is nolattached, is a vaiance request (form 8000-Ftr4-OOGM0058)attached? ! 6. Wil thb $,ell be ocated wl^e€ it may inpact a publ.c resource as oJlrined ,n the-Coordinatiol of a WeJ n a. ir. lf"Yes," is written consentirom the Location wiih Public Resources'form 5500-P[1-0G0076? lf yes, allach a competed copy of the fom and clearance letlers from applicable agencies. z Wlrany portidnbftl"e- wettsite ue ina sp-eciat erotecilon H'gl'Quaitytr (.rot or exceiri onal Vdiui 5 -- {EV) n X watershed? Provide name ol special prclection watershed 8. 9. _. Activilies Ll X ls this well pad of a developme nt which requiresan Earth Disturbance PermilforOlland Gas disturbing more than 5 ac€s? lfyes,listthe numberofthe ESCGP approvalifthe pennit has been issued. nx ls waste, including drjllcuttings, from the drilling ofthis wellto be disposed of on this wellsile? 10. Will the well or u/ellsite be located within a defined 100 year lloodplain or where the iloodplain is undellned, within 100 feet of the top of the bank of a perennialstream or wilhin 50 feel of he lo! ol the bink of an intemittent stieam. a. lfyes, is a waiver rcquestattached that willprotect the Waters olthe Commonwealth? 11. ls the wellto be located wilhin a H2S area pursuantto S78.77a? n tr ua X tr 12. Attach a current Ownership & Controllorm 8000-F M-OOGM0118 iltffiffi1 -- i'- - --':T_-:'" Signatrc The person signing thrs form atlesls thal they have Ihe aulhorily lo submit lhis applicalion on behalf of s r,ae anda.ciarero rhebesr of h€ rkio$ledoe Iie applicanl, and thalth€ iniomalion, 1h,ludroa relaledsrbmssionr of Pe6on A,lhodzed lo Submil Appli€don John Nlcholas TiUe: Operations i,'laiaqernent General ll,lanaqer Appll€ljff alpa€/conlact Barba€ Cdtcilow, Sr. Slaff Regulalory Analyst I I ofrfle u:conve'rtio,ra wel, be d.illeo wi.,i 500 feeiirorn a.y e\strng build 1! oial ! lt'e plposed v/ell loc;l.o1wilhin the pemiled ,'.it,I'e vetcatwe.bore X boundary? D 09/04i 13 Pnore 281/61&6153 8000-Ft{-ooGtv0o52 4/2012 st: E -; pennsyLvania orEffic;es:r4q,Ehs E " fg -di#ltH'fi{i3dffiiiiEf, :'*' " " NOTIFICATIO.N.OF_SURFACE LANDOWNER/VVATER PURVEYOR OF WELL DRILLING OPENNTIOru ON ALTERATION WATER SUPPLY PROTECTION secton 3218 0f58 Pa6s s6 i t-'':r ro De op"nenr) f 2e1 2 o . p-r",'l -;",* i-ipo.":l i-'.o o,'.u'","e.o;de;;";i.i;s-/,;a;,"+:1rbfi:*:i"i.:1;1":r::lleaec:o-.Ll "e "-or "' j *'' t r 1. rheAc,srares,.u,,.o,o,n, ooe-ato' s o po' r es or drr lhes 'r d reprace rh- wfle- ,o',*:.sll ' ar f-e" ar:rare ;:;:1"; il;:-i.'R:;1:',:;;i"l:,1;"";J1"ill,'l:il""'';;T" sLpp,/ ";;,,'; '"" "" DEp has a staiewide toll_free phone number for reporling cases of water coniamination which rnay be assocjated with development of oil and ges resources. cali 1-866-255-515n ' l;.{.:iii:iTi;i}',::t-J";:;:j::,H[i,""TJ.i;I.?i;i!i,,,,t j"T"]*-r-1::_, .:.-,, o.ne o.J,hs .re.aro-o. ;r:iltl:*I::TJ:":TtiJx1,T;";l;i,i"".",".#:it,'mu:i:;,#_:fri;#;:*:i?,T:l"T;""::l:r po'u ion. tre ,w;r;ssresu"io-u"*u',=n,"" ,"i;;;;,?l;;-;i;: rr p es'-11.s rhi ue., ooe-rro-re:oo.snL-w "." The ioltowing informaUon is to *- **' a, rhe name, add,ess ier purvevcr req uesting the investjgalon; b) The type locaiion and"",,ffi::ilr:"iT::[*T",,""'":rlilr:::::T::] use of ttre water slpptr c) Any availabte backsround qualjlyand quantjry data,egarding rhe d) e) 3 Weit depth, pump setting and water tevel, ifknownj and Descdption ofthe po urjon or dimjnution. water suppty; Thenct estabrishes a iegar presumption thal a wer operator is responsibre ror the polrution ofa water suppry if: a _ Cooventionat wetl L the waiersupplyis wjthjn.j,0O0 ieet oian oilorgas w€ltiand within six monrhs after comprerion of driflins or aleration ofihe oir or sas weil; _,L""iljjllil;.j"Jli, ,j i. ii. the watersupply js wjthin 2,500 feet ot lhe unconvenijonat verticat weJJ borej and m onths of the later of completion, d.jtJjng, srimLrtaiion ihe pojtution occuned wthin 1 2 '' wejl. if the affected water sha,J provide " t""p"ra,v ""'", tle 4. or atie.aiion oi th e un conventional suooJv is w 'eb,nao e oresu nplon aea aid r,e rebJritso,e p€sumpr,on re;p.;y-"r,"J'11-ti app,es tne ooerEror *olvI the \ rrer Lser is wihoLr a tp?':rJ " .-. , , . oLJi;", under',h:s ",i;lHl; ,j1,",:ji;i:i;.:",,_T"::J"",jl;.'i; s"b*"i;. ;"il;";;;_1" "rpp"rv suppr, The weJloperaror nray rebutor dj!,p.ove this presumption by proving one ofthe followjng rve defenses: a_ conventionalwefl i i_ iii. iv. v. rhe po'ution existed prior ro ihe drilliig ora*e*iion aciiv.y as delemined bv a pre-ddring or p re,aiteration sutuey. The tandowner or water puryeyor retused to alo* *" *** *"ra", ," ,ct pre_dtilling or pre-alteration a The .1,000 survey. water suppty ts not wjthin The po uijon occuffed more ll The polurjon occuffed feet ofthe u ""*, wer. tontn" uo"'"ompletioo oidrll]jns oratteraiion aciivilies. ,"1'n s uJi of some or atteration ciivity. wetl "", i. lhe pclturion exisled prior to-- il1e drilllng sirnrLrraiion or arie.stion activjly as delermined ' suruey; bv a predrilring or preaite*tjor ii the ndo\'\'ner or waler purveyorrefLrsed ro a'owih€ operaloraccess lo condLrc I a preddtiing ol prealterarion survey; iji. rhe waiersuppt) is norvrthin;,500 feet of ihe unconveftionatverti*lw€llbore b. - unconventional cause other than the ddlting a la iv. v. the pollutjon occured more tha the pollution occured . .. - : , i , . "",n" tontn" uo"'completion ol drjljnq or alleraiion activttiesior *,nsull" ofa cause other than :, the dri]]ing o. alleEuon activily. -1- 8000 -F M-AO GM'Oi2 4t 201 2 NOTICE: To tandowner or water Furu€vor. ffiL:5i'""J:::,:5"1f'":;,'J"Ti#i'1"#:J;T:il11j,xfi,"',Jt"1,,g.13 or an ;+tai, ;:Jj;,""",;,?:fi':TJ:,',""J,1::lii':;tli:.i;l,,:#if::i.i"i:"*"'"i:U:::"il';ffiJ;;',^:'#J:iT::ii: q!il'ii:iirE:!t:'HT'"-*;:,#"*it"l[s]r;tligibuiliii3B:'"1[""ii:1f ilt?;'J#r,;il; 5:ff1h.':,':ffii,f l+::.:,;llL'*i:#l.y:tf:;i}:ii:,":#i!!ffiritrr",:Hi:'nl:H"H"","i'_:"d,":l *';T:Ji:":ji"i(it,'jtirjlrliji"".-#m1".:,:,#i},."jfiil,fifl",,"H"':;::i,,rjj:;;i;:"n,1"; have *ch a suvey d'one;; poll!ted. ";;;;;;,fi;j;i;ji:::"3:"#!:i.*:,j;jJ:,,,iiliXXlii;#'!i?1,?i!nl*:ni/, the services jndependent OBJECTION TO WELL PERMIT APPLICATION When a \aet/ is tocated on a Vaci whose surfac. right b nre opajons wii;;;;ilff$;,:*i,:Tjjil""jr"DT""J*%'mther^/ejroperaio,, rhe sudace randownerhas the E) The iqtomaton on he appt.cahon is Lntre tr any malena. respecr, b) The welt is wilhrn 200 feetor, in the cas€ r"er. neasJred ho jronra,,y r.om *e oo,e rrom any exisuns br:,"nn * ved.ca, ,,,e., l3L:l:::::11",T,.:1y:r tt. opv or rne ola''s mri/ed ald ire ow']er t'ereof not grve^ hjs wnre. consent jnd the "r.,,"" ooeia has n,. -0" been yariance. s,anied a urionvenr ona, sas wet,s m"v wjrhjn 1,000,eer m=asut;J;";;i;r ?9r ;i;;:l u" ilJ otrer w:rer s,,ppry e*r,acr;;;;r;, ;'"J".;;'-t*.y"'t car weli bo e to a1v eist,rs wate'r,ret;, suraie *atei;"i","" =''"*"i l: tne-eof r-as ror sj;en hjs \,,rr.J;.;;*i;,.,d",fl::1#;:rr"j#lilJl"r[,_ il?T""r"f th" ""t"-e;i"y-,.i"1;: :;;. 01 " llJ"H!:T:J:#i'1,::ili$""J;llJ'J"",";:g€nu-,convenr'oia,wF,300'eerriomtheve.,ic.\ae boeo.o0reer,rcn hot'zonrdr'v r,om any sol,d b ue rireo srrear, sp-,rs o. oody or wdre, quad?nsre -lap drJ rhe ooe,,ro aoes n"r rra"e ai"}"_. ii"'"1i"" J.,:"q.?'ic ona' wer' site must md;nrr'n a 101 ra ' seroack. No :rosic,;;;;i, #;;:!:::'Ted as ioen reo on tne or tn" a",,-r"o """o"i,ili *r,,. mav be dri'ed w","u Lhrr 300 u"";;;;;;;;:: andhFedseo'tned;iiJl;;;;#,;;;:il d) N!we,Js,ronaybep**=o-,"u*'*'^i.ll:Iffjj;,Tl;"ji:l#heape'o;doesnothave"*,'""..;,' ' """ r;;j ;;;;;i;'""-"""' sirerristmai,,ainalo0-ro;;;'b;"'k;;;'i:1'-q*"':'tha.loneaceirsze 0) a pjt or impoundment contajnino !drilji.d e I ' e c"ltinss liowback wrlei' ptoo-ced waler or hazardoLs n.rer;ats, che"nicals or *i.t"t *ii:n h"iooio-.i-' :L;:THHIHl"Ti:Hf:::,""'*rs'condensate'wastes,nowbackorproducedwate,w'hinthenoodway e) The wetj Jocatjon viotares Section 321 5 of ihe Act Aly ob ecrions and request for a con.erere must be nled within 15 days of recejpt ot lhe ptal by the sudace tandowner and contain the foltowiig infomation: a) The name, address and tetephone nurnbarotihe pe.son submiiting the objection; b) The name of the weJt operator, and the furm name and numb€r of the prcposed welli and ct A statement ofthe basis for the objection and a ft,quest fora conference ifa conferenc€ js being requesred. DEP Regionat Oftices Depl. af Enircnnentat prctecton NW Regtaaal Ofrke - Oil&cssMont 230 Chestnut Street Mea.tville, PA 1 B33S- 348 I PhoDe: 814-332-6a6A Fax: a14.3i2-6121 Depl, al Envnonhenkt ptutection SW RegionalOfrce- Oit E, Gas Moht 400 Wateircnt Dtive P ittsbutgh, PA 1 522 2- 47 45 Phone: 412-4424A24 Fax: 412-442-1328 8'r00-PM-OOGtV0002 4/2012 prs**:r.1:.1*:-- COIV IONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA OEPARTIVENTOF ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION OFFICE OF OILAND GAS MANAGEII/IENT USE WELL LOCATION PLAT ONLY OEP Pase 1 Surface Locarion Su rlace hole is located on topo map 1f, 9 5J feet south ot atitude 41'35' OO ,l 6' d 6 ^ 9t" tlcEd0 o - q FRoPERTi coRlEr 6tfr 6 5', lrr..,-" **t'.#l!'}'s /g .l d' #/ i rt. F 10 F' *., .1" Y{"r".o^ 6iorr \] q sl 1 ACCESS RD MIIES ...u19' z E i)=+!' .d-^NVEA/-:Q r*":fli:'"Y Ff)) A4ljont/wsnop.fuN9: SOUTHWES]ERN ENERGY PRODUCTION CO 2r5o NoRn s^ Aataroi-FAiii;t; 2602A7 DZIUBA AENJAMIN surlE 125 HoUSmN, TX 770J2 59 HORIZON LANE, TUNKHANNOCK, PA 1865/ suMyf c aNoREw J, ooM^sltNsl>pressure {racking process. the gas can come out at extremely high pressures, such as 15.000 PSI. To reduce pressure. pipes are oflen used to vent into the air and these are often ignited from a one to two story stack. lighting up the sky like daylight tor weeks. releasing carbon monoxide. particulate and irritants. Once the well is in production. water has to be kept out of the pipeline. involving the use of a glycol separator process. This requires ethylene or another glycol to be stored on-site in tanks that are not airtight but rather are vented into the valley. Page 1 or 2 -.e: Dorene Dousherrv' iE!!f "J tt, zotr ff::ilffiXt-$ qlG$ffi Ttl..J:;,:l*tpffi ffi"rrarp1 ffi ;:,iT*:"f fi jl:":j;*X,.t*:;*Hli",liffi[" f"'";H,:1":l:l 3,nure rrom rhe dri,ins p.ocess, which .];,",Xlil:: #::: #ii:"1''""jr'#i"'li'1fl iix?,xu;t [11]",: Lffr# :y*gffie$ffiE",iff ffi il!!F$i!!:':"d ;'lil"'.i"': :::I,-are onen aerated caus jns ,IliiJ[,?"ff flffi #,""*, 'JJ,H:HIffi ,ll,""m:u$Ht*ff";"iy*";*yil::ff lE::ff ';',i::,,'-m#tJ qfr-:ffi rtru;"ef sources, #*Tffi *ffi :{,:ffi J1[.:li:ii*-?:,"jEii::l,li."""':ilsgyjl:; f il""'":,,""j::li:. rs not mobite and cann",;;;;;""#ff;T,i": ;,!ln""m;;mU".,l"l iil,iii l!:i!#t"i""il,,*fl lj,ili:lii#,11fu li * ,:illi:"',::?;..ff:x1ff[ffiili:iffi,:,xxf8:"fj"#:1,3:"ffii,i,i"::",J::,,:,i,^" Iie?Tig.",:::t":ilffmenr prorection has the risht to nor jssue a perm'because ortheir **i .l'i,;*'ll**ilff .:"ft,*ii",'fr*'-#:*Tjff [:*]h:"n?#[f iiiJr'^ The above is wjthin reasonable medical cenainty. Sjil€.grely, q 1L-,.,- ruzr 9"""2,e,1,, M 0., rr,rpH, Dr pH "" pennsylvania DEPART}4ENf OF ENV]RONIVlENTAL PROTECTION NORTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE l, October Re: 2013 SWN Production Co. Dziubak Benjamin 2H Eaton Township, Wyorning County Dear Dr. Ziem: The Pennsylvania Department ofEnvironmental pro^tecrion (Depa(ment) is rn receipt ofyour lener objecrins ro rhe issuance ofoermirs rorrhe a bo, . ,. ,. o"ri"fin.",,"", *..,""0 from the cperaror in regards to rhis permir are a f"r.".;i;;;;:;;;;;i'. *qri."r", "i;;;c;i;"a c". 1.1.'s". uu, ,n, "(a) No person shall drill a well...without having first obtained a lvell permit pursuanr to subsection5. .(bt "(b)...The applicant shall forward, by cerrified mail, a copy of said plat to the surface landowner, all surface landowaers or water purveyor; whose water supplies are.wirhin 1,000 feer ofrhe proposed tocation,'ana itraif rr""f "ett Wi,f, ,.rp".i norifrcarion lvith rhe well permit applicarion... "r ,o ,r.fr.i water puweyo-rs whose water supplies are wilhin 1.000 f""t rf,. pr"p"".O ", t(ratjon. norrficarion shall be made on forms and in "f pr",.ri["j-iy ,r," a manner depanment sumcienr to identiR. for such pe6ons, , igf,r, una", secrion..208 and rhe advisabi "ffirj.a t"ki"; .r'tri *.f, fi;;;*;.r, ".lf ,l. tii "f ;;;-;;; rf,.i pllairi*g'lip.*r,","t"" To date this oflice has not received the above referenced apprication(3). wten submitted ro this office for will be conlacred regarding the specifics n" bl"o#..n, issues dri inB p€rmrts based on rhe Oil and Cas Acr and 9uL..ul" reviews rhe"fapplications lor accurac; .iJs;;.';; completeness. The drillin^g permit does nor con\e) any propeny righr, j;i,i"g o"". i.""",,0 ,* ,r i.'#i, you have any questions conceming rhis maner, please con."cr rhis office a, ,iJi"r.p-rr"". """ l,l* :":l, l* ;; r.*. "r.u* Sincerely, u.r.". -1 Renee Lee Administrarive Suppofi Oil and Gas Management 814.332.6860 Fax e14.332.6120 230 Chestnut Skeet I 14eadville, PA !6335 www.d€pweb.siate.pa.us pennsylvania DEPARTNlENT OF ENVIRONNlENTAL PROTECTlON NORTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE October l, 2011 SWN Production Co. Dziubak Benjamin 2H Eaton Township, Wyoming County Re: Dear Ms- Dougherty: The Pennsylvania Department ofEnvironmental Protection (Department) is in receipt of ) our lener objecting to the issuance ofpermits for the above referenced application(s). Any notifications received from the operator in regards to this permit are a requirement ofihe Oil and Gas Act, Sec. 601.201. "(a) No person shall drill a well...without having firsr obtained a well p€rm't puruant to subsections. , (b)" . "(b)...fie applicant shall forward, by certified mail, a copy of said plat to the surface landolwer, all sudace landowners or water puweyors whose water supplies are withifl I ,000 feet of the proposed yr'ell location, and shall submit proof of such notification with the well pemit applicalion...With reslect to surface landowneas or water purveyors whose water supplies are within 1,000 feet of the Foposed well Iocation, notification shall be made on forms and in a manner prescribed by the department sufficient to identify, for such persons, the rigbts afforded them under section 208 and the advisability of taking their own predrilling or prealteration survey," To date this office has not r€ceived the above referenced application(s). Wien submitted to this office for r€view, you will be contacted regarding the specifics of your objection. The Department issues drilling permits based on the Oil and Gas Act and reviews the applications for accuracy and completefless. The dri lling permit do€s not convey any property righb. Once issued, thedrilling permit is valid for one year. lf you have any questions conceming this matter, please contact this office at the telephone number below. Sincerely, rt/ --"= ,1:i---'-----Adrninistrative Support Oil and Cas Management 814.332.5860 Fax 814.332.6120 - j,:::. : r: ' 230 Ch€stnvt Slreet I t'!eadville, PA 16335 wr!w.depweb.state.pa.us '1 . 3' pen a DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTTON NORTHWEST REGIONAL OFFICE November 15, 2013 Ms. Dorccn Douvherty Tunkhannock, PA 18657 Re: Joint Public Comment Southwestern Energy Production Company DZiuba Benjamin 2H Unconventional Well Authorization ID 997497, API No, 131-2037l Eaton Township, Wyoming County Dear Ms, Dougherty: The Department of Environmental Protection (Department) received your letter regarding the proposed Southwestern Energy Production Company's (Southwestern) unconventional well. The application to drill the well was received by the Department on October 1, 2013. Title 25-Chapters 78.21 and 78.22 of the PA Code allow for Valid objections from the surface landowner ofthe tract on which the proposed well is located and the owners or operators of coal mining activities in the area. State law and regulations require that proper erosion and sedimentation measures be in place for any earth disturbance. This should protect any watercourse in the drainage area. Also, regulations are in place for the protection of fresh groundwater through specific drilling, casing and cementing standards. Remedies are mandated in the off chance a water supply is affected by the drilling of an oil or gas well. Inspections are conducted by Department personnel to administer, implement, enforce and determine compliance with state laws and regulations that apply to activities associated with oil and gas operations, The Department issues drilling permits on the busts of 2012 Oil and Gas Act (58 and the various laws and regulations promulgated thereunder. This being the case the Department is obligated to issue permits for applications to drill wells that meet all of the requirements and limitations of the 20 I2 Oil and Gas Act and applicable laws and regulations. Bureau personnel conduct permit reviews according to established procedures that are based on satisfying the requirements of the 2012 Oil and Gas Act and applicable laws and regulations, It the proposed well meets spacing requirements, the application appears true in all material respects and the application received from Southwestern meets all criteria for lawful issuance of the drilling permit. the Department must issue the permit within 45 days. The permit rs valid for 1 year from date of issuance. 230 chestnut Street PA 16335 met an man an. 814.332.5560 Fax 814.332 5120 Ms. Doreen Doughe(y _1_ November 15.2013 The Departmeot has developed a fact sheet for home owners interested in huving their water and sas acriviry rs proposed in rheir rrea. E;"l;,"J,";" yrr:".iI Depiurmenr.s ::lp]l:.^:1.1:l ract sneet coveflng recommended basic oil & grs pre drill prrcmeters for your review. we will keep your le(er on fire. Depanment personnel wilr be mJde awrre of your concerns and monlror cfl lng cctlvrties accordingly. lf you have any furlher que\tions or co;cerns, do not hesitate to write or call_ Sincerely, a,*M* Aaron O'Hara Licensed Professional Geologist Northwest District Oil and Gas Office District Oil and Gas Operations Enclosure cci Southwestem Energy Production Company Grace Ziem, M.D., MpH, Dr. pH Alex lrtorto Brian Babb - PADEP Stephen Watson - PADEP Scranton District Office Matt Shope - PADEP Scranron District Office File AOH:lsl ,...;.-l{,' sEi-co zsso sam Hauslcfi mm Suhe I25 Froduotlon Compang" Hauswrt rams 77032 WW mm November 25, 2013 Doreen Dou Tunkhannock, PA 18657 RE: Dziuba Benjamin 2H Eaton Township, Wyoming County Dear Ms. Daugherty, We are In receipt of yourJoint Public Comment dated September 11, 2013 regarding your concerns of Southwestern Energy Production Company iswrv) drilling the above referenced well. sz would like to reassure you that we are committed to protecting the environment in which we operate while also complying with all applicable regulations regarding our oil and gas operations. Regarding the drilling of the Dziuba Benjamin 2H well, let me advise you of our standard operating procedure which includes testing of all fresh water sources within 2500' of a proposed well site. This allows SWN to establish a water quality baseline in the area where the well is being drilled. Your property is approximately 3000' from the referenced well, or 500' outside the normal pre-testing radius. However, in an effort to provide you additional information and alleviate some of your concerns, SWN IS altering you a complimentary test and analysis of your water supply prior to the start of any drilling activity. A representative from our local office in Tunkhannock will provide to you additional information on this testing, which will he conducted by a state certified independent third party We look forward to discussing the results of that test with you when the results are available. If, at the time we begin drilling operations, you still feel apprehensive about your drinking water, SWN would be willing to arrange complimentary bottled water for consumptive use until our drilling operations are completed. SWN is committed to developing our nation's natural gas resources, our national treasure, in a safe and environmentally sound manner, and we are also committed to working with the communities in which we operate to increase the knowledge and comfort of the public about our operations. I believe you will find our local employees to be extremely courteous and very helpful to you during this process. One of our employees will be in contact with you shortly to coordinate the testing. In the intervening time, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact one of our representatives in [he Tunkhannock oflice at (570) 9964200. sincerely, John Nicholas General Manager, Appalachia Division Evy; A in. v-MWm-mmvw Grace Zienr, NI.D.r IpH*, Dr. p.U.** Occupational and Envirorunental Health 16926 Eyler's Vl ey Ro,u1 Emmitsburg, IvtD 2 I 722_9719 Phone 301,241-4346 Fax 301-l4l_,+148 Website: chemicalinjury.net January 2,2014 ir'lrst saw Dorene Doughefty as a oarient in l9E6 Arter i reiocaiecj mv oiilce ro a nontoxic_location near Emmitsburg, Maryland. I ougun fo h". in March 2007. By that time, she had deveioped very-severe""" "gain-Oegrnning uppe;;"Jloi"r. r...",iu" airway.disease- toxic encephalopathy, and widespread systemic inffammatron seconoary to ttfe-tong exposure to {requent pesticide and nerbicide appljcations arouno her by the agribusiness operation known as Select Sires. By lhat time, she was probably the most severely affected chemically inlured patient had ever seen in my now 46 years of medical prictice spec,atizinj iri thicare of patients with chronic illness from toxic exposu;e. She nia ana coitinues to t aue exlreme neurotoxicity which does and did also involve neural intolerance to electromagnetic exposure of more than very minimal degree. I Every time she has attempted to obtain any toilow_up care by leaving her home, she has had severe respiratory, neurologic and systemic exacerbation ai we as extreme, long persisting systemic pain of excruciatrng degree. Literatty everymotion, such as getting out_of a chair, using the bathroom in her home, geflirig are6seJ a;O virtualty all activities of daily living c€use severe pain. Her,neurologic testing (using U.S government recommended methods for neurotoxicity evaluation) has documented balance impaarment, extreme weakness Ly dynamometry i.emo[, abnormal cerebellum function, severe intolerance to even ioucii sucn ihai she cannot be lifled or assisted without severe pain. Her combined inflammation and impaired energy metabolism results in difflculty with normal speed of brain function, which was documented on neurocognitive tesiing. Thus, because ofthe severe aod excruciating pajn from inflammation and parn exacerbation from EMF as well as respiratory and systemic inflammation from exposure to ambient irritants, she is unable to go to a hearing'in Harrisburg, pennsytvania. ler extreme EMF intolerance makes her-unable to utjlile videoconfe-rencinl-t'ecnnotogy Out she is able to use a corded phone, needing to use a speakerphone sittinl as tar irom it as possible to reduce EMF exposure lrearize the defendants desire to sle her butthis Pege 1ol2 l";"?""iT"rB?yr"t Page 2 of z 3i'l:"'T'ff:;l:"::f:?iLiJ";l?i,l:.'"'::::llltion with rncrease rn Er/F in her or expjsure in her case would cause' neu'otosic harm io-he;;;i; 'Iivins ;ffi"." ::i:1crns round that she does ;;,.;;;##';"",';;l:1"fi ,:g':fr ll;?Tl i:H:l il;*" :ff*: :#::ff € ixt#11 5:",ffi:::rlt hearins because or her extreme ratisue, runaion w*rr. requiiJ#;;ir#i#::''fl illlilr"'liff 1il"":"Jil;::lll:;., ,"X": whatcan be imagined by healthy persons who are not familiar wjth -beyond someone in this severe state of debility. w^ay I regret any inconvenience for the deJendall:lg:t my ethicat responsrbitity to protect her life and she is so severeiv ntpatred ihatit.S tr\e defendani.s request could be life-threalening. The time oressure ri, for her to prepare herself and thus she cannot accur"tety ,e"pono tllls-itimpossible questlons which would appear to compromise 'o her legal rights. The above is withan reasonable medical certainty with knowiedge available to me. Sincerely, a"-')to"''t fA.D. , aPk\, Grace Ziem, M.D., MpH, Dr.pH Cc Todd O'Malley Fax# 570-3214-6199 lrPl+ Thc Li!v Ofttcc ot A'I'IY. JOI]N M. FIAIIT. III . January 8, 20t3 D€ar: Ms. Doreen Dough€rty, Unforrunakly. qe were unsuccessful with vou. eh.r