Case 1:14-cr-00291-CG-B Document 45 Filed 01/29/15 Page 1 of 23 \/hl, F/IED /A1 rnr._,,*^,, ' ' : !\l {-,( tti, }t IJAfi GBK SK IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COUITT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAMA SOUT}IBRN DIVISION UNI'TED ST'A'I'ES T}F AMERICA ) v. ) 2 s 2.8t5 L,i:t; ; i. ;1.4i1,, , r CRIMII\AL NO.: 14-00291-CG ) Yiolatioers: l8 rj.s.c. $ 1349 18 U.S.C. $ 1343 18 U.S.C. S 131r 18 U.S.C. $ resl{a} KIMBERLY SMTTH HAST}E, RAMONA MCARDLE YEAGER, and JOHN MELVIN HASTIE JR. l8 Lr.s.c. $ r0{il l8 U.S.C. $ 2721(a) 18 U.S.C. $ 37r STJPNRSNDING INI}ICTMIINI' THtr GRAND JLTRY CHARGES: At all times relevant to this Sunersedins Indictrnent: on*r'ui*'" ol Mobil" courrtn Gno*rr,**rrt 1. Mobile County' is a ccrurty in Mobile. Alabama in the Southern District o{ Alabarna. fufobile County roceir,es funding frorn, among other sources, the citizens of Mobile County through taxes ancl l'ees. 2. Molrile County is governed by the Mobile County C'omrnission, an agency that provides general administlation and other services to the citizens o1'Mobile CoLlnty (the "County Conrmission"). As part of its responsibilities, tlre County Comnrission oversees the management and distribution o1'cor:nty lunds. The County Comrnission is cornprised nf three comrnissioners who are electeci b,v the citizens of l\4clrile Countv and u.{ro each represent a district in Mobile Countv. ;r.; ,,.. "r i;1. Case 1:14-cr-00291-CG-B Document 45 Filed 01/29/15 Page 2 of 23 "fhe Mobile Ccunty Administrator's Of1lce is responsible for coordinating with 3. the County Clommission and other elected county officials to provide services to the citizens of Mobile Cormty (the "Administrator's Otfice"). 4. Mobile Counly is further sen'ed by various depafiments, which include the Molrile County Revenue Cornmissicln antl the Mobile County License Commission (respectively, the "Revenue Commission" ancl the "License Commission"). 5. The llevenue Commission is responsible lor rnapping. apirriris;rls, assessments, and the collection of ad valorem taxes in N4obile Clountv. The Revenue Coinmission is led and managed by an elected Revenue Commissioner. 6. The License Clommission is responsible for vehicle registration in Mobile Clounty as rvell as overseeing business licenses, sales and Lrse taxes, ancl other services. The License Commission is led and manased bv an elected License Commissioner. 7. In the course of conducting gclvernment business, the Lioense Commission sutrmits invoices to the County Commission for payinent. After these invoices are reviewed by the {)ounty Cornrnissicln and the Administrator's Office, the County Commission initiates payments through the distribution of county lunds. Defendanfs in this Case 8. KIMFERLY SPIITH TIASTIE ("rlASTlE") is Comlnissioner fbr Mobile County. She was elected License currentl_v the Comrnissioner on L,icense or about November 4. 2008 and begern her term an or about January 19. 2009. HASTIE r.vas reelected as License Commissioner on or abclut November 6"2012. Case 1:14-cr-00291-CG-B Document 45 Filed 01/29/15 Page 3 of 23 9. R.AMON,,! MCARDLE YEAGER ("YEAGER") is currently the Deputy License Clornmissioner for hulobile Countv. She sen ed as the Chief Clerk of the License Commission from in or ilbout 1992 or 1993 to in or about March 2Al4, when she became the Deputy License Commissioner. 10. JOHN MELVIN HASTIB JR. ("HASTIE JTt.") is HASTIE's spouse. Individuals Related to this Case I l. Victor T'. Craudrrd ("Crawfbrd") is an at-will contract employee of'the Counf Commissiott. Crar.vford mallages a company that provides infbrmation technology services to the License Commissiott. Crarvfbrd has served the License Commission on an ongoing basis since in or about 1991. The County Comrnission compensates Crawforcl in exchange lor his services. CC}UNT ONE r8tj.s.c.$1349 Conspiracy 12. The Grancl Jur-v realleges and incorporates numbered paragraphs 1-11 of this Sr4rerseding Indictment as 13. if fully From in or about set fbrth herein. l:u/ry 2AD drrough in or about July 2074, in the Southem District of Alabama, Southern l)ivision, and elsewhere. the defbndants, KIMBER],Y SMITH HASTIE and ITAMOI'{A M{]ARDI,E YNAGNII, did willlully, knowingly and unlawlllly combine, conspire, con{'ederate, and agree together with eaclr other and other persons, botJr l