. 'dhaping- .mmsuu mmruna TAKEN BY I - 5' i P. ?l?T-l his?. .--. 12Fin! Sou Drum Win-Tully; Gonna-t alU. Imutm?mm g! irlgii: all. ARRANGE Ian-Inn? "I'm mull-II It [It lu- I'm. Int- II II It l'l??ll. l. lac-II. will II It I ?ll-i. tI- Th I?ll IL. 1.- turn I print-Ir will- h' air-lulu- II Int-I Orin I?v? Allm. I II and. th am?! Inn}. MING urn-nun!? I?m I Int?J! ?II-tumth m?h IMF-hulk lulu-r! Inn-IrII-nlt ill. II II- 3v . I in!? mun-Inn lI In Ito-rue ?Ill. II.- ourll urn-I nut I IIjurlu Iain-l" I'm- Iltockl that rut mm? It. I ?Will ol' or mt hIItI-on utl? tutu- I II lI-?l 0. I. mt- huI. thr- nun-In tn lull! tru- TI. ?rml- to Inq- tug-Ir. all the: InlI II too-II Ian-hot 0" II bl C. Ann:qu II InIn [hl?hlm' 11 1M pun. It turn-1 from I- nd Im- II-rtl thIt I. 1 drlIIr true! hIdId It ml. I-lIum oI I. Column II Ask Bids on 5 Highway Jobs aunt: It tor ill-I and hill-It'll. It Inui- II II hum ?Iqu ?In and Hutu II ch Int-'0? mu Mr UII. Hut II lulull. Ill-Inn: mutt. 'l'IlI #13FOR3 0F COLLISION ?Itde Mu mmumm ?khan-?lmhuu'n truck- chunk If 'tl?II Britn- ru no" It In?ll-II ?l'ltur It Ill-nu Inn-noon 'M?l It Pullo- D. Imus!" will lanth- church. Ir. I va." It Ir. lwlugr. link-I lilri $111": of th- p. I. loan hum Ill-I? Iiirll no"! the II. in Ia Ill-It when tailor-2 Ill our tho IBIILI ITES Mm- I uIdIr- Iu ur. to Mull? II Input-I fl?. II the ?rub. ?unit! ?39' l-Ittin-t It E: ii I I -2: tithe?. 1 I ill-i I 1 ha 1 ill} HISTORIAN . DISCOUNTS ?511me Jun mat-nutm- In. a.ch In ?In. Yuri. ?Inn at I In. It [Int II tutu". Inn 5mm! annular-Ind. II tho II Junk All-mt. rum-Ir It?lu pIuIId lot!? In Iat- Iu Iro- Luutlu to not Imuu ant-II nllom. turn? II: In! I. huh. vIr.? "blt Mcqu thu It [In IuIldn't [or It. UII In II ubtluu to our: It" In ?11- thIt tho Brill-h InplrI II unit. (In ?rst "Inn at In at II I ll?lfll IlrlhI. - HltIIf awn". I'll' II In?llfill" Ir oplnlou. lhIt omen IunnIr thIa II lntIuII-I Ind dldn't to Ian. down In; ultrI-I'Itllul. po- hlurI ha found IJI tho man. Plan In Ill I will! Inlay. "fr-nu MnlIlr doul?l. I'll? Int. "nu wot-anon. and uh. I: utrItnIlr Iluptlul Iboul lhI Ila-u UnItI-d. lulu no: would. IllI ll'l II: Ind. II to wupont ll nurn Mull. II lIrrlbIr II'rIld ul' tI-rulnr. tlnIIu't "Al for I ?up mm" that In 1- ?In! Ill thI work ?will?. fill- 'loI In. It II. pal-mun. InIIhl nun Innurn at thI Il'ltl II- Bod? Names Norfolk Mae-tit}: Place ltoInoh. lurch a. It. HIan 0! I'll- Illt'I'I' Id It Won-rt union II IItl Nurl?olk In ?thou-n [ht pm- at for II. thI alm- ln: It unluu't mur- l?h IInuIl Illd In It tho rum Ilium thin-h. . Dr. Jon ul Nulul'llI. up?uullnl reboot hand It Ibo South"! 3.9-- ml eulnmlun Ind. II. June. I "mud ta th- prllelul lolli- HI I: that ?lo-ll. in. Ruth-I A. II. Donn o! ChulII II prquIuI. Ill nth: IlchrI natal-d ll tom": Ill-I. a. nut lam". In. 0. I. Jana. mum. ?ow-Milli: uln mum? Irduor 1mm. Im- moId. nrmpoulu nut-n: ?lth- uona, roan: Ham:- Ill- Illa mm. H- cordI-nl D. "Irrlu. Ilahnall. mn?lln: ?In. I. Crimp. Mahmud. Thu- II m1. bull-d Iron: Richmond?In. H. It. will. En. N. P. Cam. In. Owl-It lull-d. J. In. nontqu In. I. ll. Hui. urnIll Itrl. . . . ml. Churn?In. R. It. W. Jun-I. N?fl?ll?lfl? . [0 th th- Itoutl luLtquur Bout! Studlu System In N. Y. StIte mutt-flunk? I Illa haul with It IJII Mill'ork ?oat-I" . ?duh II .- (3.. I. "lu'lnd II- . x, s?rmm'ou. Vita.me - April 19. 29. and 11 ?ail-I II I?nl' II Walnut? MAFIA Wail"- tn. In II. u. u. TII lullul lulu-Ilkl from IIM ?inch] an In. Inn-mu In" I. Harm at mlull [m . bun. In I'll II. II. N. Nu Eur-out hr nut bloI-r Iltm-t Oink-Burton. m- nun-w II- II I mum. II in pn- ?l Jim eqt WORK ENDSON ALL PROJECTS MORNING. mm 1934 -- .elpt by P0 From hut-II burn Hak- ?all!? Winth- II hunch-tum!? hill-II. IN UK: ?kin-[tom HIM mum?J I I urn-I tall in" ?an to II I worn null;th "moan mu II Il-Ind In I It'll!" I?ll-Ill Ito-t thou tut bum Easter Music The Church" IlpItIIl Ill II rhurw?su1 untItII. I'l'll Its-a? II 'lltI chum-uh? or thin It?. In?l- of Hi! tutu?: ?ll. hon nettedqu for about!? hour. other; for It" I'll-1h: Irr- Thu um ?um . It. ?llhol I Ila-hell. 'l'l-ll hItI I It Th "Dnth Int! Uh." by will. bl quI lunlIy "Inlnl unh- It 1111 I?lnt rhuu'h. IM IIllnf ?l'utut' Ponyh'l that" II In". 1h atoning hour. two "new nth-Inn rm b- rand . In II Girl-t clinch-I. TII uhIlr at IIlhI-dlnt ?burgh I'll NumIn'l ennu- u, "'l'hI Kill; II I-uulng hour. Th Il-r. hunt- I. 0. II. Cu" at anthem ?turn?. Wall-It?. D. (7.. It lhI IIVII I'I'In-r't It l'rIIulI ohm-eh. Ind II I?t'lou. up.? Iuln. unbound ll? I'IItuhn Mr moral? unm. "JuhllItI II I. run." qum ll Blunt." Intl "CIrlIl. Our Immu- at but hurls-nu In l'hI rhur?tn It. II light-It- In. fun"- [0 lulu IIuIchl puma-II. II tron II: "no. II tor my run. It II tut guru-non for or Iu urrlm II II Mf- Tho mule? II Null, Mludmnuurru?ua Clint?II Tod-r. Inn?. can-m, Our flu-nut. lulu- II- molt. Hr. Dunn ll 0 Illih Blun- II I "ml. I Appointed Assistant Attorney General of State Rhino?. HIM Iuornq Gill-If? Ilium P. II- toll-r Inneumd tho unm- ltum It HInItor ?abut O. No?tl Jr.. at Ion-tr. II lul. mu Jr.. ltII mund. Hf. Nl?ll bill. of I IttoI?I-r HI hon ll Inn of Mint-1. ()le Nl'l'?l Ind MIN Norris. Iron-Into" ?ue-ll? II tloIph-Hmn It-Idomr II Bdt?ntd. HI II I InduItI nl Int-human cull..- or wool If Indium?. Womltn Injured II Car Hits Taxi aunt Iltl A. H. Arnold. mrr?lnl I Ind. or It?d-l, cl- It. Int-hoot, Itnel Ir I ?In. J. n. I'Iunr maul t. lullIIl. Wound II II rhIr hill. nIIr Vnronl. JOHIIHII In. II I'll]. pquuIr lI oIr. rmlud Ihout In to Ita- WI not NH- I'll. new? will a: nu "Ir ?it. thIlr than kl It It. nun-mum I Immune to Il?l'l? I ruminant-Ii In! lulu Nor! L?Intnl ?Imp. I. {Ill-t or ?l'IurI-ur Ilm leH I [or moi-y t? oth- Ir nth. ?tan-I I cup-I Inn?. :24 WP I'll" mm It. Pollutant I. Doom AL In (I. IlgIrp?Il I'm 1mm: II tb- rubI-In tut Blown-Ill II mu II [in (Cain-lid II nu I. Coll-I It 4 ?Ilium Mr In! II "no LII. at Our Lord" hr OIqu ?It?ll i 35 than ll- hull: II I lIttIr for thou- A "tut-this 3 I Asped of Dickm? Natune Is His Story of CW to Mount annual mun. I Ml?tm II IrolI [All It 0" II too, II It II II- ll Incl II II with Ital." tut Chit-ma CIrol" II lull null-It of mull! It In Int mun II Dunn mm II tilt-I II: mun II mutt II It: Might. ??atten. Mum. In IIllIm. II run I. Doll-I II - ff} POLICE ms DEMONSTRATED hind mil?hut? ammo-nun.- ?In?ll-Ilia. "mm It Inl- pk pv- tI-etlnu roundly. In? not. ?In If?. "add Iubn?hl-I Hinton-II. It" and II lip-full" midi-I. II Inn-It l-?ll I.an A. I. I: Tll'lol' Ind . than my mull; Pmitlc'nt II Bil II Allowul II CITY PARK ll'IrIIn-In Illu- duh?[It? I?ll unduly l. rt :wl Lulu-u, mud IN I California Authoritie an AM In Funk Adam, Willa Into TrIp . RIM When Surrounded by Putin. . pl: Iliu- by than to II If no.- putt-lam Il?l?? amulnlm ?at I him Ilium In Ell n- had wn.? ?mun. LIHMII ?not to to "In. I u-n?tun- ?lial-:11 II ?"51 h?w 11"" II In. Hun-r low-t1?qun." "will. "dum- I-I ml nut-?uh. nun-r- I, bu. at you? w_ sinful mu In I II '"im MIMI-I mill norm-mumbut "If" Rosina. I'll: I- {m ball II th- dnuu. altar lam-r F. Jana around It StIrkI tIlamph mu Ill-u ph?d ?dnml undlr "rut. onc- lull-ll I had: while 0mmnull-I I Inn- mm? nut-?u aft-no- II Ink. 5 I mar-r- I I. OI -II- Jrlmulh, chi. twin-I K. Bra-I. In It th- tit-htIn: than. will II Tho-n In, mu tit- I dunno-Intu- I'm 1. Thou-Illu- l-Il- It taro-nutty. I-l. HI lull?u II it? ?ll fir Ii.- II out In later I'd! Il?l. In t- In "t II Arrested Her Quickly Follows lice of I Watt-?: Unlon In I ?soup to ?but thI uptu- If I whom police In con?dent la Funk . an Ola-n. GIRL. on man Int! Iliu Funk Illinka. nutty trap main menu for which Arr?! Md ?It for the truth Iran-t, 1i rl lion and ltItlnl' that In Ilhl for money. Ind . I ll DIOIO 1 . '1 West I .. Ilia-F It?:ng '3 ?1 I: II and Panama when he vi I muldudt P. Dull Ind Sheriff 0. I. Hanan. the uttlu Mud "Gaul?I. lorItIn, In rill-um Hi- If tltII lull-II)t IL in ill" I'Illr I. lnl: my arm Jam - huh. Jon-I quIu-I hill:- II. I dIrI mu II comm-Id I It to ?u tItIlrIph um" Inr lulu-l1" baton lat-n thI Imp. MIMI-I II ?campus. pull? Inuktitut the nth-It. o! I). nu Ill. durln lh- punt, hum I'all. Ital- nun: I'll" to I ?Ilia HIM ?purl lIyr?qut?h - . manI Ilttulh. ?It In nu. turn [It-r tor II ?aunt I [lam Ill. I uuplr. 0! HI- mun. lulu tuv bully null-ll. ll IquInln rubber: ?In. nut In ?un In? Inc-luau ll nullhold ?tutu by lull?- that In an. warm, 1.- In" Inna", Mill tolouut Ilkll. Aun- I?ll" lo Hour- I'll nan-u to I In- at Adam rItImd to ?out I'uloulr. but In!? hlut ml! but not I'll-Id. IM to "Ill'l Ilml Ill . hour. In th II tum-?ltd! sum lulu-u In th- Inn-y d1 . m. Whitman W.- Ind Il- tlud Ml nub: hIIl till. I mu II- . II I?ll-ll [or Ito-? II IAII tn If!? Hutu. Uh- Incl- plII will In. - 0? I-ln'l I cloud II. II 1:15,. In.? If? Arli? . hunt . - I'l?lf. "Will" .4 NIH-I lulu Jou- with nun-r- 3 a Nil-M II Io I Wilm- two I'll. 0? crawl? mm the pun-I51 nil-I Bathtwa Host to Men's Bible cm 3? (cum-II my I. calm to Be ?atom II lull It Ill HI. - In: "in" th- bl 46th Year. No. 69 I'll-m AUDIT IUILIAIJ CIRCULATION. one ?taunton Nerve-limb ll!? a . . n? .33 STAUNTON. Va? THURSDAY MORNING.M i ARCH I935 . I ll" MORNING IHI DUST - STORM - Eons EASTWARD TOWARD TEE ATLANTIC Antoni) -e Flat Plain of the Traffic Paralyzed Al Stifling Cloud Leavee Mid welt: Schoola Dia- cnieaed in Many Town: Becauae of Storm- induced Dal-lineal; Appeal: for Auietance Ruined to Waehirrgton. Kansas City. March blindimr. eti?inp duet atorm. described lay-many plains dweller-a an the want of a nerien that have plagued the in recent rolled eastward tonight toward the Atlantic coaai. Riding feet on a. stiff wind. the great cloud paralyzed traiflc and brought diatrran to human belngli and animaln an it left the fill plainl to which: each dielurbenoee generally have - been con?ned. The meme roe uit Illa- river early tonight and fell on Quincy. Ill. Duet clouda report- ed by the weather bureau at Wuh- inlton to be hanging over the at- lantlci Inboard were believed hint to be remnant- ot'oiher recent ltorrna. Travel Air. rail. and highway travel wal aa the pail of tine-and and loll advanced eut- ward. behoota were diamireed in many Miami-m townl ea darl- and the miothering atone- phero made attidy unpoaaible. 't'he Ialeai atom. adding great: lr' to the plight of drougth au-Iclen agriculture In the plain! Landon of Kama-I. and other farm triumphed Pralident ?ooarvell. Ural the governman to give all poeal ald. might lr'alna were held on aiding: la the atom virtually eliminated viaibitity; pallenger traina were alowed to a crawl. and piano and road travel were halt. ed. nullnrae wal tied up. Street. lighte were turned on In mid-day. blinking eerily in the heavy hue. 'mli lteunton and Anguilla yet learn from actual experience ,Iuat what a duet atorni ll llhe'l leveral walla ago. fragmenta of a duet ltoi'iit were "ported. ?tile mg a. deep hall in area welt of colored lieet. on North Central avenue. 'I?hla wea very light. how- -e'i'er. lnduwaa not generally ob- armed by local people. Dr. Turner Chief Speaker at FFA Event in County An anniveraary banquet of celebrating the fifth year of the or- railtence at Middle- brook. all held there laet night and area charactericed by many oi thoae prewchi an the "beat they had ever lit-coat ?T'he principal apeahrr of the eve- war Dr. H. B. 'lltirner, peater of Bethel Prrabyterlan church. who made an excellent tell: on the lub- Ject oi' "rathera and Taro-minute tallia were given by nine other prominent apealten. halt program opened with airing mualc. piano while the beye and their dado were finding their placer. 't'hia war rendered by a trio of local talent: Irvin Roach. thlil Archean. and Herbert. llall. All remained minding while the in?ation tel-l altered by Ward Dolmen. Thle waa followed by an addreea oi' welcome. by Tommy Glimmer. with Billy Beard making a Mom to the welcome. Hyde Kerr waa toaatmalter for the evening. - singing by the l-tl club giria all hell on the rain and thin nin- gte wal follow 'by I talk on Il'I?ll't to (continued on Page 2. Column II Charge Sprouae Corelceely Set Fire to Forest Richard ape-cull. oi Bprouee'b wal bewght In to Jail in - argumenla. Jury Awards Mlle Blakemorc $2.000 Dellberaiing only twenty mln- ut-rl. a circuit court .Iury bl?diilJll. In a verdict late yeeurnay after- noon awarding ?.000 damage- to Hire Helicon Blahcrnore In her auit againal Decor I. call. roll and Clear 1.. Oohrori Tor Iii- Jurlce received In an autorno'olle accident lalt aummer. After a morning at rebuttal loa- tiniony and legal ?lm over the edmleeloh of :Itatcrnenta no evidence. the lnalructiona were prepared and the lawym on each. aide were given an hour and a quarter to preean their Ii. 0. little. chief of the defendanta? legal ataff. made the plea for the Dolit?ona. while I:tu Carter lip-tried the argu- ment for the plaintiff and. (ther- lee Outfit concluded it. At flee-tumn. Judge Joe. A. Cilaagow informed lhe lawyrra that the time allqu them area up and the Jury to re. tire and make an effort to reach a verdict. in they returned. having agreed to the award of partial to blur Bialemore. and ht'lhelnl to I- tide-c a two-day trial that hal enjoyed wide-pread Inlereet. It could not be learned laet night whether or not the defend- the Willi-'0 declaion. (Genitouedonhgetciilumnal 0.0.9. USES BONUS BILL NEAREST Taber. [autumn-Leader ta Heale. mm.? Bill ll tip.fev lead-a el? 'Ihi-ravagaliee Program? of Prelilent. Hal-cit mph?? ltouae Hepubllcaria employed the bonul Illue la the for a concerted today upon what. they termed "the extravagance program of the Free- ident." The higth O. O. P. Jump-er? rrom thii alandpoint of rank?darn Erprearntatlve Taber. 0! New York. higheet Republican on the. appropnaliona committee centre-ll federal ea pendltureo. "I'hla bill il out here on the floor became of the entravagaricv program of the I?rvlidrni." he laid. ?It ta out here became. inauad of oonaen'lng the reenurcea of the ?unity. tnateed at reducing the eapenlea of the loveman have embarked on the promotion of all kinda of wild lchemal which have provided no reliri trocin un- employment and have incrcaaed the eapanditurea of the government from to HMM.M a year. Del-n1 llama Them ?Frankly. I do not blame the apldier huge for eating for payment now.? one or the ire outrpolien oppo- ncnla of caali bonua payment. Ta- ller atruch at the vary.poinl that ta a lot of Demo-crata who would like to follow the In the teat rotten-e. the moat ef- fective argument laainat paying the bonua war that it would upaet federal ?nancial policiel. How It la argued that if the government can apend tend.- 000.000 for public wurhl elid relief. It can epend It} up adiulted oompcnaatlon ccrlil'i- caiea. A vote on how to pay the honor waa at leaal forty-elglit hour: away. In many met-there today avoided the wrarying hourl of de- bate and worked in their o?leea. 0th a aceltering or were on the poor. Iren mm: H. Bel- greno Jr.. national commander ofl apeedup ailltlailnielnihnlIU-arr. ALL RESTRICTIONS ON SPRING WHEAT PLANTINGS .ARE REMONED Coincr Assisting Federal Men With Their Apple Survey A ltudy of the temperature of different commercial vauetlea ol' applee grown in Auguata county ll being made won by County Agent .1. C. Collier. in with of the bureau of agricultural economicl oi! the U. B. department of agriculture. mm are belite obtained iroin leadlng apple growerl throughout the count-lee whl?i IIill ll'iil'l l-l'ld comparative yield: of varioua cor- ruptinding varieth of applea and oocnparatlvl prim. Age of dialance between trees In the orchard. and the roll type are giv- en careful oonaldcratlon in thaae aludlea. The age at which trade of ?foul me into will?. the approllrnaie age at which they reach the height of production. and the age at which they are no longer of [in?atable value will be carefully The aiirvey will all-o mow the Ill Um each 0! iCohtintIed on Page 1. Column Ii- ND Wil- lh' lilo new developmente have - In place in police efforla to re the myatery of the identity of the thief or thievra who broke into the J. Eh Filmy ltorl on Well Beverley atroet during the early morning harm of Heron It and made off with twenty or their- Ilt?d men's will It The theft acclaimed no foal to the more. however. al A. V. Kre- ley. the manager. elated last night that the apparel waa fully cover- ed hr hurllarr lneurancr. rare; ti: Hit it Eigiigg I ii is ?ee-rotary Pearl ?heat Shortage If Another Dreagbt. already Threatened. Aet-wallr Ocean: Ill Hal-veal need In Beea ea healil el' Amalia noel-earl. Wuhington. eo?oh? Fearing a wheat lhortagl If lilo other drought-already threatened ?occiire. secretary today announced removal of all tioha on of apririg wheat. Thu action followed art.- or the year?a I'iret crop report lhow- ing that [Ifl'l'll?l'l Intend to plant 11.81.1000 acn-e of spring wheat." compared with the acraa planted In not. "The drought quite definitely oontlnuea" in parta of the Walt. Wallace Mill. adding that a wary of Ihe lltuatiori led the adminis- tration to the conviction that ?in view at the poeeibllily of another drought. which would lerloualy ai- fect the output of wheel. the gov- ernment and [aroma have a duty" to protect conlurnerl agallut a wheat lhoriage. Bigger Ill'irvui The aeerelary eatiniated that far-niece will plant an additional lull of today'l action and would harvest between 10.000.000 and id.- MM Il'ior'lt. Spring wheat ie normally about one-room of the total wheat crop. Any aurplul of wheat which may accumulate be taken care of by the "ever- noircnal" granary plan. or the line- ing of react-vee- to be held lean yeah. he aaid. lecretary Wallace aid that while wheat had been reduced II) about normal. MO 0' the fl-t- torl which to the lm lurplua. luch an the loan of for- villi write-ll. had been removed. Ho laid that. maequenlty. the waa preparing to place in ei?fect the ever-mat plan. Any aurplua would be ltorad on the [arm under government loan: until the following crop year. when a further reduction in acreage would be made to bring the total luppty to normal. The crop rapid-ting board ulti- mated national plantim of eigh- teen cruel. not including Bolton. at 15.110.? urea compared with the extremely short harvested acreage o! MAM-W acrea In it?. which retained from heavy attendee-invent during the growing aralon roliilted from an lationoftri- creaaedfoeelgnea at 't - Maker or Kilian The quit rill Loulellna pariah to be- eerne nltlenel of Huey Lonp'e ?ehera the weallh"'proorlm. le. ahpwn no he geltlcuiated In I New ?ee. Gerald K. who York Advocating the "every man a Help" platform. he predicted enrollment of 1! million under that banner by curtail-nae. Phoiol TREATMENTS ATTACHED TO low BILL Adminlatratleo Iapportera ta Fro-n bet Fatty Wall Are Hill-l t?onldeni ef Flu-in: Inna-? llavtng White Heaae Approval Tile Wed. Weanington. Hen-in mere?We amendment-a that cauaed adminta- tratlon aupportrre to frown were attached to the work relief bill today. but Democratte Ieadrrl atlil predth of a White Home approved meaaura week. Btnator Chrter Glall lulu-I'd and fretted. in hie e?int to debate .bui the aenate en- gaged in aavaral tau: . formulate-idem .000forpub- lie echo-ole out of the litll'b J?il?'l total. "lildicalioita are that a final vote will not be rracln-ri tl.tl .ll Satur- benator Robin-on. of Arkan- aal. laid a hit wearin. The aenatc late in the day began. on the propane! of Senator lami- lette IP-Wllil to falla- already hell total In the bill lo ?0.000.000. iieadrra Indicated they would drive for a. vote on the amendment to- manner. lie defeat certain. Earlier. two niodil'lcationa of the bill were adopted which required that all money for highway con- struction. rivrre and liarborl. re. clahiationl and public. building pen- Jocln be undertaken under the di- rection oi the government depart. rnente which ordinarily would have lupervt'llon over auch projecta. The achool amendment wee ro- poled by senator cutting 111- HI. Adopted by a i'lfty-fl've-to-twenty. five voice it would trial! the money available to achooll to loop open from April I to the end of the eehool year. The amendment. Ia not mandal- nry. but Cutting told the aenale it. would allow the Preaidcnt to al- ?W?Itl?lild Dt?l Page 3. Column ll STILL HOPEFIJL 0F ARMS LIMIT Interview el'tloal hill-y" ae [elation fee ?We Ante Killian Fulle- reelected: Dale-ea Dollar!- ef Over Ara like?I. Wilhle larch lit?tn?A tranaatlantic catenalon of the "med neighbor policy" ll tha lo- lulion ror Europe'a acute.milltant problem were projected today by Frealdanl ltooeevelt. while. on Cap- Itol hill. ramrd-unaahing national drfenac- outlaya totalling more than ?500900.000 were diam-ed. Dila?nacnent. the told mew-venom. I: a component part. of hta policy, and. dupite Ihe crlaia rrauitinl from announcement of a determination to realm. the Chief naecutlve etili held out hopee for future limitation. In Direct Teach Heenwhiie. the United dtatn wee brought Into direct touch with the European aituation. for the firat time. llir John Hinton. littl- lah ionlgn minister summoned ltay America. American charle d?aitatra in widen. and lave him an outline oi! Britain?a [nel- IJou for here. At the lane time. mm: ?wanaon told. newapapennrn the navy waa oorie-iderit'rl plane 10! building hitleahlpa alter prelenr limiting treetiee expire and war not deviating from It! program 0! (continued on Page I. Column 5: Bring Picture of Misery After Tour of South Richmond. "arch "vldon of wealth? two Brill-h women had of the United state- changed. they laid here tonight. to a picture of ?the moat. frightful nueery and. atervation' during a trip through the southern cotton- relalng atatee. The traveler-a. am. h?aoml ?it- r-hlaon. of tandem. and hire. Zita Baker. of Olfoni. arrived here to- a we I-hnown platrorm epeak- lngtand. la the daul'lital? oi Hairline. Ingliah eclentiet. ra hater la her traveling oom- Directed by Norman former floclalili. candidate for proeldent. the two women hit New York right well: ago and traveled through mm. Ariana-ea. and other dodthern atatea The plight of alien-Emmer- intereaicd them the meat. they laid. Treated title Animate "me ahare-cropt'wrl. Negro and white. are treated Iile animate by the land-owning clear-ea." Lint-Ili- chtlon laid. "We went Into home after houle. illnuy. Ilnlt? tum hardly more than cardboard. and found whole familirl living In room: and eatlne onlrcorn- mral and water. people are evicted at will by the tandlorda who will pull gun- and alto-oi. them when they do not move out flat enough. The poor alien-croppin- are too poor to ply poll lane. and hencedo not vote. he a omiaequenor. the poll- tlciane tum relief fund: to other ell-ea. leaving the poor deriia to Item." REQUEST PRESIDENT T0 RIGHT VIRONG DIINE Columbua t1. Hatch 31-m? Aligning menilelvee aoildly_behlnd Governor Harlin Davey in hie relief ooilitrovrray with. Barry L. floplrina Democratic member: at the mile lrltaiatiire appealed to I?ve-idem Rooeevelt late May ?to tiaht. the arena which ha been d?ld Otil' They adopted unanimoully in Joint caucua a reloiutloli coli- Itentning "the gratuitoua inault di- rected at our Chief Incentive" by Federal H09- llnl. and. pledged Date! "our al- legiance a a a in ht- court-econ: illhl elalnai hate and ineffi- ciency in the admil?il-ltration of nutter." The Democrela acted alter Front ell W. Pouteon. their etate com- mittee chairman. plunged Into the Davey Hophlna con?ict and charged Republican Itn high. gov- Should Notify County Agent of Farms That Can Be Used in the Rehabilitation Program anyone havingafann thatcui habilltetiooprog?otihallem notify the county agent of the according loan announce- 1- ernrcient offloal "have betrayed the Preaident." "Al loyal Democrata." the Iutlon laid. "and aa nipportere oi mourns Well. we do hereby call upon the Maiden of the United dial-l to make full and. complete innatigation. to right the wing which ha: been done our Governor and to forthwith do live thinge that arv eo urgently to eliminate new and lnei'ftclencr. and to te lnhurnan practloee ed nit-team agentl of the rclicf commie-Ion.? ?nie "wroligl" alleged Include Hopkina' charge that fir-ma locking contract- with the atate relief aluminium-um were ?ehaaen down" for JIM by the (lovemor'l campaign committee. Davey reuliated with I edit for criminal il?br: the rellci? chief and dared him to me to Ohio to ate-rid trial. if Cove 31. a . p.'ew1' Ieme 'Ilvylenold boyl mlohl celebrate their eaeenelen to tiln'ahln by doing away with achooll entirely. but not Anande er tiara. He?e? enema at bookvvorli In a tail hle elaea. Prue _heio] eanne. l-veltlerlend. ache-oi. where he heed-l ANNIHILATION 0F N.R.A. IS ADVOCATED BY _EiiTs REIT DEAL 0N TRIAL Dali "Hr endu- Im live-'9 Bodi?s of 3 of n. em; Hill-tan num- neon-l the at My Granola-ill. a II I Ill:- [lave-?ew! Wane than In tare-re. Waaliington. Idle-ch lip-irile the tunnel: rule of milling al.- aged. Clarence Darrow Ilollt'lit?d doth in hie chair before a comic committee today to drawl an Indictment of ?lm which. brought a altarp reply from an of- ficial of the recovery orgalilaalion. Darrow. paralinalcal combination of genial philna-Jpher and ahrewd criminal lawyer. put the whole New Deal orl trial before It! etabbhil adminielratlon have made him fammu. lirgee Annihilation The veteran deft-rile attorney urged the annihilation or NRA. but Hiltman. member of the agency'l admlhieiraiion board.llier told the finance committee that. the abolition of the recovery or- ganleatton would be iollowcd bit 5 Crush Victims Are Inteved bodl of promote youhgm Eve :1 tenchburl mole who turd in I burninl autoimer realm-day near Nannie were buried In Bpring Hill and the body of the fourth will be lent tomorrow in- Airaandrla for Interment. follow- ing funeral for all four here afternoon. The body of the fifth victim of ?It lrI-lrdif. Dolmen lrnal'll. waa lent tonight to Fort Worth. The. Benin-e for Mt: Ilary Janney namwell. daulhter of Dr. and Mn. Wufl?l Carleton Bamwell. were held front with the vcrhal rapier that m, Paul'a church. ul' which her father waa coir-e rector. Joint Iervirea for William Carey Barker Jr. lWilliam Celtic Waite. and Hill Mary Imit ngon were held at Iho home or Mr. and hire. Jamel Owena Waite. interment for three we: cemetery. mill! ltarnwell will be lntel'l?l?d at Alexandria. The quartet of boya? an "unemployment aitualion worae um pertahed when mm H. than Ill 19-31-13.? Hil tired Voice orcaaionally ahow- lane at the one which mart-d den bunt into liantee alter collid- ing with a light truck driven by Binaitl. who traveled for a Chal- m'mif mud-?60d tanooga medicine concern. He war. new laid the rich were I'll'hlr'. lh? POOP- tlml'". ll??l ill-ll. machine and Into the road by the' The lolulion wal "lociallern." A huge- crowd. which tool: available Inch of room In the mar- ble-lined committee room. laulhrd at Darrow'l humoroua quip- althe exp-rule of the New Deal and Iain- ld the bald-headed ell- rector of the nalional advlaory angle?. who we: elated than to Alla strengthening liillrnah. alnioat Item In mien. lain-d that the recovery law be rather than walk- lMien New Deal pollclee werein- lugurated. the former labor leader aid. the country wee ?drifting to a oompiete alagviatloet or Induairy." would. hate to Ihlnl what would have happened If the new had not come In with tie new pollriaa." he added. (Dalililtled dill I'll! 3. Oulumn ii Four Fi tried by Trial Justice Alexander Unwi?ord waa found Iii-lily in the trial lultice?a mutt yuterday ol parting och. the Ill-Il- are. highway without llgiite on hta automobile. Deputy Bheriff H. I-farn area the complainant. and Judge ahrehan Impaled a It tine. pine at to coats. Chance agllnat Harry Fry. of allowingadogtorunaliarge. weal H. A. Gregory wal found guilty or havihe tilt-la! liquor in hta pal- l-ion and drew a line of 135. with HIM Ln oolta. and waa aieci given I l-l'l? mm: Wk]. untence three monthl' map-ended lentlnol mantheabdlaweand?eu- laal Jamal Cirque-y. tried in outline- lilied when thrown clear of hla Impact. Illusion! neg.? Used as Theme by Dr. Wagner Telling aa hie tlicrno three mu. aical note-a, Dr. ilnland wagnrr. paalor of the Central Hamlet church of Norfolk. told the litary midi-lit body yeeterday: "Don't let life be it flat. Don?t be one of thoec people for whom haa becoer a warmed-ecu pan- cake." "You an on a platform where you are reeling awhile. Out in lli'e you can't be A flat. You are In the making hrre for a new ant-try to offer at the some of tile after ymi leave college. "Juli feel that life ta lreenend- tioria Don?t get fed up with Ihinla. And it natural. Then- if a dlvilie diwrlily In iOonIInue-d on Page Column di HIST HIITING m- n. n. none-non Til i ll HELD ON The Met annual meeting of Federated Home Denlorlatretiol'l clone of rinrrhern Virginia all] be held In the metal room rll? the Hrthodial church in Chart-elim- ville Thureday. April A. at. ten-thirtr a. in. and laatlnl all day. the. F. F. June. of at A Hall. with the am can. I'll Theda! tobeol'utl- found "idem Milli Internal. and 'I?ul-acily for havingaar club-entitledme Alumni-moo. .Ielbum' . . . wuf- 4 new i- I rnment Wins Strong Con?dence - EVEN KINGS HAVE TO STUDY in upon: ion I Vot a Britieh. French, Italian Core I. to Hold Direct Britil in?. Some aa Ehe3 fourl?en'lml to Hill11? Annotated Prea- mum. larch ?r-it vote or in min. for the Mil lovern- . ment'a eilorta to curb (lemma-armament today follow-? cineer ?eet-lone of the French. and Italian gum to hold direct diam-lone ot the. l'nbll?'l. . Great. Britain. yieldlu to Flvula and Italian inlilte?noe. agreed to abandon diplomatic nuptial.? . and lend Capt. Eden. lord privy veal. to Peril for the tri- daybeforeldenaodairJohrI-p anon. Britiah fmlg'l'l' annular. to Berlin to more with Adult '5 i 8 2? French notlofmh lirered to the Berlin government tooiorlow. which. timely-clad. wouldcrilicilemuehmoeaw ihanthetondonpeelaealhe ?l violationofihaarmaeientapeovi- Ilhnofthe'tlereaitleetreaty. came the ooucitry?a and laid: ?can edible with. the lathe - :were In other apeahrra declared Ole-h nieny'e army now numb-era ii?. 'men. with reevrvle mumated at 1300.000. alerted the reich lepre- paring "router we: heat oil mow tone. and. predicted territorial pro- of the Vermiliee tueta. which tool: luch former Dermal. erraa aa Donate. the meri- rior. hlecnet. and M-m from her. would be neat to go by - the board. Analoua lo tighten holida France to Ill-Ilia and Italy. French govvnunent plane to lend. Pierre uval to Ito-loow. the chamber of deputi- to up for dlecuaalon tomorrow Franco-Italian accord- La lie-rind Hue-alibi mod at in Hoeoow. nil'afl?w?h?e. rial and eeml-o?lclal pee-e Linued bitterly critical Hritain?l "diminution" (I?m-l ?war i tiriliiri nin ii Egg 2 ae encouragement to Hit-10f. trepidatich quarter-l in neweplaper certainlywouidbaoalledlnlo Warrant-tiller: 1 - No Definite Clue . to Milling Clark": Mil-Ill gtii?ti Slit it ii a- 1.. I'll Hill-IN I Hut 0 THE EVENING LEADER .VOLUME NO. 53. no. 79. ?he of Deena of nee-talu- . STAUNT ON. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 18. 1936 Ia-I-ee of n- .Itlloeta'hl full PRICE TWO ia?s Strum BEGINS QTASK . -0F Its not it putt mu noon IN FALL or IAIN. WOIKNEN TACKLE 10! All? DAHMIHS 161' Illi RECTIUNH CITY IlE?'o'll?'I LUHSBS. Ml. out today. in My to rlettr up the wreckage and cart-r- ill. I tlitubie gun til' the eliya bualneat altei' Illa-M had tuutltletl. Both pub-tit. aiiti luta?'ll were adtnittotlly greater today than were eaturuttru tuttiiedtalety toi? hill); the Hand. 1t wga that it'll!? I.in Will ill ?laUIiluti would equal titmatti. 't'iir tlty It- aell reteltrti. dattinirr- Ii?um the Halt-Lt uu. l-?ilt?ll ltu: mu. In an "when by Mayor William A. 0min?. Layer of Hull! The nut-Hun. ui tilt" rtty. ?hllt?llu on tll'lti atriiut. itr'tt' tally with pet-tin! at out. Waited on the meet:- auto llu-ula Irtundati-tl out-titligt when the ruid [Allin ctr-ea returned to In neth site "out lauit ot the Wrote.? Butte l?italiltll. titta a. retitaole It'- at mutt. t'hlrl' dell-etc to lltli rili' In done in uypuy ilut trnere a. unall run. turned trout in pith by a Inuit-titre wept astut- the [rut-t tat-n. neat- Ing a trench in the ground that reached a depth or tour lect in one tutu. i-it'lt wella along the plied. litre-tn catitru a'lray ariu baht- 'i.rle- tum utmtt. Intpertiun Ia Made Kayo: utuortt. acttuttpunied by Count-timer: acne in. uratton anu Undue and City Matr- nel- W. ?till. made a culltuaetu tour at the city tin. rimming to tilt"! the damage clone to city atmta and pioper.y. In the ?ll?l?ilif at alum they Matt-n that later utlit?r Inuit. of the hood may be uiacotered to ut- I:ch that brauhtoti ttret-t it-otitertt their poatt at. tour o?rlorit ll?llti tnornritu alter letting to order the buddy damIgeu Hiddirbimit atetiue arm other auerla when: water 'l?ueedity ind made little til. imim- Ibit. 'ttie title-tulle. at the bridge on Midalelnuult em pat- Italy allied away. but. a. teme- ary pan arm-t eu-cteu llahtliy by thiath rrutitrn until! that era. bet uteri today Bi: truck Ioadt tit tumorr. adept Irum tho ilol- tutu Lilli eere Iiautrtt Way and the brtute waa lur ttallic. Everywhere today hut-Ila be- to clear the atreett of ileum-t and Jill. Midurebroolt ate- title in wanted rlr-att. although toga. lumbel. amt mutt ltill merit toe higit mint ol the flood along ?ue aideu oi the meet. lit the peak at the liwd. water tlnwed our the :aiiruan lrach on the lower atrnue bridge. atrlugr 'it'ret'aed Tho bll-tllt' Leela creel: litiuomotuoit tyenue the atom yaroa waa lying partially Iu tilt: cit-etc titia mottl- utg. It had oer-t. wanted out uI' line when the item erotic. The Bridge to the property ul' the Che-tapeaite and :eIIlI?l)?. which la reap-minute Ior iur main- tenuiee. The only entrance to the atocltyetda too-y eat a. land?ll Intrutte. moioyeet oi the Ilotnintrer corn- ?ny were but} up piece- ol lumber been. Ii'rei- the ll. and (I. llIta. The lumber had ?that at. tar at the lowlanda below the Virginia. lohool [or the Deal and the Iliad. When eity began their that of. cleaning up Hiddiebmrit I'Mrttie lea-t night they were forc- Id to clear may a. debt-it ol aIit over. eighteen inches ?not 01 the mud wan hauled. edgy on trurira. err-tie the ne- latnder Ilaa warned doen tee- l'hng? Ilte nutte? ?l'be ol Wti'iieaboro and the 0! New Hope. Weyen dare. Ht. moon. and rem. na- daaoe and 0mm tecttont oI au- gute. enmity eere plunged Into damn-rat about tevt-n ueioclt at bar. were aeepl down by twoileh more. the northern actor the etty oi llama-oration had poet-r alter Ia: bolt-ct. About ntne o'clock int night. the Stattnton telephone twitch- lined! were delugro l'llh calla and In harnpet?t'd to a ton- extent due to many Ion-t lIateI being out or order. and ever titled Inna diatanee ctrcuita out. uptrtiori ear unarumoua that the of! ?auntm?bote the brunt til due to I'lde in thta im- mediate aection of th vtliey. tewit cruel. a O. Gd. 3: FLASHES lmployeea at the public aerv?lee deportmeot. on ate- tiue, waded Into the atablet Jun-l beloee the flood rearth in peak to lead to thirty tour of the rity'a horaoa. The horas tom taken out in the roomy and atabled there. Tera aged teatdehta at Bridal tireet arm removed [turn their home then later ?lil'il 0" the llret door. They were taitcn to the home oI lrlendt. Numbered among the lot-ea of the city Irma Ital! ear-loud of cement waa thorougth cloak. ed the eily plant. The National Ill-cult rompahli' anti the I't'uit rottijiarty were both "digging out" at mud thta morning. Plr?t boulevard area covered with meter-rel Ieet of water the late and a culee?. Iront ol the home of 1. W. H. Peyton. watt teatlted any. The barrel of the ttrrain vrere badly waalred. although the tairuroundt welt covered with mild. city uftirialt rapture-d utlalhetim that little damage Itatl been done there. The eattem end or the race irarit eat Inland-ted lhla morning. Titanic in many teetiotu or the rlty were Irregular mont- lng. but workmen were them an. tent at prwibte. it Im rapiained that the high water had ranted elreuiu tn litanyI wirea. tltut putting the elgnait out of order. Garner: of ramp: in Deerneld valley and the Van llt? acetic-n eapreI-tetl fear thet the! hell auflered emitter-bit- darn-?. but few definite reporta had dril't- ed In thla wanting. Attemple made by City hit-truer Hall to get Intorntation iront the North rivet darn were lrultieu. The line to the home of Steve Myer?. aupen-uor ot ?lhvl' dam. rraa down. It lalge part at the dlmage tell- lered in the Iota-lend the V. a, D. It. when: tee-t- rier-r. Ieahrd away a bridge on the Near Hone road and ruined I tan- lending to the Viminia Public denied eotnpany'a tub-Italian. II. C. Uayliart. alt employee at \f 3. LI. B. I'ho Ilene in a home near the creek. hastened home Inom ml: yehteeday alternooh in little to get hit eile from the home! before the ?ood eat-eta would have cut of! their map-e. The Imuae tree aurrotinded by water. CI-aylta'l't aald morning that he planned to move. The Baltimore and Ohio teach were badly waahed in aeteral plan-a hear the Urn-nettle avenue tindeipw. Worth-ten went- repatr- tne the trun today. atauntoit came chore to bring in deciliter-A laat night when om oi the main near the B. dr 0. Italian became and Inner: at a dangerous angle. City of?cial: Il'lt?l they were told the city would have been plunged Into dartneaa II the pole had toppled m?el. Mayor Drubert atatetd title monta- Iite that name oortI-Ideratton mIi? be given to a flood control project he a mull of Lewla creel?a owl'- Mimi. Well: me to a depth 01' elglt- been Inches tn the Willtam ll. Bryan and company building. but per-Lthahle tn-rehanttLI-e war. mot- tConunut-d on Page 2, Col. 51- Big . Rive orwnya ville Hat Six Feet Area; Two Deatha One in Augmta Virginie. were reported today. rein bother! the elhle'rt Ialtr Itelgirte and towns. retell a. Ion lrtte for the body. Smaller rlt'era of ?Talent earn. the and the Nor puehintr into lhel watt rt?ltt?l'ill?l?' toward the high running itllt let-t dealt in the Huerta t'r! Ill)?. lirttlit?lt of N. W. The most ?'itIl'ltIll'l?lltl ?n (HT. and national A national ?tl?rll lrnin v. to help realms normal lilo wtiral eirtee lhtI 1389 ?oor]. litti'ttl'i. Into many million: 01' County; Report Record Heights. ill the lilltlit'tlt level alnee 1913 liver oil the Hunt the Approo?limg Smaller- Streamdere Turning lrtto Major Wat- Hetivy Amount of Water: Scotla- of Water in Bulimia?! in Vi initt. Including orient Pointt srrunon 1T EASTERN STATES MORE MENACING lay the .t-orlalod from Two death: from drowning itt rusting Ilrml water: In more Iilitlt'l' and rivet-n inward record ?oatl Honith Patterson. a rent-ire u-nrl-tor. was drowned in the rlt?el? today when a hoot carrying member: of the Lynritliurg crew repaired while trying to Lll'l't'll. Walla. an elderly Negro. was In liitt in the Wiltch of rreeit. four rust of Statin- nfl?let'rit tit-titty Mil-it?ll along creel: and Middle river to walrlt \?irnitl?ln. Jaelt- th. early today after 1' lint the James river eel merit in you - . . Mayor Bruce. of enltl llie fl't'lm? 'll'iet'e' ultitt Will! of the it'll in llrlel'tt ?f river nl?tr-r roach- itiy record level at thrre It. t't?iiltt?tl ftl. own. sound inst ititrlit i'runt tit-coitll lil?l'lt'lt lty Ruoritt \?lnln tian ?rt~nirti1 Witter trt'er port of litteiitt-rut lil't'lltill and damage oi. anion, of 1.000 feet rt'ntll'tt-tl 't'hIIt-t' l'nrt liitrlit-Sl elitt'e IHTII. ?entry In!" of Life rule in yearn tlrruiigh and other nortliehtiorn elutrm ln-tltiy. ntniiy ritiee and running a heavy lorut of life, wnlern recedotl from the flood- ed lli?llt'lli or Joltnatnwn. rirtintr rIt-r-rrt Plilt'wlil'i't' the East brought new tunes of ?ood To lttitl to prevent rm ttppottl for help from the stale ]ioliee. the 'an en route from In winner INTIM- tt'trl?t? ?ller! for lay a alxleetol?ml aur'rro nf water?lite At learnt three permits Initl their lli'l?fl lit ttnr! nehi' l?ltlt- rlanntut- nu chuncuwun SCHOOL CLOSED REST OF WEEK Principal It. It. Goilitit tn- nottneea that rial-lea at the Church- ville aehooi have been tutroded until Monday. Due to aeep . there it. five feet of water In bwment and eighteen int-hell In in other. a bridge on the Deer- l'itld roId Ir'aa wuhtd out. and it It impoulble to get children train that area to the Churchtiite aehool. Thu combination of led echo-oi ol?ttala to turpend trot-Ir until the of the week. TIINKLI autumn INIIUIJINCI FIRM Marti: 'Il Lee 'h'intle waa reelected net-al.- dent or the dhenandoah Life In- auraiwe moan: and. other were reelected or Will be reelected. twelily-one dlieetora aim ere reeleeted. at annual of the atochholde?l and board of of the rornpany here yet- tent". With to per rent of the alocl?. repreuetitrd portion or by proxy. atochiioldeta reelected the direc- tora, penned a. rueolullon ol appre- elatiott lor the donduct of the.I bun- :uiu In 1915. and heard the ornat- dent?a alatement that in the lint tIo month.- ot Int approaurtateiy to per cent mono theorem hu- iehrn written than to the rim taro montl'ta ol 1m. hmong dleectora reelected are w. 1. Driver. at Mt. money. and W. II Gardner. ol' Waynetbbro. WATER 1?0' FEET COVERS CUMBERLAND BUSINESS AREA CUMBERLAND. lid . Haneh ll? lrl'r?I'lond trait-re ended. in angi'!I tenvfoot-deeo torrent-a through the main atreeta here iIIt night. drove hundreda of penal: from their Ito-thee. and piled up uneaiettlaled damage. The fury ol the high water ruth- ing in from the rain-Ilium: Pato- tnac rIrer and Wills creek tum-Med lihti eorrt in 11'! ?it! olden inhabitanta ol thia city of nearly WM. ltetela In?ated MM and emruaton were heightened by the fall of tillht and a downpour of rain that began ?may night and continued lie the ?ood water! crept higher and higher. the two Iti'gnt hotelt and the poll-re hud- aotaii ttuariera eere evacuated. All potter. i'lrvutrn. muom' and veteran druid-:- tlona were Itaatlly mobilitrd to aid the dlatmaed rlti?mhlp. lied Grnetl headquartere were aet up and the Itlle art-nary waa thrown open to tumult ahelter for men. lot-tern and children folded from th?r Don't-H In low-lying all-lion! Between nine and ten 9. m. I drenching rain that had ateadily lor twenty-tour hourt. ?opped and the atom tarot out. bringine hope of ultimate relief The inruth ol water toot-i tintened and Itt etae in. the atreeta Iron-t approximater tla Inchea an hour to one inch. Ily that time. the ?ood current In the area to atrong that It gamed automoqu along with it. Flau- I?il'idnl'a here bro- ten by Ita three. rt-ct ?ickered llneqr'eln- .y time: with a l?if? tint the laminated on Par I. tail. Ii. WASHOUT HIT BY MACHINE: WOMAN HURT Chamomile: March ld-li mar-him- cmitaiitltiu three rieiurtn lrl'il'lui?lt?' Cecil rrl' Hui. llprinua, ran Into a oathout rear Mt. Elliott florinitt Int:I Turt- tlay and MP woman in the party eraa no badly injured that the had to apt-ltd the night at the home oi Dr. and hire T. W. ol ?he ten rut about the fate. [ml was able to be ill- en home today. ?ee-lite of damage In the high- way bridge. direct travel between rortlteirk and l'lft not with tudl'if.? howl-er. the gen- eral Mtuation lied in turn an extent that Ichtruit operat- ed normally. Claw-r e-en- Mit- pended Wildly bfle oI h1 h teeter. BODY 0 NEGRI) tut . IS FOUND Th0 Indy of [rt-?le Weill. are - thyme-old Regen who I'll awe to Irh lath In the raging teller! all t?brletlatt ere-h. ware merited alt-eth- alter rte-n one tip Ian-rt of A. W. Irvine. hey what tin-re Ihla alter- rtrton by Dr. 11'. Campbell. mute oat-eater. Well- I'll. era-ling Ul- Mf- beeol bridge In I he?. merri- partlod Ir Me madam. when the twirling rater-a eraahnil hie ?le-tr rehlrte Into the tit-eater. The youth tree ever-ad alter elletging t- a. fettee poet lor three home. Dr. [Temple-II Hit! the belly of Wellg I'd-lid Idll'i ?all-It bank hear the apet when he waa ewe-pt lees the b?dge. rtaer Danna-rut raoea nit-It dll?' azmaup HULIIOUHI, HItire, Malt-it ll. ugly-The lira: desert-er t'ler- mgny't new Iomet "rented by frettrii twittllea iaM night after ?rimming the. [thin-e. The young net-mar. reputedly told the Preneh he "could no hinge: bear- Ilfe in the third reieh" ~and heated to he allowed to mill in frame. HIGHWAYS IN l??l Ol? AlTl'll'?'l'A ROAM RIIJ: LII HIGHWAY ll MLI. RIGHT TO Ill'l' A'l' BLOCK- ID. The title depot here. in a rut-pm haunt late after- noon. third that preettrally I?rl mndary In hitgtiata roun- Iy were impel-table became of either hlgli water or broken btlderr. The Valley plae in. grand. than-r north lrom dtauhtort at tan In Btzaabtira. but war. blocked there by mar era-eh. Fruit ltreti- Ilti? to road uilden water In many placer. The pl'kr. eoutli of Ilatinto'n. war in good condition at far ea liuthanan. hilt ll'iene I'll blocked try tort-rel let-t oil water. lead lIet. 0. I. mart from ataonion to Way- itl'hbtw and chariottetvilie Ital Iatti to b- In peat-able condition afternoon. the road tram lteunton to I'lul- ialu- gap In in good but route Ii. man. Clifton Me. binned by a bridge Imitt-It lug-r united by Dal-9 th mer. mad Iran been blotted alm'e- t-etlerriny afternoon Route tour. trot-n in ltilloti and from "Irritant-toll tn the weal Virginia line. In atili blocked tftemuon. Hutu? SID. M. and T. in and about and mm Roll! were all blotted by high water. freebie Neat- Ileertorr The highway depot annaurtred that It learned at noon today that the bridle between .?traatiurg and Rivertrin. over the hot-tit fork to! the alienatith titer. had wellh- to itarliy. blot-ling traf?c that aeolian. [loath throughout the etate Hr! laid to be In bad condition gon- eraily. The road between ?aunt-on and waa blotted by the Middle river at M'a bottom bridle Motorist-t could not tea-eh that point Iltemoon aa gul- ' iee. Intro nor-titted Into the road. fir-ruled Ute highway I that tita- tame ol Moran'a plaee SULLIVAN IMPROVING 1) ll' lulili'ali. Cralati'ilie me- rit-rile who wait atrutk by a. train ynalemiay. on reported to be Im- proving rtoernaliy at the Klild'a mom": hotpital today. null!- t'ati received a badly fractured ire. arm the track were hie arid family. He was lollowll?il their machine when the low ear which he ea.- driving trea atruclt. and demolithed. by c. a 0 train No. I. ECTIDN I?'ill Lia. Hart-h ll ul'r? ?I'he Ctiottahooelte county grand Jury I: regret over iyrtehlng 01 Phillip Haber. Heard Laken lrotn Eli-nil J. T. Van Mom by a mob l'rltlay night. but atld riri evldence an to the identity of any of the membera ol' the molt waa available. In the general pro-ntmetrtt re- turned by the body. it ??tr'lhl'd the incident II a "motor-able ar- air." The Juror: had before them Blunt? Van Horn and tree debu- rho aeounpanied him to HI- non to remove the Neero to Go- lumbu-I tending trial It! en thll'll'd with attaching one woman and hating another and I mu. Ill Uitlb I'ldlt? DI Wd?lltl?t?lm?. Hatch II -t . wt replaced lip-rah: liyrna' gavel yeaterdav to keep the hrruae in onion on Petrich'l day. II, {The apgaler. himtelf a virtual yhipony-In-greert before the alter- hor?m very lat. watt pre- aented u-te green Inc-'1 by Repretentatlvr Hartley. rlit. fl. He aaid the wood in the Intilalieh I'I?'il from inland. Iyrna em a bunch of Illill'ie men. an. morn-tout green carna- um and a green necktie. _Mo?o? mt! IUNII. WOMAN IIADI. KEITH I ll. 6.. March "?ranny" Bhuford. eighty-eight. reluaea to become an Invalid. Twentyonve year: ago the wt: totally blind. then regained be: eight. Ihe Ioet and regained It again and apellt twelvu year: in a wheel chall. Today tho work tirelessly. knit- on her nineteenth bed-tweed. Io- alto nae to not. Record Flori SOME SECMDARY . 0F WAYNESBORO Marrlt IL- Thlra city today tit tickling Iheltaah or rieanlng no alter nite- at the want. ricotta In years. Due to high l?llt?l Illt': plant la . Tum divtaiorut tn the and weaving at the do Font plant are not in opt-ra- Lion. Ihta being: the first time the big plant hair been entitled by ?ood wetera. which atnnd 1mm aid to [outta-er. deep on a-eetiom oi! the tint Ito-or. - Hat-1y Burt-menu lit the low: bualneea aeeti??il the ?ooded. and I'tll?lil?l- are! out at ?minute-ion. Water traa a loot deep at one time In the Pant'iera? untott atone. d. Ira-merit bridge Ian United out a mile north ol Int Wayum- bow. on the Doom-t and Ital- l'iti to the tin-tithe area in belna di- rected via. the NH Move mad alid (Initiate. The bridge art-titted Hountain branch. 'n'ai?no Irat- moving internally to- day our the Jel'Ieraott highway than atmti bridge over Milt river. it Norfolk and Wetteiit tram had not pea-ed through here. up to not)?. l-ll'itl ten-aveumn Ill! night. llridge damage on were Ira-EIer at Inch mm and White I. met; Leaves Academy 001mm B. H. Itmei Hill?- ad a.a aupertntendent til litenul- doah Valley academy. Wlmheater. attentive In June. after thirty yeIra* mine. He aaw aen'lu M- ane-rte in the and la a put nommandar'of ?l'trIlnta te- Mill March work relief during the next July I. lion. and addedt employed." AND HALF ASKED FOR WORK AID NEXT YEAR rell today attired women to "$00,000,000 for government year. barrier-Int: .d In a a trial trtmege lo earrng the Chief Executive reviewed I unemployment proltlern. proposed that the new fundrt an entirely lo the works peogmet "The trend of "employment la. upward. hut title trend It Ila preaertt rate of pm?l'?lil la Inadequate. therefore. that we rudt private butlheaa to attend Ila otter. atlonil no as to Ibiturb an Inereanlng number of the un- lit?I M'i?l?reuldent Roote- propoae. FORMER nut on low ?eet-Ir II. unto?1n. Jamar Page. dean emeritla el the ll 't'lr- glhia died at more u'rloei this metering It hit Irena after In lime- til yeara. The and note within Intent It'll" at the leneral of him either. Ill-t Illa rage. held yeetentiay al- Ienu-eei at LII-tent. Ill HIE-INT 0N t'Mtl'. 'l'ltNTO?. N. J. Malrh it Dr. John If. CMMIMI. Hudberalr latte-rm Intermediary. arrived In the 'l?orh yutertiay [min but hit return apparently did nothing In entitle the matter of when and Ill?" he would be tim- tlucietl by Inventor Harold. (J. Ilol'IroaIt. .lafaie. urualiv talkative. dwilnrd tr- aprah Iitt tluhultta on ?Ittumt Itieltarti and the elev- enth hour light. to have him truth the electric chair Th! Omermr had no moment. d. ahiubuatd or the educator Indicated novelti- or Halli-nan might have to go to the Ilnera it he either. to tail: etiout 1M (and. The lter. ilreuryI net-tn. dttertm of the Inn-hunt in Inuit: America. our-led Dr. Conduit an aayirrtr he would be happy to here tm. [tavern-1r iti hia ?rut?ll: home. . HIGHEST Mat-til day'a iieaty rain turned triuuritam Itl?'llnl Into a. raging and rural- rlvera In tire Very rlrtidly. mainly the and Jeri-an ll?H?h. and the North loft of the Pom-mar The deem?eape-eialiy lhe- Buli- patture about lt-et Iht'n't- normal" tyre-earl over the lowland-t. tailing away fennel. midget. and lining Ihotitandt. or dollara worth of darhaire to fami- are and property of this rtetlht)?. l'ltaal wa-t tlItI tn have been the mot-i. ettemire three lull In one IlilII-Iit?l' a family Iltlliu below ?current had to tire front their home. Honday main, to higher ground. taltina: ellh them only a fate eiother. They were teiro HIGHLAND COUNTY REPORTS WATER SINCE 1913 PARTY NOT SOUGHT I'lareh The wortl progre- Idtetlttiateaiteet way notified all IItal. no emplo?e rrtti a- required to a to any petition] party. and the ?alppert rtl' trill be a ell-it" pir- aehal elicit-e. VIJINH Iillt'T?I HT. l'ia. March it- ?Atrmert It. nutter. rhlel pliar ariat?a mate at the meat guard alr lit-re. ital MVII- In emergency Ill Ht? 1m pier" of [or anything from trealtng burItI to Ililliltl Illa who urge hli'l'l L0 lub- hla mum to call the lit a. hoepllal lot planet" Ite It when I'e' an- Il'l'll. ealta lo malt. Ilia or zoo mile- in tea in plane In med- ical treatment In lit-lured Iliiorl. CAT Hi I'll.th lil? Mia. March ll-- Ill Patrit'k't day Iran a not- able day {or .Iamrt CIuIdy'n cal. HIGH out? mu REVIEW ?cutil'l Ariana To train: none 0' lanl 01.1!" like: a' Mate mam; Inn" 'l?thrl ?r Yul! It'll IUIDII. Idler (mil-?m eld "he nullity loll-I [whirled-m ep-rr mm It let-tog bee lather. wae gel-Ill I I i? itgi II let i . i on. RIPPY SPEAKS HERE ON SATURDAY- _a Bolde International. elm on laturday eventng. Illa]. II. It ?lm-thirty. I'll. toad be the timely ode. ?Clan Neutrtali'" It ia expected ?It? cago laeuity tor aeetrtl year-I. eotulnu an aaroelate proton-or or itletury in to tote he to' Unite unlnraity at groin-or til lit-tor: and hat been emulated arlth Duke time that tune. mt Dr. him wet the Albert straw lecturer In American dinin- ntacy It Johha ttlilviel'lttl' Itltuta loteramel'inaho. univerattp :I-lo haa lectured It the aummer at tho Unline- elty ol' Denver and known he aaeoclate tunnelling ?lm and managing editor. De. Itlpw line but: a valued member tit i-lttpanio Mnettcao Mill atoll. Hie alt-o haa boon Idttor oI' Duke Univ-rally Pres. he ttamernberot'thetotu? relic! the American llitlortcai Mll- tlon and It on or the hmricah Hktorieai Ml". limitiwyltamentiteroltha lollciwtng organitallona: American Academy of Political and Gould science; mutt-It Ia- atxiatiolt?. Hiralaalppl Valley Hil- torltal minim; Mll??ll M- or Univeratty Prom-eon: uid Kappa lhittha mill Inform?. lte earl elected to tho I'elltn'a at the Untreme oi we Iotnl. in lit?loil. the Elm leilwea in lDi'I. and the Cornelia lelkrwa It: lm. . PROGRAMS ARE PRESENTED BY legylnu tlte In"! ol I Iell Yeaterrlay the hl'ltld I l'Ir-nl Hr- ten-uteri Elie batelroaillt Mid Irrulttl the tat. Ilt'r- tit-ore. down I the janiutt'l on the fourth rut olf lot we Lilli!!- ninth. Iiivl Ili Mime iiarls uf the muniy Iral?llr t-t ?Intuit-1er dr-mrtralired H-rhruile were fluid-fl. at not travel bet-auto "r in?. wuera atul their eleven Il-Ih egn,i 4-H MEMBERS hut-en t-it eluba are participat- Inn? in the 1-H amateur omit-t whlt'l?i will be held at Went-a Oar. tonight and at Nita! out?. The clubs in the program lttriude Beverley Hana. Cutter- Btuarta Dralt. Wayne-sham. Grilled Middlebroot. lull. money. and North ltleer. The prograrm will he ?nd ll eaeh'ot the It: dlatrirta toe benefit ol the club: and tho enun- Iy-wlde recreational center. Tia program twenty-tour ltd.- ture arta. a one-eel Illicit be pretean by Ethn- vtile. 'I?Itl mail rame on uhrdule. but no mail oat delivered north or Iouth of HoDoweIl. Irluch anxiety wat- reit ruh?'rlillm the bridge. atrou' the large rlt?era. It'll Front Monday to I might a. rat. today. the rainfall tut-ltd Int-hen. ae- airline to ending! at the Mitt Itatlott at ll. I. .I. In the twenty-line helra net-Hing eight a. I. telly. rn rare at by nelahbotl. Mill till metal-teammat- 1.13 motile at memo-torment? Protein-Iona! ?motel-b.? It th' lien-d ENTS CASE HMO "l at Hug.? . - . Elie New ?lr land." Ind ?my. 0 In Iouth-ul part-ton lulu. Ilium: "with. inn-43th Yur- No- ?03 STAUNTON- Va? FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 1937 PRICE TWO 33 ert sh in Dirigible Epro DEFENDERS 0F BILBIO . PREPARE TO MEET BIG Two Spanish Gerun- mcut hipI, Protect- ed by British War- IhipI. Laure for Fm With Refu- TM If ?to l'rul in! IllibIo. lm' ?ll. IM 1mm Ind children unit-tad their um- tut. mutual? lnIurlInt "til. he nun lovornuunt Itith hit tor min the mm undIr tho plot-cunt Inn! of IMF Ill nah-In II tantrum I'IrorI the up!? W- pr-r mpondn'ih in min In rod tun-m volun- In inlumnt nnb. mat- in. it: I melt known II tn lIcl?. tin-cw" ports-1th: in- I mm on Bib-Ia. In My Inqu- ngltu-n IIid that-r held In mum?. Inrltitl'ln. mll?' unlu. tn I lrIp the rim: of mm. mm Ontmil Incite Haiti?- but! null-w. tum? bi lit-tram rum. mumth IltIcliIon Inqu- iron-pl II Mount mum. tn tho Berni-o actor. tlli mllt-I from mitt-Ia. lap-MI in Ili- it. an lJiI flinch-m I In ml. Ilium ?Hum on I Mum Ill-m of [autumnal rut-a BIrtIluiiI India metlrIIl laid tin-mm. hId bot-Ii IM IMO Injured Ilnrr nun-hul- In thI prlLIl or IlnniI tut Tin-Inn. Dr- dn hum rut-tom: tonight. DollIn-r at u? Anion Inuit uncut! manna" Inr thalo lovenimcnl Intern nf cut- im Golan-n. tabular-1. by diplo- muc autumn in Home litdIrIlt-d thIt Ili?t'in NourIih. OIrmuI I'm-elm Ind Phr- rntu- Hutton-til. hId Irmd de?nitely on cl lht- I'll in Win. 11m: mun-n I'll' inn I'l'l'lt' at the amnion Ilia llL'tllIrlII It- llt?i on Ihnult?l lir- lituhrd with Ill mum multili- in I tilt-wry. the ll?l'mh'l' bi- ltlca-ul'ul. tin-n lhl- Ilr would Ir gunned lItllh int'rrII-od intI-miiy tho lillil'l If the Ellhm drh'l' l'IilI, til I mmtimml?r unit-I cont-Iden- Hort -. 9 Tracts Sold in Skyline View ?aw-n ruidunta or multil)?. lit- nl Ilirm ham-01mm. Inurdly purcnu-rd ll? {mm two Ind rpm-- In]! Icru to It: Ind onc?hIlf ml In tho now View ucunn an the Mt- huhIIy. l'l'tl Ind urn-hut rnllu Ilium at will city Th- . whirl: mnlIlzin?l ?irty-Ila In? or lInt?l, arri- Id by ?ll-hath of this city. It the 31ml tho Ultutt'h at tho Cloud Bhlt?h Illnt. Hil? Inm- A plot brought lhl' min of tin dw. "It. ItiilI Ilanl Ind orig-lull Inn plot. ?I?ll not bring I prior In hllh. ?nch-tun Il?ill Jonmn. Mitch-d thit- Il'ld J. l?rInI lunch I'll inn Inca-nut. .i.it. Iron u- rIdlond tor the 3mm pun-Jim Ind D. I. took tin mind print. Inothu rItlio. (TO-tilt u. PIIMTII AT HUNDAY Dr. I. I. Dodmll. [Knitting old- DI Ihl dilutel. I. church. Moth. will dullnr the mil-until: It tin lrl' Inhoth church. undlr. I. It trim o'clock. Dr. lair!? pruldl It Ila Uil'rd tut-dolly cont-unto Lilo Tumu- luml. 'I'nr will link] In th- rim-n- chtirch. II mm. D. POLIUINAN INJUIID main. Nu l?Hlicl cm I. IrulrI-II injured nutcr- . than til: en util- lIlI I wim-t In LII bunny ?thallium. mm Ili?Irt?rlrudiI -- 1' - RY INSURGENTS 6 DRAWS WORD . PICTURES OF PWDETTS but" lain-tin; Inn- It Mm (hut-If: Ml Ill-r! Mil-I Ill- ulnl. If In I m'Ian'tiI Iain-Iii nl rrnilnh- uric-I 0! 'I'Il?l'll ho ltu Inmm pIImI'iIlly from williIm ?clunky thruth Ratio-r- w-it. .Iwn It "Int mi- "mini. urn-tor Ht'Kl'lIll'. nl Truman, limit "our 1mm tin-i1 n! nut nrtirr nl thaulh mm: at? in" not bun 1n the public l?j't' I: much It. o?iIrI "no niuir Ir! nude 0! PrrIlilmtl." hr continued "our Prulilant hu man ti-nIIr llnnu nr In iI-ir Inrld. from IiiItory Ind ICIUII knurled?. non-tide: our l?f?l?tnh II I ruir but nl.? than. l?mn't llIlI-n to cr1tlrlIn-il cl Bitch mu- cunu Irn uni-tr in them. 111- IdI-riu whom In" known in Hill om. which Ilm I nun man- power than my litiu or pointin- th- Itirld. Ill Mn oncol- Iont mm?lnnut. mitt unru- InlIuIm at our punk. '1 ml mus-n Mullah: Ila-n I lint I ram nun. Al. thIl llme luv lIm-otu tor-lulu I Jinn-nun riliIrn I?ll tic-"r mutt- IttrIrii-d liy I run HI In wh- uuml limiting. {lulu-rd humilth in I l?rinrt- Alb-m. mat Inn lrnuunt. Mr ?Jim in Hip ltir qultr I "E?rrnlumi Ill-Kink} I lo lilI wife In Ito ?mriunurtl mt Fur (?uliititn 1' . ??lcxl upturn Mn (1 W. munit- rlly ull'lrvr. till he the lur-i Ipl'ller It tho Mailm- Ikuuhlrr huiqurt Ihlrn he lirlrl tamth I1. BtunrlI "tut ?Ito-n] untlt-r I?Jtr DI utt- whom} II It deputmrni Thi- will rip-m with tlrt' liIitqurl It p. m. and will no lilii?l?l'd by Ihr Iddmt. nl Ir:~ came. in bi- iti-Iinrrd by Min Iii-nil)- l?IttrrIan. P. It A D?lhi?it. nu- pnnu. by C. I: I patron: mulic by cluh'ii. rltonu. It:- by HIM. (truth. I lIi-ulli' nit-miter. InlIu-ductlut'i of p.qu will Mn. lmberum'n nddruI Titt- nuut Iii: bl' "mm by mm:- Mn 01' rllil: Ind It'll be Imp-ml in: ?it ll. um ?Milan I'iunit- "mi-nuter int-trim It tlir whom. sup"- t-lu tIiI {ti-nun!" - NORTHERN Mu- Hits-alum (intent-n niacin! ThnmInIL nl' Circhm. Illa hr fr?l?fd "Qua-it alien-admit at th- Vlrl'lnll Mapl- ninumn In? murmur Ill-mu. Imwtl It mum at Ell. Riel-tut! l1. Byrd. hr: oli'lt?lIi lItI indir- Ihcortod by mil". ?1n an?Ilkt mm to tum-ham lrniri llama nl nor I?I'Indmolhrr. Int it. Pct-numb ?l'liomtnn. til-Ir lummlt Paint. II. VI. when Ihti 1nd I :unl the put mt: ?mum-MN: by Mn II. B. Dalton. cl'iIIrn'iIn ol' Ilia qwn'l Ind P. Jr, aim-w A dinnrr part: [inn by Hr; and In Illu 111ml hm ionlltit cum I rnumt nl ruthl- Uu that axillnut Hiroth lit- Urdu II 8 I. "?owing In mint lunchlon tar ml:- It ?It noun. I'l. tin cot-launch literal-II. ii t-un aim-pim- mud-d Ilium Virginia. on Ila In or Ilia two-II: InnuIl tuttka at tho WWI Ian-t I'm autumn. How GIANT DIRIGIBLE WAS CONSTRUCTED I WI l'l' MID I'll I - i I I Ship?s Designer . .i't '4 DH HUN-O iEiTiTGs CHOSEN is 6 I Hap-Inuit?; himlpl Il? ?'Iyniw-I hon hi6: ltrliuh {Huh MIli liotri?ncr- drip ?hit-1d. Rotary; In. lulu-r litu- Irtrl. I unInlInoullt an [mimonhlp cl din-- incl. ail-A. uncride ?Illntinl [not this It'- tnmaon durll?il in: Int ItittuIL, of 'pI't-Ini'. dulrii: all no! in ptn?lru 'I?Iil at li-iI dL?llIIt?l II I uni-r.- nIllori Ind li'ir rII-ctloli II Ii' Ullf?m?tln?lz VIRGINIA lN MOOD AS HOUR 0F APPROACHES nu Fun 1' t?t?iiunin 1 fig-m- in tho tutti-t hr by (?Ipi I) cl Din-nint- n! trir ail-Inuit: Hm Truman iI Ill-I dIulhu-r nl' Hr. Incl Mn- PILIJ TI'inmI-on. or Mr: Gilt-Int Tit-I quun'l cautt It]: ho rom- MMmII-dlol'honurInd prut- from Ihlrl; mill-[u in ?tl'll- Ind nnrlu Iul? - A tuliul In llu' want "What Hunt) Cnmr." tit tit- huh: Ind Ilium-tr by of Win- :Iintrr Ilr-noun The pun-m Iii; luturc I mum at ihnr- Ind plnI-Dm-Il'nr. 0th" Hunt." Ichedulod tut-morn": Includi- In urtIl then It the Admiral I flu-orb I dInrr Ind Quinn Bhrlundulh'l. mutlm Inc Mr mutt Mtt-r the Mt II try-ultra on upturn?. In." I111 he I u. up? Ind lunch-m to tho queen Ind bur court. Idiom by Lin quads punk. "Phl- Trail at the Th. and. up 01 [but-I Ind nmuu to tho Industry. drum Ind Ind ?autumn?: until-Iran? Ill MIM- Ionu link: In! - am?- tiIIl um" 'Ilrtl Banter. Richmond, [nu-urn, John I: Hum. Tull: lint-tn. In I'm chain. 8-. ll'i. All: Ilrl. W. A. Man Ml?l i4'I~'l'l'1rrII hIw- nun rluhtnn major rut-Ilin In tin I-IM. inn. Ilttn Ul' Ult? rnnjur mun. In- mhina inn Mitt-u rllruiulrn Athan. Inil Thr- ill-inter Illi: rm I?l, ?I'flit- [ill-ll tiltiulhlr tlrtIItI'it-il ii? Pumi- mil. '2 tilt-LI. Ill Mil-:1 I. 1913 Unlt?l tut). dlrulhli- Akmn i-Iulint In I11 ?rm. "in" Ilurrli rout. Oct. 1. I910 ltriu-ri dirlublo flinlodrti urn-r rrnrirl- wlu?: mutr [rut-n [ml-m hi lnilin. tort} "If as. dlrlaiblc llIllI untied in. Arclu- in night in North l'olr. rulil. dud. Bn?'ll. ms -Ulittrd Hutu dltl- [thin Int-anh alt-I. mk??n Ital-m Ohio; tannin-u I'lillnl mun lIbIt" lull-ma m- litilza-il ?lnim Ilurlt ?Alt 1 rulinl in ?an-in llammurt ltnnih ITJIH [min? I'uiir INN. Aug ll. In W. . bar It. l?l-J?n-tlrh munnuhlv Iituri hie n-mr m. l??l ILrlulhir EIYKZAIIJ nt i?ll-?J l'iti'vit ?l?illf?, Tlilliit" Illtl rl'ir'r huh-in.) Jam Ilriluli iblr It-l-I. Irwin! lit tIlc- IlnIah-qt m1 Iltn iml Jtl'n 'Jl. Irrt Milt-II July my mum. n! ptib'lt? 1" numb,? Imu- I'll a'r . .. . - [Ii-I'll rtilltt1ri1 I1 k1.l- L1 lol??lnh? It 'i'l?l lIqu-nlnr in I ttrlati'. 1min? {If :1 hail d; dulrkl it? 0' "min. ?rm? I. r. ?1.4m . am hi. [ritrttiIlJInIl .I . . Ur! lit] Mimi!" TM. n- . - ?ml-m no.9 tut-r .Julm.tmii.\lhI] It:- !Say Many "in" Are from Defect or Some i135: IL-?lmi -: I MAY 8 1' Ill- li- nmnil l-uhi ti-r Na- tinn I in! tuirl 'l?i-Irht-n 1min) '41 Ilium-4.1 ntln'i? "LiIil? (hudrri. uhr ?.il'lrrlii: [mitt :umr nunnirr drrn'. in .n [If pi-slmar nr tlir Modiral ('uilur Urchin. Ind ltiriinmI-r! :nrrilu?ol 1n rrnunmruil- inc tit-II- Ind Iyrnimlir'ir titani- Im? I t?li?d Ilm Ituurrmli Itupld, little?, .It'id Tilt-1r lilo-Ii? Eli-l clin- trIl lludgi'. {Edi-Iris: Ittil put-hint. 111?. mil? be th' rut-Inn "thir- im in nnrmI: rnIi-t' In tin- mutant-bk- nr 'Illtirirn' rlilid Ilr 'I?uck-IL in lit-'rltlult In Mann: Inn nl Iorx I'm [Jr KIrl Ilr Il?ir {?Illid?'n'b Hrmunll :Lilnn, Ilr [bl-I'd I-uht'lillr (If Iul'I' nl' in The l?nilr? Ipku- Mi int-MAI liiulrtir Mn. ?lad rIlht'.nIii Haunt-d. man at lhl- nr Rn. .l K. Pug-rullLI. ril ?It'll. m?utd-riit to nut?rn?d um. 13 til Wimirlkl. Ill Thr- 20m outwith. Ind Inch-r11 mud [or In unaupoII-d 'huum; 0th" ul'bt'frl rlt-ctcd run all? 1.. UlrIrdIIu. Ila. Itch-Inn; Dr Willi-urn H11. lint tit-r pml-dmt. Ind Dr. noun W. Omit?. Wlutln??l'l. locum Hui pruldnil Mimi ?u Man II- ThI-y Iran in. at. DIriItltI. K13. tu Hunt-min- Italian. . I'll; In. chi-tn alt-I- If - on.- . Thi- than Ilrlelt'itn?'d an?. n! tha- H'Ind?ibur' [lvrit rruitlng unit Ind nun-1 on tho hull cult Ihllh upload. Ind hum. trilo limit-I It lath-hunt. N. J. 18 Major Dirigiblc Disastcri?. nitrite Occurred in Past 23 Years STEEL STRIKE. AND NEW labor of Ila-Ir Hum. ?'Ilh NI- llon I'm-Harri by [At-Ilr! Inll Hollywood DC ('I'Ill-Ilult In. Ann-tilts! Tliml-I I "Ml IWI tiu- midrt of I It"! outlaw-II: ul 'H?iflli?l' A rruml i-r litmth I and tut-h. pan-?hut u! llir Apr-l limit-it t?u tulil In I inns Hru-titn-Ii wittqu urlr' In 1hr mrlinrnnur 'lla- tin-n! plutl Vi?llidti'II Imrl- tlnuf In: [Jim-ft! I HtrI-l lelhr Ill 1hr Mill-r Hilf- Irnt. ?w I?tiilrn tln?larrti 'a 't-Ia Itrrl 'Iltli in ltirntvil'I inml II nu tiu- Ili)? Ilr? Inuit-r IndrpI-utII-nl nl-rrl mm titan-u llirlr Iltlitmr in ilmtittiuil ?L'nniinw-d rm t?ulusnn ll; IIrhh-rlxh'. hilih: Juli- 9. 1111! Arron Fl- I?l ALZIritir nu kl'ilq-d lit-Alt!? llir I.-I Ind I.-2. t'minl lint l'mir rim-t pn-Irr-ilmr nlintiblc- Irriv tho Zapprtim 3 Ili.l ill Iiit?l "If lkiibi'hiII'itt? I Ind I Some Organic [inc Hlicrir?i Ii Mu t. It 31111le I 'l Mt- l'i-r'innd. Orr. Mr; II 'I-.rnrr_ Jinn-l1. Pit-trial bulirh til 1hr t'oti??l'u trim nl'niDI-tI-Mp I [Illt 1532 Inrm- Iul In Int rfur (In? (fill an Hi! It up. ?Grill Iltlt it? I Ill-I'l- DT lath-rah! [ii-r Iinlrt, of Cniumhln Ind reprinted I916- Mir- I t- 1rd Ill in int-l mun- brutin Illh aim Min HIT-tun n! 'l'nrlt. chIlri-nIn of tin- nri llu- rn- in Idl?qullt trai?llr Intr- 15' l-durn?ion. 8m r?'fl?nmPl'tdfd *rduutlon" nl D?rrnu Ind in trIlhc rtilart-cmeitl, Ina dirwt ulcly odLI?Itiui In it" in her ?Cure the toll n! motor turlo Dr. Mind Linden-mu. protu- I-nr of mill pl'ulmophy It tho Nit-t York than! of melt! Irorl Ind db mm: at "Hutton unlock. ?lam the emma" tonight on '11th Trina: Ind in Community mum-mu tin.- Mint-I on I allan tour at Ill?. till- Vlrl'lritn mull. balm of Ind unrutln It]! held tin-J minn- Sum-y. .bllik. W. VI. In in tho Ir"- ?.1er TODAY ARE MUCH LIKE THOSE I'll?. tlrrirllu Ni! IMII mrin- run limit 1- 'ur {Eff} .113?, 1th. ..lrmuhu?unn or int-til I'm In I. Inter main]. hum? ?1 '?imn'l Ilir nlu?l lit-'5 l" In t'ktrland ?Mom-4, Ilia on"! I?I?iil'h the Mind-qu "on 01'" 2mm ?4 Irwin! I punt-m1? rontu?. Int-Indra. ?In mum I4. m'mmr?mi" In" nirllmi- Hr Apn?cr n! ihr M'a'lilulmulrit-I-II'IIA. {'Itr. "rand: m- ?if if" and irrnm In itnipl. llranl-nd. n: "rm-m, Inn-n. linqu BIntly. trim: 1" lli- IImII-itrr of nr- no min-mun tr- Ind m1. Iain-MI fourth. ?I?ll-r llHI A Ul? Ill-I? hi:- ?fll?linlflil ChIrIIhr'rirt-Iilriu Ilr Ir"- 3FITI Iillt u- Jr. OI law" 0m? It! rnl?mfti'l' HI lulu Hui Iltr ?fth n-liIn.I Iltll 9.7M, Trurirmrr nI-fn-rv- llir run-Him nu'iulpln r-r Hunt in! 'Ilt'll'l had Among flint-WI! Hudth lit! Numb" nl'ibqiunirw-a .Ii Ililluqllr. #Wt?l' trinity "In VITIINI I?m'l lIIl liluh': I In I twirl-tn. Mr lIrIttl'tirt! Mnrt'llnd'l Inf"!le Mr llrIdl'nrt?l wok pun;ng 1.1.i' Im- an-tlme rrli-y ?In-1r. "cm-id. Mu. ?lm- I?lnrli In but In in" ?inf DI in I Ilr Milli-r. Wurn L'Iitn Carryi - 97, Blasted Apart at; Lakehurst, N. Field? - I 'Capt. Pruu, Comm-riding Officur. Wu in: Fiat Atlantic Cronin: in Full Cit-ml CIpt. 1536 Skipper. Among Soda ou?y Injured: Enact Number of Yet Alcartlinod Due to Confusion - in Penetrating Burning Winch?. In: Crowded. . J.. May [Fall Illm i m" "h lIll' wu I Would lit an tIiIl lent lit-r rruln In: to .r .1 mu.? itiu'tll I ?lming wruclit with I'iorr I. lulu-til It third of [halit- Ibo-I'd hlr. Exactly him many tiled WM In uto ll - titanium Jlritml t?Il'l? thItt-tl. talc-wiped lion 0! phminirnliip that lull. Iliil I'l?tll'l'l Germ-my lei-WNW?; hm? .rurr its nwnlim trip of the 193? passenger saloon: liIItli Toll l'lIcItl It 3.1 I . ?impunity. through ?Wirlt wutl Hurry "rum't I'llc'd ?13 de'u? . bin. Ely-llirt?Im-ntt- m? ?In tiilrty-Iitt Ind our of: Mum": h? ?T?hrr'fl?f nixli'umc-muii t'rnw II thi- (Illutcr?l IurirIt'orI. mt- [Ail hm . Thu" Hun" II- with in win: hr II-Hlimiitt-n nf tlu- titaniimr of that]. 'I'Iit'j? Imu- Ip- In in pommuniuu n??h Fif?munm?lmn'nl int: this Ill tho New J. "m Inn-?M ur the In rill-rqun or Iiumbrr SllIrt'l'IlI? from vxcruciutin: burns. Som- nuimt mmpimwnt in gran-15- injurod. Intuit: them Capt. Emut lel- tliu ritoit of the Roman Catholic Church tn thIm. Lehmm. of tha I INDEPENDENT . IS ?unk-r1 If Am?lcnn hull. I rlIrIllII'i'. Timur-Ilr. Tun. fit-y It mnln. irnItm- nl In Uimr? turd "pull-1111' Iw "Imam-nu ur l. . I lint cl ItittlvitliiIl right. in I i a m, lit; ohm-vets; I: - our. conimIn cr. wut ti It'ntilt Ii ll and Inn Iilrniuutrn-i I ?36 Iill-ll?hliiuil Ill'l- . I. - at civilian?a mi. Milli-hunt. May 6.?m?Hn? Iller -- 7? ?mm lut'i-il Ii_'i' it Irrti?t? t-xploninn. tlii- Ilr Ilncr Hindi!- I . fit ?nmm It thr- S. hlli'll Ilr ItItIm :?Ihl' it-illi It Intuit of the -- I ?Mum?- -I lit ii. ililli' nlm-ni'rl AN Ila?iniu-Id Ila". Im- . Il'IIt-u' tI' I-nii. mm 1.. uplnsimis tn ll'll' Ill'l' nit-In. but Ilw Hki-Ii-lnn itml rililmm-d l'nhri'r linurn If ?lull, in. I - i-Eliiuutm tit-nth lnlI tl't?rll'. Ind I2: . .- 1hr- lHtr A. ?nilm? I'n'l" Li'Illt?h nix-i'ntq-d tltt- ItilurInuI modem 1! In the Iu-a- in Mr. HUII Iliitl nuly-[uur HH- jlt?l'ltln? lbou'? her on lunar in! Him "muh." ?In? hp". rt ported and. 1' n r.1 lIrIili . -Hun? I . Lures bar nf [hr t'nui' [ta-Eu ll- II Nil-Hm" tin-l "mil-Er. Iwirl it?: :Ilrrnn'. unnum- I Mr. "ouer dim-J: mm ?Mimi? ?Ilu' Hone" It inn-i in MiiIl-r minim mm I "mum. u? I ntIL-Itlt-rIllIIli _til llu ?will?, bum"! b7 HIUIIFM-I Of 1111'". II- n-li l'nur 2. l'.i.umu "Wm?"1 43." ?in. whom "lung, Mg mite-it tlilliu [or 'iu? I I mil-'3 unwind in" will: tlio Dummn? imanm IN :Ml iniuwa u? mmuumu nu. call." unit-r tho um . "Hip Ir: Wuh- m. ?N'?kr '?nn llIrri' ll Ilnriirl (If litirlnri It Irli-tI-rtl It NIH Hunt L. My. 0! took pun ln mi- n-Ir cmopiotion. Iinnln: l.th Ol'l' button In till lnv-lnr-Ill . i ill? It Itlrriimnn Ilila Irrl Il'll'l 1 I1tlrr rullm Hum- "min-I .liri nillm?mli u! Mn. 2 In It'rlil Inulrtl Ehr Iirrlt 0! [Hr Inlp taunting It? IllanII II Illu- nl'- ll? 3" ?ll-l tllI-Mtrr bt? HzItr hilnilrm Cum. Ill Ml. lit-.1 _ll: l Wihnul 'hn flu?. I 0' tart,? I'll ll?! Iliritur- I'Allr-I 1hr liui' "Hutu-r" Thu- ?In . Hill cliv Iiuli yummy? whim Ind will tho Initi. it an Ml? InrrIIin Hulk-Mk. al? mum-it ll" Ill Idiot"- arlin to trip urn! Irl'lml. but in nu trit- liutiurl lor nut-nu- iiptitu Cum Lilli". or Writ-l1 mill Ililliut ?and all?; In. mil ?ll- but MuId not ICNDI- Irritant-Inn h?'l?lw Ihm II I uni-Tr In 'Iillth ulnmi. HIM Calm- Irr- tho ?it! for tili- m: Inuit ll'ld will Jilin nitmr. Mhool and 16.! Ian, Inn-m1 on It ll. Ll lurnrd nur in tin. High Iain-pl) dour!- In [pm Mr ni'n flan-r nImr II thi- ImIl :'('tluilr1uril in. 1 (allumn .I SAYS METHODS OF i IN DAYS GREECE I A Hin1 Harm Hint Uir [inn-xii!? rm- It Jaitirn Ilrr-Iii M1 Hill-w). fourth; pint"! dli- Il'lF not Mi Iru I Alth it.wi1llnm VOLIIHL lkt?irr ?un?t. Itirrlul'i ht llitw tint Irv ritiirmr punlulv LI- Iu'i! Iiirti ll. ?lth; hirulnr "muck, _rd If! in HM lurid-?1? dab in Iitli IIll? ri-tlnna. Incl Ihlr l'l1tlnn- sixth. ..nti mu mm prohll'rru ,pinliiv?l?ll! Inch In In?. LvuulIti-uiJIIotlr-I Btu-tut um! Initial. In Alh?u rind ilit Inuit-41110 ?ir lruDl?n I'hil MIL-lied um "'Wr mum-l apt-II nl Irtnl?l'. [Hill ,nl' Mi-a Brubeck Il'l' 11mm: IM llill'in thl? Infill II- M7 zunl "I'iir (?l?illii- writ- mubit tn rump-Ill hr Il-Id tithe-nil 5.0m turn "will: ?l'rrurb ul 'Jlr Wurlti' lht' in thI urn-nu In IJ?it? til Jillith tin-?e, Illuuh IrirI Iulajml nr I1l'i :mdn-II IIl?nl'l'llht?l' "ii MrIrlnn lrIiIr Tlir in IlLrnitru by of [hp In (hook, at m; .. Inn-rd pill In tin-Iii Mr I lItlrrIi at llir ruin t-l' tIiIt lac-n!? inn rumple nit Hiram-writ ul rrlulIitcm In it. 1m pen-qu. 'I'lil-l'tj- county IyIIrm Ill-Eh Um uric u! numb-fr I'm into-ran um mmunu-d Tim lieu-m -. ut? count). DrItl. Can. In?ll! mi?? Run?! Cm?rr. of I Ht. mm. Ind Immune. IuItrIti- tiut tru- Imminmit mo rhImh-r'ii member-hip cnm- Hop I110 tut-nu mum-tutu li-I In trauma in that any Ind the minor. that in.- body but am not murmM? mulltlona plIcI-d upon In thiI dIy Irr nut In Inn-tut. hut built!? rm- numb-Bu It! titulmuu on in hora Ibo mm . mItIr. HI and that I total or pit-Inn Itian Ind 0' In t- or mud. nitrous cont-nu so u- rnrm. during inn put. dimThe tank" I'I?rpl cru? nuII hudnt rim- ItIndI It ll.- Elm-cult}: hill . 11im- cam my; In. mil. unit [In vivid canparlwn Jun A. rum. "nutty. m. gm Ib' at tit! I?nrtl of htunrtc l'?lnr. n" I d!"de upon. mmwm-uwma-um (Continua an I'm 3. Thu PUBLIC Inlerut FIRST I THE EVENING LEADER M1. M1. Nu. mt}. Wm BASE SELEEHIINS IN AINIIN ll'?'lfrb l'I-n- mun ll?'ll htr? n: in link: Hunky-Ill. 11141 Dr I'tllt'l'll'?. . _s l'r? 2H. In" 'llIIhln I.I-HM n: ulmu JFHH I.I .nn. ?HUI-villi BLUE RIDGE IAINNIN IN VIRGINIA NAN IE com NIININ THREE YEARS PRICE AND HUNGARY REENPNANIZN NEIIANIJ FOR INIINIIN BORDER Iiil'rllun} I'll'l'? Ian-L .II I.I-.rthn. ulInuLi; ?Mu-Ill In} "rhr "In- Luv-Illi- I.IHI ?l'ln'rllh IpII-Ighl urn-I r' I- II I.I I.I-[rl amt llIrI-IIgh Harm I.. I.lruI In Ihm? In 1In inI.I-lulu. I'l?llIfn?' . I I ?11I'd UllitlIlallrr; . II M: Th- rllnIlLl-nrlIl?. - II- I'll IH . .xll I.I II I Ari": I II: -I-v -. I..- I. ..-II.I. I IHHIMIHI I .I a I I. ..I Izmir-n: Il.m-Ilr?I I H, I'I.I.1mm?will? Inn." II II I I II 1-. mgr-"IIIf? ."uflull ha? ?In? - I IF. I. . :Irrill-kl: LI . 4-.- u-uluunl IIlh.Il- I'l. .."In11' I'l I.IInIEI.I IL, .II-II IITII II- II I'I-I I.I-I II, I I I: I.. .II{II-?Iibah HtlirII Implqu II'l-rl'rur I nllild Hum um, II II (IIEJII -I I II.I. I I I ?mil-mill . II: I fun; I Irv. I.I -I-I v. I. II . H111 hill-nuIIHIH I -I I: lb 1; ?Fun?! Rill?lff. II. a II: . --.. .L-I: II I'rlIllII Ilun ill-1 . ml 3-- hllI I.I.I I I.tIIll'rI II I . II II I.I1-1- ..-I.. .II HWIHI I.I I.-.- Ill-Ill?! II II II II II Illr Inf .I hut"- ?I"In. blrFII myday'- ?il'??ll .I I I I .I ?InLhtl?ih?'l rhurH- lh1mm --IIlnl-In. I I I lr'ld 'huIIFI II . II..- Inu- l. HIM-IImum-r I.I .II II I .I.-II.I . . . Mqull'. In?ll. Irrd':. plural II. IrA?I?fl' Hrll-rl' hp?'11 I LII- m" L, IIH- IIJ- ll.' (In. hug-II. I'rrIlIlIl .I.*?Il LI .A I thhl] au - I ?inn?? .IHL ?in ?Ir' - ::1l:l'Il I. I.I IL: r. . rlIl I.LII fill-fl it?. I i - ill-P . I'n'lzm' "Ed ul' IH.P IrlI.I :?rlli" "It If". J-I-IIUH um: {Mgr rum-I IluIll?hlli L'l hr?- Il I.IJI full-.Irvin-ll I: Phil-I'm r-r I.I: Iu Il'l'h'll 1? I'L'l'?In. 1 . 'u JJI ?1 ?lil I 1.thaln?ml. I nu II-lu-1l 'l In?l' IJ H4 .. 011- 1?.qu --.-I I ?1 "i I :rI-ri1" rfutl'fm I?l?-l-I?rl nrl'Jr' I'll"llrIllri . I a. II I vl' lrI.IrI- . I.I Ir'tllJI'." Fl-lill?II I I. I I II If.? .- I i urn-an I I IIJII ll.. I.-I- 531+ l' Ill-I await-?urn nun-u. .-I In. I..-.IIH'l'lli' "Inn. MH- ,lfHuqr' WT - I.I: I I . I I- ..-. .-. . II i - I Int?1? ?It? II . I I 'a?urn- In!" mm. Ir alumna? ?".4: 1nd II.I .Ir Illf.? II. I. I.I- I I I?wnh? I I "7 ?r?l l' a? I '3 'I'r 1' Edam: 'l Mn I.II Innind, II Ll: dn- II I.I.II -I II . I..-I"Inn-Inql I I 1' .I?lr-u .rr Illin? l.1l.1." lrI- I. I, JUIJI '15: Hr II mall? II: Ilt'Ir-J I.I.I['I'I'Ilzl'?hj I II: I l' Il'rIJr; II. 'It: .. ?1 ;qu lhLuf'lrinluqlqn if TI 9 IIrrviLEol I LI. I.Ignu-mgr. lJfI-nl'l In unm1rr- II ill liyl' ?Irll'l I.I i'IlrII .I..- . .[In (NULLM. ht.?th I.I-Ill- Imp.? . IF I'lr?lurIII?lrr [u a. 'Ilr?ll?:..Ir I I ll__ .l I fI'rl' l? l..:.lIl .I.. I.I Jun l-l I.II. I I. .. I I.I-THIHI .. .. I. - . ., .I l?lu haul. ll'rF Lr1.lu in: In l1:d' I'Jll' Il?I.IIvh'f II - - ll'IllIrf?I '.dI l? IlIr I MINI lirl I:1rcu. Ir.l .M. . - I In .uhmhn' Ii"! IIEI "In. rIIrII?l'HIfrI.. J..- . II I ?lhlq'h Jen-uh! II-h'l'l Mu Ji-Ir! l~ gn-rr*hl?f?fu Icahn from. --: u! llEu! uni-nun 19- n" I'lr II.le g-Hp: II . Inn-94'. 'I'Il'?arm-run?: 17': 'r'l I'Iln- Ila'I?r 'r'm . In hurl- remnn'. lflizv 31r[rll. I.rIIn?n? II 1 Hum": i?l'I'Ihl- 'd?l I . 41.. F, I nul It In! II.- l' I, I'll HII I JI I I?m I.I..Ii? I.Eli Pd- Ila-Il'l I 11?, I I ?lawful 3h? I.I.I II I I. II..- I'l1r,If?v 'l I I-I-I I-y an all a - I.H1: N?Irlr'r 331:1 rll: ?n "?rwnl HHI ?Mil?. ?nu-_III-nl'nr-r! II. . I Mam-Ile I1JalIn ltm-IL-ru, I.I Ind" H-l-Ilh -- I- I . "Id I'll II.) ?Ir I Hr -lI"r Ill-ll HIM-drum. .I (mgI.I-?rm-1? u-I I?Irl'tvl. J'H'fp I-II: Pu. -II- I II . 1m! bodil-r' II run -Ir -. Fn'..I run pinto t-?Iu??l it! Ila-third 'u'llrirUI'll?Jlii?'; 151DI. ll. Ja'rnanII: "Ir.-.. fir In. ldl'lm 1hr Let? 1.: :1 ?1lad". Hi- HIM ll'pJI'Ir :y'IIraq Hun-5L 1_ Huhd?r' In In.? l" I?ll'lltl hr- 'hl'-Iulmn HI- n11 EI- Air-I.I- UI, all lla- Jenny-I4- llIrl"I"'I nu I'1lrl'lIn-J'Il' Ann-r" II - I) I: lhIf?li.? '3 I.I. .I II 'IluI'. mi"! 'Iu - I Iil-..I.I I.- .-- . .I I (In ?Inn in- II .4 I . ?ml-"I ?lull-II I. .-I in?. rIrll?n'ri' I I I'llinn-IE. TM RH. Hr win-?urn I.I II Elli In" ?4 "I'm-I.I-I Ill' :?lIl wry-II: Mir-n.1- I, In"? I-?ll' I'W?ll Irlr Ila'. I.Ir:r Ilr I - :5 I-li'I It I I. I I. IndfrI ehuurl In I'm-nun .r nun-r r- 1- v-I'I-ru. I I-IInn?. .34- ?ulnar-4 ., HI I..-.-- .I. rl It. I-'I-l?l I: II ?ll: 5th Ill-n; . I - .- lull mulll'n'r I I.v )?r-DllJ _JhH-rI-?"I??'Inrihnl-II 'Ii-Ir Irl'ill .-.- .. m4..I .I.II[II-nun ul Inuu,_ nutrim-n runny?'- Tlu- "ma-"I I. ml ?ll-rm In rhll- Hum- g. In. uni-ltd 1n- ?h 1 -- I. "II-up.? nanw r."Inf.Iu? If!? In w. ?If. n, I.I I up Fir-'I. - I.I I \r - gu- I.I-I. I -. I .I I In: IllilI lb "In" run H'Ihlf'lrfl uld 1h" 'Imh'm?' Ill ILL-L. run-q rill th-IIw-r ?f'frll'l-I.. I. .II J. I In". .1. I?m? I. Ann-inul'rnIlIIn "If! I.I-II nhmI aI-u-I ILL .1 I i ?taunton Newa??m?ct rm PUBLIC mk?l?'l Will: U- mun Ho. an: 'g?f?j?z?igFrance Strikes by Land and Air on Western Front ?Fifi-I ?.?imll' l'.lltirl' Furn- Fn-nrh In- Huling Pr??l?l?l?ii'l' Will:- Elli-my: I'lir Furri- Main-.1. Flights IliI-rman 'I'II-rrilIIrgI'; 531.1. l- 1I ll!l FII 5411-1 II1 Illill lIl? H11 uhai nhu-rI'I-rn II mun-Inn'n'. lrI rt'Iif'l'l' :Irn-mIIrI- I'nf thr- Ill-rmin Ill'T?l?i Ull T'Il'i?- I . rmg [hI- flhj- l'rln'I" Il' 1mm Inakih? "Wu- dzrr-aiir r-nrnIy [lung Iaunrh ??'rnnlir :11 1hr unlr' linIr. l?r-Iund. "Writ-II rIH'Ir's l'lIria lrI haw! l. :I?Irnanr agnina?l nn 1hr nuiI-rn frnn1. rI'Ir-n rpru'urlrl?l mililln' ?Inn-I11er In In" Inn-icing from It! [?ailiuna ll'u.? l-I In}: LFI peI-ilinn'l. .-. 1mm l'l "11' .'lil'IIti'?iI' n! anInIrIIlian I-I lrnII-hr Paris Believed In} Haw} Had a 'I'I'i'lili? ill: Hr?- I'l-l'l Eli-1'1. r??itil?lrll ?If lil'q? Hill ll1'l I.an A 1"th . . hl LtJJil'i In l 1K II-.- uur' 1r.'I. awn-It .I-I-?rh I'Iantm: :trIrInl Inr ?Hm ?Hulk-r- rr?x'" ll I'll-ll 1L llrul- lell'rtrl fir-r- I. - "ml, [wilful-om or I. Iii-Lanna. II IIJTLIMH ?t '.hr rur?, bu'HE: II Ln? ?if Eur?! "Hm" u" brunt Jl'r! 1.41 ?ill? Hid ll.r I'll! 'il'vill- In? l.l.I u: I, I. II (?Iran-In .I I.-l unII' l.Ir1-r Iil 'I'i I- .H If m? n' rrIu".rr. E?Ir-r .-.I1 ..1 ?.kli'll .. HIM. Il'l.l I.II. In; slur; Mu?rLr 1 I. 1th and II: Em.- all l' r-"IiI! 1r}- I1 a. J.r up: Inn." Ii.r lII'lniI) II. h'.rI.I. I 'I'lu' 1qIl'Orders Citizens Full I a. . .-- . I IRE IIKEI BI I'l1hr-I I.I-II-II lp hr Pal-r1. II-I ?II-?ll, Tm ?I?ll-I 1r! Hun-1h?! 1 II I DJ lIH?Jil I'li Llaih. 5:12:- I-I-II .-I- Uri-n- hal-Lr:_ El. II.- u-li ?.Ilr ll?: [Irlr i'llEurope; Pmclamati?ns Taday: 'Ih'nerqw I'd-pl 1 1hr rap-Hr. MI mun-1 gnu? c] If: Jill-I'll 5h! In In. IIrI.:uu- hi- I- main-rd Elli!" F: hurIrI: -: Irr i I nr 1 .r dame rIrIIh guru-nun: In hell'lrs-I-rILI Ium [Iva-n1. mm: In Eur-I11- I'll?? In nl <1'Iu'i- II In. Ilt'l?IF. '??ikll . Ill] Elfi'l' mi? plan. [n.r llil (mm-II [nu-IrIL I'Illi' '5 Nazi Anti-Aircraft Defanse on Polish Front Mw ..1 . "In'-In . . .?I-hul? Inna-ulnar mun-uni N-- Hun-pina- I ilr?l- lull-*1 iIr r?w-r "liftth II I 1 mun-1 ?uh. I: ?urn!- l?-n-I th ah 1anII-2. ?u nI AI frqu gm- rI-r I'r-l [Assert Germanyr Will Not Start in}: II Firs-I II HtIIrl ml .11" I-'r [Hr 1 1' ?'uIr- :Il. IISEI. mull-I '.llr' "iI.I..i 41.1? II hlull' Warfare West 1 I?alill Fin- I1 and HrilisII. but Will I. Imlh; Urn} lining. In; wu: ml. Irn-L trlu'I-n r-I- Ill-I1 amt ?I'al' 1hr! 'i'Il Il-ll it-ur-zl l?llfl'lfl' Ill'?? Inn II. In I: T1 quJar. II lg Hr .II: .h'liltr-Ii' Il' 'IlIi" 1 H.13- :i?i?ll ml: hIl "air"- If 'Hru. Iiu?lrr" I'Hin?l-.-..- . 1hr .Ill I-l' II. :1 luv-r.? I 4' . L..r:r 'l-r-I'I II - 4 I 1.:rlL" "'hll' l-_l l?"liFI' .dur ilk" ll. IIPMI I- fI?r: . . KILII .1- ?hind?. d" IF n?r- I: l .r'IrI' II 3' 7 .l 1 mllul Illi it I Irma-h: lrI'I- .I 1.. - Hm In? i-ZIuI-n . til-1 Piranha Berni-rd '.f'IIr Irqu, :rr. ill"- ..I: .r.I - II: li'll Human 'rIn-IInI'Ihl - If-Itl. II . ?liking-i Inl-ii Ha?z-n II 'hfwuq [rum 'r" rI I14 Lu" nl?j-Iu Hr liar-Im- II. I-I.-. II-J. II.I.L "In' 111'. II- I?m-r Finn-l I Ir-Idqu-llr Innu- Iru-l h: 121! Alhn'?k til UN FIN-Illinl rum in: ml cm I- rrpurh xu'hnullrIrJI In. war-1 [I?ll IM luuhl pau- burl 1-1- I'Iurnr-r r-I' Inim- rr.I I! auhnl'l 'drI-?urnrnun Lhu?u'rir [Iraq-run In'-pr ?1i- '.le .. I'll-'1' 1111- ?In MEI-II hm. IIJI Er "llrn'. P1u3 u I I. 3 - will}: Latina-11:? I'ilirrI'Lrtl'J I. J_tti:1_1Llrn'n-nr. n: ll?hl m" nu." Illunl T11.- . . -I .4 . lab-HI ar I c. HI In" LIP It'll-I'D uh! Ili'll M1 ?mu-Ira Hr: In.- run- {Irma-1min mm:- I Inuinr. I1: Ini- rIliI-d lo :ul I?Ill?i} II. but rum-In?. WI II.r.:r n! tit?: Irlr- mu? ruin-.1 unwound h-t '9qu ?In IrmuII ?m '7 Hr- our Frau-rum; mi! "11' I'Ir'?lel u. I. run?; ?Id. In? It. hl'll durum of IM m. mm.u1d n1." nu. In,? Elihu up?' of [Ira Lh- unII Elin Inmmn nu "1.1 hurl-?n; up. Hm I-hhl 11m hum. gm WW h" 33" MI:th hull-m. Inn-In; I. Imuu own INTERESTS, GIIDI SAYS: INDICATED ml-- "mm tun-hull! mun-J LII. kttlu Ir? iIr-rlnt nun-u H'Ill ll'I-E "m dull I.- Ind prim-I11 In {all du-rn- cal lul- pll'?" ?ll?II: 11:1 Fir-1:? I lIr-r from I-II-II MN: pro-bums mm- mm thNIl?fl lard ?3r {me Ir-amn. :hr rerIJElfd par-u. In' I??ltrl: [on fun! In! IHII I'l1hdll'l 1mm from MIILI?l-?-IIJ?f-?ir?ulil' uLIInutuaII Ioumr-d in]! Int Ipunrurun um In WII-rhfu; h.l 1 fmphuu an 1hr Fri-rm" Humml 1ru Ilmr In Io: Amt!" 1hr den-mu tull?llnq (ml-hum Hit Ill-nub" Drum Ill-hum mum In undir- hr" [Inn "rut-rd hum ?Ill-Ill{In Ihlnk al uhun; I: ?Lt: m3: lull-l1 :IInI-rl. nut-H rm Il' Julian. It?: IJLI form. from Ind? Etn? th'J-M? that In" U11 Find :I-uuad Tum: (LI-J lh-I nun-1n Huh In lure-pun [Ir-Ir p?lu?. [taut-NI and BM Dal-huh?. 11.. II. mu our I lulu: Palm?? On all dh?' an hon!" I'll Inset lar Brim Hun: Landlo- IGJ hing-1H: In hillth [inf-Inf Inl' I TO GET FRESH START THIS IILII UNI-II. II I Inllul '?Iqlld ?Mr-It. fry-?lmy Kin?Ip- r?rlun harm-mu I, Tim LI-F tlw1 I lnI-:I- wacr'gg?? In?: my. Ir.r Mum-r. TIH- nun. I: . -.- ll 1' Ihll Il:r pun?. I.-.I- I?ll Inln I In I ..I- I ro. I l..Il (MIX: I-I II .l I'll -I: I: 1h;- 1-. I-r ?ram- pm!? ?1 IIJJ II. in: In. rher in" Lll'l tlI i'l-rrIITlI] II- LI: f?hl It I II II. nIr In.? I'Irl'u ?rIugl v;.r I 1.. I ?IN-alr- .- - In'-'2 .If I I ll'r I'M-rt I IILIH ii? I I1 Jilfr'J?? I. I .I1r'l II: I II- I I ll-I n1. II IrPaI'r? Ii'l'l Falf't 1: Hr '11. ll'd'" 1 II- I1 I :r-Ilal - -. t. lI-r <14" '3 fl"! In: llT'h'Ji'I Admit Casualties But Report 2 Battleships -Heavily Damaged? I . - "Him 11:31 Fl? of Parl Bflh?l?fn W?htlnu- I'll HIHI Pull-s Admit Linn of Thu Ital}r and Ilpln Ella-ct- HI 1? l'l-I :hn hum-ruth1 ?rm i 5-:th purl: at Inn-I BrIluh n?lrlau admit. '.rI ?ghling. hut Inn Eur. ultrl up [Ignition-u to ndiu 1.151 nl' rniwllnu shat down it Carin-I'm. Germ nnr1 admit n! of Birdin- Iln-l kiEII-rl. mar-1' I'D-Indrd In durum .llr r-n . and {I.hSn-l d?idj to mar-I- Iun 1-day Hurrah?; In?u- snaking nf' Alhrnis. L'lIilr-Ij Hutu [Mirna-lull: ll?. F'Tl'i'l?lil InlrrI Hum-pg except, Ln In." It". mwsliu'"; romidrmd far Amu- rrluEr-ra Imm Hum-pr. army. aunt-311:1! by air forte. .trilu 1t I'r-zull: him-I}- ?fhtinl rap-arm lhr-ILIIrh Mam-Hr gal-r: Pram-I.- by In nllgII in thin an: For r: In'-rrnahnn nf union" l?Tfmm??lL Iinrr I'Ilhrnia rnuua Brit-In: 1.1-3an I.II admiralty (an- I-I ?nk-awn? and lir J'Ild "dud-L" L'Inimn {If form in mrrlIlIJ-r Adult Hm? in panda?! nr1 rulrm from; d" In' cavalry I'l'I'l-t? Kalle?11113.? [11:11! rel-um 13an of ?lming. In- IlL'tFrI'I?II?ulinn In- ['fIHIlu ntuhnL prrmirr whims: nrulr?iiy duln. rnIiIIrr (1.11.1 upturn. marlin-r I'ul'lhfx mu? {arty?two 1a arI' I?Itllinnj hr Uruguqln lutl?r- uaI-LiIip-I alrplan-I-It AtIanliI: IhiIl-p-In? lulu. urarnrr Animal; report-ad malt: lint rI'r-rIn huminl' un?in- 111mm Emu-I Hus-in rr'mlir-II Imam-Ill! report Hilh Japan. l rin1intinn "IIthal?mI. ?th [mung amm- I'v'Ierc I?ll?slrr- [In '11- ?$1111? t'l I'lliillIll {-nunterrd ?ab I'll,? all: In II iil?rrl'ill'l li?rtnin [hr rI-IIrnnI-r t-I l-l1 Earth lic-nnuhl' Ilt! 4:1: Wmnluniqlm rI: rl?l Gif- ?If and Schli- I. "If, 1I_l_ ll:- n'r-I -. T'ltr 3' 535 Damages in Unllisiun! ?L'ur I .IIrI-la: 13 i'r'll?l Llur I1 I WK..- - .-.-: II-r'I'I'rt'leI' I [1 Indan ll:- -II1'lriIiv?h run] Ecru unit: uul. Ihr l'I-m in?rm-d "lama (?Hull- lIrn" lit-unlit I.le IIn-l ELI-I: 11-pin a: kahuna-.211 1.114 dim- nu:- um I bankr- ?ll-II! . [Ii .. r11 I ??ml'I nap-m1 rum: Ill hI'I'an'J Ira.r!!l. WI am Archer Faring I?lnuhlr Charge J'rl . II.- . l5?. 'liill'! .I1 billith 13" M: I'll-Iin .- I.II Hill I'Iottl' Ill?l'l'l' _Em l'I . mlul Jilin-'1 "In In?ll}. Ir:r l' I. I HIP-pun 1' Ful?ll:hr 'arru Hts-I: 11m".- mis?t-Hm ulna? - I'm-fr II-II.1 r'r-l uh- 11:11. army. Ind {GIle ll.f rm I- :11: nithi 1h? lam-mm: IL-Jn-Ilpr-1 I val. um: ?in W- but.? Mm: Hmutrr Elm-him EGYPT I. L'aMLIpau. mm. Stu-Illn- rmr'h tl?pl t-I hIlnr Puma-Gin!? I1 In Irma-t LIISSUFLIFEIHSIHKING OF BRITISH LINER I. Idtu?ll I l' . lwl'r'll'l'J'I' 311 II I :2 II tuI?Ilii'I'. . I lbl'1 lutl! Ihl:- Mia-nu .I I1 HLIILII (lily-In In: I'a: ?1 In {Jul-Hr mun I1I nu} [nu-I: ?Torn-DI: umuu: {II-nun. Inn-rt MI dill-I1 D?il. an all Iii-I" If} rump"- IL in II rid-cur ?ul roulru Inn-Hr P'?if'llhl [In of [Inn-h It?? h: nf th rtplur?m Till II 01 HM. I-unlrm. I?Iua- rp- pIInI-nujr am! a: Menu '.ht l'rI-I' un't. 1:1 mutt 1111111 HI rm ?rm In thru- In: Ind ml?! In- Damn mull- but lb.? rum. In.- u-LIrJr ?q Int-um HI- In?: In: all: may InmanIIu-d 1 Ian-L Distanca :irHr-In'h. Irvin-M. In'-31 W: or uLl man Irr- r. Hru' mun-raw Mil: ItlI" :o-Ilu r- lIl lnfurld my ALI-HI. ELI bI?Il'l'I mind up. Lh- r-mrruna'l'n urn En: c-r "u an. usl?nbb Th! mm from Dip-L 4.1. hum?rd. LII C?Ill' Brilinh Shut Dawn' routes-m marksman-urns ?mam-aim- at - I motto a n. News-lieu i Hat. YEAR. No. 118 Hitler?s Thrust Draws Quick Retaliatio moan arr. No Guarantees of Immunity in . Mere Distance President Warns People of Almeria-as That Mod- ern Conquerors Sect: to Dominate Every little of Earth?s Surface; of Holland's Queen Applauds Proclamation Against ?Unrxumpilrrl 1Violation of Good Faith? Shown by German invasion. Br mm L. Washington. May lit?thPl?Prcsident Roosevelt warned the Americas tonight that modern conquerors seek to rloml- nats "ovary mile of the and lilitIluit?l't any contention that this hemisphere's distance from Europe lives it. a ?mystic immunity.? I in terms of modern invention. he asserted, the distance ls less. than that cot'ercd by the "charintsl of Alexander" roilingr from Macedonia to Persia. or the. "ships and legions of Caesar" moving ?from Home to Spain or Britain.? He questioned whether the policy of "pescet'ul construction" it another principle of life spread over all the rest oi the globe. The American re- ublics must ponder the prob- rm deeply. lilr. Roosevelt added. and. "act with unanim- ity and of pur- so He betas-I the eighth Ami-I'- Iosn scienti?c mm. lit- soot- Ioetilma oi the ill-mil- ohm. The address roiiowrd an anxious day of raadin; dispatches truths of Ilsa Nan invasion or Holland and. Belgium, arid cutler- I'liia with in advisers on how belt to shield Asorsira tram the impact of the broadeninl war In Europa. At. a. press eminence during the historic day, he applauded I prur- taination In width Queen Wilmi- o! The Neth?tands sum- moned soldiers to tie-hi tha In- rasilsll. Ind rotor-ii I ?naming pro- teins antass this Wind ria- tatlcal of loud tall-h." in deliver the mesh. Hr. Roosevelt. made two possibly at.- nideant changes In his ill-spared mt. He had. written "wi- must no"! Idullt." that modern conquer- ?a seat to rule the entire vnrid. and he chanced thsI phrase to "we tuow down in our hurls." lie second came alter the had asked mun-r [third-east pul- ler or "peacrtul could In On It a prtriripls or tile prevailed everywhere rise. 'm that he added an Humane ?No, I think not.? int-snarl; tint-us The Chief race-utilis- was Intense- Ilrloul Is he delivered his ad- dress and so was his audience. The famous Roosevelt units a-Is not present. Applause was scarce. for most at the stain-uran malts in the address hold at [lo-om: de- velopments and aloomr forebod- tnsl. nor. ma true at assertion which audience-s applaud. its told the scientists? ?What has runs about has been caused bl' those who would and are mine. your inimi- lions ot pesos in I. wholly cause?it's? who arr-k to dominate hundreds of millions of people in ?It continental [It?ll?thud also. It sures-slut in that aim. will. must now admit. rnlane their wild dream to onset-anus human. hails. Ind err-r1 mile of sin-tars." . and oi? the distance ahlch lira bit-m Merits and the batik-r Ill-id or Europe. he asserted: 'deas' we tools that until re- cent works too many eiilarns of the nautical. republics battered themselves strolls alkaline-Hr and. Miran; and soc-tail;? from the Impact of the attacks on ell-titratlm which are II: worn- rise-hm. rah Miss: "Paths-pa this molt Idea Ill ?mil? ?if ?t.hrs in I tar-lea ?oi' several thousand miles from war-torn mono-I [are to us Idaho lotus cl' matte lmsnunit: mentioned on Pass 2. col. Belsisns Cheer Quick Arrival of Allied Forces oi' Belgium. simian the mural. music for tile qainat the horde ot German Iri- is harping that: user. to- oatlols mt. mum duemi the stile! allied aid and new world could continue its EEAKENSET ANNOUNCED Dr. laiph l. "atrial-alt. President Of mt Js??rrlorl lrwa. ta ridden-s Grunt-in; Hall: Dr. John Newton at to french Mas, natal-annals. Movement sprIlara Baldwin toilets tilts. year will b! Hr. Ram O. ll'utrhisorl. president of Washinaton and Je?erurn cul- ilsr. ?lamination. Pa. who will mate the Idtirrul to the gradual- In; class June 1. and Dr, Jnl'll'l Newton Thomas. pastor oi the Grace Oorenant Richmond. who will delirrl the baccalaureate sermon. has. In a. ll. dr- l'rlIr from college.- an M. A. From H-lrrard. and a Fir-l}. from the University of Hunts-iv rants. Lafayette collcte also con? [erred the D. D. dram on him. Dr. ?mines is a n: [?ll Lure university. ni' which he is a member of the board 01' il'ltlitt?l'l. and has hill I'll. D. I'ncari the University at hillt- talnh. Ha formerly taught Hill]! and was collate chaplain at Hot- lins. He was pastor or the Mood Presbyterian church of Charleston. 3. 0.. bff?" [din] to Richmond. "lilo?ta particularly I relationship oi science amt lion. - rr1I? mull l?lml? MNDID Aruba. Netherlands. Writ. Indies. liar hundred and on; French marines. l'rorn tho cruiser Jeanne lt'nrc, landed here ionth The: were lolly equipped. I'll.le ms 381?. ll" CITY-COUNTY SENDING 75 T0 CAPITAL Pails fraai Stunt-u and lat-ta (hunt: Milo to PIN-tutt- pats is Hints sass-l sasslr rams Panda and Other Innis its Washington Today. Amount: seventy-firs pupils in and anemia county?s public schools left. here by bus at seven-thirty rulerdav morning tor Washin?nn, there they will loin loo-la 15.02!) safety cuts-oi members in the ninth annual school safety patrol par-as today and participate in other events stand In em. tion with the parade by the lune-ri- cali nuts-nubile as-Iociatlon to honor tin-u yooliitul crossing lCh?ll detention made the trip in three county alt-21ml buses and were not. accompanied by a police way were last ?qr. it?ll rand- The parade starts at rinse-I?dth In the morning. snoring well. on Corutitutton avrllue. past the le- riewinl stand at Lilli toot of His- tcenlJi street. about ?.030 boys, in- cluding drill trams and builds. are to participate. Itc'rlea-inu thr- line at march will be senators and mngt??anirn, fril- rral and District of Columbia om.- clais, as wril as thousands ot spec- tatorl lining the turbo. ?111:- mztinymt tron: till?s city.r and county is to return horns today. The drivers or their buses are Hurts-1 Wood. James Miller. and It. (I. I?airoi buys listed to Make the trip . Beverley Master urinal .Eal?l {Aral-1 . ?rs-sell. Waiters. Char- les Maury. Homer Ciunmrr. null turtle. Dual-nil Cone}, Charles Ore- ilailsil. and Elwood Easter-on. lit-rill His-er HEM Robert Whitalit, HerediLh Hunter. Warn-a Gael I-aha-al Glands Lona. Hubert Poirot-s. (Continua-d cat Pass 2. COL Ii Pies to Receive Full Attention at Cooking School Menus malts the lteadtuzu mesa days. 111.! subject of loud. always can- turra. the spotlight or attention. whether the {FCC-aim is an alter- noon bridge, a rout?to-cout piano night. or the tlalt of metal-ill?: Ring and uracirnu Queen at the 's'l'lilir House "What did tin-y rat?" That was the absorbing inane before the and lulu alter. Nu Wonder tlio alislolu hostess schemes and pussies and stays awaits nights. Pigtails for I brand-new inspira- i - iioll Irom primitive man to the present date is do will eat," The Made: Papers halt masculine interests in mind In tanking tile much?discussed tire (whim mhool. Judging by enthusiastl reports [rum other srhoot is. rom- munity kitchens hers will he Inim- min: and Iiuabanda will be aiilst- ling lone alter the hospitable cut? IContinutd on Pan 2. Got. di Washington, Hay ?mo-Elli war explosion pro- duroll atria-ll Indications today of I ?ll-it! Acceleration at American national datanas mum 1illttih mans memo-m apparth in I. mood to disregard expense. eonsrru heard that President Roosevelt contemplated asking both an Immediate Hospital of the arms and nan and rattling a war Mammal recommendation tor "arm Inns and supplies costing altouther ?00,000,000 or more. lide to appropriations alrralii' made or pending, this would raise the total drills-s outlay tor the [var startlna Jul: 1 is about. I2.- seams?. wl' Charla ANNUAL MEETING OF AUXILIARY 0F PRESBYTERY 0F ATTENDED BY 250 ml George Cl. Marshall. chief oi stall. alrradr has upmton ot the molar arm: or limo mrn. One wit-informed source Inc-om areas said that. until last night. the war department. had been. slotting on estimates for a Hill.- scones deiteIrnci' eluding ?5,000.000 for 300 addi- iionai four-motored banners. Meanwhile, Ctialnnan ?man in. 0a.] ahead with plans for the house naval oolnudtlsa?s extraordinary study of Lisa navy'a entire shipilutidil'is: and. aims-at: proll'am. HI said the sill od' ills additional appropriation to be sought for that service at this sea- alon would depend larlrl)? upon this andiw at that moraines. Double Charge Is Placed Against Man Tulsa-inn: that the [airline ours- VL. SATURDAY MORNING. MAY it. 19:10 . vs leash! it's-ill and Door-tar: ma ?ecrrtary of tha Navy Charles Eaters-i. right. Is shown with Senator Until I. Walsh of Massachusetts. chairman of the sonata naval wninlitirr, litime I reopens-d hearing in. on the 1655.. 000.000 l1le expansion hill. HHIITIZH. AUDIT nuns:le A. 7 Edison at Naval Bill .I I. It"! .5. .nwlIM . Paris. Hay llui?aaturdayi?{M air alarms sounded Dimiiulmt as Adolf Hitler primed his in: western the Low countries and HerK?h-Itrllisll troops raced to pruillolls an a new front extending 300 miles from thr- North am through Holland. Ilrlilium rind [in alrrt I'm in acn- France at U'tTl'f?I'lt'! I m. ininr-I'l'nr- p. in. 1751?. Fri- Ital'}. and this has followed in- slitlaln'ratt slimline. Another atlt?ni nursed the am:- tllrastr-rll region oi France at. two. thirty a. In it come to all. end thirty millilitr- tilts-r Paris. May toads-Allied forces driving into the tow nt Germany's Invasion of tilt" Isra? advancnt on a. ti-vn'. mors- 7111 [rust] tht' North it's the t?irr- man. litllt Prelim irr- riton' cur. of the Mini-tic rill-r. the French hitch. command announced tonight, ""tt tn tenitnrr. stints In tlhi? [trial-mlme ?lntlilarv miller-l said there worr- ""Il?ll?ll clinihau" vanguard-i nt tini Mimi and. Nut war machines established contact. Al the same (lemral?i warplanes thundered into France In widespread Illtil._ killing at least forty Hench til-trinich skill and an the around mannins ll?tll-alrt?rai?t batteries bin-.th lor- tv~tour (Irrinan plan" out or the sky onto soil. the high era-limami announced. Uf'i't'liltu'l [null in the west. the high command said. extend-Eli to the Mint] ot? French town east of the rit'l'r a short. dill..an [min the juncture oi? (Jer- many, insulibuurt. and Frame. action on the military hunt. in for whit one lpokr'unall slid be Liir "must [ulntic battle at all time." Prev Its-Justin still-lied. his cabinet Air Raid Alarms Sounded in All Parts of France with two ministers and all. but tour at thirteen on racers- Francs this liming Lute I. livide that. the war had. hull- l-n out. in earnest. was well In Our- I'nait raids and boost-lines over ant Ill 0! P'I?lt?irr. Towns In the north. the east. and oven central Triton-I- 13! this country wrri- Miti- to attach. and ills.I list at Gold Ind ilillirrd mounted steadily. The Paris raided early this mos-nine. slain hrand Inil-all- crail. batterer to action tonight. A war lniriiltn' spokesman said the Allin bathed till assurances oi assistance for in'i'asird Brigimn amt The Netherlands by arndinc I Ions:- pn-pami hatch-tirith war ma- chine rumbling noth and cast. in- to lsriuillm The vanguard-t of this [acct it said. millil- contact with Nazi nio- torlsi-{l ntanlrv units still-h pushed Into lin- ductiy ot Luau-ai- b-oura this morning. White the math body 0! defenders awaited a possible on- Um Maulnot lil?il. anil-Ilrcratl hattcrirs in Paris and a darn cities biased into ac- tlon ?llrist t?trrman bombers which struck deeply and repeated- ly lntu Pram dutilu the day. taking: a casualty toil at at. least forty killed and as many injured. llroadesu i?ahinrt A In: hours alter the ril- the war in tile low coun- tries. Premier Paul Bryn-ad broad- ened th iablnl-t in I virtual lia- tlonal union by in- cluding Habitat Leaders Isa-Lil! Marin and Jean flaunt-(arts as ministers without 1111'? also will haunts of the inner war oi tinII call- It'll-t, The Fret-itch anv nmll?l?'d its Intention. of repll'lns allh air on other than military objectth It the Germans bomb Isirh targets air raid casualty and damals rep-twill came in Ircrn all part: or the country. Bennett Guest SpeakiMonday it. 1.. Bennett. Dmlnaton. will be the aural sol-slur at a meetina or ministers or titanium: and Aulusta counts on Marni-v morning at eleven o'clock all ['nut?s United churn-Ii. Mr. Bennett, who is an active layman, is to speak on ?What I. layman El?pft?ii oi ltil Pastor." M. the regular meeting 0! the Kiwanis club here Monday morn- ing. Mr. 1trill lilo be the [unit sprain. Dr. Hurt to Lead Spray Discussion ans-an and sprain: I'll) be the subjects of a round-table discussion participated in. by truit [rowers at a isles to be held at seven- 'I?ilaadajr limit in the Council to Meet on Tuesday Night To mails up [or ?ill molar council mes-tins that. was omi- p-nus-d last Thursday. the city taili- will mert Tin-sitar. it was. lin- noul'ioesl yesterday City Llan- agra- W, L. ?ail. 'nls regular meeting was grisl- punecl because several were In a rrllional oi' the trum- of Virainia D- Rotlirians Given Preview of Their Convention (lily Raoul *1 .?irsnlo. secretary oi the Golan minus. told ?nial-tans of Dinar. ?mm. Won-um. . and Ill. metallic or the city when its? will rather that: tniarnauonai attestation this simmer. socks on Barns. tin-trauma his tall: with ?lms at the city. Hoasalaowtitholdihstcintrr- national contention thus. lily ?1 .U inva tr HELM 1N BRITAIN hellish March to till-rt leery hast [fades leadership at Churchill. Nana-d Prim .?lttnirtrr Upon at Nasl-hatlnl Winston London. Ma)? 1o. [Pu-Itritam marched to mn-t Adolf Hitler on even trout tonight under the leadership or Nari-hallo; hard- hittil?il Will-stall who took truth the i'altrrin; hands at Neville Chamberlain the helm at an empire plununi into its [latest battle. Bwittly ful?lling Britain's plrdal to Item tor Europe's newts- invad- ed low msnirlrs. British. troops marched with their much allirl into Belgium and. the rural air force bombed corms-occupied sir- in The Netherlands in a counter-ilrole to Germany's limi- I?iil'ix. put-dawn Invasion It! Germany's The dramatic clash preliminary to the tint [rest blood-kiln by the contending powers was acct-lu- partied or Chamberlam's tion as rlrne and a this! push hats the man he trusted. at. Munich to "(It's us was in our time." our" Herr-Ion' His voles treating with the 'ft-sear-oid he would lam In any capacity under his ?-yrIr-old m. whom ha predicted would be luc- era-tut totaling I new [ores-n- me'nt (it all parties. ?so lahorll? Itrraill' hall decided to Join I call- inr-l. under a prime Minister other than Chamberlain. Chamberlain. called upon the na- lion in "light and sort: until this wild beast uni hall sprung iron-l lit! lair us has been ?nally dual-med and lConttnurd on rare 1. Got. it Three injlired Crash on Route 11 'i?hrre persons were hurt and an- other uralmd injury as I. truck and passenger car wilidr-d about rill?.- thlrii' last nilhi on Lire huh!? about two miles wuuth ol' Hal-rum. tiuril- ?I'iie :n1ured were Win. L. Oll- Lrainl'toll Nrrm. who was riding on the bark of the truck: litrn. Dorothy haddeli and Samuel than. both at llarrlsonbulw. Oli- Iuiant mus-trad a head and am In? Jury; Mrs. Wallis-ll a cheat Injury and facial Hits; and than. su?rrevd an injured chest. Timer injured taken to Rod.- iliaham .?utrmorlal hospital. Harris- Utltturl. ded Low Countries Answer Nazi Challenge . of Belgium. retaliation from the amused lenito with ?re and ?ood. citizens. German town. The I-?n-nch. however. listed shot down at. least forty-four soil or the Annotated Pleas Adolf Hitler's terrililr. typical lightning Invasion of The Netherlands. Belgium, and Luxembourg. with simultaneous .- i bombings of England anti France. dress by German bombings oi French cities. and said it: With Fire and Flood: Wrrall. Havoc on German Aerial Troop Transports at Rotterdam and The Land Troops on The Netherlands Coasts. French Thrust Into immediate Fighting Con-l . tact Willi Germans in Luxembourg; Forces. of Both Mites Marci: Into Important Regions; Allies last night and while the invaded Low countries answered the Nazi The British wreaked havoc on German aerial m7 transports at Rotterdam and The Hague and landed i on The Netherlands coast: the French thrust ate ?ahtinr contact with the Grromr boorz. and forces of both Allies marched into the most on- portant regions of Belgium to the cheers of ?ower-Mint Protest Civilians Killed The Germans protested violently that Allied .1 killed at least twenty-four ctvilians in bombing a mum killed Koo. Tile British denied any raid on German cities. but said? they bombed Nazi troops on the western front. The Netherlands claimed more than 100 had fallen to their barking runs. and the total into more than Mt! parsons such Nut raiders on quiet: and iconic-1 Germanpianas'. by LC "i i 'lauashd' glans were more than 160. The Germans said they downed about 100 silicon' planes. . Holland airports. ill the ?rst pro?dawn German sortie. all land In full stride. it'lvl Mil-I11 IM- placin- him with tha ba?laaram Winston and hastened plants and man to the nations traits so dramatically opened up altar tours than Itaht month of stalemate. lesbian? m! The German high modem- that the stern resistant! The Netherlands and Bristol: was haina It wren- point. but. the unyielding detest-den M- have marked hiI sans-r as Elm" man at GMI dutit?i)?. linulrrdam. Hay It tBaturdI?l. to arrest Adult Illi- lrr's lilhtnimr. the stalwart Distal: early today announced their tarsus were standlna on their delrnsu near the eastern imntirr. mating mourns in wiping out swarms ol' NEW Will EXPLO Two hundred and mu driuatrs had been miner-rd when the two- day annual mretins oi the Woman: auxiliaryI a: the Lexington mails- l'aa brouth to I clam yrs- lrnlaj' It the thrirrian church in Franklin. W. Va. Hilhltahta oi' the concluding us- blol?t the Billie Hots: rain or Mn. I-twuell. based on the Epistles (it Hi. John; the on torsi'n missions by Dr. and sin. C. Patterson. retired missionaries truth China. who now live near Tinkiin; Sprins; and the tall: by Mrs. Pralsz H. Crawl-3rd, Parm- president ol' the Insular";I or the Hood of Virginia. the place tor the nut insat- tnil. the Cools creeks Presbyterian church. at Mt. Clinton was ?locust. While no president o: the sun. tarr'l?astobncho?nmilmJl? following other of?cers were start- lsn. 0. ll. Btull. Lexington. ric- ?said-ant: Harrison BRINGS OF DEFENSE PREPARATIONS Miss Roane and Mrs. Staples Are Renamed to Posts Miss [Mrs More. of Ohm. and Mrs. J. Kmper staples. ?ar- rbonliula. were ?desired diatr- man and secretary respectively It. the meeting or the Valley [Mp or sums-visors in the slauultarr sci-mots held in the Augusta county school bosnl other hen suture Interim: with the poop were [in Ruin llrridrram. state somber. Mil-:0 Judith Wm. dis-actor oi' adu- ca the French. Dutch. and Bel-tr ulnul-r Its-ville unanimous, n- g: it i ?3.3 Si gig-E; ill I i FIFTY-DRE IN THE PUBLIC SERVICE ore-u Imam- out; oil tho on. our: J2me! 140.290 mom rm IUHAU CIRCULATION. All 011' _a BTAUNTON. Vt. SATURDAY MORNING. 6. 191! Moat Substantial Defen- sive Line-Yet Formed by Rear Guard Trem- bling; Soviet Black. Sea Heel. Strolling Nuain. By the A-Iooclatod Pm: The most. de- fenalye lino yet i'ormud hy the rear guard of the retreat.- inlr German armien of antith- erlI Runli?v?nl?n?' the Miun river in the vicinity of Taxon- rny?trembled Iant night un? der the. tremendous ahoclt of a itcd olTean-iye spread oyer a Til-mile from. Whether the. line actually wart breaking generally was in dirt rule. The Russians re- portc an much. saying that Nani troops desperater try- ing to cram the Mina to the went on pontoon harm-a were under violent bombing attack. hut iierlin inaiatt-tl that Mitr- ahrtl Timonhenlto had It hurt been ?fought in In Hover-I I'olamna 'i'irnoahenlo war out Itla ion-HI tn columm. Illa right I?lill. operotlnl alaty mill-a air-rye cont OI the don't an. wu declared to have awful. over the won all Katrryer Kur- uan. out root of manna. Ind Io- to he lhreatenlnu the tier- man tiutrl I.NI that (lull-HR! ll??I city Hist left out proceeding: in I mind but nrrirfiy pat- tern I?lonlally along the coo?st and obliquely llom an aura .abuvd the nut. thr- taltcr throat bring head- ed Ior Moritnrol. mile: went at Tauanrq and 100 milol beyond 'Itooim'. acalia at the tint to tho than or ?oat . with the an? parent Intention of encircling the German advance form. Tho main bodiro oi the iront? aa- aault corpa alum: tho Jim were re- ported to hare bJ-Ml?l "Panama. learnt; loner i?oma to deal with the Hula there. Naalo htureoyer anti tlita wart our oi the Inmt of all Iartort - the Hritlait radio reported that the Hot-let Ill-cl tea fleet Ill heavily atirmnl Ii-Ir- German: along the Amy cont. ?I'na'n? urre In Lu- Halli to the Hotter. by the donut: recaluiiulatlnu. utc Rulaiana reported that back [turn Ito-titty and. in the itnraeu tar-airline Iiivadera had not been drier-u from 4.000 aquaro mllra oi territory and that am towna were . "aln 1n control Mott: the Mina?which [Iowa dorm l?lum juat mt oI Btalino and emp- ttu into the gulf Hiroul?l'l In allu- ary went out "I'aaInrug-ituadan in a Illtl'itl aloo were re- ported pouring "er" unon (lei-mail army rowed for I cloaailw. lhlaylnl kit-n "min and other clrculrututtrl nested that the (telman-P?Ielli More dial rorI chtat had no hope of hold- ing the Hlua 1Ine [or tour. but had concentrator! all hla available rear ailerilu: then for a delaying action became it woo the moat nearly de- rail-thin rector in which he could make any timid. .luitll- auchl line had been will? hold? the altered little li'l' formation of the Hoatoy-l-Iartwol {rt-mt [nu-rally. They allele oI tre- mendoua ltuaalaii Ion-Ira. althoth not or thelrna-ntare In their rrIcren-m to the nu- or Italian Iilri Blank troops. immatiian I?Oi'cca and I Omit can? . Ilau were rep-dried trying to tho - Cent Increase Set as Minimum while moat local retailers oi in the talent area. hare rained the price on Lilia conunodlty a cent on each pint and Quart. aa by the auto milk board. It Ia reported that I number oi' oihm nan advanced the price too ccnta. Lyle o. Wotlci?. chairman of the local mil: board. uld Iaat nlaht that atatc cowoualm?r rcaio at price- wu only in lane a! I minimum and that retailers could err-rue aamuch Ibo" tho minimum aa they lit. duoer by tho distributor and to the retailer by the summer. he laid. mutt not ho bolero tho prico art try the million. incrnu in price above the minimum lot by the million to 'briiorad due to tho tit-creating coat or coin: human. Mimi! II WILL ATTINDID With I full quota at command. . I crop was taken all again a tuna ?Russians Say Germans? Rear Line Breaking Elm? Open (. *3 hit-liar 01' IL John?u for the first tlme. the ontlro length of tho of tho mule. ulral of Fit. John The Ulrlna In Now Yell: City. llr?rlt Golhle ulhedrai In tho world, In opened to the public. a congregation at 10.000 worahlppe-i In the church. which to still. only rnm. Fl?l?l. Since the turner-lime wu put In place Ill yearo ago, a that "0.000.001! hoo boon opont. In additional 110.003.? to lira-did It! rompieta tho cathodrIL Order is To This Soldier 1U: Hitler In order In Corporal J. It. Hll'l'tlm'i nI Ilic hut battalion. lli?th Field artillery. and if It n'ert'. LII ruin Ill-d mud braid! mod liflr firm-ri- ville In more Iltan manly-imr haul-n. that's all rIcIIt. Tm. when the ilIi-tll corn-1w [Titlr'ti with over limitl- il 'i'htirulay, mick: broke Iitra'ii Conan-rat Htmpaoit oraa dram?! oil with mm- kitchen equipment jlilt north Granville. fur the purtm of feed- the men Itt?ldlliu the Iii-tabled attainment and to alny ml pool uhtll nicked up. The oorporai prepared a Itrw Incl coffee and Init?LlUl? hh img?? ya colon Elana. Hot in Thom ay 1: 1. i downpour Ito not tell truth from othela of the rotion amt the whole detachment rolled on liaran and tilt behind. Pitched 'l'a-nl. Not Illth aheuwr or not lilo truck- had paucd him, the aoidier kept the lire gotna and aloe: In l?Illt poet. Later in thr- ho pltciml on the wet around on the tint and traitod. but his liner made canlact him. canto aiiri thr- ateor, coi- brood. nutter. uttl jam were atill. ready to ford the detachment if they up. but the day timed arith- cait a aim oi thrm. Blown-on hid no crater to drink. but a Mattie-tit ol' mo neighborhood ?are ill? I gallon of milk. ml. nLII'pl. police here Iaut're in- formed from ijiluhamlon. um Gum-oral t-Ilmpron had. been leti. along Route It aumr'a'lrrle tooth oi mountain to iced the loo: net-tit- IContlnuIId Pole 1. Col. 3- TAIL TO MAKE REPORT OFWNSES Lib Iooll?l Caulidatoa nug- eltaiomnl o-t CIrrIpallu anon-II Within at Don Alice an Election: Ill-ta on Hillary and General Italian Given. According in election inc-a. candidates In- prirnarlea and FtIl-l'l'li ?lor all ataio and ion] Dina-a. Includinl even I cua or convention. mutt within thirty daya after such plainly. elec- tron, eta. tile under oath a full autumn: at all upenaea lnrurrcd incident to MM primary. election. etc. The Iaat primary I'll on Any. 3. and the loot general election on Nov. i. An examination at record: It htoth the city and county clern' omen yca'lerday revealed that onlyI a partial hat of nur- t'HuIIil and otlirrwlae. had coniolln~ ed to the atatuiro Two new member! ol the noun doteuatea Iron declared Democratic party min-linen. were mime-rout city ol'tlriata rlty oilirlu. 'i'my were or cotlrae later elected Only in the of?ces at city rerun-ant rm [hero I craticat. and ihla l?llW?l?il?d in both the primary and the (Pit- crai election "on I'tlod Ntatomnllo The [aroma yealelday ll'in'l?fii that only the tour-vino candidatu- had nied their caper-tar accounts: dug. a primary" 0. Ft. Painter. .1. It. May. J. Taylor. amt W. twink. Nov. 4. arnrlal etc-titan.- (I. Day- ion ?Drill-a. W. J. Elliot. 5. D. It. hi. tipocmnb. and. II II. llaylnr. Numcnnu arm-1.. jut- tlrea ol' the timer in city mo county, have not ?led Ital-cinema of their cap-Mimi mounta. 11' any. Aug. 5 r?mry In the Aug. 3 primary. record: In the clty clerk'a nt'l'lt'ol LIti theI it Palmer: ill the pit-II. to Democratic com-mitt". Total npondltulol. Illib. .I. H. Ioiril and patio- lua- tlrot.? prnditulea. Herbert J. Taylor rcorncnori- Iaealth'a altorm-yl: no eapendltunl. W. J. Hallo! It'in aerleantiz Entrance loo Ito- Democratic com- mute-e1 n; announcement In pro-a. petition-I. notary Ice. pmtal calda. are: ralda. Moo.- adyrrualng in porn, Ii. Total No.25. ror the Nov. 1 general election. the i?ullo'avlnu hora bent. i'ilerl: W. J. Ila-ink. e. I) l-iolaintcr, K. and II. E. iiayinr? I'L'untiltuni on Page 2. Col. 3 OMARE illTS JOSE RIOA Han Jon-o. Cqu Rica. m. banal": earthquake violently aural the central rnuton of Cut. Rica and tho ooutiiom are-a bordering Panama todoy. calilttli; conaiderahle dart-Ian amt coma lnlurira. The tremor. Ielt throttl?liout ril~ tually all oi Doria Itica. arnl. panic- atrtcacn into the utter-eta in the rum! anal-on al'lected arr-Ia. Home-t rrere destroyed It Hanto liernila, In the ooI'Ic-o country. ten mile: north of Ban Jone. Early lrpli'tit told of property dunno in Ulladlliipt'. Corlalli- io Canaan. and Fuerta .llminca. Today?a quake lollowed a ammo at tremolo the plat aererai daya. Panama. Panama. Dre. b-ni'I? An carthquate cult-H1 Home darn- In Uil" Panamanian citch of David and Bandage tate today. There were no immediate reporta of any drama. ya RAILROAD STRIKE REMOIEO As RUTHERHOODS RATIRIs TLEMEMT TERMS chairmen of the "Ili? nye" railway brothel-honor tonight rat- ii'Ied the prop-om terma [or unic- of their nap demands. titu- lomortnu the int threat of a on the nation'a railroado. The atrtae had been act to begin at It: a. m. Buruloy. In announcing acceptance the Ia'roctlmit. which had been world out town the II'rD-dlltion ol' the Iact . Mill lioa rd. un?t-mien for the Miami.? union: II. Irritation or ratlaray tailor. nailatnl tho [raniod I'm "in lotto: thla action. the "pro-- Chic-:0. bec- Public Asked to Kindle Fire Under Army Kettles Today I Hymnal-c oi the Yuletide Halon. . Lita itairatlon keltko trial- In; tit-tr annual appeal-Jun today. Tho tritioa are tiled Ii arm! Iiciata to more lt?ldl or the an- nuat iitatrthuttm ot lend banal-ta. tilt?, at which run air-11 hot you to local poor Ianiitlra. Whit one ernnu-Irln which will in I-itIalI-ltcc nf rt of wltr. "No further ainlt-ntent will he made tonight." Iain-too L-ot'l? Romania and "many were reported unilaht to are rejected I demand that they quit nuiitlna Ballet Hua- ala by midnight of riat a Itrltuh dn?laratlnii of our "all": limo. And I. Flntiitll rI-Itiaal liar: WM el- il?tl. DNII relayed tllI?HlIKli Berlin termed the Imir Ill Dual-ad lander-I. Dar. Britain Declaring War Finland, Hungary, Rumania London. Saturday. Ilcr. fr?l?l?Itrilnin announced to- allo wita (il'clnrilltr it?ur Finland, Hungary, and Rumnnin in an action without immediate effect. bill "hilt-(l nt lliom' r'taia sniclliten dellnitely on the Nazi did" of lln1 penci- nt?tr-r the war. The text [If [he "Il in aniriItlly alliterl in London that. no nitliitl'nctory re- Ilim lil'l'fl received from [he Finrlinh. Hungarian, ll.l1ll to l?H'lli'ri Illilrl'lu?'i'l In mom win-k. are living cent 1 result Mr. and lira. Worn-n N. Hatch (lb-nu] wen darn-on total. ling 121.000 by tho Ilddluoa Court, Button, in "ain't a itrultun hotel and pollco aim-Int i-Imllia. Tho charlod 3mm. raid-ti their room In tho hole] and forced In. Hatch. to stand heron hill In tho auda artill- ho ?aor. then-n- three uny- which Iiad demanded that the Itumarnana quit uhtinl unid- (tar-many aid alihdrao itu- mariian m'h lid Dnlootrr mm W. Tha?rioto of formation In handed to the United Blair- charue d?a?airoa In ?tlrilareat. but was not released for Milton-m. I'itlala. her it HIP. (folio-ta la ewe-clued to {ohm-I the United Kilia- Iimn in that a Halo of war caiata with Finland. Hungary. and AND GIBBS ARE sinKERs Annual Dinner Meeting at .?Itan- Iam' (interwar-o. ileld In Way? lacohri. ll Attended by In IIut-rl Huckholden. tint-Ito: I?tory Ia Tooatmuicr. H. Lm'l arr1rlut',? the Itarrutrulg. Pa, rIIamIa-l r-r and w. w. {Niall-I ul' ti'ILli tlly principal ~1H'Ikrra bei?nre in) hotel main-urn. nil-rt- Iroldrr'l. and glue-ta at the dilillrr meeting of Mill rlinlm-llrh' (nutrient-e of the nrrurrhin the General Wayne hotel in Waynentnro laat night Mr- Dibha woke bilPTl} el?ahlp and Mr a-Iu: r1l'- tire prinripal ntiillru. on eura through Improved molt: Irin? Iloiu. l'lory Tea-mall" ?I'l'llilom nury, pendent of ?Meta. Inc. an Hunt. Inaater. {Juth Ilorn Htauntun than he Introduced at lltl' yatli- went Wayt II. ?l'ilnlierlalr Jr.. pro-idem. of the awning li't?ooldr- which ll until-r {truiohla litolia?mclit; Ira. iota J. Waller Calli- on Pour ll. Col. 'lI PARISIANS DEFY STERN WARNINGS Lent Tara Hot Mada on Nari O?klala In Dolor pint Capital: Lard I-aoo Now Appeal Iai- Illd In i'apiurtni doth-arc or Vichy. lino-ocule France. Liec- on cloned atent Ger- man warninu and ultimatum: today in make at least too near attack.- on Hui a?l?'rl in the occupied capital. Coincident with tho pm In Full DI the Vichy alcr premier. ltd- nilral Dalian. for emiinued negoti- auona with the conquers-n. mm uolhrraka were reported: 1. A German molar wao ahot and uricatily in the hit: by a oyctiat on the lion do itetne, in 51. [Jermain lilatr?rct. The cyclial. t'l- earn-d. 1. Another nfl'lrcer araa Thom In- a lurid at men at nay- 1u-iiloullneau1. near the Veraailiro I'll-c. tic Iraa unhult. Now atoll-ll Rear Admiral Item Bard. ?IltrI Paria oral-ct or potter. tutu-d a new appeal to the mute oi u'io city to help capturo Ilia authorl or me re- com. uric- ot the limo oi today'a Attach. Pam no titular an ultimatum man lConiinuod Pogo Col. II WI-Ihlnamn. Dec. 5 311'? ID.. iraI tannin called rur 590M.) art-iota miultrratloli ol' the Emilio recently patme by the initial in an effort to rnII Iirleitlo atria". 1? I letter to Senator ?l?lmrnaa ?D-o Utoitl. chairman o! the Kali-tr mitten. am told. ?In tho Inn-Iona uth confront- us. tho mate. 1 mm. tron to Calls for Speedy Consideration of Smith Bill Recenin Passed by the House in Eifort to End Defense Strikes tau" branch of our (momma-m." "I'm out. lull-h In. VIJ. be rolled. would olltl-Iw juriadiellonal or aympathy Ialknuta. an up the national nudlatlon board II I ?otil- tory ?my. ban putatth m. and require Iii! mill-I?M or lenator timothy (0.. Tu.) laid TOMIMATIMO COMMITTEE REMIRIATED WIN HIM in Hallucination Iiiala If men-taro tor at halal at Martin; In January; Board. ('in Glacialo t?ia-w Mal-hotel. Fill-n. of mutin- tn {ll-no in rumination a alato or dim-tort for ill-i! at. the alt-null dumber Int-etth in January. appointment ni? tun-mitten to handto the annual hit-quot. and hearth; oi routine room-to Ioatund lilo momth martin: of the at hoard. oi? director- yeateniay our-moon. The board at four- Iitirtv in New I trove trailer of Vancouver, It. (I. 'ht'h the lilting ?ower Mil-I in the city or Victoria. Mayor [tmge It Entire?. City "If-m W. I. Ital! and manta-rt of cit! nouncil were all-i at the mantra lo vie-t the picture naming ?ower Mela being a Project which ha! been unl'll-r aludy try nraJ'lI'iI Ind the oi macro for aorrta "nitro- Mra it Collar-r. aim the hanging on a tour la Mimim the hl-n- trim on Page 2. Col II roo? - Meade Im loved During Absence Of Its Soldiers Dinar. U. 0.. Doc. I.- Di"- alnn headquarton dumbed tad." a tenor-ted and trait-mired Fort Limo (I lull-ado awaitinl Blue Ind Gray aoidirra It till curl o! a LEI-mite humor-rd Ilom- liar-II railth in the North err-lion ?eld: While tho ??iytalm'l IEM men were being trained in the ways at war in turn month! of Stuthelrl mam-urea. clear. at the homo tiIIrI were busy paylnl load. bll-ildlli' aidroalta. emtlul ten regimental eta-wit. an olilccra' "(rt-odor: butldiltl. a theatre, and aheltcra at but atoll? path barrartl will be heated when the uulrlIr-ra complete the imrmey Til-win- night. rhowerl will be alailahln tor men all." Him clay! and two night! on tho road. Two lm?mile columns of truth I in loan aimuitouo- y.a ono a.m. I or. by two rcutea lo lruien ure- yournoy Ito-trill. Tho out column 'I'lil or rmnpuard ICantlnuI-d on l?aae CM. 11' - One tram i'tIIiIlJ'lH-l'ti frl? Elaunv thrill-m wan among the l'rflr'ninla telnu to qualify ltIr National Open Tami-nl-i't-ur iirinu cham- Will! qurnunrnt at illi'h- munt?l yratl'irlay Member: at the ill-lat tram were Hr. and Mn. Charle- a link. "To. J. Kiylluhan. and Thom-a ilnll Waaitirlgtau. Dir Mule wormed an "Jitlidl?l outt- plemontai dri'mao appropriation bill by the thumping roll-call major?! oil no to lato today aitor dodatlo- lr heat-Ina (torn no attempt- to prevent manllon ol' the lend-lent! pro-(ram. Camilla fund: "at lent to dou- u'Ita munLry?a production of tank. and other ordinance. u-ia bill would Ian-not tho total of cult and contractual authority pmldod to tho unprecedth run of WT.- moose-ohm:- Iitui twin what IN: country open". on the World war. rneaauro on approved and amt to tile aonato alt-or tho lrlu- IDININO m. KIWI m. Japan Returns Soft Answer to President Awarded $21,000 in Hotel Suit Says Force in Indo- Chinalncreased Due to Menace of Chin 2 I ?0 Reply Appeal: to Open Negotiations. notiations.? the crisis: citations were in progreaa in I Japan wan inevitable. manning or trnopa in French lilon of Thailand. formerly Annual Banquet of Fire Department on Thursday Evening Invitation: are hem; try melnbera oi the ?taunton lira de- [or their annual ban- quet, which ta to be hold at Stone- Irail JIcIar-n hotel at neat ?i'liuraday roller-In; lilt- hartquot. narimont'a alialtlary om entertain with a dance at; hotel HUGE APPROPRIATION APPROVED BY HOUSE BY A 309-T0-5 MAROIM worth or military nipplin a loud- loou but: the miillary attuation warranted ouch Ictim. tire-a anlold boltann All. that, Donn L?unnrr lit. and. Etch. The roll call on ?nal canto al'trr tho houn- dallotod by a roll- ii'io appropriation alumni". itouibiicau macro lilo IIid tho-y road again". tho oriltnal und- ?s Questio Iiona;,0uilino oi' Japaneao Pooltiort II Ina Belligereui Than Semi-omen] Dedu- Iii'ma Put Out [?rller That Baltic Amer-icon Po- aition Seemed to Leave. No Blob/far Furll't?'l tho WIN Pru- The Japanese. returned a Aloft anawcr yeatorday to Prui- dent Homcyelt'a pointed question an to the purpoao of their . large military cnncenIratlc-na in Indo?Chlna. but ?unpro?Z dictalrle? won the one word for the Paci?c. trials. Japan'a told the U. S. nt?atu?de were in thitt French colony by Vichy manta-r and that reinforcement had been . thcre becnuao China was a menace to the colony and toJIp- Inter-cairn In Indo?Chlna. . I . All this appeaer to open tho way for more otlatiooa. It wan accompanied by polite expreoalona of ball ernment ltp?itfll?iln In Japan that Tokyo and 1Woo film Would ?continue with to tr}l to ?nd a common [err mula for it peareful aoltitlon In the Paci?c." l'ooi'lu but Boliiyorrat In spite of II subsequent remark?"if thorn no linearity then there in no need to continue tho negotiationa"?thla ont- line of the Japanelo oaltion was vastly [m belligerent tit-I'll the semi-official doe aratlona put out Iariler that tho haaia American pmition scurried to leave no bull ?for furthor ii"- Theac were among "liter of the day'lt 2. The ltalian radio circulated reports that Important Japaneae ?eet unita were crulainn north of Luzon. in tho . Philippines. and aouth of Formosa. it. The war cabinet of Australia. actln rated thou-rail indicating that a new Hiam: and It was that -