.Ic @be amnion: ?cm?-??eabet '2 WATGHMAN AT PLANT (rum. 7" DGER, SIIWOMAN IS HORRIBLE DEATH HHEH - ?i . HE BURNS AND BROWNS IN m" EIEHPIEIEHNGE .01I CHIHEHEH lulu-11nd. uml nun-nu II-II hull I far I um! I- alumlurll-I {burn-w]. that] Hull?ll'. i i I Ill'li'll lmr?' II ?ur- I. .. I l- I lulu-L I. nun. llnu - ?yum, ?In?ll. l?n?urw l'lnr PHI-II II Hal I I'll ?In MM "will . 1 . I 1h; It: Hr" Tm". II I rut-I and II Iuranll l?lul? non" n. "lurk". . I . I. [I?ulIuh In nulhlIlp "um-Inn?- anti.? mu" 'n I II Hrlr'l'll 4. 3 .- "'lm'mi run .m-r "all: HH- IIFIMI - .II 1. 1 HM In- wrltu- II '21' nI. "r'l I?fl H. Huh. 'II-hnll nil-l Iln- gun" [men IhmMnun, lull mm tum-n. Inn-lulu I . .HDI NH m..r n. II :nl II Thl- I .hull ImLh'llill 1 l"l" II "no [ml 0.1runs- 011,- mu "Era" dun m-I unl I H- .ulm In lurch-:9. in?" n- - mum! m-u page a. mu: rhnmlyrulul mm. a tutu-l mm II Im nu- run-hr. In ul' I?Inmmunlrullun . m. numrlu II umm. hm hm. law-II Iwulnl . . . I i I "Mr" I "m1 I'n-mll "luau-l". Iln- .um ?Ilium .. hum mum-II llum Him ?mm nun- h; ?u If" I glln-"l "Hm Inn null- II mu; Ila-n1 and "lain-I a A pm I- .I luau-1 mm m? my." Iran-n and m-I. Inn-LunwnmIL?I-ucm Eh" n-I?umnl umhlr-I ?an and n-nr. II- ?In qul: Imus-n) Jim . huh-g. fur Il?m null pru- I-II-I I- *I'IrtI-n In unr- In I .L?Illdm' I INIIH I-Irlrl ?Ill'I?'l'U I I II Il'ullr?a?' Hlunll Imprqu- n? [up ,Ilhum lam-n "ll-IF limit I nut-I: of I'llurlI-I .mwl M. of mm ?mm, In?. In" 'l'llr' lush I I I and n- Imlun II ?Eh Jun I-uIIur-ql min-mm I-f lhI- mm Iln liuIIlnI-r hl- In-ru .I h-urnn- .qu I .. . I Ill-'I'r and hip- . Ionic-r I'Iutnmr 5 I t-ln-u, hnhl-?mum ill-Ill?! urn-Inn II hallhmau ul .u I mI-vlln: nl' llII- . Imln- Ipown numnrnuIf. l'Hll'll-I I mun! IJII am? :erlIhIHrr MI Hun- - unr quI-m' .u-u-miltm. Ihr alum-ran? II..- mqu I I II II II I 1hr fur Ihn Inl?l Inn-I I ("Huang [-mutuqluu mu ml? "t gnu[ll?'qlrnut nr fr h 'h?flI rh" "Mum' _1 . If." I. I . Inn" I'll-I'll '1 ?In ll I'll] TN I win-II I?ll-l 1 Iluur IIHI I In I null-ll I Han? I Juu- I ?num. or Hula" rum".- I: I llI luurh mu". "um-?lln'ml'll? all? Illiluf [Inl' "lurIu-y n] [Inn I) ?n Plum? Iran?..qu I "ugnl "r yuan-- In nr. Tu whu Ilum ur I'Itnnu dun-lug txwh? Imlm A In] "n I- - "ml! m- f.Ir In uI-I- hlI-. "ulmn H..- Unl: Wlul II ?rm?In-u ?Ill. It! rItIllrl-II. ul' I IIlm II-uu Inn-1r Ira-h Ihu humduilun lqu- 'IuarhlnI-II In Nun-4mm!? rullp.? "Huh". I'm" ?ll'lyHuh" MI In ?mum-Inth :m nun-?In: ruuln II- II llulu-u?. mum-.[hr Inn ?nu. - ?up; Ind I purl". (rum! jury, lithnugh [lu- rl nr-Ium'l-II gm- IIang .1ml .1 canny. "r In? .unm-m? IT: "Ira-?1' Ilr I'll" ?37 run-II? In". mum-?1 hy nu l1ju- gum Illr-n?lnl I I I. "In" l'uur Im-h. mm hull} Inn-n. . I ?Hum? . II II IHIIM. i Il?nrnI-d ul .n-llIllIm hand"- In? alum? I In? In - thI ?bun-[urn .II lIIl l IIJI- II Imul I-Ird- nIu uh I hurl-Int urIurIIng Hull-ml I lhII um Ihu- Ihm- n'mh In" lu'mI'l nl' T1Iallilu'll {In lhl?l'l' lm-v-I Ian? I nlu- ?um It" [mull II lI'ud 91m??- ?Ill Ihrll I Iumu ?Irl l'rnm Imnw un Luv. n. ran-"Ir": Irnu- .1. mm II II IIHI II "Ti II nl} ("Wt lml-I- Inrurr nr l'rmrl. I'll un 1. Ilia-'II In" I'irlhhn?H'n I rl?lxrh lu-I ?rnIIw-Il In mu . . ?,1?de II I I In: indium" Illrhun Ill-r I In Smul unkn- and (In Ilw an HIM- Ihll Thu-r:- l- an llunn {an NEW I II I IImrrI-u ul II. I ul IHII \Inrrunl- fur I run.? I 'u '5 Hut I .nhnl. IltI?lII-f Ia'nlrr. ?In If?llu'l "All"? I ImIm-l and nanny-II. urn-ulna Mm uamullrlu In In" ?Mm; nn I - Inur In all fur .I _ul' J. I'ulun?u lIIrn I-r- ?hm: .nr I. Turf" - - "u ?4 mum. and rum-um In Must-n: - In munch Ill I-I1 . - - a? "wk ?Hull? Il'l?lluld I: I ?II-?rlu an.? 1" ?luau. 'Im hair If?! tum mluun-u Inn-r. I: In . .. . ,Ihm?I I a I Inc-Innu- Inn! lhul? h! maul {Ill u-IllrI[In In", 0 mum-mun? n1.- _.Ir I'rhluIhl rum?uml ?Cd Tag? was Committee ls haves Souvenirs in Shape of Bad Paper Green Caused Fine forOwner of the Machine; Cop Knew Lexy. But Say. Wasn?t That Mean?" In nun-n- nr Hill It II) ulhlr mull". Mr lull. rrIunII Hum-I . Illa Thr- hI' In [Hair In [In- HH- 1-- I ru~ Ir. ml anwrp-anI-u \rII-Irll?ln Ili'I-n Ind ?nun-Hr In ?un- no. .u ?Appretiative mnu-u-rn - . .. lrI-Ir lhut l'll~. fun-II L'll'lIll: rd In- In of I'll! no bun-II- uf mom-I ll'nl?l) ul 3mm mnm-y lr-Im Hut-Ir! I'm .ulu-hlrn In Ihn Ill?oru-ml mun nun-I lu urI-Ilun than. um. llIIhl'lIlh? ln 1hr Ihl_- 'quplr I \Inlml Mm Inn..- II I'?'ll'l1 Iho- rumalu [In-1 In [an Inf In Mr- Inoll hr '0 I I I IILII Ir IHII IIL- I "ll rIl .rnl II um. lull .qI-lp Eur-"ml II m, quuprII-[I um! I.-..I 11:? Ir-IIquu mulw II-II-- ma}. .m Hm?. lnIuII I: I?IIrI-uum. hulmy. Inna-ml IIrIIvlm-?n am 'vurIlIh Inl'b Ml Ii." I If!? I II Ill?l?lIFI whu I. II: :Iulu- u? I'lIrpI I'lrI-h nu. [II-um: malls-- llwl: rulul'n- "mu" dd" haulir?ll' HI Illa-m Ir- Inkvn ull Ilulln? Ilu- an? Imrrunuu 1m [Inn-1..I {hm nun. I rnmmIIlrIInwh II I I ?ml. ll" land-.1 ?um? um nun? I . "?uvuruhnn I Nu- Iom-m. "In I, H. hummuun'Il'm In" Iuru all . h? In". I 1' ?Em "mm-I Ilr Inm- II "ma" fur Ian-urn. ll". Illh l'aklnn um ImrIpu-IL mu null IIu-n um! Ihu- . ll-I. lm?hm I: II hr?? "1 1mm I'mm "I'll- untr If"! Imruml {mun HIarr- an. In! a. I.- Inmwul L. I. II I Inna.?- ?m u: lhr-Ju loo-torn pmiln rul nun mun-r. 5 Iran dulrr or m? In-Hm-n! rm n-m my. II lIIl I'll? I-Ilrlu rr 'l ?nun-.1 "nun-n1.- w- H: I Iummuln but "In. l" fur mm II l-umulhl Inn nu: nv Hill Hunt VII ?3m? In? nnul-I II - I ?inhuman-1.. rldlu? I'll-I lunlrnuluHIV: n. .Ilnl In n.Im'lu I. "r Inu- ll r3?- 1hr: amm?moxlr ?Infar- urwli'rlr ITO Hear thVil'k I'l?rllb n'rluvh: llurlal I I I . I'rmm?? ?1 II uI-n- u l Fun II ?l "HrITI run-munolIulLu In In m?nr I?ur New final ?lotion ?mun? ?Haul-union Inn-I 'Ilil'l? lam-rel?) ur FIVE DIE {Inn and Ilf?w'I Dunn? hm" Irum'ul nn Ihu anI "ll Ihl flu-II Iha From Tetanus After on January Fourth will all? In . . Inul Ihn.? lnurmwn? In- Full I'Izlnr [um I..qu lug-Ir um mm" Ch?utma? Fire?.0rks lh-I hr hm! hm." [u .?wrgI'tnTI'?n II. mullur In ur mun-n- In- rrcnurul lull-r rnm- ?I'm'nf" am" In, 1? "Hanan . . "ll" II I. ll 91M. Inn-In nun-u "mm" m? Th'I?wm'? in". Arur Imlr. Ina manor 1 I. mun. II I I. Ind.? II HI Ilu- L?lln?hr? {jflf??nIlfh-Irl 'll? hm" 170m Illa ?r In." Mr .u'lumum MI :1 I I In." "Ind". If" Il?ll uf lb; I ?u 'letIr?I fur a lrul In My Illvd -II - II: rnunn Ihv Ind-r at :I?ih .u raw nl .Iu- mun-n ?mm. I . . I. I.. I-IrnI-lu until": I In mmanIInlu?II. numhr I I m. ?mg. I. I not {In (rd-Elli?. hl null I?l! IIlhI-r ?a Inn-m." I II I I hm nun-II In .-I I In. ulu. ?nun?. nI-ulrl r-Irunu Ilrll?l Ihu HM Irur Ill). Inn-mm nuthurilln I h, Md MINI II 1" ?mun-m vulh in; u- Ilfn-nw Ill! [or 3-11"lbl'lw rum?"I. "rung-?I n- .- ?m 1 llIrmInuhlm. MI. - Th? Hun-nu "Huh". I worn rupmmunl?lud Ullh -h .- I uln-u .1 ?PHI-flu} I I 4 lu louII l'nr mm. ura at I :In ml. ?mm; mm.- NEW-Owner" Name' and "I?Ird rum from Ill-I IhI-rr Inn nu armual I in: Ihlr'nuu urn "um-mi In I . I ul??rlr Ihll I 'Irll [war a uh.qu ?r In mu]. I I. - purl) natural-In; durl?lp- lulnbd up" In In?: nun-nun. I "gum Huumm; popular nun. . A 113;? Hun 1nd nun Ihn Iluntnlulr- In? ~ I rltuu my.? hurl urn XII IIth II- than Inrly In Ilnl- n: H?w Inn-m. mu? MunHump- - Huh Iluln hefnra? und lel'n Iml .: och" plnru [at .Innmi In m-Ilarn I II I AND Tn?anI?Y hr ll'udi flu; II I rim-I: run-lo 1.rum-II II. 7'1 ?Tram dlxi?nurllm'h'mr' Il' lha?In. and _IhImam l?r'l' 'hlIm rhpek drug-n rppua? I - are Mr} lull-WWI} As Ihe In? we've "de Inc-?wound. SAFETY your I "r you n6 I SATISFA I ma . SPECIA I vldondn payuhlc'hnunry lIIl for next 1mm Intact 1raun?ur. and um I-mr mind. rrun I In "m bond! bulilluun. {Ime have I'm appear "rum-"I mug?. v?ultI ?Mm "Kb II I l'hum- us or all In u.an let un . . mnlInu-d mndun nl' huznm on Int ward in Intern-tic .nd Augunln taunt}: m mum I I924 mum-hm ?niceuur cam-urnlived tn lhII I a a ?3 llu ?u print] Mull til!? I 1- ll? of than! Im'ur'we" dremd. we" For 12 Round 801? qulnt lain-cth of new I . a mun? m} I I If. Haunt. N. 1.. Dir. I .?I rr - pm. - a, BEVERLY 300? I mm?: wooum co. m. mum. lull?: We Carri: TM Stock mung-ovum.? II- . I wnmu mm. mm mm ?Im" InchEat alum Emmy a I, you I man: lulan Hmuh"! I r, . . Iz'?fctiona. Pm II amen I I A No. 30; ARRESTED ?a INN HEART ACTION OEIIKENED '12 THOUGHT RAIL CRASH I BTAUNTON. SHIN-DAY MURNING, FEBRUARY 3. 1924. CONSCIOUS, HHSON APPROACHES i THE IT ABLE END OF HINESS CALML II. PRICE TWO Cm IWEEK BRINGS 3? I BIG MASS OF I MENTION NNLL, PALE BUT HEARTY, DEFIES OIL COMMITTEE . . ui? Aim-mum In I I l?41? I 1 . Inn-rims . I l'n?lrllau Hal-1 min; I I ?Ill .inln-r \Inllillj l'p I (If Flu-lam l'r-ufm- Lust "rum ""?llh '5"fl'll ul' Nita-Inn?: \?nrlul ?I'Il'l?l nru n: rav .Inl?. um I ?warm.- hr "I'll-n. ?ll? ?l1 ll'rul 1? I. "(Ill-rt In.? Tn" "Ir' I. ll l'lII II II In .01 'lil "Tilting Illtr. - II I-. 'Hll'l'l' - - . . ?lb-ll" l'l?lr. - l'MIu- I I I . .I..IIH.II. .. .I I l'lI.H1 1+2" l-H-ru-q rum 'ili In . . I I Inn-n In. Ill!- .u ni lm'ilnim l'n1II u "urn-u] 1 -- l?l" . . I mul ll: lu-ml-un ll "Hum". ?Ill I"n II l'nlhn ~an' l'll'I'll .II will I..II., m- Illi' In?! ill In i - Ilia.? I I I'I-mm- In lhinll 1 . I rin- mun-.1 runlmr I I I In" --I II.II.- LNII vl I?nuu lu :5 ?rain ?'Ill ?full bar Int-I ll? [mun an? In.? . - . .. m'rl' um-l ll ll.? I'll I ?hurl-n; I1.- ll .rn? .rnrul? I'ril I Ill 1 I I I illr Ilr- ho l'ml'll? ll" l? "Fin". I?II1II-1DI-II-I I ..II l'mII-mn'u. . I rim-II MN h-ul now-n IrIrn-I murI - l' 1" ?Ml-h "rum" --I r: In min .I ll.? l? I-i Hllr'il-il? l'Hl' l'u-ul I. I II 'Iln Ill "l I. I I'll" Aru'li'?l MI I. I?ll: win-I. Il'llul IuIl I- 4? "mt Fl? 'lrl'llnr?ll Inuiy I "l I -. - IlIl I - II I THING-41 in- Hr: talu- --I 1. ah. ah.- II I1 .Ih-H?g, IhhmlIhml II .I I fur 'hl? I?Iul In IIF I. In I lull. ?Illa; ruin", ur- i II-mgn ll Il I-I I .. \I'rwif?! l?lill 'lull In. .a I "1 ?and 1: MI llII'lt 1m?. In rn?l?rmvint li?or Iml ..lmuu 11min.? Im-Ihu?lun 7" mun-n: TIlln urn-an! Inn? has hoe-? lurkllnl' rib ll Ilium .Ilmui "in ThlMINI-Inning .II .n-I ,It ll - ?huh? ?ml i-.I1 :11! ""I'mll? "I'll" Fall II ll?nul II IN I mun? ?In? ll?Il'llf'fnl "Hl I lI-Il Ih.u runs-u rumlnun .lI wank. . In .nIIiI-Ilriln uf .m out lulu-u Ill .Iml rI-I'Iuml Iu Inuer qur-Illunn nu II . :1 "him. II I - .l I Il-ill ur runui. I .I ll m; Illa m, .mum? M. Inmmw?It! ll I "ll?lil h-nll In In?. in ll?n.? ?ll lull mu ..I Iin In.? ?In? ?Havana? ?TIIllh Ihn hull-II Inm- 4 r.u.gI- m. I i Ilr ?rm? "In ?ml..I lli-I .mlnn Imw an 1.- "ul lIHIit? luhnvnu ll'iu- I "fin" In "l'rlr? "r lurl.l?n?r Inc-n: PII-ulam'ln In." nu lv?lhlIIH-mL ll. a r' If 'I'Iilh- ?Ilr W?er Ill-ll 'l'l'rpmIr-mnlnIl I I: ?nn- llu ll ll- ?lur?n? l? "ml uwl Ill-"rm" (lull ltl'l'??l 5 will! ?I-nurn for ll" lull rmurmu- Iml? ?gnarl ii. gurumrilruma - I I wuhr- lum m-I- M111 ll?llt ?Jillian- hun, hr!" .pprn'?l h, "nan minimal Ihu wIi-b rum-IN:an hull Mum" All bill! will] lin'lul'lin In i ?lm I?H-ru-nlr-u n" ll" urn-I- under-?1 h? "In halter I- ?lHui-v l-I-rI-Ir uni.? I?ll'l'Il?Tll "r If": rmumlun - I run. II. .I I I1 Hun-rnllu"ll"Ill "In-plug mm?. . r. I In.nlIl Alum-?i 'Il'r \?nun' In 1I ll" . Mr Kr" in-L .I I'llilh'rlb lull-I in! MI u'nm." . I . ?Thanh 1mm inning m?Jri all; hank lulu-k ulumrn Idi- hln. Hon I .In I. I Ill! II . . "ll an nun Iilrml mm In "Ital-land 1ll'l'll'l .. Ill? lm'mr' Tum-d" fl?lr nIInnl-II Inn-urle hr?ll? In II ?hull ?lmm'ml mum? In "In "mu-l "l lun- ll I'll' "ill hu Inn 9m lulu-n Hap." Frl'luv ?ll? ?mun-r If mum-I. gun ..I 'l l? I. In? rrqm?nl m?mnn' [or "wit IluIIMI- .Ir . ?Mr, Ihr lulu ni ?Inn-mp! umIm up". Th" Mm? "In" an Inn: much. uI HI: mun Inn-mum 'nrrn'ml nmmn- would? clock- . ?rf Ill-n Inrn'lm'nIlI" If?. In," I lIlJl l!rI I ..IrIlth ?mull?K Ill. JI-II ?u ?I?ilrfh'l' ha!? In run. I huld'r. Inn" to b, "I'llI a? h. I. In, ?I?ll In In? Iullm lfl' I 1l Ihln I. Ili'l??l" and Ihr' ilI-I I?l?fll?mj 1.. malt?, Ilmlm? umIIum 1mm lf ll Inn 14 I I INTI II-uu rI'nlrl?I .In null-II II lull ll?. "Imp" I?l' 'llu-m'nl Ill in" "mm ?In Ill? I I II Mrunllnu I I ?mm? n. I. anvil-?mu? duhrnii li?n Mutiny 1n rII-Ilrlri "drum. ,"mum .II I ?Mnt II In? ?I'm "Hm Nun?. r?rl wupr MI ?if l'hv nl' (?IllumhlnI It?ll?! MW lull" IImun?_ I I, I I'm Hun-In: mm "rt-II nI ?lh?dlI-l. -I.II . Nun-lung .I.. ..rmtnullv rl'j?i'lull .Iu I1 II inlaid In hrln: n. ?In l? ?1 it!" .II?l?li II Iu. ?uh-1 "i . ?RIIrth II ll?lul? ?Tl' lrIr "In" I-I. ?u 7" ?hrq ?Fur? I. inn-n Ilin null? II II I II will: II.- Wuhan.? Ich-Ir INTI-II I'm? In II ?Humor ?hr? I II Ibelrli' ?llnyu J. I I I ll bIIl uI um! "mulul II. .I. lunn um! l'ilnill'll-IH'I. I- I-vnllut lm"mullh'all "Isn't". ma :?If'n?'rmn??q II- ILII-I-I univ- flniv l-ml .nu?l 'm-Hl ?N'mm?m lnil? ll? Ah- I - ill" Ill" I'll T'm'ln ?Til-I'll InIllI'Ill'?I rh-Ivnlli Lin \nr-Jr- In an ll? -- IIT I-Ilnulunl um? ml" mumll ?mnl l'l II 0f ?if. ?nul? hm Ill-ml. ll all I l'r?nl? rIITir- lur .1ll .I-Ic-vmulu ("ll l" I 'lidli'llFI-l ilk uil'I- "ml ml? "l m" hl?hl nunmnn? II 'mhum.m? l" l"th I I, I HI I, .I. ?Illi'll IIH-w'rh' mmiul In Iin- may muII- ihln ?huh I . . a In In" imm- l'lIlI'll .. I .I ~I1mm; hlFl'r I "In" ?1 lull? an" l? i I uhnru- u- II in: IHII Ilil? I?Jbr ml nunl"ni1 run? brain-II ?w Till? 'Illilv'l'l'll liln'lr Ihlr Thirhl'l .Iu-L-ly IHH1I .I imuw mm. :17 Mqlurr- mun], "f ll? I .I., .. . II fulln- - qulhunur .HI, rm mum.? Man-y I uaI-lc' ur "hm Irul::;lal - ii I I - I I II-I 1 Iinl I II ll" Ill fr I I 1 \.pf?1q Jullfd InImr with! lid Hmmunn i-I .. ThrI hI I -h In II Ill In.? "an. lung-.I..? m?l ?hunk?, I In Ilil'rn I 5 lug Ed Eh" mud-1mm ?Ir' I?Tr" Punu-Iu-II I-rlIJc-I?l I-I II- A II Iunl I I. and 3? Fl 3' {uh-II I - ll I l'lJll'lId)? In?! ul null, ll? Inn.? flu-u- whirlarm-Hing Indl 1r . I I: [ll?ht?l? I11r?I'n'l'IrI: lull-I? . .rI - . .II.II..Ilf?rl?l llfl- r? - ll lmr" MIIT mull. h-In- lnnmi Ir II II . g, in I?d ham tIt-Illy ihu Judlr :l'lli?lill ll'i'IHIll rum] il?ip mun". ?Alli. '?hn t'?l?uill n? ll'nl. I'm" "t?l'L I I. II. I llhl?ull'll F'll' uml lu lu- I-umn-H M- ?Ilu'u-Ilillmnu ll". . I ?l TlIvn- ?InIIrI-uralnlx Gnu-'I'Ilr la} I .Inll Imp. .IIll?. ll". 'l'lp 1 l'l? ?all? ll. "I?ll" :ll::rl ?lull IrIn Ilr lulhl- II- Inn? uml Ihal 1' -li\ l1'l I I h? Th' run-n.an in null??! rll' I) 'A'nyll IIUIHI .ll ml 1? . iu- hull-II :llh lewlt ll". lulu- yarn-1m I- I'I'l?lli? .- In. .I MI . In? IrinuI-II-ruhh'o?'ll'm1" ?1"22' I-n I'Hlil'li- 1 nu illnI?. ..I .II II In.? I "Wham-I I.IHI .II..?min-runmn InIi?In: Inn". ?lulu? I . whim. unv null ..an our l" ?ll "F?I?rIIunIn nrrnIIgMII-mr hm hm? I I IL..- .I .I.. la-Il :ln1nll" r --1L numbIn": Ihm? 'n uIlu-ulnl :l ?nu-m nu! ?ullrw. u! r- quIr hm I A In mm rm bra-L mum nn . .I. ii .15elm" I 5 I I gig-33"" gm; mm. ?mum.- rnnm-I nl Ilmrlul um- I Returns I In'uni bu with l'ullr?cinr. of Internal Revenue mend, on or heron erch i?lh.I lay Ill Wilma hlVIns net in-f comm of 11000.0() if aingie. or $2000.00 if TIN: of nur Tnlni 0f- Mink lu'nt I:Imtlr nirvin In pre- Mm 'rl'illrlu. Farmers Sw?eihearls Day WE HAVE in: Ihr Sweetheart: Fuller: Incl Mothe? Shim and Braille" Hmhuul: and Win: Kiddie: Ind Friend: BEVERLY 500K CO. 7-11 '?luullv Ink RICH AS 11m coma- Al'iD ALWAYS VELOUR HATS ARE A5 PRACTICAL as mama HANDSOME. Hats $3.00 to ATLANTIC WO0LEH C0. lul- I $7.00 . THE RUAIJ OF THE THRIFTY IT lam-u 1n II in ?uni. with Inn In" n'llth Inulnl II in rum. "In- in Unwi. i'llIll JI 11m I [?ll Iir-HmIm-u i'nml- In Ind I'r'lf Fl?l' um Il? AUGUSTA NATIONAL BANK ?wu II .NI HIMI, hum Tumou- Thr'?roul American I'lmlre MIN COVERED From Ihn Starr Timon-Ian Hnugh A Paramount I'irlurr of Truly hrtiIiI Ni hlu . 5m- to 31.5" Mn her -. 501: In "In. ?'lt I -'f'Tl during tho Iin Carl? lii'l?rh I. autumn-In: a Man In I'll mlnumihv ulrmd! l'lIlI MIMI .uiunlm?l 1? 4w janl FIImml?-? ("ninth-HI on ml- SAFETY PLUS OOHFOIT EQUMS SATISFAW IA dip-unit. be! in Ivar m. ?atm?lrg??ITRESJ-??; munlve vault. Iqulpped with mm ram-II Min-hurl! ltho lut word In mum-mic and Kuhn Aura-limit Priming M's-5r Bloch-[c ?fat, ILM lie-link auto-P'le- Dial-Irv ".100 In addition to Obi and "Mil. lulu-Hr ?Hill ?l'I-Ipnd-I um up Lian. ?ve wink quiet impaction of I ?mink MlmnI-u I .11 limb-?rm I a anI' n. 'Eqml . Ii min purl 31.7.1 Ti? )5 SSHEAI). "m ?l llulmllug'u'i yum-In I . ?1115" . I I. - If}: a spu- YearNoLNo. 211 . smumon.u.mm1r magma . .. .. - - n?nn LT. A ORG THOSE KILLED IN W0 SERI- INJURED: SURVIVORS TELL 0? EXPERIRNC IN WHICH IIRAVRRY PLAYED A PRDMINENT ART: CONTROL CAHIN BROKE AWAY FIRST. CAR TING MM 0? CREW KILLED: RBLRABED 0P NTROL CABIN. FORR- BEARING SIIRVIVOIIEL FREE FOR MORE THAN HOUR AND IR LAND- RD II MILBB FIRST HRH-AK: TWENTY- SIIX RIHIVIVIIRH PILL WITH MAIN SECTION: MIDDLE DOWN IN PIECES OVER MEN IN NOSE SEC- EXPERIENCE. CRAWLING 0N AND IADDERR ANII HANGING 1?0 RIIPEH: 0F INQIIHRT INQUIRY 'm HIT CALDWELL: WIDOW DP IHIWNR HUSBAND WAH AVHRIIE TRIP BR UHIO VALLEY AT my Th! Anna-lined f?Ivall, 01110. anI. II. Funds-an [If I'm-w 1119 In: Ind Iwu Worn urinunly I'lij' Imlny when of Ihn United Staten navy (Tu-Iced new-I1- alarm on onII-rn from LIan?Iurnl N. J. ninlul'l. Amnnu Il'ln 1.1. {Tnmnillular down. at thu Aftor thi- nlnmI-ntsl In)an Ihn Ilrcrul't suddenly Ith uuwnnl In rm or Iv Inn-n from I foal In tho Ihln In Illrm- of the control In: Ihuul 150 Ind nurvivurn frm- for more lhIn In hour Inc] quI land-It] Slur-In. I milu- {rum I'Ihln rrnIIu-II nonl' Am I mtinn with I. trIIh Ilew'rnl uf Ihn IhnmI-rh 11w (huh-r town-Ina In- ground. A mlilm nf or 20 fuel It'l'llI-d In plot-on I'm-r {he IIMI Thru- ?maul I Inll hndud II [rum an plan Innu- rho mmI-uunvn. ull'l?h mn-lml Inn rlIInhInI In Ihr hm!" Ium rIl Imln ?brulu- Inn-o. undo-II hIMlng In I slum. ll'llr In nI' Um- nIrl Id? ("hill-l rll'll'f. l'Ir l'oI-t "711m" purvh on I'man and In "In min only? I Inc, II In. I II I Illr?l rnIu forward Iml Il'l.1l1 "u Hill. 11 In In a ?In urn-nullnurh I In: rung lnIInn-II 1mm. In: Ilhl?hl 'T'hn In I nuIr Irhrn Ihi-y Ills-Md In In manu- Ml Amun- rIn Inn-n nI' hr-t-r-r I- nn I'll-'11 I'I'Iirn - ?rn Tim Ian-n." 'I-I-rr AI nup- mIn VII lurn ?In I?ll-11 IIrnl?n hum-I I'll"! Ind I-Idlr ?l?hn bu IIan II mun-Inn, I'll-n I nl' ?mm-n, ulIlIIlIh Inn nun nl' Il"lfh hnIr-l ha hon-led I'nmman-lI-r 1 II on IIH nl'l'lr-rr nl' LIInhurlI II nnruulu AnulhI-r l~unl I1 ?Inn-?lull In rm? flu-P Inc Ind In 'I'hnl will. unwind nun. LunIln- lulu-unit" HquIll Th1- lenII-I?nah alIrlI-Il l'nnm .l IlInrnII-In and hill Ill nnMI-Iltl'ul Irlm II run-?I! Iln- In" Inln Uhln Whllo nn I Hrn- boII'Mn "41 non-HM I "er Ilnrm II I'm- mah- mmnr'nl n?rur- ll?lh Ihln dun" Irrn No" In. mun nanh Inn-I, In? In": mmunlumn nI' Inn-I our aI?rI rI?Pthl I Inwl In than when. ran-ulnoq II.- lur I 'I'Ilh Ihn ?1111'. pm: mull-id mun- Ind l'nIIr Inn-lan II Ihn lull-m1 Hm IhIn In I marm- l-n-I, I'm-1 Inau- 'O?lnl I'nmmIlullr IIV, Ihrn In? Ihlp "l nl Inn-m puma Inu- AMI-I .. . 5min! In Th mm run- In Ilmul non Ind In rrm- muth 11n- ~nnlrul r-ll' Ind In Irnuml Irh-n Inan Inn In?ll In Ihn flf. Th- I LIIlInrn'l II In IrmIn-l ?In-r? II If hall 1'IIl-l Im'llun It'll him I Inn-1 Irtm- Iml ulr Inna mru JII ?Iv .lmIn Inn- UNI-II in: noun-I luv. l-IH'Ilnn I'll'- nmln?l Inn lull ll'I?l ?hnnII-I- Piling Up Dollars ls Fascinating Game ?nn- "or lhII run! If Ink In; gin-'[Im ml! Milan. Purim! by It lulde In! . THE NATIUHAI. BANK. suumn. VA. Eur} Tenth Pei-Ion In Arum-la. II wlIh In a! $500.00 or man. DO ?l'?lr enjoy this pro- IcI-Ilnn Ininnt Ihn (mum? The HIIunIon Nullml Inn-I mil? low-II?. . Jun-I: Illn- Ii 01.00 I. maul?n II pm? on In?u- on II "Illa-It]- In WW II- w. Irma-Illa m- mrh?m Fm Ila-that: Ink II will hair: vou to your Ill surplun fund In the ?slut Ind Info-I Ind 3% In- min which II pan upon Ruin" DIpnniIn will nuke l{Inu- more pro- tIhlI you. Ill?I?ll ill-u ?lqrhi?? . - . summon ono; (nuns nn SAFELY Inn no em anon SEVERE nEnansnn Shenandoah On Her Maiden Voyage . u? I II Iiufl hIIr I II [gin-built. .I In. nu Ildlh. In: a. camp 4i- - . List of Dead And Injurpd In. Lakehurst Air May Be Closed; Second Hawaiian Flight [5 Abandoned Auslup Crash! ill) lihlu, I'll? mill-I, ur Ihr ?IAdlpn rluunu nI 0.. ?Pill. Ll. ('IImmIlnlI-r IA-Illull Milan-I. I .I In. Allill?? H. .I. II, lawn-IN. HI. ?Inn. A. II. Bill-I. l?hII-l n??liw Nth- Turin-Hum. N. J. ?Irhl?l-l ?Ilr Jill. A. K. Alli-I. Mn. . K. IL MIMI. Hf. nun-I I'qu. l4. lumm. N. 1.. Mll?h??l? Ilium-ml. II. It. Illili'r. "My II Ju??rr) . m. IL Mulr- d. Ill.. 'Ilnuum. Mann 4.1 Ilr I Ihr-ll Illnn In larlnl IL. Ind [Ir-land In [alum-l: J.. Ill?"r" MI rn-m Ilulrlr- Ihll i-ulu. W. T. Ilm man Int Inl ?rm. Inn. Ina Ihlp ?m-Inll 'I'hlm "In: (URL If" nl' ll! Iur- rlran. Thun- IIJINVI ml I'Mrr IleIIum-?l I?lulnulq Ihlr. . lum- J- Imu- anII. tum-- Ilnul full ?Il- me U??rorl lIlD. II-uul Inik linln. hnI'I In I0 I IHI Ilnlm Iml duly I (Ry ?I'll- Aunt-hid til-In. nm: In urn-lam:an mm II Mun-lulu a ollunII-r i IlnlI-Ilnp purp- Hillj' H'I'l'll??i ran-HI :oll' 1hr Ind Imng fur "Illa Ih. Ihr 'Iin, in". plan- mlulnl Ilm h-puI-II I?m" Iump "f uh un Inn-I wall" ullh lull-ulna: II In- ml?hl ha Inng mil-Hung Ill.? lit-w mun-r and II'u-n- mum hr I In Isl-4mm. I. J.. In In II Illrm? In who I In Ill Hnr?'ilrf Wilbur IIP whirl- In Imp nl' Ihli?ll Fri-Irqu fur llu- Id In- mud-II NM In Ll. Inrl I Imin up Hun-Iva Imu- Inr I Mt 1'71"" Thu- wl??lnn'm mu In tn hmum .. It'll-II nun-II 0n ln-Inr. In lhu llhr'n- I A ful?l-All PATH: l'nlk. ?nal nnly r-umlr Imrma Ilnn- ?Irvin-I. ?Ir? Im Punkhr Inf-Ming II. Pittshurgh In 9 Games Ahead: Gri?'men Go Up Ill-Ilth IJ I - I'nmInIva-r II I ll" lIrlu InId NI- I um.- Ior-l I'rnm Infr?wd H. [I'll ?mn- Inu undrr Ilmunl. .L nu- uunmu- nl' HI lami- In. I'lmlu .lu. Im- II In I. hind. qur-Iln: I'l'nrk (ilq?ln I'llt-I In nug- vlnlu 'I?r?h "l?nd I ml! lImlI. I Th.- I Ilull, AUI. t' r" ?11. MM liIIrm-?h Mn NM: I'urrh . . II or WIN-?nal J. "In "Ill?? I'mIn ?In Ira-.an lhh'll ullzl hut IInho- AmrrII-Iu par? 0 I I i It run-Im-le: n- Visitan to the Fair cordially invited to inspect OUR PLANT Singer Baking - Company "Ilium 07 T'I'll AUGUSTA NATIONAL .nm or snuurou vanmuu I'r rum-r m? mum mm STATEMENT Will I). IIH "Hum. It?ll. I .. .. II Inn-I lanolin. II In. In.qu ?ID-It'llVICTROLAS HALF PRICE We still have I haw machines wc offer price. BEVERLY 300! I. h-r ilhr ??I'I?fll?h Run-tuf- II Iml TIIP I. I?rl 15 ill! I ?2 thc' original VI. TOUR Ewan? My About II hunt MI. Fm lip-II Will \?lnl (hull- Illv Ml?u M1. Ihlrd I?Inn- Tm". In. forum In nIrIIn-nr ul' Il Wuh- I. nae-run making Ital- IIrI-?ullurnl In ruuntp Ind-r. II You". rnuIIr [In-In. mun?. n! Iho' II-ur. "Im'lr II ilnI- uI IlfI II Imunl'I-Illv Ihn hllh?l 'I'lw porer nul ul' I I?Irl Ian". I. II llnIuIr I'lIrrIn-II-r. .Vlnuu. I. II I?nm?ntd; II. Ilnld J. II. I?unmnl: H. I. Maul". ma (1. "mar-II, I. I1 1'1. 1.. IIruwI II. I). Illumlnun. I?nnennl: If, f'rn?uh. Thou-n I?nnl I. II. l'mr. nam- ru. .I. P. Norman-l: I. II?nInrll. Blvd. AI- n-nrn. (I II. John A. "Il'?lud. ?Iridium; q. hull-nu: Illhr. A "Ill-y, It. ?hull-II, I. "run; Wain-r 8. la. huh .1 II I'hlnI (Iron: ll ?nmIIn-n. Full (5 lull-Inn?; I?l'rl (Inorg- mm: In Ulla: (I I anh Iu?r; II .A froou. Wmdlill: I. II. L. A. Rd- (VI-H. W. (I. 7.114?. Inn" am; 0 H. I. II haunt! L'?ll- rnrd. Tho at "In ['nunII ?nal I. ll rpm?. of In Hill- In; ?I?lrl?ul In ll'lfIl'll lhIIr bunt-II. Dual and Ironnl?ll. ?n Nothing [5 Heard From Lost, Plane TIN- Alum-lulu! IIan I I'Irtul ?Alh?f Iqu [In Inn-I In] In far lhI In?! .?ln but Jr?nl nun mailman rnnulnnd km drawn Inn-uh. I ol' .lurIIg I Ilnrm Tuudu Il'IvI'qun Inn-mm [mm IlIn I?rIan-m In an II- ?llhl Inn II n! ?In llIr- 'mr IIulon. rIllInI-Il Ind? Inn lurch-Inn In no Inn-"I [Inn n'p hap- nl lnl?llnt MIN Ind thrII II II Iu?lnd II IllnII. m?llnm of rho I'Irl?n moan rm IIlIlan ml)? In!" In II- nan- Ila-land Irv-Ii from the Il Inrll n'rlan murnlut In In Im {a uni. north. but Now PlIylnI' CECIL flaunt: LEATQICE J0 I. i 1'th - sin Th!- I'm) llmu-hIIn-I I?uunhouu. ?unl. I Jlulmn. II. Inllu nl' I'Ilrln IIrInorIur: lungIhr Th- I'Il'dlrl I.th JIIm-r-un I Ihlnl I'll] Inn-I n? hum: nu- In ?at of I'hlnl Ill I OddIi Kid The Fair Grounds I Il'rlurh 1'thle Imuh I'l?l mm: an" .m Vol. [mun-II A ?rlnI ul nu. um Ind Inn-I Ink-I In Inna. 'I'Imrnm- ?Inns. In II. rlly ump- hum. U?flr ll. tun. IMII. I?nppIr, nf nIIr LII- - II II If.? II limo In II "hi-Ir thII rdl'll. TII Illa-11. ?In all": Illn- IIM Hr. I?an-nr pullo- turn an I mnlurrn-II 111;. Ind tool I ahIIrI Inn?. I. nI' Hun-Im- Inl'l II lIlr DII. Hula-4mm? II lazll? - char. I: no?unamo Itdrl hr LII-I run lilG?Du-I I Ill~ hurGII run. {200- urI- Ilmn Iron I. II I IlIlludI by broth-n n-lnI thru [Ilruf'hulol II da- II'rnIIun. Mullen! Inf-lik- Ill? flanne- ank Will Ind In IlhIl'Ir I'm-Ill. rlrrua bl Inn-nua- 1'.qu nun-nun: IJI- OW pro-Illa- Hun?4 {In Inm- WM- I'ui Wllnon mnrlIl bull-Illa II lloh In! Ind II nur- II Ill-nul II. rhIrIn-r than JrIrlqu-lr urn-Ind II Utlunluu mum wldI II II Imld NEW THEATRE :l I. A DAVIS PURE PAINT For Every l' Special Purpose. See us ,Beiore You Buy. mum FLYING ems LASTHORSERAGING IS 1: IMI .mIIn. Iml I day's Inn-I. Ihk?u hr t'nhrn. InlnIIrIl uIIm I Fin? ?Ime Wm?wrm-Ii' mun-II my. Maul-Tram?Tmn?luo' Ralf-?lling ht? '15de II ?lm MI ?1'4 i NIH-I If m: - hint-Inn] Hm I'll. IIan rIll II of I'Ihll IlIr. A for lawn If marl II II Ind II lbl?l hmrIIoo-u mm. town-Id I Ilth lit?. 5% I. . II at Irlnk Mm?. Inn I hIIlonI. II. Inn dud-I Iain-hm Inln II I I'world-d I ?Ml lint. - II In ho "pond .. - Tho ?numb web I In. II mm by 1? ?llo. . :1 II I Ti Irma mint-nu. Ill- wrtanInaI. In huh. .I Pa?nl?z?tudlln:Imam - In am In. II I Ina-g ?Ir. II- loqal II . . Ian! It um" I Mn I'm mmla null. nu- mm nun-nun .- - Irma?: I. - Irma?? ?II-llWhat I Doing h, mm m" .1 Tha Fair . IrIr Ind I . . . i InIrIIlorI I Ilm.dv Ir. I. I. hung, m, I'll-Ml. Tho If ful Ion: II hm. Aulmonlln ll. II In I'l'nln-r'k II nf I. IlorI II Inn- Im In . Inn-um Inn-l . And II nut-m rank- l?h II- I3 In?:an (II. "mic! Inn I-lul hur- In I'l'llh? ?I'm-ll . I. hundrul- Ind num- It II Inn Ipmdlu will. II In Inlay hind thick-I I Idlblu 'Il Ild I hurry I. talk can Ind lnIllI I. nub-r lIllIrlIrI Irm- In Input. I for I IDII ll - limo II II I 'hlg II .I 2" IaIrlnn m, I II lid-II InlnI on. boon In! I Ild Ibo? on VII- STRAND NOW SEWING 'l Ion? during up." In". 38th Ym.Vol.No. 213 I emu-Emu.- -wh VA MORNING, SEPT. 5.1925 -.. . qa?n?. . .. CETWOCENTI REPUBIJGINS A la NAIIE ANDERSON manna urn-gm. mun-il- cl' WI hm,- l. [Ulmol Hid. for All luau Mun ur- Hath?ll All. I 'nl Mull?: and Illhl u?l? TIER Fill?lhl luv} lit-nui- Alma: Ir I'm-l I. lump; Ant-m- AWllillIl-Il nl' [Ir-.1 boll "cur.- Ih? lull-II- It?: Milli! Mural In Ill?ha.? In: Krr. Ann-lulu "tun-Ill. Tun lhnuun? ul' lu'IrllnII In II In.? I'ln .uull I nu . 36171110103 TATE FOR GOVERNOR nun I'll-n in In In: :0 you. Ind It. Inn-ulna rm runll?nlnl "on par Thum- ?l'ha- I?lrnnI-Hnl lulu-d hold upnll by [In t?lfrlanI-n-m-m ul' 3 ll?- ul Ill!l unmln. lu- dumm- 11- and nun-Ilium- Inou rn "ml-Illum- Ind I?ll-Ilium" In ryalul. nl' '.lht pv-uulo- In- cl" und Ln- lrol (II'I-rimanln Inn-In. ul ltullnl In: Innu- II [Hull-Inm- Ind Ill inmde In . all [born run llrI tolnrm In In I'd flu-m rlwulu Pun! 'I'lu- pl", In Ihv-n-lm- Hill? In ?In- lln- Wu Avril-mi a. nu- luv ullh plhu?l- Inn? ll cum-1.1] and ulan-ul all-.117 ur II Thr- :l-ImImI I n-I'nlm ul oIHI-aral Inn'- nl' lululn 1m!? rum-II lu 1 and uhn "ml Hannah" rl-rl?llm_ [run-[1 I In I'll-minnow: Inl aduplpd ind-In; Ihl- mum if? In hunLIl-u aml rlltu-I All Fill? 0" "I'll llurnlm?I-n um lull IINI. Jh? nrlI-Ilrn lln- ullu" I?m Illhulrnl- TM mm ml.- {Inn-rm" l'nl 3n- ?lfld-I'l. ul' I I4 l'zll A. ill-ll. I Allurnny Juhn Paul. I of Iluur ul Inllrurlluh Mn 14' ll uf Ilmumlr nf rumnmn-nnrn ll T?r-l Irpr .Inlm "il- In'q Il-r uf Wm I: nl' II. ?Hill Is?rr-Ilu: 1n deI-I' II I'ln o'glwh Im- urin- Ilrutp I ml fin-I I'uul OIIfllulL run: Inna-Ir ?Mn-u Ill lm'hlna nC'l'Iullna'u? l' Ila-lulu Ila" 1n of sill-ml. Ihl ul' mud-n ll mun-unn- [ml Iu rum- n?T'lu plu. I?m-n u'l? rlu- lam a! If- Itntl- if" han "No-1mm nml?nl?lnlr, Awr?'nn up!? In". IlrIrII-rr n1 M. mun: ldll'rdkul "Inn-0 "f pl?] .oll'lluI illurll I. I 'T'Ilm lun- IHIH MINI-MIMI l-l Ind-Inna I run-um"- mm Ill-I1 ?rim. 'n-u [unnatural min-?1 I 'll' il ulul In - for? pr? fIN-l l'lull?r Inf!- and lml?f?llp "f l?unl- ldlr. Hu- nvunln In nu'l prn-p-nr-l O- ?In "Itu'and Elli-I'M nl Ilur Inn.- In - [In- nln?l m?lmqullng nf Null Incl Ihr Mama-n :an rrlu- flu- Hula-u, Hullun Tim II 'hr In I'Irnnla Lulu-r- Imamh In. nun-II Ill! hrs-IL ll! nrl?plr'ln Ih ?lth {of 9"an lug-u- I n plhl 1l "1er Inn nf Illi- [I'll-IIer of lulu I11 I'll?r? whln?h II 'In ml uni-n .- I "no-lea "In u! Iarlun rr I [hp ul'llt ind nun; mat. lo ul-Hu hnu- In- Irv: nfull um n'ummu3-qu? ull up! n! Ill?! lull Illa-nu 9:7 I I In full I I a! nu- rI'rll Inn unrl lu-I nod lhu-n nl Ih- Ill-Ir Puur Wr- uI-vnuml Hm r-n In null-I11 'nmah anr'l "mil-Hm] shall To I flu-I1 Flu? Wr- Hill llu- Inl unII-mn Ind In n-Ir?. "111' Ill Irv B'l'rll Ill II Illnn Illr llrh'lI. fur pulp-unr- ll) "Mall hl- [lulnl If? [mill-I" .Ir lulp-I and 1r-lvlu1n fur pnl'lunn pnan nub?" and um unan m-nmnl Nov-1n up. flu-I Illnl llr. Ind Arm. 1 ml 1h.? Ill-If rdlnuI-m nun-nun for gum: nut om-l-nl ihlrh II II Ill Iln- In Oh." Iu- Illn- n-n-IL all Intel)- I'll,- [\IlIlHr mull-'5'! nu but I?m: lrIIl? Ian-flu Il-l'nn llI Plu- r-Hpr-nl I'illn' Wr ull-nmrl-l Illn1 IluI high-1 . Ij-l'rm hr lulu-In ul- high-nu. Hamlin-lull in In I -- Lu Iln- mud. I'm-h 1b.; r-n Ir.- mun-If NI "?1th ll ill-' rlnmu w. ulc-mnnul In. uI lull-Ihlq- unwumrnl l'lr- :lnlu Ill-I'Ihv lw nu- [u um nuvln In" pan- 1- plul {rum Im- II .h -Ihlu- ?lulu-Ill lnr-llulr Ills-Ill ulnruu ulr uf all rum-Ir jun-In?r .-. II Paul Asku His Name Withdrawn Hal-null? Hip! I. .Iunn I'nul. nf lI-rrI-II-nmur: Im' If?i?rll Ill-n dul- luIlp nlII-lnuvln quIlJl Ill .4 rnllu-II In Ilarrl- Hula IHI In- mum-- hr w1lh- IIll-Il I'lvr fur um" mh- I'm- nut um munrn. Inn: In r-ntnr Inln Ill! (amp-Ill: Hull II [Inna-[fil- runnr 3E: - -L tement By Mitchell Severer Arraigns War And Navy Departments Death (H I?ll. I 1 Jun. H. Dool?yl ?ll If I?l" Jalh Hun-r ny. I-l? II H- nl hp! nut luau: rum \Ir- ?null-Ir In- lhrl-IH II Illmm?r ql Hung-r plutr?? Ill-H- hr: ?I Ilil' hm?. manl- mu-' run In Ill-Im- [Mulnl lnl? '4 In 'l'lu' All-urinal I Ilnn Allonlu. Tn. lIn-pl l?lrl Ullu'lI-Ill In rrIlIe. all 1'an In.- an? annulment! with ?full an"! hilnll t??u Illr?lullnl ulhv-f rlurl-II alr Inn-n nl I?m Mlle-lull. In pun Iliulfll?ll' In In! ?-hlnl (- um. lu- In. If. Hill": In I'I'll h'l "Thur- In II-ull ll"- Illrull "pull all IHII "roll-mill hi j-d nu" Ina. IHIN I'm- WuhlI-lluu 1? Thu Hm. .Il' l?nIIu-n . I'nn Ir-r hp null-h rind I lh-l Hun rlurl? In Il??n'l. ?In All- I Illu- . null-u- Ir-r-Io Inn" Ilf [hul- mlruhlv?h' II..- up?! Ilmll- lulu-u Ihr Ill] .rnr Uhlu. Ilmv mm Ilm?ulg .llqlul nil-liluld Ilu- I..- ul'l'h Ialr, "l'lul wmll? In- lull-u In nluhunh mp- ImI-u un- "ppm-l. It! Ih- Mn In Inlurn rm [ram- Id II: In? In runlrurr hr dug-MI: mnulnl Ilt'l'n Seven Killed In (lloudbursl I'?l ful?rml [n Zeppelin Dink?to 3:5 Say Removal of Eight Values 1: Tl?- .lunrluul hr.) llurmanr. Sum. rap-m frurn Illnl piuhl of tha' lulu-Ix WFPF hum tln- :I-ull h?fur.- lhr' Ilium. whu'h in ln-r (In-uruuiun. In ll. 1hr Iwrv Ingjl'u! nl' Illn tiinulrr. 11 In Imlirwll Ilu- Illri- mu lmnuu-rlgl in mun- nnu-nnu .I'Irr Ilw :vnuwll of run many rain-n llu:I rc- mnlninu unm- ruulul rhurm. hulmm mu "It-mull Ihu- wuv . high . Zi?plu-Hn iI-Ilul'n \nln-s. Ill Inn-r!I n! Ihm' urn-M in. fur lIw npm'llh' gravity.- nl? \l'hlt?l?l In Il'u nfluyllum. 11nl I?vlrurrk Winn Stale 0an Gulf KI Ilh 1-d- lurd I?m-u] - I'll In? mu Int-In h. "Jur'nnh?nraprnullnl llnloh m- "mu-I I?-rl; a n" v. "Ir Ilmnulr I'puulni pul up A Thm'ml: .?unlu In. mum-I, aluh I-nn nun In." up!" .m1 u-nq In In I'll?- u-r. proud 'Jllu?llu or null? ll u'I-l- Imp I'll-Iv "car fur- 5: Imlrt In-I'nl wulmn nr "mm-ma, 1mm? Tum-mun wulhl'nl ll Inn-ml l-rnr?n-qunl II. unu- ?Irn . In ?mm-t nu "nu-uh nl'l 5- 1 1l la- H'ar 41.? KILLED I ml Explanation J. 51', I nl madam-M .. null-.- In "In Ill-I- .ml Ian-Inn n-l' I?ll-Holla- I'm Hun! Mano Illh In Ilul Urn: Put 1 It 1' Hunt". I Hlfl'h - Alli-lulu Par-bin. LllI-l full? I'upulcr Inu- hurl-pd Wall: l?ldor Hu- Stu-v Hum-1" ?Inn-h HIMI 1 fl Wumll Ill? Hotl- ?Chi-I?d l'u II. I Tl. Illu- Army .-Int-c.00to-luqii-oq-tggil 6 Support OI The People I In. Inn-third ?rpl I. l'qny ul' IA. IL. lam-r ul Im- maul" by um I lull t'jpl ?ont'n Wuh- Illa-lo. rurnmaml-nl nl' I'll - I?ll-blur? nun-l I "I?ll not! and [Ill In 1'll'lj? n- -1 Iain Imnr uhl nu- n-r-m-II 'I'nv MI 05?" "It nvr In! run-a mullrr [In in nu- nl lip Minn-II! Imu- but: lo dull: Ill- dulu by I'Ipl an Ill 1h. null u-Ilnlr July ll. Wrn-Irhl- Il'uh. "r 1w? ?mm'k'r 1m?. mum-n h, In. mun Hm." Inn at. I'll. I'll"- an. null-II n-mhlu In .?Ihlnu?l ulmnuunlml 19.1 .pf. In" In" 306 A??de llul'l'uli. IUI. an?, "In! In." do?. nl lhlu rlly null "Mun-I. In nrrul In a .Innullu .I l'ull Jamil-"n. Ill-sunk! ?ll. bl. H..- Th? Thum- Elan ?'uhiuflun, .uu-a nun?: nun .luug g" 3 I l'rurlu 13-han I13- glue" boll-u n. no LIN-H .H-rn-unu '1 In I - I II IlrlWrm'k of The Navy ll G'mm? Shenandoah Two hen . Pili Up Dollars Is as'cindting 'Game ll"- I'u In! It Inn-um Ij' Illa-Nun. Ind I "alt-Mr. Th- rulu 0! pm n- ml: Ila-lulu. Inn-Ml var-Imb- m-d Joann-ll by [hi OI I?lnn. ny- mm?? Ind Min to unlu- It with! clap-mm". lb! at MI will: .lm or m? opt -ol?-?ll II nu dollar at to. at ambu- will: I a pn?lu Irhl' rpm-1- nl. illh lf?l?llIf Inhi- Dal-ill Ill-r but". But 11IE STAUNTOII BANK, an I Ever: Tenth Peru: In America hu Savings Account an a! $500.00 or mom. YOI- thin uro- ?ulna! futum? Tln- Nathan-J help ou to accumulate your nu unit-l lurplul fund In the mint and intuit Mild the 3'3; In- oru an I. pull upon Sal-Ins- Dapo-lu wIll mull- our "will all]! mar. pm- you. - Imwl'! CREAM ll'n It. Do You Next limo?Alli: fur BREAD Ynu will Ilrn- In In? llr-I ur Im- urn-uh nl' rlu- Tum-dull. ll ul - WHO GETS THE MONEY i YOU EARN I I Almml [up-ml I'Ifl lull" II lulu-- I ?ll! Ira-p I nun-nil I I?rnlunl'm Why l'IIll lull Ill'llf Jrnul' prnIJlI-ml In" of- ?lal?l. The AUGUSTA NATIDNAL BANK I I Irll-ll I'lluxll'ulr llhuluprru-n: nr-n- mum-4 1-1- .?i'iJl nu. In elore equipment. aht-o-l t-aeoe. out. won hottly demeet-d; hr water. Intake. and the Int-nay. dental earner-a In; the bun-"d alumni? Mn. Loud left only a. fur lht?! Ilolinte la r-u-I. In .I Nu. Iml'llr, 'Ilul mm. in?. It: ll'l'lly. It amount! 1'Ita ?It?ll-?Y haw to Ia Another aturoruum hetoneloe to the lluehn at match- and adjolnine the Ilorheue't etnre. wee martin-ally I 33735:: ?We? Expect a a wee on I r" eon-rod Happening "r Wide Interest Inauronro. Ito-enthall'a tintan tout-I not be obtained. under ehout per cont" corond. llollta rarrled hrutovr'llnn on all' tour of hit end elool. to .hm "Huh Newark. mu Juno bun-i moat alrluroaquo campaign". 55.ur?I?_ e'ho Ilnle lu gun. .mld near her douehtnr. Ilrn. t'horioe 4mm? a: unn by It. I.Indboteh. aha I-Iporla I ?1wan to henna a Iltollwr. Mm. Ir. the. Icahn-nor hed boon. Stuarts Draft School?s Final Sermon Sunday Tho Ilarraiaureate aormnn to underline or the ?laarta Itralt tlleh art-tool ho proot?ht?d neat Huntley alornlne at It n'rlneh In t?InIu-y tlomnrlet rhurrh al tlluarta Itralt hy the J. Lowla tIIhha. at Hun-tenant chart-h. llIeuntoa. t?lnaia alert otlctell with an nprr?ta, at ahlo." preeoalod by tho oletaon- tery path-e. In the octh ludi- torltnu. I?rldey nleht. Clea day mam-n. at a lay. "Ilhnatl of Tommi-er.? be [Iran tleturday nleht by tho Il'l'te ton, and on Hoadey will be held the emnlnonromoal olercleoa In the audttorlum. It whleb the ?our. II. tt'raad. Della-r d-l' I?nlrary Hrlhodlat loath. trill hr- the mentor. Mary the will [In Illa raledtrtory odor-n. old the Iatutatnrlan will he Illee Elm-y llydo. MI at three program will be rendered at I p. I. The rIaea el Draft title ia the tareeal to the Motor: or Inn arhnni. raaelatlne or ten. yuan; era-nun and ate you" one. -ee frt1luwl' More I'aee ItlaeIt. Kath? torn IIu-aI-y. Hlta Harlo- rot rauhar. Nellie natt- I'omr.? ?not ttottlder. Nancy Ilrdo. 'I'Iu-tme I?auno, ?ylho not". \Iery t?en Foe-Ill. and liwuod' Put-mo. Noll-on Illilpll?l. .tIc-e'hnnay. ltarehalt llrtellor.? Tao-tame. and Erin flu I Be deflating; by nun-I. "null," "In Dwight Morrow-?e etI-Iroloe on '.motroe lo a eroun or trauma in - rauntr. Haw: ?rllhif Ian hot ioat' Final Sermon for rag-1min 0; mumMINNIE ?Ire ot lhe on Sunday Night lie-wood and it wee at the oration-dork hr-td- dtlartore Ioutar that I'nl' that met Jaye Mu Morrow would make N. C. Itieo, peelor of no "m ?In? I Omarltlo Ilothntilat h" from r" incl?! 'm Pr?llt'h tho heerateuroaI-u an- dim? I I "r men for the anduatlne clan of - titan when! In tho Ilotho-dlat church I'Iuadayr night. lilo I. at I o'clock. molnlne: olmo.t ouneltnliy he by Ihe It". hle wlto. Ile not Ilnwn for neural don. Ito roe-ally er- -r-eurotl for honrr tor hla m? . alrnlaal at the Newark elrport. Hr" Meade. retetteoe. and oatrnne ?unh?h- 1' BI I . "to" home In laelo and for a; echo-at are tent-rd to at Nun)?. ?he The center (Ian at 1n.- ?uon- 3? Il hula In? a month. it ?haul um I II wao Horme- who ?liar reete. "Herr. run, In Inltodnr-d her Hater. Anne, to Mr." on 'I?Iluday Mental. cob." Juno at o't'lorl. a llnaunao Holt-r Ie Mre. OWEN Victor mutton (7- l. Shannen. nI' Primary Ram'?lannlun amt-tar. Ittllalard. e. hraloa petyla hone In trio]: of a. lerel at. In no In rldlal, a ?now we" to the wool and Ina Tao-do! afternoon, welt reportrd to ho Notion roml'orlehl at Klnl'e lieu-Mere? lane-?Ilia: Iael 't'linlt and woe IWHI n. the rle.l June --Itoaomlaetlott nI hath Ire. Hall?l Ilryen noon and Tom A You, [Hat-tenth- mrmI-ore ot?. can from Iha "wrlh and Third VII-bride. tit-um Indlcotrd today by reterna yutordey?e primary. .0. All Imol'l'ltlal Inhalation or I'll ?a at?" ?m m? ?9 FM?r?lnrl' Itch In the ear, long-HI Owoa IIJIU rut-e tn tan-11'? inn"; I Bill" T. noon. I'Iatrlone. [leach attorney. who umpallald an al "Ir-t" Platform. -Ine teed mode thr- n-rruhr for ran-rllf. art-nary he- Nil"! not" In tho I?nhilh aanl'deIn-I I. I'll tor ton-oat Itnro.nnr aldeay rowtoto pal-thinly. A run-all delta, and Lin for J. lterroy rmulred tehon none ol the oandl- . a. REUNION HIE 1932LIKELI Ii'a be?. m. ranted-rota \'otneoa Oat-Halo Join-sly at mm of Pee-rada- Gallant-It Mantle-airy and "Mn I'll haunt; damn-e. Mina. June With the end only probably but a your home. eI-terone today took their toll they Ioun? It to man tho reunion at. Goa- trdurolee on? to etaad eat ll mrmury. The timer or hoellty wee In hold roller today an [lou- Iltl reached for Hurtful-mun to entertain the ant. Inunlon with one mono boll] hu-td In In: at Houaton. whore tape ooutd ho aoundotl In roll-tau not- on thou-- annual at tho Itohr Tulle". Valley Lodge of K. Initiates Large Class Hero Vail-Ir bad" No, II of the Hniettle al' I'yihlu. In coopera- Ilnn out. the other lodloo at tho ?n'eilry. hold a nut-alto: Ian. watch. a largo of tor the neat. at pen well inltietod. l'andltialro wrro ohli?ltnd I?dl tho orleinet on the 'otdn?i' at Kalehte nt? I'ythlae wee in Frhruary, Ilie, wae pro-ruled In .Iuetuo tho at ?In. dor. on Mt atth eo- nlru-rnarr. Itlr. trail-Inna proeont. rri Ilu- In tho ttuarnmo lodge In ten. Tho to heat to a "oil In rleopl. whoa. land In thI-tn curt-tannin. Hilton t-hturoe ttoed to portray Iouone or am not. Thou- omrtatinr I'oro llo-l Iunromo rhearottnr and [rand hat-per of the retort? and eeale, Mar to?. Harry H. La?, auarum- tout-rel at the record and Blob-rd la. Ileare. maetor ol? the ante. HInneep-oile, u. none-tool eon-?tween. wtuntnetoa. N. ct. Hanna-I In Moo Jone; tor the nut. In'llenul Itayer Charlea D. for. eu- ereradill proton 0. 1. Heath. [told oeter mot. Dermot. Yo. 'ltotlnuntalhvoe were. pro-at from Inaioltae. Warn Debora. Wand-loch. New Market. lilroohttu and Email:- doah. LITTLE .11 I'rerllra'll) no tIamaae reeulld Int-Inlay whoa tho No-h Indan or fund McCor-lek and a "will ntupu. eat-d It! been drtten hy .trthur [tattoo- haueh. were in rullielon no Cea- trol err-non at etroet. Tim llutnpl'tollo on Nash wee aloe-hurt while ?to ?add-- on batten-i a hit oil-it the front. arlurlpally mudluardo. Alan In the Shah Mr. He. f?armit'h were hit: with old huh Tho ohnro atirortleonoal. [alerted can In the Nora-Lowth hy e. rletter tro- tloehon. who the talel'ar- lane to tone her line to nleonlon elonelae. Tool- "It'edaeeday lentil. . It. Rate or thin cltr. relied at tho olteo lad tho alone". found an "overlay 31. Rod all not aowrod. tho tinder would not here h-ooa able to mu the owner. II that'- woo no Ileana 01 tdoattdcallea with the aloe-ea. The tloallaa. ?atter woo to depend upon the Newa- to led her llama. "a Mr. Ilen- waa "na the Job? In tho rloatellol' NI- Io tot-ate? the honor. I'ralit by their experience! rilu. Ynn'e aloadlly larroaa-?deloa reed-Ire a majority. - STRAWBERRY snoa'rcaxe can be made in a few minutco with our handy package of ?oponge cake. Packed two nice ehoete wrap in waxed giaaetne pa- per. enough to eerve ci ht pprtiono. price 2 c. Aeit your aro- cer for Singer'a I Shortcake package Heinlein . lamina-a; aLa?Jat . SINGER BAKING CO 4-Cylincler and 5-Cylinder 0. K. Uaed Cara It?! Hatched In [ray Inn-o. motor thorouth hao only hoe- t?lrlrow 9.030 miko. CHEVROLET new [hero ataruon In- lzh. oow kothor ant-t mil-n. i one ?ee-o, router to period I'll?. 'l't?IIJItI?h'u. Slalom In light err-y IIDM. roe no good on noo. neuter hoe boon upon-ughly'otrrv lull? will . Ilm.? ?rst?. "If la protect threats: Auto Co. Miniature a. 1 RUNNEBS GOLF COURSE North Central Ame O?'era 20 Free Tickete to the person lune-tine the moat outtahlo mm for the [01! oouroe. Contact Ciao- MM I0 P. I. Leave your nausea at adieu - at. the golf rungGRADUATION GIFTS For Girl and Boy Graduate Fountain Pen and Pet-ell I dirt: learn-ton Kodak Vanity Cane Stationery It'rtlt Watches Pitfall-inn Cigarette I.th Safety Karen THE I'll?l? ITI euro ll - "?lo lute." hon m1- II acre-o'a ante-Mien oatro'r- I ante-I I ma. memo 4 I .uu? - no.5.4?a id". sh g" (II-70.rtius mu h. ran. Jimmie shop hr at. .- em ?2nd Year. No. 253 ?It? I ?4 - mass Imus-ran rains soars ?mums Siliwk Ordered adieu STAUNTO N. SUNDAY It I 'x'f?l?v I IB. a . Held for Grand Jury AptiOn; "Ilagig Scene?Described Merchant Claims Self-Defaults in Killing of Custom-I .1 or; Victim?s Son Tes- ti?es Staples Ae- cused Showirer of Killing Him for $1.50 it till. stilts-r NIH at Its Justices night at alasotwsa- o?clock brosahi in a rat- holding David H. Ihowhsr .l'or arand'ist'r II lululta. usual: eireult noun. Blather as Ito-day allhr. shot and sum John titaptl. at iihosrlar is on hold Di Hamill. Iatal shootiss os- In his stun is Unis-sills. lolloria an sraumnr orsr hill at It.? owed lhowhsr Is John .ir. sisal-tram I. I. link. ii. it. J. W. U'Itourls. Wil- liam crawtord. and J. W. Cai- Ioun sat in tin nrsliqlnarr hear- In. Teen; Itauisd Ihewhsr both lass thIir ranloas oi the shooting.I and othsr wit-asses as to lasts tins act and tha man tarot-rad. axles First Wills. John tapin- Jr. was the lrsl. wtlusaa sails-d tor the common- its stated that hs had owed Ilr. Bhowhsr a hill oi ILID ior some time aad. that ha had been allied tor the mossy ausrst liters. its said that he told Hr. lihoI that he did. not hairs the lions: sad that whaa Hr. ilhowltar approached him on par day at the earnest plant. its said that ha had a hill at the ennui-Ian that he had to par and that us would par lino-Irat- as soon as its bad tha- mossy. Coursrnilil sotuai hop-ti- 'inls In tits slurs. jounl staplas that, and his father want. to the stars to pay tha hill. its sale that he "had heard that tthosrhar was lain: to garnish-s an. and had told Dad that. "at to tea slots and. told. It. that Dad was onto side pad sraa Innis. ta to as; the hill. Ir. Ihnusr sald'M- I'llht.? and I asst to the door is ass it Dad was souls] in. its same is at that liars. and aalhsd our to tits rash rsalil". wists air. Ithowhar was standing with a Grumman Misti a. Lair "Dad tin-nit out his porislhooh and told Hr. Ithow'lsr that in wanted to pair the hill and. said in that itr. Bhovssr' in: In- M: to [amt-has- asy hor.? Hr. shows-r said. "to: are I - on liar." llad hit at him and Itr. Ihoakar rsaehsd In bin ?that and a pin. As its draw it I lrahhsd for it and missed. Than lhowlsr shot Ilsa. Dad said. ?well. Hr. killed In {or "Than Dad turned and trailed sat oi the stars." steal tor a ambulance." Netti-Ir nus-d cannon-saliva Mterasr H. il. Kart salad Young: tita- li' stills! he or his has a traits Ir a ruler. titaelsa said that he nor his had a hall's or reset. . . "Did you ass sultr- Altai-hart" a. "rte. sir." . "Did sea or miss another!" a. "Na. lit." The silalsa was lltt'ilsd nut to dslIsIs sttorasrs tor tress-rumination. Thar alienat- ad to Ilia: out. that Mr. liaplsa was a ililibll??f? and had hsan is Irouhls. 1'th also hrouaht eat that in was on I'll oeeaslsas all Insists at its Western la thalr alert to establish the hill at the was. dotsnsa uterus" ihs trouth 'IrsthIa its. mums and in. suits. and It was that they did not est ales. wall to- uthsr and snails II-assi law lest-ta; a. C. Iron than was talisd tor tits sonstaaswsalth and stated till he I'll ls Ihs stars at. tits doctor and an I sour taihar your lathsr Battles Robbers I T- sar-dated run run artsn Hour-Old tires!- is! at Inst. luta hank. taught a wild gun bsttIs reti- hsra sails lastsd tits hsnit's sai's If in Trunk Search Add! to Wealth of Aged Human New to?, Del. it's?rm 41?th alrsad: I'ahuluua wnlilh of Mrs. Ids H. Wood. H-rssr-nld rat-lune, In whose room ?Denim In rash and aneuritIr-a was qund. area today as jewel. Ian and silk. Inventorini cunt-ants at her til-odd The appraiser completed thalr a-mlnatlna at only Iruuhs. said Harold Wontsonh. as altar- sex. 4 contained miles at I data wh his. Wood was a in II of Now for: s-t'u'luljI and a darin- pat-lust at King Edward VII. lhan or Wales. The aster audit and corporation. [ulna to I'll Ihs present Talus or live gowns. naut- Iarss. wan-has. hrarr-Ials. tlarss. and olhsr lam-wrlullsd til-cal. salt] the items nilth its worth ?uh id ehainnsn. who ara ROLL curs SUB-CHAIRMAN MEETMONDIY Chairman Julia ll. White. Issuing Hall [or Important Mes-Ilsa. ltleiI-at I'ruIrI-aa la-ls .tioa' ?sisal-altos Friars i'rasa Was-h. John White. Ills annual Its-d Cran- roll call. has naiiad I olrtillnl oi sub-uiair- ll'i'l'l'i for Hominy discuss roll t'IiI plans. its stated. Iasl nllhi that the sub- tullosrs. has. made titti rsaa ta organising: their parts til the work: Iarsa memberships?Curtis Bowman. tiroup Dar. Ilarrlal lipmul. l?nunly (alriuhi'l'l oi anti Ii'arnaahorni?i'l?. Crawford . - Ills-a (ltlherat?im lluhiirlty-?Chsa. Ill. liar. V3. Trill:- be?. - Tlla Wagon-hurt] roll rail II in rharln or Mrs. Morass It. Itud- rims, ni? lIIs ll'i'arnaa- born aunt-ta Chairman whlu says lhat ill knows no cause ior pub-lir- support ls asaad that II more meritorious than that HM Cross. ?Wn are all l'sitir familiar with what the ?Hi t?ross In the i'nlml and parlteularlr with Its llna droutht reliat? mantis." remarked Mr. ahalrnraa oi. Whita. "and wit know of tits ot Ills chapter, The werh oi the list! trees- is. torsi'n lands is IN DEIDLOGK ?lial-I thin-all William?s Hunted tier-morality PN- pm's. Winn?suns (truer- tan Boat and Ira-rt, lips-will literal-oat Lara. and (?yr lawns-Ir I'Iaa. urlsaus. Oct. [Tr-m? Waitsr L. Aldrich. rliissn rialnisnt to laulalshl'l I dlssuir-d tndar Dril- fhnul and a street rsl'srantlu'm -0 :thn people as a means at sn-rulirn authority in slain. in Last dll's. in Isl [hrs-redid a urine ol' nuhllr dahalrs alumna Ihn titres contend-rs tor Ilia post. 1'1- umpositlun. was taunt-d hr both "its: Loni. and rain tfsr. as Ins-arnnr and Ilsutauanl Iowan nor Ihrn rrara no and new as in Jon should all In the sleeutlrs's chair. -u I?Thousands for Jobless Raised by Air Circus New York. llvt?i. rim-[Hm- asluum did In stilt-n for th- Jt'ihlrsa today, no thou-suds of dollars tor rsllai' lundl. hut wind blew other thousand a auddan raid ?all held. the at- tendant-s at a t-rlnl serial rirrlv. one at this [rests-t spartarlra In the. his-inn of aviation ha". d?l'n tn about 1tl_hnt?l persons. show? tomorrow. Huddle-d In hoary orarrnats at four the rrnwus form! a hitln: In ap- prnral as airmen. asst-ins tur- ilnr-d suits. til-I'- sr an" In this snriion. Nina planes oi the army, hunt?hs ad a. bird-ears loop" simultana-nllalr. army's "thus illrilns" front Melt-Inla? rlsla, aired. and loop-ad. anions tits sot-Halon wars itlr Wiiltns. AI Williams. on? perhaps not so known. and "nourish it the marinas ?r 'i If. ?Ill. 01 {ii- stills-tad brothers ohrosd. I'm-rig- Mir-l "Allan from handllua II lla? astsra In It states at this mun- Ill try, tha .Musrlean Rad (?ross laat ?Ir, Istandad rolls-i In no abroad. These operations troatlnusd on pals 1'on Tonto-n. Ila-1m? Iluahatrir rail Id and ran ion reared am the Yorktown haltin- lield today as and nsrai pageant". raspiendant In the rui- oriul uniforms of a lint-ills das. ll?itl Iran" of tho speakers lli?ii?tl as scaling for all ilnis the trim-t- ship pt trams and the timid Btatss. Hulls-n lass-saris Arron the broad smut-ward swept spirikd I troons or latasatts. tiar- aarhssu. Il-s t'iruss. without whom Chart-s l'raans Adams. seer-tar; of the navy. said the haitls rould liars bun sea. And ahraasi charged liar. hins?and-hu?-e?sd [?onlinshlals. whoss durandaats. l'atain. "sisal! out thI dsiil. hi aratltuds whit-h had hue run- traded at Yorktown." In their asrrirs on. the [this of runs more than a. iaisi'. 'l?hs wsat throaali the Iran-arer. In whleh t?nr were trained l: i'en Elsi-than. and asses: the I sands la "sat stadium who stehsd llama and IIarnns-sa dssesudantl oi the I all ole". ?aunt" salt la a class tha oi "lisrstu- tlsasrr day." tits Island oi the SCENES THAT SENEN FRIENDSHIP 1-day of tits ssaqni- hatlla that sati- sd the war to ill?. Pas-sills. sad Pet-I1- ?i'hs Ila.)I brought together on tha urns the two sun-t- rors oi Ihs Allied Minimal-d. on the l'rnnt In the World war. neutral John J. Farshini. and larshai Pstaln. The liars-r. tommandlr In orall- courage of tits and the [solar at the lead-rs. said the stubborn dsl?suaa ol' under Harshai I'aialn would tors-r" as a mirarls ol' sarrlles. Tha dtatlnluisha-d l'raneh Both uaadsr. said Annie-'- In Word star wars lot In rain. that lea was and and hat the eases It iihsr'r triumphed." He said that nan- Irai I?Irshial "Ilio'asd himself super to and to Victor! Iii-s Iarlast inres?thnt tits liaitsd llalss had. our leis- on tits field at Hills." Harshal Petals. mill-I ?an- arai that Yorktoan sealed. the triandshis sl Fraser- and Uallsd lts'ss for all lists. sail the relish-tira- hails il HID all rauszd ta tst?i "had fraitlul results not ti?ontlalsd on .pals it's-oi less than a dorm Ill-Ilsrs wsrs Dansral Jamal 5- Viril- II. this! of th- arm! sir euros. and ltirhuharhsr. The "sum-Inn Lis- hall til ilt Arr-stirs. was I isaturs. as Ins n-x. norm ma IMJM lrnr'sl'r i I net. ll. Going. loina. sons! The s. B. Hutton-or. of nutrients. sold for litl?ll- Adams jrsaisrtlas 1p- a hid I'm that amount. at. Earl-d. ii! I trims I?hi- ralo. Lao P. t'ea. all he will is I hulk, rharrad and rusted. For tha nary was trrisl Iil tlrosa to soil tits famous no- set ahs burned and sank at her tin-Eh In Phlistialphia. 'i?atl. it'll-on. anti onlorld many [til-ill". hours on tha handsome rralt. hut 'l?rsaitlsal Hooter didn't I'llil Hi". Nobody ll" slam-ad to [want her very nlut'h Ihs nary ashsd for bids. posed a thin-rotuarad nralorllsi' sun'ssIr-d I. Ion-lat ?Ciiai?E'is Convicted Federal Bulldla . Chic 0. Oct. ohm La- 'ponr. Chlrazo?ii notorious tang character. was convict- a federal court ury [tonight on fire out 01' r'iy- lwo counts chat-lint sullen of income taxes. *Hoover Goes to Sesqui on a Battleship 0t: 11.' M'i'r Illa gilt-Its hut-pl. rsadr I irurrlui ?npll'lilri tartar. while llunssr lot Had-y to an In the i'orhlown rslahratinn l'ntll ilr- left in late ailsrnunn. the l?liln'i Pisseullva worked in thin In the Willis- Ilouvf. .mma or his [unit Inunssd abuLil: 1In [his ti?ll usual inf-up nf Impatient nslispannr- nien slond tha start at the trip to Annapolil to hoard lira Arkansas. "is [us-sil- it" [ill looms)- wara assistant rite- rrtary at nary; Itrs. f'harls-a 1""an- hdll'lii, I'i'hl nl' :lhs nasal sat-rotary. anti admiral .aad Hrs. William ir'. l'ralt. Hunt-r Moses New Ila-"no- :alilnl. Ir-It tha earlier In .Ihr- tie! to join part;- at an- 'nauolls. l'rulri than, the Arkan- all will early them to l'nrlr-ss .Honma. will-Ia Ihi President will Make a radio spur-h tumor. inns, and on in the Holiday. I ?'alrh [fuller-f The Wilitn llnusa. dullnl lit! .rlay. kept I'lusr watril rt'lt wrath-Ir Illit'h "Ill i?luldi?t am! his part; will ha required to do Fonll?ll'ahls sallina in Ian-ll boats iha work-Ind. alnra the drift of the Allan?! nut-Isllatss anchor hr fo?shors. ?Hard real'l'iul ihl slacullra ni- lins Inna tasters hour lir? Isrtura that all in rerslra [its President aboard. Ila ship had. Isa-In It II'll to hs his Milli-MD an slneo ta'hln- on". its imi- lli? Mall tire lD?li'i- [In ialant?ls ahoard the arisona. 0n. Arkansas. ha was in mi- rupy [ha ills forward Isr- ihind and ah so the ilull ll-Ineh Inraard [in turrats. Itrs. Ilousar?a sullr, usually (sortile by this ship's asst-ultra triflan Ia similar In the In: of a f'onslt'irtahltI aitlln? roe-n. a hadroom. and halh. aultea ara equips-Id with and a small Ilhrarr. Arrangements hate made. trio. tor the rho-Ina oi sound PlrturI-I It members at li?ltI urn!- llnuial dlninl quarters hl'i?l been all aside for [its l?hlrf Kla- eutlra and his aunts. and I?l'lH oi the attend-ants at his Haolnian Panto In I'nnunlalns will attend to the party's nasds. Milt ILL I Mn. 1. It. not: was Inherit-I1 on at the Itian ulhtara' hos- liitsl ruirrdar. lisr rendition ll rot-laid?od serious. hut Ilnapllal rip-(Ina his last that aha was hal- lsr." Tits siahtesuth roarshiien oi ihs Itailhion a] the Lutheran Brand of Virginia lI'i?li Isa held in Christ Luthat'aa church. this sit}. on (tel. It still ll. '11s thsnis at the will hs Th! was ?iaat Iilhl. as l'ollows; Mos-nits]. art. II I:li-- ni contarsat's ill' Pmllast its lat. hilhloll t'sii. Reports. aupntnimsut at Its-Illness. l?i?I?Ilaolioa of ol'l?irsrs. puss-,- r- woos AND 1 WOW Depend on the food you eat. Bread is the one item in your?diet that you out three times a day. in Bread' contains the 'i a strength you should meatless! so page Tarot BARGAINS [a vase ?mil 'l'lla't' ??bull? (murals-s MinaMisti-ash Realm-sauna.? Milt-81in.? t'aa. ma Itil'I?l?l'lOti?l' Gill Angola loin Co. - Fullness"; . . ."u?ll?s have. Sold by all good . grocers. Made tas-sns-sm-saa motions? and. rims! Grand Bananas it"s Rsai Mitt wah mutt osmium sans sorta I . m?w?niimr. r' a" RECREATION {saws-dan area-stir Animals. Iran to the sim- ?piest and have their games. their sports. thsir dint-lions. Boast hr Health and Recreation Prioss rationed 2Linasfor25c Stewardship is Home of l8th Staunton Conference Meeting of Lutheran Synod of State IULIOv?lrnodiesl tars-st. Tits liar. It. Carson. lust. ll:io-? Rsessa. Ital]- (cumulus. latarllsai The It". I. D. killer. lsraina: Itaois of in- ltomsr AI- a nd "?tswards ol' the Historian of God." This ff. ?iseh. D. D. Mia-men. II -D-rntleaal Barri-rs. The I. 1.. Hlnnirh. til-autism" Confusion. A?lrll ll. tilts!l the of which the II ltsward. Tits It". In (foinsr. l'il?Osasrsi I'ltss'usslsa. hull?God?s Purpose In lulla- hlishlnI ihs Isiath- ship. The P. J. Dist-salon. [taps-rt Tits Connittss on the Its-ar- st Part-a The It". (I. I. Tsut?sl. l'l. ll. Chair- I'mr ?ight. 011. II. lustre. a. J. Shula?. - lorries. Thu liar. a. P. Blarh. Addrsas: "The I?l'lli? Pru- rata of tho a. Iii-sh. neuritis lseratarf at the Isa:- aa?a HMssat. Laraias?s Hosamsnl. Thar-lay sustains. OH. I I:3I?Dssotionai lsrsiss. The ?st. U. W. Piles. full?null call. Mil: oi Ila tsa. I: ~addrsas: nirlaa Own- sad Itaa'a Traaslatan tats ultra lsrriaa. The Isr. J. J. Isis-sf. Iii. Ill. mas?m Will the has- . I . I. -uaarhr saw the ear plunse nrar. EDIEONNENN I GATES CLOSED lass-Ins- striared hr l'hj'siriaa to Its "its-r: ?at-h Weston" Nu Iran-dials? Interpret-r .tl- thoul?ll t?oma. Dram: No Ilium ol' IIlos-tal. ?'Mi Uranus. N. J. Oct. mw-Th?l?ll L. Edison. who near death. was at a. m. hr lir. Ituh-srt it. How rIrr touch washer." lshunt I'litaao nllnulot. hsl'ura stat-Mint was lulled, all r1:- tranrsa to tilt-ripen. the Edison estate. Ina rlolrd or null". it. for I'alnllir. l-oa- aver, said at that limit tlill 1w had fat tint-alumni. Earlier the physirian hart ssultiI Illa til till cums ill' the li- J'tIIr-tiitl inventor was Inrrsasl.m, How. was In runslani Il- tr-nrianrs at the Edison and all numbers the Inims-l dista ismil: asra present, I at slsun-l'in p. m. I-uohaa- mau at the Edison house said' til-rs had burn no I'll-nan In lir.? Edison?s rondillun slurs issu- ance of ma nin- u'rint?h ar Ill. lit-II Issued the tnliuwin: bulletin.- "Mr. Edisnns are rapid and shallow. ilis pulse ls anti oi poor quality. There hsa lit-nu no "irisan ul enlisting; at any little. lo Drives Through Guard Rail and Drowns in Canal tlel. IT - 1 - I?reti lelun. iurtt I'i'il'I. Ilh- "mum ?is-small. an drowned ham when his ulunard through a guard aub- mr-s;l-sl 1r. til wall! in a power renal Its-Inn. Tho hotly. whirll titrated thruth a windua. I'll alter a ?suit ni? Inn-rs than [an hours. It wea mil tir- eaual its-t been drains-d that is was Nswtuu's arr-Int address was [run as ltd! I111 I'll'sat. N. W.. waa a lumbar oi a tiroailnsat tnunly The strident or- rurr-ri while its on routs in his horns. ltnri or tilt-u! Hrs-rt 'l'ha [ti-I'd Ira- st tluI and. or a blind straal. and its-inn sp- missld Iurn Into the highway. t'hiidrau Ill-yin: and learns I?nrts wsra inlniadl? Italy start-d. Norton is surrlvad by his IDININEI il?ll Drills? m. I'I?til' and children in Wash- Del. 11? 'l "?ll Int-naive preparation. alilnrd Iu tit l'nitad ltatss into a Iladlrij role at the rnmihl san- sral disarmament (uni-rents, II In progress at the stats depart? msnt. Ituenmonsd Ban-u hr users-tan ?limlon. Hugh It. lti'll- ann. amarlean to Iii-I'll- asrland and Mia ni Wlahlnl' ton two I'll-lash II iha disarmamsnt pruhlarn. radar laid haters ?orists? Itilroson his on His lWilt-Ill nil-av lion. ?I"Irs report will. I'nurlal'i a heals I'or an listqu l'rasl- dsat Its-arsr and Premier iaral ul francs. In addition. ll"! Fill supplant-ht tits roarsrsatlnal the President has! I months am with Hugh I. Gibson. "ahahsldor to and en- werhsr Irlth Wilson la. the arlisniani 'I'ha Ind dlrsIt rs- FOR 113,?. ii DISIRMAMENT CONFERENCE suit or tha minislsr'a stall to Washington will in anterior! lul- not: to a has?. oi Nations a??an' ?hl-Deplor es Interference of Other Countries SEND A NNEE T0 Tm lit-pr?- Hilallr? to Poll .?ilrniltsl of l'l'tlssa and Japan in Has-ar- a l' atirr liria llti- Part- anti I'll-Hi. tirlinra. Ilwllasrlanri. lint. til'l Tits Stair-s tool-a other I-ailnn- eotlnrii rsert-ntallrra to send. a nuts to Kaitlin: and T'nlun the attention Iil' t'lilna and Jatian I1 I?ll- [atnmelill untinr iil loll part. i'rsnliss H. illihr-ti. the A'i'llnr- lran almhr-Inlan. and tin- I'Fii?' members who are lmi to tilt- Hail- r?hurll. Partitioned In this airs-sh! Tn l-Z?sitplu, I'Irt The sir-1.1 was Iahan In [liar-II tho part, untian whirls Illa i-?nllwi Hiatrs is all. Ila-1f wliit ititltirll'a disrnasluna. inin Inlii' [list- as a Ilaals r-hllilsrnallunal nlot?llalln; ifuulrlr lili- Far Hall. The resulted. from a sacral arr-alum oi at whlvit an alien-Lil manic In Hm! I Iallirlt would runlitII-i interwar-tints aml at the timi- rant:er Japan's illillit-ntt? uumi Ilaalrllatiun ll"- lwu ItliiIIhI. The raunrilr- iwu ans-I1 diinrlaut rlr-sa arnusr-tl lnli'l?l? last the lii'ln- stun lrnsa- Iasl'usla Quest's sen-ma I'ur psell'irallnn rnulli In Dlli Inhi sl'l'su-t, l?glnn. a Lurr Nail-?n. nl (halls-r. wits-m lint lirrd a trek sin. itrl lit- T. Mas-la. and Mrs. William Wall". 01' it's-irrir-rrlaml amt tan Illaha Newton. sunn- it'iti-Il'il st?hlmla In Win-slum"- ism] county. and "llill'ii Newton. sun-listsadont nI s-rhodlls in Hampton. i?I. [Milt-n tor a ?orist na'sal holiday. Ilals- ni'l'iriala said that's was. nu tltiuht hit! that [hit replr of tilt- ?talsa would ha one of whole- hearted Iarur. The third rut-n- mittee oi the Insulin assembly. llriand- Krl- Isl-uIIrr-rn Japanese Foreign 0i- ?ee Intimates if War Developed. interfer- of Rest of Willi ouid Be Blamed; Say Peaceful Settle- ment Can Be Had. Tuhyo. Uri. UPI Japanese I'lit's'lan n?'iHI t'lM'larHi- iunisht Japan amt t'hlna. init In Ilirrnu?lraa. 'Imlitl Il'tlh' thrift!"- iit-uliir-a nun-shit. intimation: li' war stern-input I'lnll?l thr- .i-taar lu- rian situation the interiors-info 5' il'lt" rf-sl In; IrIil'ld ftIIJI-ii Ilium-d i tlmriallillnl sought 1 fur the baton. [lirlnlil'll out Ihll thr- [rat-tints: ni rahIn-t. and Ill their Llanun n?i Nalluiili slainl'l tlliiliill? would Mars the In I Inputs-?u; till Lennie nt Nations unit-r Jamar-ea troops Itl Ina-n- Hints-[tr I'Mnla Tl"- lmnpa truth strait-ya Halrrhurlan (anti-rs a liiunllt all: ails-r a slash hat-Iran Japaqs'ln railway aliade Mid I'lt111s-asl snii'llr-rs H'Illilihf??d Japan- rat! rif?rlala llrr- ill-ru- and [It'ltpr?t- nl' ?Hi Ili- lilnls'lrti t'Itlna Iias animated the luasum riiarlinl Japan \inlalilin of International utilisa- tlua, spokesman i'ul' "in I'nnian ul'l'lrsl rnniniorilarl ti't?i llr. nllilil-I-II "slurs-uni airmail that Inlel'lt'l'l' ?rm I17 I'll Iragllr. ill! siIt-ul the i'nlII-Il Hialt's Partiti- in Ila [If Us! pll?il'll?l. has urn-Ian: lo prarr-n', ls'tlh- Till-illillra "Il' Init l-t i?hina and Japan I'liul In] In 'lr-l lull-Irirl ?nd Iii" ill"- .s Ills-linu- list spill mil'l'l. lain "II-Illill. at arr-urn hut in. I-au turn-r would 'lial?il "il?lal I- ll". putnl sun dn?fu ll" [sens-\u' A: \h-wsrl In will I'l- '11I'n- tn lur rtiltiahiwli silrat has ?la?ii. a- iirnan' ain'l tIrrlIIliulrd nu ti-ia- Ilnll of tits Kellogg part. In whit-ii I'hs- of Itlfili Iml II an t?li ti-rnal :milr} Tint- Ila-"Iu Ilinl'f a all?? a r'nalartrriliu? the limo-rs .Imn Inward Elam-nu Is. as "aura-manly that "as tar hi this army is irnnrarnrd. lsH'I'slitlii frl'll'll 1h- Isaaur. ?rms-Ill. "ii 1i lla In order Fire-Held Due to Use of Penny in Place of a Fuse it short rlrruit in an arias-lull pin- h. a host lamp rattan-1 I ?t'l amour-tin: in Initiali- mstsiy It" at lir- horns of Carl al llarhlar llar Lani i'irr-liahttua: was luaits-l In the sronn after a limit. fall In the ?lo druarlrar-ni at riahl-I'Ii'tr-ilrn u?rlur's. T'lo small tits wwl'rl used In. sulrdulna Iii-n hlasn. whir'h waa star-tut who-n a rlft?uit la I lied lamp wire on the Irsl Its-or sat iira in tin altars a was tin-d in ii? Infill. II- atead of a turn. dealing with disarmament and upon Iit'll-non was lin- Ilia! the nations reply hr Nnr. l. . n. . . 111 owsn t'ut'mtlt Itlttu: IN I'i'lith'. Eilarrln Issuer. prni'samr nl'l huhllr? It Wa-hingioni and it"! naturally. Pas Ni that he will bs at the l. If", A. on Tuesday assn!nl_ [it-t. It), at sarsn-thirl] tn niin with a group iatsrsatati la a rlass tor the surpass of atunpin; spanking. Haul: has it) I, number oi young men is this rerun-unity. and all other: sated In Invited In ha pr-Irnt. Itau-r is lint sits-arra- Iannl rat the ?oulhsn Assu-?lliiult nl' Teal-hers at iipnwt'h YOU NEED FOR A CHEVROLET We do bod},r and fen- der work on all makes of cars. Wash and Polish Phone 349 More is: Cs. ?Us ,Ilm?sassalara' It may seem early to sun. [eat to our patrons that their orders for PERSONAL CHRISTMAS CARDS be placed near. but those who do order early sass time later and money now. 5% DISCOUNT on all orders placed berets. Norsmher lat. Our sam- radar. 'It is phone I'Irti ['hlr'i harms-r Hill? till. lnipnrianl that the Dubill realise thr- dana-r ni' WM fiit?l ta lieu ni' tunes. and urged. that such be . r- link": ("lb The Allin-la county board of [subtle writers I I [end haml- for a ho ililr. whill??i girl who Is In third year at high lf'llot'ii. a plan Ia ddll'sd when the [ill- have as opportunity Isl! fII?Iiniaihl hit school wt'H'I. so that Islar Ila HI all" nursaa? trainiaa Anytins Interested In nut-l1.- homo la to mm?lil- ratn with Elisabeth Bron-I. superintendent 01' count; 'I'Ilhf'l. all Was It? It?. me. I Ins-at? new ?s It fills?. I 5' am we ??151- Mil-hem". filth let-HI for lead II the-frith butter. HE EVENING LEADER Lw Yogurt}: NO. 55. No.69 ll?I. ?Illin- . STAUNTON. VA. MARCH 4,1932 I'll-tr m. mung-II ?he at m" no Amt tBabji?S Home of DelegItee Kill: Bettie Bill to I i I Retirement From I to 2 Fe Cent; Manure Heel Governor?s Support. RICHMONIL March M'??Tllr- liOUH-t? toting killed the P-Itlle hill to double teIeht-rrl unenhnu-ntn for the. retired fund. With I t'lmruh nl' "noes." the hum-w. nhnutnl dawn In effort to t'l'lii'n? ll'll' bill. which tutti the .IltIuneh lupmrt n! Goremnr The bill would have in- creued the trachern' mull-an. menu from I in '3 per cent. of their nIlIrierl. and the ntnto?n contribution from tn I Fixes Du-rler'll RICHMOND. ll'lIrrh M?l_1?he ?lute tedly purlrate. the lleIton-L?ether hill In: Ind limiting the IlIhilliy of owner: Ind driven of pri- nte convey-nee: to pemnlt In uurh eom-eyenm ll unearth. . 'The budget bill nmenrt- ment. providing at 10 per rent 'tll in ruler!? of member! the :enerel Immth for the [int at the biennium. rm penned ih?lo is. FURNITURE vim UPSETS r-IIli lutlrdinl in fruit?. I lit; true). loaded with Id, thl. an Lo: nur lehlrir hr- game-tut while the men rm It eIrIpeu elthnut?Ir-rl- hurt The trurlr Ill-lump In I Inlt hottan [or North [.?Irullnl. larlunl Robert inrrl1lulv ed the wreak. COUNTY comma T0 All) FARMERS mus Ill!? II In Iblent?l' at it In Inn-In thel lherr will be I Iorll Illile through I vhleh Lulu-II reuan I'Irnll-rn um In eon fund Illoreled to the new at Ilrtrulture hr the recon- Itruetlen eorporetlnn en to pro- vide menu crop prelim-Hun puree-u. Cauutr Junph (?etnrr Ill huhlnlormed till! I committee of ttlru he Ip- painted to pull on lee-i Ippllee- rluel, thin body probl- bl! I'tlnl?tlnn lhruulh hie lee. In the nmrIduro to he Ignored. Hmry 3. Chris, nI- lien-II director at the In: tl?np production loInI. bl. Imphule- II IhIt teen mull Ir! approved by the eeunlr column- tee. Thou he held. lulu. ll pee-tile. l'ull I?ll! be 5:7" the nice II men I 0" are complete. Won?t Ask Teachers T0 Pay Double Asste JUDGE ARGUES CASE FOR MAN AND UPHOLDS HIS OWN MOTION 0 ?311.13! IiH't' Ill?? T0 KANEAH t?'l??n?lf {India-fl un?lled In whHI 1n- . Judln Alin I.. Ilene-t! Mir-lulu: ut- min? the perenn- at Henry "lure-r Ind H. l'pdrm-mn. tn wall-r- h; bridle-u eel-hilarit- tun-nt- In- padlurhhl. The Irtlon Inn Inhr-n thr- mutt-t or J. Luann. Inlet- Int dlIlri? rhIl'I??l the the haul Ire-en liquor hill 1H)th- II the t'ull? runan rnu?hnuq- In Jr?'rrum Whiln "null-r Illtl I'lule- [run-- will not be rmuiml In me up their put-Ill?. or the-m. Inn of lhrI Mireill? in; I'rl n-r'ntr-nt'r- rm ul' hint-u i tl?i?l Judge Je?riu )l?lii?fdl} Judy Jel'I'rtr'I It? hum; huh I nu Ju-igu- J-?rtrn. Ind. llnre Ill ere tlu- urn-n perm". tlu- ctr-femur?. Wilbur tin. an .t nut-.1 when he Idl't thr- I that nlIn th)H-erlr dI-Ifltl?lnt-nlu Im- Iten 'I'hr-n heft-mien! iln lulled Intn In-tun- Judge Hillard duty-{l 'Ilill Iml tund- tu rrinln In I1- lorne) II:llId.' lIllul Judge Jl?l- ?In. be your ntturrle). l'rmu-rulnr. all run! whereupon the Jutlge. renun- in; MI Incl mil-rt. Itnpped hunt the Iannt?h. Ilul. II Mlm?tln .le?rlru. bend IrnlI Ind in ?w ill-11 l' lilr' rrlurt unit ilrr rn'IIrli ll t. I Illtl?ll' ll?uumlu nt? liirznl .llul I ?Il?h rhu- in In; I1 HAS ALREADY lo a. rhulz- I- l'nIllelrlu. Int-mum t'hll urn. torlrerl hr Jun-1d: It Hill It I?ll Ilium-t1 Ill-t lellmur nun hint-elf shut and the he hounded trIrI- lilhl m'rurn-rl in writ-In We) llurtl. I'Al?l II: hill at Min. It the tune IuplirItlun I. it In turner-Jul to the "Item! nl? lire there 11. ll the-riled llj? "w l' ll?lnll Inlet um In lhe- ?vrhich the uppilrelinn rerun. Il' aparll'l'etl II Ihn reel-nun ul It". rhu'hl Irill hr- mlliel! II1I modietely lur lhv- InIt-il SERVED TIME lute In ruurt new-n in ltuln: Ilrredr gut in till. nIm-?h time In Ilm I'll Iliuhereru um! I. Iguln I irrl. n1In Mi? Ti) .?lillrh 1" Led! liIil t'Iln ?lth-I of llh' i?IrlquI nun-1M. I?Ilrm . . ,5 . . rlimi here Int I'rnm mmu- ?11" hum-?d ?ll . Ian I [ill Jilli- ?ku'l 1' ham? 0? 1h? Jul-urn- l'Irlurl' to It"- muntr . Ind hr 1w PHI Ind ill .l-mur-Inm I ltll'r?hr'll I- lh? Ildl him-elf "Tltt- Inn null i'l ?Inn Inni- IIlrt Ll?ll?ll lint. II- Inil tl denuncumm 1'0 NAMEUFFICERS THIS EVENING 01' ?w Err-ml I111 11nlr?l Illr-tr mummy lupin-h Illn?lln: lnIIlIl'll turn n'rlm?k. Tllr' tll'nlrIln II in at I-: H. rmrreler)? nf' the ell-l Hun nl' nl'l'lru llhl' It luv-Min]. A. line 1n II ng?tI? SERVANT i tutll'll-Ir'n lult- )rsinttlay nf firII ll'lf? In thr- Ill-Huff J. Hfllull l Il l'urIm-r Iml INI- It?lit'l'll lu rlla- In the e1r-r-trll- rIlr Il?tr' Hr II Hultehu ill-mire Jup- ?l'll'll? meld. In l'nllm'l zullty ur truth] murlirl It?l'l- Iu I ir'rnl Ill tl'rltl)? in!? Ahly'InLI ran-it'rlrl the thrill?: Iin unmm?l II til l'lr-l JIrIlnli-u- ?Inn:- Irlx- tr'hrell in IlrIHl In HIliIhn Illa .lntv-I-IIl-iIn m-Ir. Iy Illtl In rurer from the hy THIRTY-EIGHTH BODY FOUND t'I \ierrh i Lute hurl! fr?'ll - . . Betty:r Gow Queetiened By Police at Lindbergh Home; Anonyan Telephone Cell Ash Whether Would be Grentecl Kidney-ere; CIptIin of StIte Police Non- Cornrnunicetive: Curd MIiled in Ohio Sly: ?Everything ll 0. K. Give UI?Time." (SAN RELY 0N PRllillSE WE SAY Flow. the tun Lint heth beautiful young nurse of the Lindller in length} exmlinntinn by [mllre It I today. i. State lmlirn revealed thin nlrilr'nimtr that an ltnunymuurt after mid- tt'oultl be tt-It'phnne rail in the I.intlhergh home. this Mitt-ti whether immunity I'I'II'ltt'll tn the hirinIIu-rlt of the Lindbergh huh Thr- intercepted titt' (?Ill Ind immorl wow litillilt?. J. J. LImll. of the New lttItt- miller. declin- Hi In any what hr tnlri theI intention?. in whet he litter-her! tn the inrltient. lie till-D declined to my whether C01. wnultl luv willing tn grunt immunity. LImll roilmui in with thl' killitI H-rll. Yesterday the In I llinilln' uurntiun wen I defi- Iiilt' im. "(live I'lt 1?Irne." Nele?n Mmge N. illiII'tfll lilti- Iulpinu t?luv up in Nt'tt?ll?ii turlnt'. .?tutlluritim intern-uteri it] 1.. nrltin'ruu-tl itl ['rll. i everything K. tiit'r' time." It wan nitznurl with the figure- fuur .?l?tll I ui' N'n t'lm Rely on "Any l'mmine We MI?lte? 'l'lil?ZN'l'th. N. Mervin Ind might be placed ?in any we mllte." . h- litli'i'IWi'ILii. N. J.. March nt'l'vroll today in directly with the the? hilly. In a statement ilutuurl tn the thl- Ll?l'lli?l'lh? In- tt'nnt?lnued Orr Twat KIDNAP MYSTERY NOTE [hue Diego rare?- I CHAS. 5 BABV FE. ucTr'oli/S letely tut-nu lul oil'an tn trrm' it: strut-Cu, Nn at the cenvernItlen Inllu't-l'. Wllt'n IlltEd Lindbergh rr-prr-llentatit'r-n hut mill lultilI-d It tirIIWillc. 1. hearing: "Tell Anne not tn hire. LimIIn-ruh inntlurl an, dirt-rt tn the itirlmpers of their {Dill-3'. ensuring the that entire confidence .m Bind taut" Lind her-2hr hIannerll of menl'el? the IuIn. Ill: rum U?lnl reurnd 'll. the loan in in- Heel. ulrnf- will he rnpunlilli.. l?n-t' the nut- nrllutlen in MI leIrIl-p' All Iir' hell?ll n1 lrorn 'lt'uhlnxiun In the re- gion? ut'l'leern. from theatre till-y In mum} mitten. Thr- rnunty I'l IelIt-tl-Il by ?In Iirrl the form"- nl the noun!) Ilrnl. tho will let. Id'lIOf In the cellulite. . vulluelm' Irwin-ll the "till" thu? tha tillrl) ~el?hltl mutt ml Marlin-rs InIIdn Iim [nine the! the hndy ling") hell horn un- I lulu-rd lri Ill? ur II Pm lIItc- Iu1 unidentified Sim-rt} in id [url- min-r- Ihlit HuntlI} LATER mutter-tad hf Th0 il- ll: nnly nn'. 'Iv-r? ACT Hen II I peeleerl netI found In Newerlr. H. J.. Ilu?l pollen to "?fih?hll Lily [of true of the ltlIanrl 0' Lindbergh. nl' .- .ltli, fllill en engtl'ty Exami 0 Japan?s ?Fullth SAID IIT WOULD BE HER LAST Millqu ill-rel. I JuInltI 'l't'euel. II. at Ohio. ended her Illa hur- IIrly erenlnl Itter hIrInl her bulb-Ind. lion 0. want. n. Ind her to: terrier. ?Lindy.? when bottle- Irrere found In the en in well-h u. Illitn: when Ihe lu?teted the tltt'l weunde. In the pruehee al? I pa- lleetrtIn. hItt nlenned with action [or urerel it I'll turned yell-rite). A unto. which the hurt-d to I pedutrlen I Ihert ItulI hetero hIr tl?l noun-M b1 Metererrle 0mm 1. r. naught to lnrutlnto the Hun]! Incident. Ilnlelnetl thet Ihl Intended to her huIbInd end then rommtl eul- eltll. The met-In ed to the "Chlet pt t'nitel. Help hole, Her Inn MIMI-turn Du Ttmde: Itlelnnun. Hrl. rielled I huutr parlor [or I mnnleure Ind IhImpoe. .hl- Iran unehle in It" IhIrlwen. Ind rhlte the operator It run on her Mn. ??qu remlrled that It be her int rnInirurr. ll I111. IlItemInt. Ihe utd In Irrauhl at It" hurt be I'eun? In the nun- pupun I couple at dIrI. it It" Mn Wuul laid the worker. Ihe [nine to I [er In anrIllnn. ll?llfh Inuld prove tell}. I Altimth I'unerel Ind not been carnal-ted lut night. prevention urn hotel mule In Iend bad: to tor Interment whlle [bet of llrII'I rernIIu hell for burlel. LEFT $318,000 ESTATE .tIm-h mum Tern ll". ui Illetu 'I'Ilued II ?only were ?led rhInrery enurt here :Il- larder. . Hrl, Mlle-n ll. Kidd. II. In ?tell at Ind Jul-uh r. all". :Intlnun unit-r, tilled hie entire utIte oi HILIH to Mt widow. Mn. Kidd Ill the Him-h at the Flu Mametr ?rornoretlon. rounded. In her tee Inna. lith T. Inrt LN ll. trad-1. Ind urn dIulhterI. Imulu Kidd Mnan Ind Cere- llne Poole. rnIae nu mun-u baguette le lrherltehie lnullurlnu In ?murld. Ind Imqu ne-l [gm-I: Im- the railewlnl: ?nrl thou-Ind duller. each to turn nleeu. Iain. Build. or t'n-rlotturitlu. Ind Mn. L?orI 't'Iltl. n! "no to trill. t'an llIlI. oi ?on In Min Band. or t?her ntleul110. I?d IMO not: in the Me cl [Ion of 'Wlehln'Im-l t1- CROSSING - CRASH FATAL T0 2 YOUNG WOMEN tun-ll Bryant, Ind h-r Inter. Neill. ll. I earlier in L'urlnIIan wheel, were intently Mme-d 'I'I'll? their l'll' I'll Itrur'lr by Ind ti. puunnr trIln He. II It I ItrIl-I errant-u hon thII morning. Ten lather oecupenll at the ur. Humphrey's, 11. Int! Itermena 11. In In the Corinth-n urloull]I injured. 1T Wis met-mm l??NTlh?T? "mam: GIVEN (?If N. 1., Ilsa-eh I. ._rn?Ineperter Herr! I?ll-h. nr Ill-reel- hit I II my whit-M eonteetn of the Intr- I I Tue-def :Ilhl?. ?I'he neat-Int- nt mm- pertr-tl to he the note km reed lu him If" the telephone by 'l'eehu. uncut In "nl?m ?non. Ind nati ew Demands urned Down By Chi -- PRICE 'Prepoule Were 4 letter! In Mull"_ I thee Tekyo? w" i. i of Fightin. (xii SHANGHAI. lillil?i?'I?l'ltl Chluue government index the urlet of new (if. mph-WI: mm um if? h'l'l MILM what were In the reel. me add. "Ir. rel-lulu and "0.000 II bill: of not mere due-la Heb: tutti be well me of. No nettle-uni the-l.? ti led We ?annelChin-u rm; Nye 5m War I TOKYO. FACES l?l. 00:" enlh ?ieuow Ind I ?ne-I a?eloer. It, 1.. Celnlr. J. {Jeri-tor. D. mm. .1. liner. .1. Coil!? Itt n'ln Ito-ed. he I: wtheut rounul. mine: at Ito 'l'eh-tlul. grelldent at the em?- luler mlIIrIy. bf the eur HInehurIIn Ileeutlre committee. The which recently deelIrelt learuurll'l Indepen- dence from (thin. Ippntutde l.i nhIoottIeg. I member at the rail- Ill'l dlrIelerIle. In Mo'u piece. hum-n gnu ally-teller tron: liIrIllI teller leld levernment hIrt H. ltutneuer. Inrlot rlreoprolldent of the utter?. to recent" appointment Iltil the utt- thIr of the MI not Imptted. Ha Teholiui It.? been In He.- eew for the put law you. II- nuutlelp I new "rum-M hut-an Ielt Irlrlel ltunln var-rt": juiul opIrIllan of the ['hlnlue ln Icrurdenre Irllh the KhIhIrnuu nf ileremhef. [he Hon-ml wulww let Itlr ureter the nu lIeett cell. It Mel Id. tuned em: haun- Ind lI?rtlIny. In poet- nod thlI Itternoen I?hen tool up It the hurlnr ll uro- Jureu Ire It. w. [.Irner. r-r. IllnIl-ld llemr. ll. ll. lldner Itlron. It. Irrelbr, W. Kill: Ind I. It. ts from the MIdrtd Iree. am. It ll under- nussulolloucoulzr NEWREMIN I I a: I TUHYU. Herrh Chi-u- .lepeneu - - ill] laid mg they fluent the ll 3? rlI.in Ithefl medal: .w a re tIttlre at Nettonl. whim . .- 'o IclIlIhu-I t- Itered the Chin..- -- I all tteretl it?. ehleto .J ti,? I an. I. be eohmtreted In IIrly round-uh]. world power-It Blunt lit t. c. Horton. et in euIlIItu eaten cu; our lt-uner to let inlet]: rt. loner: II ?new: - ran at the let. A. I. - Ilene the named in I nun-rm Itute?.? Il.? . Illi. ltuull te ?eet IIld. In return. in I the new regime 1: "pIIr hell" with the ellulie ennui-alien Illh the dll- mom. 'o'l COURT ORDERS JrImpend ll um; rlretllt eeurl no fee Illend 'rlrlIItItlI prohibitiun Amuq may. ui' ?utin ?If 1., brought to hit by J. . Fur; jun Ii'ter Inert Ill'?' nut the A thirty-tier jIIl . . tun trim the Hillel] nail-II unneeded. Mrt'the lee Ind herinl lent Judge length A. (I erdrred that he he uhelt mayI?mtor and; HI "In-lenan 5-. r'v unmet-ten.? cm m. m5? TODAY I Then Um! ASTOR RICARDO CORTES JOHN .ill-rlmolWouII ?mm 0F A. rum mu Ill-l MMIMHI Gen-ll: It Don't Throw Away Any Advertising Money it to to thinit twic: ur even three times before themselves for Indra-tiring schema that ll?t' Idvocetecl by their pro- moters Ill lum- buninull pullern. but which never seem to put money in the pocket of Inyone but the promoter. duller- should be nude to count new more ?lm ever. Experiments ?1 IIuIlly eel-Hr. Ind In I time when reserve funds If! so negii?b to unite new nehemee elpeclelly rillrr. the prawn Idvertillnz method ll the only sound method. - Stine Eat herehglninteined voltaer til?" whleh Ire ept up I v- . or lrhteh nearlqu aubetltulehu ever been lama qr . .. rV.? 4 NOTICE Be inning March let l9 2. our price will be 134: per Quart. per Pint GRADE A "PI-Hull] Ind It Milk THE MODERN DAIRY temt'm'l I "I?ll? . - I . SERVICE QUALITY (fail 514 For Plumbing Ind Hut- ing repairl. (Mice and Went-om Lentiee Leader PIperI' Stet? Soon heated at No. 1'5 Tm St. 29 YEARS - . The lune nn luau but I. I'erIIt people. Tut?s I true nothing in the it's the litter-ht I rotted II bl Ileu. ten new In ?t . I. I u- tllII . 'Ie' nu'u . fut-efqu menu":- em. heed the IINII eele .1. . 43rd Year. No. l63 I'll-I. MAT.) I'll" mu multilqu Weyneeboro to Get .New Product Morl- thly; Dozen or More Femiliee to Move'to Stel?tton in Connec- tion With New Stre- tent. The In and: ?feet t'hIt nelurel lee trill he turned into the melee nt' l-tteun- lolt ee Bender. Jul:' at. end Into Weyneehorn on 'llonlte)?. Joly II. em II on thouuht thet lt vault! tell troln Io eltlr den In Inelce the rherue hrer from tn netuul lee. hut hue been met;- etll'h etrellent Ille pelt noel. [hit the neturel produrt trill he reed, eooner then "pet-ted. The tor the turning of the lee Inln werheehoro before tnle I. done in le thet the helmet ton" ll eunplled n. from the pleat toe-led. here. end II [he neturel product to turn- ed Into I'lrel, Wenon- hero would he be erlth- ont In! In! Int one. lleumon be Into It" or II: .ertluhe, on eel-cunt of the lefte number of monumere here. no rel-h er'?lntt out he ur- vleed end elven the nelurel pee leveretelr. t?erl tor-1 nut-l- etrr. .leted nlent lhel I run- of ehout or twenty men would he employed In ttleunton lo mettr the nhenlre In gee end thel tee-two or thirteen tentt'llee rould he mor- ed to tlteunten from (Tnl'lnltun. curl-on four. end other permenerlt employ-M. Anton: out be tleoru It. remn- Irenurer pee-eel colleen! ot- on ten eed eel tehernr. It in to dtdereltt type at nrllee for rout-the! lteelt let-lured en hee been routing the I . In! I heture?l In I ertlnetel, or menu A Ilrle crew at huey Ln tt'ullee'bnro In ?tIurr-e and In the lee Ilnre. the tt'eynetbmn meln onto the lr-lnrh meln. thl?! the Je?ermn tullhney I'm at Weyneehnro. Ml t'?nlunlt'te. In Mel lulu; ere urled In llee In nt?llr In err-r111 ell errldente. More the neturel pl pro-IIan 'lnl'tl heme. It I111 I'Inly lehe elmrt little I41 hernmn erruelomed to the tut-I. lI VII The In end the replecemenl at putt on] he mute h: the In. el nu ?all In Ihe rntteumer, no etetrll 0 out the nature-I HI . ?I'tl IIH I I'tltt NEXT WEI-DI. Whlle It I. hoped. to he IMF to open the pent hello; hultt In uni-r out on ?ed- n-sdet. Jul} HullI te el ell In titty tt'. lie) men-err eelrt lell Hut the .Il new In eurh . tlull nn delel ren he let. I-ul It In the have at then In rherle to open Ill-I pool either \?t'ednoed1v nr Thur-day. It nee eteled eelerel no the! honl would be ready hr Indey, July [It Crosby Su? State Pensions POPULATION GAIN IS SEEN IN SOUTH TARGET I of Penn ?uent. Meet-t- t'Ild ?ll-?Ind Ill Re?eth In Heath Held 3000.000 Pee-lone In Ne ?untrue-tire Thul?hte. tt?uhlnulon. Julr Ital.?- Chelrrnell Flame. of the [em bond. turned on HuutIlern erlltoe nt hie oreenlullnn. ll- .ertllu their old eyelenl at mer- hed held 1.000.000 Per- eone In eertltude. He etteehed In. ?peered helore ronereu. enn- not "one eon-truc- Ilve thought at In: Illnd" hell been altered. ?lone ep-nhe It I rontrrenre newemnetnlen. he heq none ponthle to [ell Inorreu-Il tuhde lrom reh- elter the hond'. Itlnn heat rut In hell, the rhelrmen rel'erred In Ihnee erhn were to lee-p the en- pronrletlnn down. "They Ire-re lereelr rep-reeI-nle- titre of men term rom- under the old eyelet-n. end they ere-tn In do "entail-l; they could to deetrer lhle not end llte Itl' whet on ere tutu. tn do under he eeld. "And yet. lelte the or the rotten eth? per. .rlm hlt'el been hit-re hetote oer-green. helote "err commll- In. where enytl?t?lnl nu hrltulhl up ?tenth! till deal-?l- - I no eel-ll Drought the ehlh the MU reerl?l' Ahehlet elerenl Led ethel here the: ell-red here hetore renlreoe In roll-led]r the! ettuellon?.? Not one enn- etrurtlve thought at no! "And lhet melee the med when err- Ihet eell'leh. The-e! rne-n 74"? people, em! them ere people In eenllude In the ?ne In thet IntentInez-ht mm.? MI GASEREARS misuse Deleon-e lured-tee Tire-tr!? Ill-dee- In ?le] of In! t?luee'ed ?1th (?eule? Ilene-auto. l'ltet t'outl?tllted I. Inn-rhet- Hunter?. Jul! 1t.--Ittneelet In The et- emlnetlen ol.? twentHnu eut- [or the detenee. nl' teelltled. en lo the cher~ erter at ?Mile Arlene-II nod ht. repnletlen I. e? rmonehl: pene- eble ettlun. neeupled the etler- noon melon at the cue eulnet who le oherled tn?tetlnl Note that round utenlel thet ed tuned. the eulrlde ol' Hut-v trete It. D. Bret-her. nt HIIhlehd county. Helene ?Internet-e4- (tn the etend In Me turn de- let-lee. enerled Ihel he thought let-ether hed gun at the lime the him. not mede the plan Ihet he In "If-de- letter. Hr. end hire. Dennle Herder telltl?led thel threeher hed been drunk. el thelr hente elleut lee yeere no, but t'In tlon. tinder thet he htmeell.? hed been gentle-ted ol' letting erdent Upon. tron-eternlnelton. I?red tt'elner. end It. Wrrner. ell Itel'enee nll- Ihet Rel-eel" hed .I rerlnul lIrnn rendered decl- elon. ll't rout-troll". rnurl ed~ err-e tn lhel'lt. Court edklunu-d et tour-MI)? n'rloeh lhle elternonn nlee- morning. the! tlrne the erlurnent ol' tounlel will he eterted end the re.? ehoold be llten to the jury nerlr II the I-l'trrnoon. The dll'l'leullr belle-en Item-b er end Arboleel hepp-ene-d en lell the. h. on June II. the mute- trlte "at e. bullet Into Itte oen heed. end dled July I. It'lrerhe't hl-Id en eteotlnt eletnet Arhnlut ler colleen?. We of tile It. den etter nee. I. The enmtloneveelth le- de. et noon. utter eel-hill tl'l'ltl! full?. hell-we. Hedkel lull-on, nee nll?e?l h; Im II. Hell. 0! Bteehtenl Dr. It. For. of Monterey. led nr. It. T. lit-"her. f?rebhnt- tom. mo 0! due-end melte- on l'ele Tull HULL CONTRISIS 2 PARTIES: REGARDING TARIFF July It. - - H'nelnr I?ordell Ill-Ill. nl Tenn"- een In the ?Iel?l?' pantllou tonight. leld thel Ihe peel! pleltarm the nurntr. eeltteh end v0- Iter nl hotelier. elnee Ind hee been rented In the mount ettremee In reunlry." Hen-tor Hull. the of of nuhllr ettelre, eterted the: earn. plelforn-l greet-tone pro. elelhl the elurrul end fundamen- tel dim-unto ol' eennomlr In mntreel with than or the petty tn pow-r" Ila eleoruuelr denled the run- for Retired Teachers to Be Richmond. Jul; ltete pen-lone for retired euhlle eehnol leerhen In t'lrelele he rut perceh' nl' lhelr ere.- ent Ittll the nut quer- tel'ty pennant. Del. I. John Croe- 51. state department of eeld lode-t. WANTEDI 100 Thrifty People te nettle the?t- It tn 7 e. Good Hellenic? Ueed Cor thee to melt-Io Tending neuron-rerun em Marlo teen gen- the tile the tell et' bet. he- tee. In 30 TIER 1?0 Whirl Hottl'l' end eer- II the line to net deer- on the rent ed per tree-norm?. Int he the! in] the rluht Mel of need oer. mu. lull Title 111! I0. her-pm bee-e ole-eel AUGUSTA Cut Forty Percent on Oct. 1 htr. t'mehr con?rmed the re- port that the pen-tune would he rut In percent at thetr pree- unwell. "pleteln; lhet the eleell I'll due to the left thel the Intent In founded en en It?lurlel belle. elthoulh earl-In. tell her Ill-e. reeulled. In it .redueltr Inereellnl number of teeth-f. mettle; the lie of lledurtlotle In teerllere? .I'Iev elee. etc one per- eenl for the pehelntl fund. hee netted Io redl?-e mode trout Illte loom. end the load It betel de- leted deeptte the peer-t unle- lr'e eetlee Inemetnl elete old to netted. Hr. (Tl'oehr eeld. He eetlneled that the rnull eleld only ?40.000 I rent. nttleh. etth th- elele ltd. ertll! node I. tnlel of The lent Quarterly Ile- trlhutlee oe Jer I tree "1.000. loam melanin Rotten. Julr hle Kenton eemhln. tree: neuter ?eld we. hullI leaned tile lore!" ehtte uhtu lea?et et Vlrelnl. leech ele- eert dertee our elr neuter. one the teen lull-tel- eel. It. 0. tee-tenant. vttot. eed tee neeheelee let-n. The ether. leedlee our wee tore ell II It tlreeh ee etehenlueet MOTOR 00.. he tteld eel other eat-em melted II It le tell the led helm-eel nee. thel there 1. on luedemen- tel dll'l'ereere hell-eel the plell'orntl ol' the tie yer- tire. "The errlnomtr nl? Ihe Ilemnrrellt- nee hultded he eeld. ?upon the bedrorl. laundellnn the: the en we er. Ilt'lt?tl in In: 4.7. under new end trenetornted on I?ll" T'wel Summer Heat Grips Nation Ill: The seem-tend Pm} A tnld-eulttuer heel were hell- ed heron meet or the United llelle returner, ueelel et lent three Ietetltlee end eeh- Mn It. Null. Wheeling. W. reported one d?th It I ll?biflti? 01' Newark. N. L. Ported enether. end Illa-ale I. e- the therleletel lent- e? through the def. I the third deetll "one the hut tor In the den. The end loath-net neutered ntlre en lthe pert the nerrur]. Cleve- Iend hed It eel: et ?le hel. telnet of (thin ereltered. I11. the One pereon lee drowned trying to ?nee the ?re ten to Clerelend end eeolher ever. home In Denna. Renae. Ill-noun. end Gib- hnnt. Iueltled eerie thet It would he the hotteet I or the yeer te ell-me t'ltr. Hell? took the hen-ere run I eterh at IDI. Hen. Kenn.I I eloee let-end. II 103. end lett- Jeerllte. one. I'll Ie thet nee-on. tl eel II mule-e and It In city. The ?leth not ll retard temperelel'ee. The ther- nl?ltlr on lee e! the tedelel Ieh hetehery It Ore-"here. I. were! to letend the loll: he. Nerfeth. Ye? hue ee nee We let the teeret II. Other were Atteele. H: dell. teIeereteree en Ie the eteellee. 1' ehelrer unto: te the etleephere ter 5 ee'fllon el tell. the hetteel er the eel ti well ii; i i ii i RELIEF BILL JEOPARDIZED I Im Billet" rut-N We "mere Ie I'll-pd- Between lute-l end Den-let In" to Aenld. Puddle-Hal Veil-0 Ill- nr?e; Adrienne-I l'e-eelhle. Weehleelon. July It. The modi?ed unemployment re- llel? but we: Ienperdleed toder by I. new ronltIt-I between the two hrenehee nl? Ihreetehed to prolong the eu- IlBll. "I'hn ?duet-hallo hill he- rense onenerted te e. dlenule he- tereert the houee lad ?hell. Out of tone at the etnnet teedere lwere turtul men-ore would emerge Iltll l?rer Ident Ito-nee: Ill hl "In. pretent- In: toure? tron lltle reek. Ilelete on ?Null: to I50. lneletevd upon tte prowl- elun In the reeulrle; thet nuhltettr be elven Io ell ltIhIre Ieette- hr the tunnetruetloe eer- melee. 0 ?If .rt er eueehed In It. In Ire-h Ie the to of rum: there were ladle-nee. le- eleht that the Illree could yield to the home the! the mull? tomorron We": teetere trere the eheenre of de?elle turd hole Hr. "Other. Ihet he would not veto the one If It went Lu hire ertth the rte-lee. lhue order. The mell- th- huh to mnlereete Inellht with le- eeruetlnne tn Inetet up-ne ell-I:- o! the puhlleltr rleuee. no the molten of ttenetnr Ro?elneon. Arie-lee. Demeter-eth- Iced". on Pele Tenl Fire Destroys Home in Absence eewm Tire nt? adult! leel elght el ehnll? rleeh deetreret the heme. together Ilth ell I-elonltee to lhll'l'lelt. loeeted on leeaer'l leel. out? two hate the our. Kr. end In. were Ill II the tln'le let the Ire. end It In eeld Ihet every- thing the! the]I deetrer-d In the lemee. were rtcoreue etler the lull?. The leleelloe from the blue he one e. In: eereanl tn the rite, the telephone Il-eln: beer l'ltlt lnqulthl. The houee In I treete elrno- lere. end In. eeleelr her-eel Ie the trend. It will not be tuned ?hell lelureere I'll rem-d on the or rentente. D. Two Clreum to Vleit Thle City both reel: end eld, wilt here due 0! "It eld- tn thle It In reed reeterder. tIee elr- here elned up for the the retrereuele. In. eler ee eel-def eued on .Jelr it. Me] hell on the Illumldl. Tile I. meet- I epelt on. It We], nee II II en e! the lee- On Au. 4. boner- etren. um ell: It the eele Ihte elee eel? truth ehee. elrelte. ehteh It Inn of Iberle' Ill! Itlt etl'l'l'l 1 the ?u eer?lr the Intel" or Th 1 t. eel the etude. eel-1 he the". file her. teeth el'uil?e el' he II. lentil: II. the e! I never - -- . teen. tee at. the Ilene- nee-lee. etee; em the'reet. eel-ll. The elelle e! et the eenelry. Ie .eeltertu mt. the-nu. e! the linoleum Lenten luehotuhe 1 out not lg?ed'i' . .- tar..' . The home. I. rate or VA.. FRIDAY MORNING. JULY ls. rel-? OF VETERANS IS CONTINUED (WI and T?oIIre Au- nleue lever-I Merl-lee en It Hello! flu- I'lrlel' 'I'I'Il'le. Jul! It ?In 3. lift" 0" IlId-I?hl?glnx eel. Ily end eolIrn tile tItle event" In . ?llputr et Inerlne. h-lne pitched Id- l?p on the unite] mule. hundred. cl reteren. trudged ?rt? Mel: torlh. hut to the end the u-eeldteu rem hetero. The union eere elmeet Innedlltellr. end lhelr green-N wee tolled "ll-under- etendtej. Vteernldent l'urlle, Ineeher (tether. Itnr Mmtrel Henry- V. Butler. rnmmenoent or the to?! new rerd. emt l'ntlle superlntendeel men eonterred et lenllh. The nun-hut ale-eterd ordered the [roll-nae eleleed. Ilelelre II eou?td get meet! to nt the order 111 r?l?l?t Il-Itlelnr I "been Penn I, In ten-eded. ate-elem roll-rent the ante: end lune. Ire-r: ll'tldIlII at the denlunellel. or. In eentlnue no II he. for ten eight. end tee Iter- t'ml The lien IIM Illn'l'Pd In Ill I'lmrn but were kept on the mm.- They hen] end rheunl .- lreene ot then. .: tel. ntl' tn rut I-hllr- lull ol' the renllol pumm- There net I. letrlr .trms. lull. mettle: the! hunter lunt been In hutch I'rellde'nt tor before he euro-riled men- l?l'l. poll" hlld'e elele-rl to t'lee-l'reeldellt Cum. the: he hell not ?oIlre to heel. 11'- the Itrenl erouml the ne- to the ntertee N9 I Iu- the Smith Jury Jul! 11. - {fr?The Jury Gerlend tor ht. Ilte here. etler ltellherelth. for two houre end In Illnutll tnnleht. enenunred el nlhe-l'nny. are n'elnet. Ihet ll ned been lm ehle ea In In urn A. Idem-nor}. the I?m-men all! he I?ll not rerteln the! IllHr rould Judee llenrt? l? Latel- ..nt the tunI to bed tor the end ordered the eerleeltt to the Jury huh tomorrow moral-tr: .l nine-time o'clock. Ill peered unperturbed hr the It?l- dlel et Women of Middle River Church to Meet on July 17 The nl the l'hureh at the urethra-n I- the prone-l of the (hunt: It wont threueh the I'?lie? the rertoue ere Int end dletteet In IhenteeIl-e. In It'll" Inelenree en torrelelr II In he one rr-r lhlI you. the Ietlonel [rule-rt I. Ilrll' Itth All Iltl?ltl, end Mrtee. The terteue ?Opertl?ulle hr the Meet rhurrh. Mn Inlet! letlen' eel daughten' elude. Imm- Imh INN lull te-perenre I on ere weenie In .n .u ?In. the ele lttlel th'r.? IT. The angle: timer-In. which the subtle Ie [the therein l'I MI I. I. In. "II-ll I Lune The Ilene. herdIn"; ?Flore rhIIdreu Clerk. he need tor Ite I?ll" ltutl'r leuloe [Ill on m. I'll-I .I?ll . .. . .I?lmy Iteedlu ee .Ilu Uertler cheru- Ie?uttoe unth- Duet . . that end nun:- ltvher PIIMII . "Jean Retell.? A ?eeting for Zimmermen Set In Hodgee Cue Iuehluhe- t'e, Jely enun- eetherlttee teder tent no line eettle: "ell-leery he II II the reel of [tee Ila-?ee. erreetee Ie the ur- ht r: at theol- It. to Hte?le I 1. I. ?edgee. Atr- teel: Tender. . ?ee-II lnee err-?ed after I e-reh. retelt unleaded re- the weed. tele merel Ite tree It the hue nt.? hte deuh- the I931 In" the'e leelelettlre tempt? hen lint hull Allele l'llne ..l}rtrer tlletere . .- ??awl? YOUN .L. (I. NOTES . NIGHT pm - REFUSE 19? BE 1 at: sum RY EURO EAR com do] mM?/me a I .-.Q . ..iF .. l-o II - elm lltet lee-eth et In! men. the netee te then or? eulelle en ereeletee The net? were I te Ilene been written eelrerel? heel. [Annealed Flt-at tubule GWEN sumo Of w. c. T. ll. ?re-In Inn-ll I, II Th.- Intrre'e?t? Hm (If the tt'nmrn I tel-Ill"- Itr? elljnurnrd Null-Au: eum-ull In any In I'hl' CIN- Ilfl lneIee-l Hitrh-hiI-Iinp: Now in VII. utm? - I?m new. lute mull-Ir lent. Ill-I'll Inl't 'rl'I'I-l "n II Ill1'le' llt'I her-II for In! I. In 1 .lre tll' t.I.1.Irp M1 the ltlellnne the ell-Ir he 1h" mm. In Ihet ?rel Ill'l't't' uf [I-Pl'll'lh' Itll'l'l. IlrIrrII-n. Inll drru lehn nee-r1 for [Italy reguhr nlrene nf Inn-porte- tumu- rune hen- heart no Ir rrete Ilt lhle rum mun?, .lnrn the Inn went Inln effort, It lu- 11 em lee! ?lth! The In- teert- e- "It .hell he unlevrtul env per-nun uhlle luvan any or the ere. at one eey. tn endeavor hf 'nr?e. [ee- Illrre. nr nthernlee. Ml. In? the or eI-rltre Inf reh'rle' It't t'r-r hlre. ?It In. eeld pet-eon the rlrIret- Inerenr nr ehe th?e-tn. In Illte eullon thell the or old In the event or errl?enle or by ?erenne ulln Dre- of Int In: Intel-ll" ll'll? lh?- end world-d thet the Inr hell ephlr only In run of hone nde 1n ehlrh erl emerledry etlele. Any e-erenn enr at the nroelelnne of "tie eultnn be penlehed hr ttne of not then He or up Inn then or hath Ine end No Light on the Reynolds Cello I'lnelneo?elen July It vm- The pee-In: or another dell felled to thrill- eII'r It?ll upon the anterleoe l?etel eheetlu ht heme-Ida. to hem t'nrluee helr. In Ill. New- ete hunt. on the outehlrle e! WteeteI-lelent ellhl den no. norm Treneeu Ill-ell. ehlef_tll- ruthettee of?eet'. nee emlel II nlteen In enelier rue?lee trlel er Well?. leelee. at el reel eetete pee. Ilret degree blulery. e. three te tie-HI. cere- leeImelee. Hle nu. ?xt . .. lb, w-Mw? 1 reenter Llee. ml. thet the nun. nelr ?net:- ?32:23 Interim? PRICE TWO cams? A .ma-ft In Letter to Bonk. Preeident Sly: Thin Netion Ie Divorced from SwiftlyeDevel- oping Inter-European Agree-menu. \?Int?nmtlull July It uh nI-Ilrn lhel thr- Lnlt? we're Irll1 to he le?uenred In Ile ?end urn-In er I?ll??ll b: I?t} nl t;n-le_ etltr'l ur nee llteI I't l'leel-Ietlt IlanlrL 'l'rlr I'Hlol? In I letter I lulunen of the Ben?. turn-ten rrlel'mhe ee- u'llul r'ln?. ?ell-tn Ml- In, at lelrl'n Iltter-Kurapelu .vl-I It'lt Int-?ml. h, 'W'mr [In II In the all any the" menle man .e ran-thine"! efllon at "up tlnl?nre,? the! rum. null 1m Interpreted "It?ll I ?int-Int! Ill-1 th- ArrIe-Ilt'nn luv-null- ehnl: be- l'lt I'rlr' n'.er1lun Itr our petllt?lel Ilel It. In} In?uenrell In. ?If. . elther "pen "Urn Hill". ?ned ntedl lumen. the null-met IIJHII llme glellt lhl- en: l'hlef lel?ulhr'. prrumel en-Ier In topnrle lru-nl ntlnu- Huron-eel ll'tlt ell-ll lh'l' repell- ttnne nun-?uent ete- It Leo-ennr. .puturemen heat liven Ill-t up?: eler I'lrhle new] raun?lrr would I'Dlln" The en-rellnl urrenlent el Lenten.an erorldee Ihel In Ilermle repere- llnne ern not In b0 med.- thr- 'l?hlted melee in Item Euro- peell pollen. II vlu.-m.m "that the netted Ilene hee been eneuttd In! a! the eeremehle reported hr the prree to he" been moi-lulled re- renllj' .l Leueenno end Ihet. rnullr,1l1e n?l pert-r In, ti on} any In Ill) hurl "momentum" The letter Itnrelz evtehl nr ?tet'enl urn-mem- In tle hn duct-N1 ll'rle-nrr In! rurth et Imlunne. I. he. nIeIlmI-d In nl'l'tl'lel ..1 h- not elmln: It the [me peel Int-n loll-1hr .t e'elh u! mnrerenree 1n lerv ?un ?lnlh I?m-unher- e. ?f'f'dfd Ill-Ineew IIMI-I ??hlle I. nl' M. H1. "met. utenhe .-I tult'. end ?In? (Inna "flf pull? In! ?em-IF 3"".an "to II pro-Idem or the New 1nmutguly? \Mb l' T- m. tl-perture. elm-er If I'm elrM-I In the t'lthl plant II err":- Ihlrt um" l'nl ll?II- MI: .ue?ll ll'l'l ll 'Ir?ll an int"? Ihlf? Emanuel MpItl'n?lu Ill- eilml Thu lure-I ??lhl I'llelt' Ik?ihl? . lt? Ill? ?fir-I'd Jul)I I. Ilren plank, e.r .eut, ll lull re I?rtlleh medeell?llth I'll! .n rr'urel Ill'll It'ldellI Flt? ll!- Inn-.1 n? Hum-rt .ml In rm- I-ltrr Irr'lelmt In ln- that. mun? le?lu-n. mu ., ?ulnneen mine rum-tum." Intrutduu-l lttellr In ""111" In ?In ?rm. "en-ll Ir. Isr-Id I?m elm-mime?! In ht! Ihe Inl?d lgulrp'enre emu-I. up! In nut-menu tIlIe dented lite I Ileml' rm ulu- new hound 'llu- hr the ehlrh named "It'll-ere. I'm put the Ilt' II- It.? el-le- Ilnn. eml Ml. e'lrlelue eulljeull irle' Inl the the euetllerrl r-r I'IrIum-rM-Ilutnn punt Amn?lrett T.r;lnll. hnnle lut littl-rr tut the uunlul war he? Null-e Inner-nil. dent Mr. lit lune ?ell?. Ilretlltetll. All" Here l'lww rte?lnrt, It. It, Wilt-e Irene hlelnlleu Lh- h. Ilene no.9, Illn, end Mn t't?ltllem Item-en. lt?fIfIhl et-erlm 'I'Ilrl rumnutt?l retneiel nl' ?fl Wellnn tlplel. Mn. lleurIe ll. I, Itelelelee rhneen In: "preheat ?he unit It the renun- Itlne Il'r hire. Weller. ?re that. ?re .1. Kleughee. the. It. It. Multan. end the. nee-tee Pun-ell. Mlernetee be ?re Illn- .ell l'tl'er. 'tlrL It. Mr ltennrteh. life. It I: fit-Uta? I'll"! I Vl?l {'hlrlee el It. It. .tllee Hunt to lee-ll. dteftlure. end ereught eletnet Mlle Freed-tee I?ere er the complete.? Ieedei. tt tree IL 'e lent ellhl. lilies lngerSoll to Head leeion Auxiliary for the Coming Year; Convention Delegates Selected .In Tint end in [lenl't-I'. Full-thing the hueln?. well?. the ie?i enterteleel marten nl' tlearI. ?Leh- Petre' leht-I?I h] Kilt-lg. end nllter tenet- br ti. lettu- Itneteul photometer. The halal end heele- rqrw- were n-te at the loot?! .verem -e-Iee> July Selle of SPOR SHOES Reduced Pricee 51.95 Per Peir ?l'h mum-e 'uu. Karel-elem - . ..-. o- 4.. rat I Ion-rim In' to Trade? II ?No lot 10 onto. Coll on 44th Year. No. 55 ROOSEVELT MOVES TO MEET CII A Elli- Inc-cum hm mu WHWI POWERS WILL BE DEMANDED, IF NECESSARY, TO ROOT DEPRESSION FORCES Eight-point "Line of Attack" Lnitl Down by President II He Autumn "Unhooitatingiy Leader-titip of Nation; Qetoiied Rocommoti- dotiono Will Be Given Congreoot Wonto Speedy Action on Relief Mounreo. '33: NATHAN aounaraou nongcioteti Press Staff Writer Worthington. tool: over the pron I holri ?launch of tiomIrtti wortlmo power-I. I'orcr-I of riepreoniou. Standing burr-hon form In tnlri I root throng of his thIt i'rout of the Copltoi. tho [lowly ou'orn Preoid March D. Ideucy oi nu expeotont notion todo;f with loader-hip and I pledge thIt he will if neemory to the tit-ti on the constructed plot.- out he would "no- Iumo unhroitotingly the Iondernhip oi the notion." Eight-Paint Ait?orlt tie outlined In Inner-II termn In eight? olnt "line of utim?it" on rconornic prohiemI?inclurtlnu: 'Idoquote but Imth money"an said heir would nuhmlt dotollrd rec. ommontiotionn to opt-clot Invasion of cons-roan. Thr- now l'mirlunt eit- proonori the hopn that ?the normal tint-nee of Ind logiolntivo Iuthority mo! be wholly Idmunte to good. tho unprecedented Inuit. but er'ni'ti that "need for un- doioyori. orlinn mo: Milt;an tom- pororr deport-urn mm I not: root i-olonrn oi pubiln pron-dun. ?i Ito proporut under my rou- duly to mommond tho rleoouruo I It I otrIt-ilon notion In tho tnldo of I world or" require." ho told hlo theor- In Indlonro. woo-to Hon-Ii; Adoption "Thou mmuroo. or out-h othor Io lho color-Ion hullti out oi Ito ooporionoo Ind otodum, i oholi within to! roitoiitutlono'l outhoriir. to min: in opt-Mir Itiuptlnu. "Ilut in tho oront thol tit! ooh- lrlilo toll in take nno ni thou two rouronl. Ind in tho over-It tI-It Iho notionol omorlonry II i Iholt not motto tho ricer mom of dulr thIt will then enniront mo. "1 hill." ooh the route? for the one romninlnl Iooirumrut to mount thol hroIii Woo-r to ornlo I not tho ornamean on [root In tho pom-r IhIl would he liven to run ii' urn worr- in int-t inrodod. by I Ionilo too." Ito-oiling thol tho notion tor Irtion. In-t ortton now." rim-unit I'i?ildo the inliowlo: Innorot tut-opt. to work. In port hr itier by tho loo- ornniont tin-Ii. Itoc-ionilinn of tho oi popuioltou in lntiuotilli ooh- ton Ind proritlnno in: I "honor tino oi tho loud hr thou hoot litv tool for the loud." holinlto error? to rItoo tho rol- oi ooriruttorol produrto Ind thoo crootlon oi poer pur- tho output oi rttioo. at ioror'loouroo oi Irnoll hOlt?iM Ind iorruo. InII-tooeo lhIt tho todorol. otIto. Im?i iorol lonrnmonto Ict "forthwith" on tho: dontIhii thol their rout ho orootlroilr rodueod. I'nll'lr'nlion oi Irttlitioo. Notlohol for out! In- pov'rlotnn oi Ill Iornu oi tronopor- 'IIlInn Ind oi oomrnunicottono Ind orhor Iltliiliu. roturo "of tho thrill of tho oitt ordor? hr "lli'll't ouperoiolon of honking Ind rrodltI IINY trtrootmonlo"; "putting on and in op-rulotlon with author poanI rumor." Ind Irorloion ior "Io odoquoto hut nound rut-romp." I tattle-nook- Iro tho tin-I o: It- tot-h." tho oold. "1 oh" [iron-unlit~ urn upon I on non- In It'll-fill Ion-ion dOiIlI-Od moot-urn tor thoir Iulillio'iont. I oholl oo-Iit tho Immodloto of tho Iot'orol nlroetlnl hlo Iirn II ?round- otl Ind pormonont nIllooIl lilo." lint-troll lddrii: "Wo do not olotrtiot tho iuturo oi oat-min dommrorr. Tho pom pl! oi tho I'nilrut itiotoo hI-ro not In tholr mod thor tho root-torrid I roIniiIto thIl tho; wont alto-rt. viluroul Irtlno. "Thor hon ultra. tor dlool- ptlno Ian tilrretlon under Ioottor- ohlo. Tho, hon roodo on tho . tootruloont oi thoir wlnhoo. In tho oi ibo Ilit tIho it.? tho our President told hlo root thIt tho IIltoI "I'll-i mloo Ind will. prison-or." Ind Poor "i'ho'oniy thing on to 'foIr." ho ooid, "to fur ltooli? - uniuotlnoo tort-or which porolnoo nootiod oi- iuru to roam-t rotroIt low oil- 'l'lilt'l. ?not! I motion anti-tot tho dork of tho mt. Tot. our diure- ro-oo no I'll! he) I .. Grain Marl-tot Hopes To Open on Wednesday Mott-h onrhi'o control Iroin morhot II ocpmtoti tn holtn II 'tir'odnoodor. Ituhiirodo oi rnoltthorl oi tho t?hieono hoord oi trodn otood In tho min pit: for houro todor. hut worn prorontod tron-t lrInI- Ieltno huotnuo by I Ionl trlpio hurillttuI prorlolmott by tho aort- ll'll?r. Itoh-Irt P. Borino. rioo-ouolv donl oi Iho boord ot trolio. In- nounroti tonluht In tho Ihooneo oi? Pruidont rotor It. Corey, who to on routo iron Woohtnaton. t'bIt I Ilronl o?nrt orII tinder why to It tho oI-rllooi poo- Ithlo mornonl. . LA: ho VOTERS VISIT POLLS TODAY Mango-it. Monti-II Hm hood-n For 0? mo Ilia-I. Hillel ??lil Hot-ooh in Ii'?l'r mind in Hattie! Horlln. tnoor tomorrow Iiian In tho otnuoot oloeilon otnro tho iouno- inl or tho ropuhuo II Tho hIrI boon to pool juduroont lip-on I 'no'Ir orlontotlon oi GonnIn politieo. yet tho [orornltont portioo Ind Iona-r- horo uni no" opportunity to toil tho pull- Ile thol. no toottor 'l'iili "toilet tho will Iutiinolo. ?ormonr'l now politltol team which honu Jan. to with tho oocondoorr oi i'hourollor Molt liltio?r moinl from tho Ithlno to tho hordoro oi tho ropuhllr. hilltop houitroo iIIrod tonight. ohiio torrhiilht porotioo woro In lej' on! Ind homloi. Authori- In rout I dooiro to ring rhorch Milo. uni. holiolnl tho Ind of tho eornpollo. hut ohIr-rtlon rotted hr church oitiriolo, Chonroilor Hitler oorrtod. hto toot unpoiln tour to Routin- borl by Iirpiono. ?I'ho lItoot rouptlotton oi ro- porto [ruin rIriouI 9111- of tiil ohnoorl Ihot ooron por- Iono 'I'Iro httiod In lilo- Inddont to tho tinIi campaign. HUNT (?Ul'li?l? (?lilo "in It light otroot. noor tho eornor oi lliuh liar night It Ibnut o?clock eoulod oollo I hit oi oi- rllolitont. out In Irrolio Indy. H. H. lo?onion Intru- but tho poriirlponlo i'Il'l Ihou Ihor Ion tho oiileor oo- proochinl. Thor Ioro Wtilton't Woichor Ind luloho Cobb. both of tho eily. tho oiiteor otItod. llo odoott ihot the]! would both ho outnotorlod Into court. Hour-I llr l spot- oi blood Ioro on tho Ildo'ool'h who" tho two In Iron ?lhtinl. H?m-a?q?Ht? Ill-I?m Ion. Joan. Pluto itlrot I?-m-?Twioir portion- on 1' IIVI toot {Lil-f whoa tho Moor ?ooded "or; rolnl. role uroo l'nt poor-Hi tho town oi normal tool night. [root noonmint" STAUNTON. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH I933 The New President Tattoo L. a? a. tip}. .- the Out]: of O?ico ?Ind: thruot high. D. Ihown horo Inhinl tho Int-nun ooth II I?rooldont of tho ?lolu. Hi". It tho rltrooao Thou tnII'Ird tho rilht Iro Honotor Inooph T. lfhloi Julio- P2. who to ootn: Chorloo Cronin. dor'r of tho oupumn onurt; till I'rooliiont. Ind ?Prim? tiom'or. [units t'nim throlupnwto In hurl Tori. Ind "tho-t- i'rntr-ro i?ouon (toot-Hr"! to IILI .Mo Hep Toll-I on Ill-rumo Milan oi Fort-rot Ito-or" I'll-It. Mort-It [Iovornor oi Tirlinll. to- lift?. Ionoonrod tho ?In-torotioo at I mandatory honit hottdoy ior Hondu- Init Tut-odor In ooid hio Irtiort onotolr- with the mummoudolton of tho Iilrhroond rodorol hook. "itlni?o motile: my outomont oi l'rtdor I'ullorrl "thoro horo hoon do- troioprnonto In New 1'an Ind. in othn t'lnonrlol contor- at tho whore hInI hoIIdIrI hIio hoot-t tIorIIro-I.? F'ritin nioht I?nlIIrI'l Ioid ho our no north-lily for I hon-tor to rlov oi ?i'lrointo'o porniiutno hook: to rinse Indiriduolir by or? to Iho rorporotlou coral-nio- lion. loam l'lidu-I ?Ink- "I."hio now rhonloo tho oituotlon Ind oh. un- duo hunlon upon tho hInhI of VI Inlo." I?ulinrd Iota. 'hllo Vlrniolo I o-hteh. under Ion emit-II rtreurov cutie?. would moot oltuItIon thruth ooporoto Ippilrotioa of tho hon?n. In tho oorporottnn corn- ruI-Ion. tho Inrilioni to tho Wilton oi thlo loo would couoo dolor whirl: rrtuot ho "mood under uiotinl unprot?h. dontoit mnditionl. "in ordor. thoroioro, In rolloro tho booho of tho oi mohlng ooponio Ipptirotlono, I with tho mommondotlnn at tho hon-ho oi thlo doriorin; I 'Iolol holiday ourotiro i'or Monitor Tun- dor. ?oreh i Ind throughout tho Iod on on th' honhl." 't'lrutnio In: roqulroo iltot I lorornor?o prortotnotlon ho ou- eulod olthlo the olItJ. Ind ourh roildotlno Irlion ho tottou rot-Ion now and Monitor I'I?fil- I'll. HI ?utoo Alortool nonho to out: at tho-tarif- Illi'tl ototol Irll'o ?Iii-r hoiidIf ordoro or woro uniior rutrtetlono Hoturdoy night I. finonctoro. Konomtoto. Ind gur- ornrnont clone to bring nmo?rn boot to IInIni'lIi norm-tier. ?it-Into! II. Film" Noo 'iorh. Hort-h -'t?ho [root itnIIr-Ioi morhIntotn at tho Unit-Id itIIloI Itood todoir. Whlto I no Prooidont tool: oiiloo promillul lrutlr Il'tll. cout- ontorlonn? Irttoh. tho bonito For You Ind Chicago. on toll on tho Hon forh uehonn. tho Chico.? bond of MANDATORY BANK HOLIDAY IN VIRGINIA FOR FIRST 0F his WEEK Kump Takes Up Reina As Governor of West Virginia {.?horiootoo. VI. Month 1.. in Whlin I frigid. oh ppod tho of Iloto Ind uo- tlon Ibnut hlo horn! hrlti. Mormon titty Rump woo thouutrotori Ino- or-mr oi Woot Indor. oi rulan Iiili Irlton" will no to throulli thto time of oIrr-Io Irui outornonrr. ho told ohtrorln. rrnw?o that Iquoqlotl that.? ntotiotru littl- olit 1Iivllh u! ruIIorII bonito upnit ll. Tohin; tho uIlh II Inf-nun tl?tl Rump plodlod Ivor}- I?'urt oi hlo Iti- tour-rd nut tho mondolo ut' the to: limit-lion minimum. but ?id uuorollnn outild requiri- roioinl ooh Innuolly trom indirort more?. nomin: I nor-rot "Tho buo -lInIi Ind prr? Iouol proportr hon hoon roll-r- ut." tho Itonihnr oold. "hut in Iplto at tho moot riot-t tho Inuit be In port tIInoti. To do Hill. 1 I progroru I Ionorol onto-o to: with I potonltol rIoI-i or .I. out to ii'II-l oi- fort oiil ho prountott 'In tho tut-lotuto.? FLAGS OF IIANOHUKIJO AND 1 JAPAN FLYING OVER JEHOL CHINESE HAD FLED 4 Eight Arrested as Police Break Up Demonstration itirhntouti. Mort-h i. - I?ll-Iii! Irrooto ooro motto tad-II try pnliro who bruho up In Ilill'ul- uroilon Hi I rnillrol map In Hootoo om. nho continuum or- oi thI Richmond llaom- uluyod. Mui?il. who? trip! to tho polio. ItItIon horn boon in roeont month-n. on. M?onl thou orrntoti It tho porlt. Iaior T. It. Ittuno. lor- rrloh- at tho enuhrll and I hor or thr- cuntmunltt potty. troo lot?Int up when ho roma- tho pullout Italian to diot?un Igolnot Itll?l out] to Inquiru Ihrtut iinii. Atilhurllioo Oll- tillni~ lil'l?l] r'nndurl rhIiIn when hot tie- (lined In In!" tho Itotion. ?I't-mIo Ilfllilii- II tho porh. In addition to Tomlin. mm t'onuor. W. H. rill-mi. Nonn- rotory at tho counrli; Morln out-rotor: at tho oollt- orI' Ital-nu- Ahhir I?trwoi'l. Nr r0_ Iltlio?l'. Noon-L It'lli John trim plillro it:- I?ll I Iprrtotur. I'i'll'tlt?ltiili ho wn onion: tho "nod thol lolhorod. to rin- rioumnotroloro. VIRGINIANS HAVE IMPORTANT PART IN INAIIGIJRAL EVENTS - "tort-lI Hood ?nd loom-old Hoo-IArrell Ito loot Vorlttod hf (Tin-do A. Horn-ooh. Who.- Ito-rm nor-o- 'roit?o Wot, or Not? rot- !Ioii loci (Ion-root Aloud; Lino oi Hon-h. 'tt'oohlnlion. Horn-n ?u-D?m Tho our Ihirhtnion. toot oi tho i'ototnot. indu- lont ito oomilutll tiluroo and ill but tradition to the Inuit?- IpoctIr-io. In tho ?rnl'il. roololy onioilodu IItor noon. Hurry Firm-? Find. oi Wlarhoolor. took no" tho Iona- lorloi ul'IIro ihot Cioudo A. Boron- oon hoo hold on tuna. lhII noor Ioeroiorr oi the no?. It- rnmponlod tho nun who not-nod hint to ihot n?eo. DoIIno lo I quiot rhureh lorrlro Inn II'llh hint Il'lol' on tho inlullrol plotiortn. ?It. Ion-o [tor-onion iioonoon tooh tho ooth II no- rolorr oi tho Ito-u thin onqu Intt othor oorurltr Ind mmnioditr ouhonloo oi tho lton ooro Ind Iororoutoot ot- in Now Torh. Ilv'ootitnotort.L Ioti other ritloo hot-it their Iii-I Iorto too-Ira lnoiopmlot oi Dro- e-onro to Will of lunch! oottlornonto nut tool . Tho honking user-torto- Ito-ro- Ioot. which oiortod In Michifl rob. holly o-tirocod tho it Inotlt'uiinno of Noll Itroot not! lotto otrooi out? tony. In tho Iviit unooroont to eon-on book rrodtto Into nob woo quichl rho-rho! In Ito-t oi tho root-II or oi tho Boo-try. I'll-I l'p huh Ito-lion 'Illtil?llh. frontito D. noon at oo rue muu' to It the Whlto Houoo Itono with othor ntornb-oro oi tho ooblnot In I roromoo, vitae-Int by Proot- lotion?. All-Drill. Joo- tIt-I Idroinlotorott IL in tho undo Polo lord. ottit I out at ntiittorr Ildoo. ohoorol II It tor. Ira In: tho noun-Jr?- ll. eropt olnoly Iowa rrool-tihtd Poor? nironio I'l'Ilttl. 'irluloto nonnto'r Cori-r who huo't ninth urn- ior Iiho porodoo hot who tooth: on I highly Itoportool Iluro ll Iho E??lill oduilototr-I- tron. hot uni! no hit to todIr'o llo oorortoo hlo no ont- Ioocoo. Ionotor Ind, Ion tho IohIio roll whoro 't'lro-I'rut- daft nor-o1- Iiirainlltom tho on I. Liho Ind. woo on pop Bigot; 7o Charge He Tried To Kill Woman wilh rm, Irroot- Depu- I'oiiro t'horlod in I 'I'orrl-nt ?outing with Iatoat to iiooru Noam. on Saturday afternoon hr Iy Iihorlit J, D. I'orrIir Ind {liilror C. it. Immo IoIr Ion: Ii'rool. uronleon rulioo from slounloo. ptorr-d In toll. Io to Iron Ihnt Ail-tho Wood-word. In tho hot-h oi tho hlo-i oomo duo Ilo It tho (Jordon rootdonro in [not lino-r10, Ilroot. Tho Irullot from tho .H-eollhro roonloor out to lionut the of I ilvo-eoot plorr when it Ilrurli "In: oomon'o Ihuii. roller-In; tho o'l?urill out at I 'I'It'rInl ior hlo urn-i by tho onrnIn. innutr Ind Gilli-or lioonto oront to no hour or i?hIrllo Pin-Into, Nolro. Ioor Moo-y t'rooh. Ind plot-ii Hill" untior Irrut. ('horood hr Iprrlol olilror II. .I. hlet?tio tho Inn-our at uni. Win. Hum. woo or- dlroii to oppoor tn poltro tourt mt Murillo: 'I'ho Irrool- nIIi?Io IiJho C. i 0. olorIt- Bf. ?Emmi Hm Allan In?. {ft??'th In!? to! ?it. work hog-toll Iler II Ibo North and nit-our.- atom. hl- lloothr. lob our not.? Ion-pt (hot oi Pollution ol t?htnI-oo Within Ill-trunk (H Amy loo-In: Joplin. ill-o3:I The; Won?t Ito-nth nl til-vat Will. Int-I More ttonehurio. tiorch t. A hon-tint oi Jot-Inor- mul-I allnro_ pit-Illhl throth I bliirorl irt-rn I?li'lli'lltill'l. Inlithrd Itltl! John! L'ttr It o'rlor'lt thin Irui tool it our Illhnut I min Iroro In tho ori- oollrn lulid Willa-h l'lo Ill ir-Il'h oi Jopon'o io- onolt'ih. hut thor nil-Ii lho lion ni Jot-ion Intl hianrhultuo without I ohol. Ihon puoliori on onulril'nrl inward tilt- till-Ii: hi Chino ?loom ?I?ll Ton. Yup-Lin. n! th- prurinro Ind ol' Ill: orlur. hod Tho doromtlu trr-npo woro In retro-It. Hoot oi? tho Mplo hIdi io?. ilk- Iur olth thorn Ill ihof oould cor- of their own I?m-Ii? lint-rind the oInguord. l?lonoroi lint-lion's Inlonir: rot-int up too-rd tho ropilol. Thin. moln hod'r hut been rhorhod hrloi'lr hr I iurro ui Chl- ttlur hllino from tho t?I-tllili. Thorn on I ohnrt bIItio. lho i'l'il- noon ttoln' rnutori, Ion-rt? hohlnd Irtliiorr. morhluo Iuno. Ind. nu- tin nit-unto. ihlilnd Iho itltloonlh corno tho thorn-oth Inionirr unit-r Hoo- orII Thin I?uri?o tho rioiondon Iouth ni I.Innuoh l?l?i ropinrod Iho polo Ii Loni-into. in tho hr- iIo-on Hhonlioihwon Ind Hoop-lo How. It took only oloron non to eonquov Johnl. Ind tho rompoian. Jun-noon tr?lrnro Inld. f?l muoh I-o thou tin-y hoti InIIt-Ipotod. ll Iloo miilro-d it. Mi [hi it.? h?tiqunlioru it." Id pr.- dlotori Johol City would loll h! Mon-h 10. Thu? intro to hand how Intro-Iron tho root- ni out oi? tho melon. Thlo will roquiro In hot-?mi In [ht tit-out 'i'i'IiI. which no! will ho Iho muthorn hound-tr! oi Hon- chuhuo. in olioot hr tho Inuoulton oi Johoi. tho woli tho tho: {in not lnionti to lo. Hooter British?lit Role 0! Private American Citizen York. New Ion-h llorborl it?ovor iohioht holon Iloin hlo ?to no I nrtooto eltl- blah tutor or I Now Turn hoioi thongod for tho 'it'htll lion-or but with tho ioov Ioro Inuit?: hlo doportoro from n?irlnidolil to hit! horo. to oil. qulolir loin tho our. tho oI-Prooidoui Inotooit I'll not by I throw; Ind I iorr hood playing tho Ionl-I'Inik Ilor "ll-II to tho Chiei." Ir. tin-our rooto directio- from MI oporlot truth to tho uteri. hotol. who" toiroo to I Iowor Iporirnont Intl whoro ho orpoeto to root-II ior oororol dorm Ilo til-0d tonight olth hlo Ion. Alton. Ind hlo Mouton ior your. Lori-one. Ill?i?lil'. boioro turning out: to root. tint-I .I?root tho tool Itroto ol' hlo Ind tho Incliou of rlroltco- trill-ch nor-hot! donut- on m. ?tutti-[too- MI: ION-RING moon Am 7 I THE up! PRICE Two CENTS WGINTPROBENS ECHO OF. OATH HAD HARDLY DIED BEFORE PRESIDENT HAD CONFERENCE WITH CABINET Senate. in Special Seuion. Loot No Time in Con?rming Cabinet; Meeting Followotl at White Home; Special Seuion of Canyon May Come Within Few Doro: Aims of New Chief Executive Are Outlined. By EDWARD J. DUFFY Ana-minim Pro.? thi?l? Writer Worthington. March who of prooiden- tiIl ooth for It. Ritiili'h?t?li. hurl hardly tiled thin Iiturnmn before he not out to comm-r the trout ehII-. lonno thIt confrontn the eountry in the other- stoucy. ti he It'oweti determination to it'?tl tho In though to rouquinh i?i?it'l'i?iit'tl of war: poo In" to White from the (TI tor-led for imnu-Ilintu nctluu. In hlo inouxurol Iti- "Irrny of our returned uttol. nt out-e submitted colilnot nnrninotinno In tho ll'i'tnll". enlloti .thht cabinet for rountrl Init- lu thu- Ilny. Iii-hint.r his wt (Icrmak?u Right Lung to Seat Of New Disturbance lull-ml. North tin?MW prnron to no-rurrlno in Mayor Intnn t?ormolt'o luIiI. hlI Inn-iuorott tnniohl. Iitor Ihor tho rorlty of tho oral-h. Mi o?lrlol Intro-d. If- Ior tho ninetan wnrhod oror t?or- look In Iho room (or moro than holt In hour. oolti tho tun: entity rloitirti neIItltI ro- Iullo. hot "tho Ion. Ilotllt on oo- yirolioh Iloidod rorr iriili otr. but no poo. Irll'II-hrn tho: pron-I or- currtuo it tho Juno." Tho Iunl II the noted it: tho bull-t o! illuooppo who Ihnt lho choirs-t In tho "In [if I'roolriout [Elinor-"I1! IIti rain A. Int-rtluli do'roinood In oil-n ?unliIf. LANE DIIOK SESSION IS AT AN END ?ora-M ol rotlurro Hui-noon" ll- .Irmpiiohnomlo; Ironic-r Hm Ind Vito-Proton?! thor- Gin Ito-loo In Both titan-then. topped trot-molt! Woohlnuun. North 4. 'fho loot oi tho "Iomo durh" oluno ot' I record or iItluroo ourpoutn; thol ui? Ir- eompilohmonlo. Imior to mull [or I Ikmi-rrItIr-itnm- Inolod notion-I lhot probably will ntool In ootro Ioo- olon nolt wool: in euro-thol tho notinn?o nnInrlII trouhlto. Idiournmont "main lho hull-o It I oilh iipo-I'hor John N. Gornor?o i'Ilo- woil Ind in tho IrnIle It noon when t'horlno i?urtlo. oi ondoti tour rooro In tin- riooprootdut'r In yioltl Dill [It'll to the Tqu it'onilnuod or. I'uo Eighty Dr. float?hitto Deliver Last 2 Senuoho Today Dr. r. Norlnn. who. For tho pool wooh. hIo lorlo roulrolotlont coin nlIhl II lit! lirol I'roobylorion rhurrh. will doliror hlo iinII oornaort morning It oIoron onti In tho or n'rioch. t'IIr. will r-Ioro iuniur- roo to It. homo In tio . who". ior ooh-n "In. ho on rI-ior oi tho I?Iroi I'rnh?torlon thou-h. It i pointed out that tho I'Ithor oi Wot-draw Wit-on. tho Itor. It. Wit-nu. woo poo-v or of tilt rhurrh Iitor loot-In: too-Ion. Item and in into?. Dr. unrun oer-rod II In utilror In tho wurld Wor bolero rolz?ilnl to lhIo in to root- pioto nu tor tho lIlo- tn' Indor- tho lint-t oopo lion oi hlo IIthor. II I Tirol. hottolioo. Loni-IIth rodlloro ho oortod Io ?ll-H. (torn-II: won goo-?i in tho Iuroot or Nicol?- In (hrtobor. HIT. he too Iuoniod ho Kin. iioo-r'o with tho tor to action.? Dr. Horton tho fol- ior tutu: ?oral-I. Poolto oi Pritoo." I . ii for no lit?li?tzt', Orrin-tint: Inst no time in con- ihe nortotc in Iticc'tll Iirluintr his cobinet clmiros. Seth Pom-r from the corn- mr-ntn, thrro was no doubt thi- It-ginlotoro hIti boon Imprt-om-tl hy tho IJt-mocrntic forthrii'lit doc- ihnt tho timed t't'ttII?i. ho rnuuhion?d liitii ?men at war. and limit hr- intended to not: our drootlo power! to nuaio I'ill'l. ooinoo. Thi- owli't out-mini: of non? aroroiindnwu?l oloo in tho lil- nl?ronroo of dif- tiutwordif. tho pogo-airy ol' inoonurottono hold Ilut thoro morn than tint. Nnoor woo thor- Itllil I- till?. I'or bonoolh Iho ponoplr of no- :rodo run I woltin; Ind out!? no- in Inonuuroil. 'i'rt- on?. mnnroulouo. Ind por- dromotlr. dorlttuno Imp-ril- lno Ippoorori Io ronh. tail-luan InIl dtpiumntl. loin ntri'l ?Until-"I. Ind tendon ol ?loopi- lhom lho In ?to porn?. it?. I port at romrnon Iooilmont oi Inuit-Id lo I'i? dnht. oo? in Ilhltult It wu In thol Itmoophoro. [htln Irl?ll?doul crow-do If porn-Ir- wIifhoio woro lit-lilo! II It Hill ?Il'l' hoitl hm m?linl with Ir. ltnuor-roll In pruirtool. on not I im- ratio. ho oIlrI. l?IIti. I. I'o'l' butt" ll hlo ropllut but "u Ioot Irt Ind ort quirhlr." Tlio tron-towan roll}. tur do? put tho word hot! born that ho on proporod I'ltll Ill lilo. Toml?lli it Im. not duroiupnionll 'l'nrn ll mohln; which will oriio lodIr?I Iportnrulor Ind rotor-Iii.? ovutl into ri-mlniorouro much. non-1' thou I'll truo .ii pool InIulIrItI It Lti fir-t oi Iii, porhIp-o out Itiin trurhott min-I Ind u?r drou-oultod oorortl Into loocioI our? tho houro It lnnilitt'l II- Iunurol hall. I otudy lied to I9 motto oi ohm to mutual tho of (it! 50" HI- .ruo. It too: mono olthto I too don. Homing" 0f foul? on hound In full {am for to- IuluiII iuil'rltloo. Th1 In." tutlrr IIth unnotoeinllr. It I.- thoujb dlroctir to thol. moi- thon IhIt. too. II though to the world. lilo vet-do ?It Ivoryohorl. Whllo dotItlI to tho molt! l?nr lilo it n. Ipo-ttol omit-n Ind. ho ptoint; ohowod hlo nil-l. ll Ilioliohiti turn. it It!" I. Inl'l'lltl'F? I-Itrtr't oi mull. orodtu. ottd torootuoou; oolhl Iporuiotlon "with other motoo mum-ft." o! "In unnot- ooumi itolonrtno tho hint droolir nourtton in coma-loom expenditure-I, notionol. link on lM?Ii. economic roll juolniont. oi notioi Iottoitioo; Nounnot ptouutao ior II- porrtolnn or commonlcotlon othor will! Proton: oi populottoo Rho-I toouotrtoi Ind rurol notion. not? Ill? .- on Itittu hi: Iron. ho lotto. out upon than than I In? thou-Ind Amorirou hungo- to ntI our: ?Ironin- ohoorill he on lit-toot Ilotn. hi. ?or porhopo Quit nohloo tho not? realist. loo- lotion-ho [no orootoo. Toto It too In." N?m .. Itoln II Ihnunh it: tho Ion oitoo to I loot oi milk I 1 I i 1