Bli?aill Prepares Tbi?Enl?r Struggle I it?? Germany .Wars . FIRST GREA Hls' FIGHT AIR Hum .. meld Still; ?1 era4.134333. ?Ihu?rlt . VOLUME no. 21, no. 41. ?thatAY. AUGUST 3, 1914 -. Gmoe. French Aviator, ?inglehnnded Attacks Invading German Zeppelin Dirtgihle. sacri?cing Own Lift 11 Emming Huge Graft. nu. remote LOST when. Bnueele, August 3. - The ?rst battle in the air was sand?? near Haney. Francal bewaen 11' German .I l--ll piece I'llili'l'l dirig'lble and a French Mroplnne. Every man engaged in the it ht wee killed. ?I?lul Iu-luiur?ll ?rnnumy zssirallnn i'lmk Oil ehl- Inn-n uni-uni valid-Ii Ihn I'l-ut Illmk." Hullnlon hold: It: July-nu furl, ?rm at the mu nl? Il?ln Iluok Holend Gal-roe, e. French tier, el hted the German i" Wm? ehortly eiter it crossed the border. he dirigible woe an enormous affair of the Zerlpelln type, and woe manned by In'l'lliy4lt'l? Hulx ll?i?h. . ll lH l4- llil'it'l' been eent up for scout duty. Genoa. who had been scouting about the air for some time. eighted the dirigible at a height of about. 1,000 feet. He drove ?eet monoplune etreight at the dlrigible- [granny the huge gnu exploded and ?ames shot 1' ALL ON BOARD KILLED I The monoplune. entangled in the dirigible: fell it to the earth engulfed in ?amee. ilt'vlli)? ii\'l? Hllillil'i'h? I Wt'l'i? hll'llu'k .-'til lu- lil'l' I-ll llII' Hullh- ul' ll l.~l lull-w illnl ?'th llu- nl' and that lim?l?In-i lull-w Illul h'llf'll :l willie-till? \l'nllill l-lhl Ills ili'v. . mom 3ACEIFICID mm Ari-mull?: In ill-W. Ilinl'rlm lliti nut In sin-rilil-l? ill.? ?11- for liI'I-rl- ills :ll l-Ill- ill :Iil? :Il't' ill-r llilt?l- r-l-l'l-I'ul Tim-ls I?ll lml?lil'l' .- I'm- PLEAD GUILTY ll'rmh-l- lulu i?Hll'l'lhl't'l' :ll-l'lnl i PARIS THREATENED BY A ROPLANEB l?m-il-l, ?llullhl Ii, ?l'l'llilz- ll u! I I nl' ill-I'mnll t'l'l'itll'il l?illTl-l rl'vnl'l'l?I' lill' 'rlili'k. l'nl? m. - BRING DOWN FRENCHMAN lit-rim. um I'll :ll ii'r-iwl-I, I-lil fl'umiil-l- ll} seilula' lil'l?ll ll} Trump: W-mwnw-n- - . ?mm-un- (A "Fm?Ilia.? (1 ADVIBRB REGARDING IN GERMAN WAR. TURN EUROPE lulrlIIr-r I ?mow-II ell flu- no l'llr Inn-nil, Ilnunrll, Ill-u uulv In gnu-n llul'mnm .Ir l1l'll'l?ll hue )nel ?I?Ilm'r nrl- lu-I rllh?l? in Inn-1 Ilu- r-l'lr-I'l llv'r lr'fl ?ill-r" ?.11 rI-nl rel-r- I'Inrlunnl I ?in [In ?In! [Mr Jilin-H! In nIlI-l, [Ill-uI-Ill Inn-inn MIMI Ilnw lwu aml IIH- l-?lnllih, "In nll?m-l In Ill.ul-- pr .lul'n nm In null ?lnrn hn? fl?ll'n 'ur Flt-Iii l'.'ll1. Ilill1 Illv 1! Ill ho pull-HI in End. lhr-rr- IllI lid'll?ll?ll, ?lmu HI-ullurnl 'fllq'lili' Ill'il'l' lultm Ihni ili'1'llfl IIUNAI Ii, lln-Ium-ll I Ily liml HM. Il_'e illi? lurI-lrn I'rleln. will 3800.01! was kept by Kvnle in a small drawcrin He kept inched. He carried the Rev on rind. This rim: was attached to a chain The chain in turn was fadirned to-e ellepender tut- toll. the draw- er was broken in. and the atoll-n. He now hccpe hie Money in lienlt. it noel him theta book book is safer than a dealt. a drawer. a key ring. a chain. end a mepcnder button. The money you depoeit with no toll-y. the thief cannot (let tomorrow. ll IEHBHIITS I 1w ?Hf-t nl?lvl im ?Ill km Hill . e. .. l-?lNI-Lll IN line-ll :il'l [lu'llrl' run? [or ill! uluIl-rll "ll" Ilnlell In NOTICE 1? llevln: bought "10' ilmlnen nf 1~ Ilrl-nn. wn lIll'l-II nlm'n l-Ime Now plow llrul, l'nrllir and rneh hull-Inna In In Illa ruh huyorl Ihe at their dollar-I, In find It able to ?ll pro-criminal. We wiloit your lrnde and lee-ep- llrullon In bl; ldunre- mon- uenl. I ?loll 'lt?r 'l?oen l'lm'll In-l run I rom-' - -- all!" Freon-r. I-ir-v (hurt-I1 ll! Illum- rvuu-Ilml Illn (or lhr~ ?ltl?r'l I'r?lld?'l Willi"! hr- \ln-I rl nl lh? Pruner hnllirl Wilmn he" of which I'm! Ih? world ll) Ill? The mnulnl Minn Munro-t Pruner Ind l-Ll-rnl Inlilr?l, ll llI-Il ll?l til from Iltr'l' Virginie II In A ln Ihlrh Illn roll at Vlulnln hr? rollrreonIl-d Thin hoot ii In! llul Il-nriln? Ill overl- rlly or Inn -ll Ill-i l?nllk Ilmlh. I Ian-l. Iu-nr-n lilo-u- ru- -llu~-I lull-i Will lm hon-In?eld hundred! or or llnmu. It you here not In! your copy of lhII mon- cool mm up "In MN ?lhl'l Item-r lull! in fur I'l- Ill Torn, uhn lw'l'rlfi' l' Nollnn 9 I l'llnunluluner Hull! l'llenll l'nr ill-ll'iullund- hum Winn"- wl-m- rushing tn till-ll- I'l'?IIHi'fliH? Hi ur r-n lwl?u ul'l-l' ml} :m-I My? Imam. and Wm Int ul? 'T'rl' 1. anuun llnl'nnl l'urll Inr of- II oi lit-ill l'llr Ihl- Ii. .1l-lrh. .unlrl ll'w mull In' ilI'lI'l inn-11 who? at Ilirhnl?d 9101mm" kr-l' In krill?, In.- Ill" 1' lI'lI-llul' ""rl 1TH lir-l' Jim" .I II'l'lIllr IllI ll'l Ill-1 IPi'nnl r' Ill In errill I'llrullml. HIV. Hill-nu Will] 1! ulul hm- mlan here. rqu-li ?ll the MINI I'd- In Mr .Tltr'hlnn lull in now .Itl .I or ii Inn. I lm [mun- 13' LEAVE TO BUY NEW YORK \illrl'l. Irv [lacking In New \?Ilr'l: "rill-r I'I'?ll cen- lu-rn fhl- lat-uh Ihl'I lit-un- rll?ll [mind In Humid.) worn A Wlin- n! Walnut-r: ol' the I'll-ll- "oral and I nf and BEST GRADE Illnm?r 'll?l'lrl?. nl' ?l?ull In Illn- An ou- hum elwnn mill'lr l?lrllen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10o ?nth, Platte". end I?ll. eel106 When. The 5, 10 and Boo Btore Control Building 3 Brion-or. munch tori-rich. - Russia i: . AT "Hull- Ill-d Heron, "Women." Finn! Rpullh fullelleeo." . Fuel-on tine Hill, They Were Denial-If Id," Muell- in: re- und-It] Mlle!" selection Inl.lill Fire?y, l'rlmi "went It? ran lul for on." ml: Wei?, "Ill- When" - Mill-d- "I'm on If to Hende- lny,? Trout-n. ?lnllu Thou. Bureau-tn, mol- p. on. will pontpone Ihl cancel-1.) ll. l. i ill BEGIN mm the ol' lie-910mb". ll I-l nul- drtunl work on tho rundtrucllun nll' Huunlnn?n new llun.uoll II. A. he bolun. This will he record How In In he" not I in other I nor been ranlummi In moh- lnl: "norm-ell. Murh of Ihll Iran .wu dunI. hae- nvor, nil-furl Pimp-I'm fur we! launched here. Add for "it! l'rll- M111. ol' Ihe aplendld new will man be under our. ghoul Ion due nor. the hn-rcl hr al Ihu Aoeorlelhm "It for I?m- ihe Irorh. Il?lil can. Int-tore will. be siren Iboul lien in which lo compute fir urn Involved Ind in gel thali- bid: Bel-rotor! 1' ll. Hloele. who hell been no Irlire elnco the be before. Il'ld llurl?ll the are-I renun- luccu?ul Inner ol' Inlendld work, Pl??l?l?llHEHE hue Jul-1 I letter from I lluuol'. "cult-ell. man-m- yen- died m: home in thin oltr about ?more?. and rum. The fun- enl I'll hold It o?clock It'- 'lernoon. the II It the m, min ilirilelroil, reelor or Emmanuel Hull- mull and the Interment Inn in Thornrole. "I'll. 11. lumen-ed In T, J. Ind Hon. Ilhu Ionl who will Ill-lento with than ("hie-In 'llrm Inn-friend the oration ul' ihu?d I In .ll'lulJo? more be (In: nor by the half? of dint-lore. ellh thI-lr llnel next Hall will lm l'nr hill-- The were Ila-lur- Jan, I 14' ii hell movlnl pit-turn- nmur J. Payne. w. unrl Edward Mr I mull-In of Ha ha of hustle!- ll? Inn: Il-r'nl ul llnlu-rl Ilrnuke, him' "In l'herm-hlr. .I I'nilnrh. Hr. Herbert ll. Mr thI. A. Il'l'lormv Ml t'hl-rm-Ilrle oral the Inn and ill le Alexandr-r 'T'Iar 'llrulhl-r ilmi Ill Final-nil Illnl: LII-ill lien i-Ilr M'frl?l Wright, Mrs. Alfred and hire. Fred M'Ir'll: Mr I man I'll lime uml and In hu?ln: mum ?IlIl?ll :ll? lh?- 'eurltl, hr! runny horn end Iln WM I n! fhe (?hlm-h hi 0 IN MOVIES AT NEW TONIGHT htlr'r'lnl nf thr- nul'l'l Ire-i flLl'l'l'l, "Humid," Ilnll producnl ill In In he prmnI-ll he a! New Ihulre. Ill Ill the erill' movlu Ihr New Inn horn recently. lhr' "Ill- Ilnl story il- um- the mall lnlr-r- ?llinl. reader-l of the novel vouch ?Biotin? In null or the mull-ruler? of From-h Illd novel bu hell-r1 I rare" HOT wuer YOU nun nl'mc i?liw DER It irritnliulle nl tllt- akin mmeed by hrnl. lilqulieitl-iy vagrant, im- ?loft and llmothingl'. it White and Flash .25. tumor. nod I?Ilt?illh?l. Im! the only nth-. llrle?y. Il'ldIll II he l'II-lluvu model. mull-In .Ir-u-l d'hrmunlly. v-I'llr in Inw - l'nrlo ?'h1.I01'l. and dim mining him through. ruulu- nn lIu-ndml r?ii""?l Vhlm?'? were 'd in 'I'llm In hole-p hullr with him. frull IIl'lh Ill-Ml It?ll"! n. Ill-i llrI-nlt. AI llill?l Jan in nl'l'l'lyn ll?i'l hum-r Al'Inr nl' llnt?l?. Jenn Likf'H il 1m. In mull-n hump. In ll-ll lulva hil- All Ill be re- ilfi' on (Ine Ilih Ilr met-In .Imln and Ill humu- Ihulu il1u rl' nurlle hm! ml Illern Tl'lf" yullnl [Ill in 1mm I'llit (Inrh n'lltl Ilrl'nml- In leI' llfI- ll irm llrl- nil llull hil ,Wllb In? of an'lm lI'iIlI hie the! Inc In ruin: I'm-om! hill l1- Il1ll run-n npm-inlly l'l'll?nr Illnl hl?l Int-Iron! ho! I I-irll her furllw'r inw- ur. and Mlildtl?l?d hr h! In Mylo Hluho In him In Am for him- ll II Illul 'Il-Ih?l hlm. url .. I Hill." i Thu Hll'l Hrlluwull. Iran-e llJi'llIIll lT-lr I11. Ilnlli I nil?hm Ihll Ill-I. ii- ?Ipnrle In tu- In In. fur Ilrtl? Hundny. We Serve Btrelght 000A UOLA. There in l. dilierence. Try it. DO YOU APPEEGIATE 1c: clam Made from Pure Drum? 'l'llos. llonsllead Corner Drug Store nob: Ill"'Li'edahl .3 end: thI' 'monlng senator: and deputies. 1who ere And 1 Ba ttle 0f English German Flech Reported - -France,_ . Italy Ready to I- War. London. Aug. 3.?lr indication I lend the cont; in mm etru Io - on in eel-neat. he Cellini I?m - Ly? noon that the British '1 . . ?Mm-u. 11:13 end an Elliwerd any, in ?l ommonn, edged m: lfe?ermun futeoterlthemm. the court of France. more Rome. Aux. 3.?In tone or hor . . tralltr. Italy was! ordered the nouunuu or This action was prompud the German cruiler Adam. continues. and the town in hurlin. RUSSIAN FLEET. ii I. l? L. that?: blends. The ?ii ward Ii . Perle. Aug. 3.?The Wer OM I - this afternoon stating that Germ troop blown today In Alum-London. All] too - dlere kil ed. ASHE HONEY TO BRING mom - Wuhington, Aug- Wilton *asked to up rope-1m [250,000 to mill-II on John I'ruml, . ?i'l'Ihli'rlillm' tn 1 mn ll i can: back home from Koeni burg. Ge a. room . i with German - But Peril. Aug. 3.?German troupe today lei-ed town in Belgiun-Luxemburs FRANOI TO WAD. Perle, Aug. 3.?Pe.rliement will meet tom- to elm-e War on Germany. President Poinoue in - - . train to meet for the formal action which the lit demands. Antwerp. Belgium. Aug. 3.?la.rtlei in hu heel 1:ande throu bout the noun . FEENGE INVAD 0m Two French army co a num my!" men. with heavy uni ery. mill} nndod I the Voegee mountains. according to Peril - Germans are advancing to meet them. Imndon. Aug. 3. In a. novel bottle in North Sea. Germany to eeid to here loot um Ili? the Bntieh two. Washington. Aug- 3.~Preeident Wilden. in I. ment today. eeid that there in no came for country- to! huean and ?nances In the people to keep calm. London. Aug. he. {l?uulimlml an Page more - . 'l'llelill'l? invaded wn.) Take a With You The come the I i BAPHO mount-In- run-lee . . . . . . . . . .. run nu- ?at! a. i. Tude 11y go no? ?it out i. TRBAGHEBY Wednesday? ?nturda - AD or um (Part 3) i .IV 7'?xth Vumww :uwmi?n..umhiw TOTDY .1 . A vonm am. no. Wm II lI?iIIr-m- Battle Htill Carpathians And Mung - Vintula. ?lm . Tull THROW Berlin 1&an R?pnl'l" thI-r llnin Against British At . 1915. AFTERNOON EDITION I BHWEENIAPS GERMAN SUBMARINE I I EITHER 0R I388 PASS I. II MIKE FULL DETAILS: 5. H. WHEN NOT YET . Prof. J. Nl'l'l. Ill I Inn II Being Mnumul Fur ll I?l I l' 'l?nwurll Parts. numhnr nf In . II on ln1 I lily hull? lIutllr murn Iluh down Urn-pk In l'll'l'll'l't mul ll be- lem I'm-1h" and ?witty la nl grunt ?Dunn. Ile In tho murt' thun-I To II 10.n- l?ln? l l\ I. IN I I I all I?ll In?mhurll I rIIr-Imnhl-l J?fll?l' Ilmmlum at nm rhuh- ml Illumimls lin- ?nultl 1w, lgllul'ml, ?1 ka llulil'iu Unwn. Inky? 1,4111 tirnuml. lnl' I A I Puf?n-rm. ?ly [mt bll. T?an?m Mn! In". ?If "I?m-fly. ll'uI rhy'n m-hnulnI In He II man: In Mul- 1" In?? sum-ml {mm North m" {?Hln-I' .?unn-I l?rIIlIalJlY' Ilunl Thu lhlulnnl "Ill ?Hill that war '5 am Frans-n Ind ll? Ilulslan ""'mmn MmrrIIllnul lo l?'fh'?m Japan and (?hlnn luu ?Hr Ih" ("mung "ll 1 1" Lva lily 1?1119 Im-n morn-4 . In Ion-Md um. I n? "In" n. mu Hiuunlun un-I "Inrl; luhl hulurIlnIIx. {ll-?nal! I Io-dlr of 'I'vru. ran-l dorm-Id In mm I'l'lm? m" 1" nl' Inn pom. .qu In] mm lurlnl ?Iron. marl:an [um and othr? irrnI'mr? ?1:1 ImI'er Drum?? Inn-um lo he a. roln'lnr at "r IN 3 t?r from Ihu I 7 HIIu-r-Iln} Fr?lmul Mr l'nlI-r-l I . I p.rI'I 7_ Th? "?rmin- Hryun h" hum?! MI ?Jul.le IIWI II .n ImquInI ?lm-It on ?I?m Ijum. an" In . I rum?, m?nlnn II nl Iln- lnwunl m" mm? Ilu- Illrn-Ilun. Inf 1" ""'mh'wl I but Arlmm? but "?rl'mm? :Iln- u'Iml In [he "ml h" -- . Ina-h, dnwn. Jam?. l-mmII "W'lnluh ltf?ll?ll?l II II lm In London M1 1. I I . Thrnuwl ?nurlnn II mun". I II ?w null.? 1hlv'rIIll I h. whit? "Ian-I? had In Ill I"l_ Pu "In" 1h? Mr mw Ill rul ?rm! mll1tlry lnun Ihn uI-vulrurlu'nt ?r "In In Iva In Vlrulnll, ll'lil ?ding Gm? ?a llu- Ill un h" Imuu nululwl Nn. an, nr-nr 'I'prn. Iln- nl' Nm h" h" mur' w? llIn and Hermann, ?I'hlt?ll rm ""rnmn Illnlu-nn Wailluru Inm- lu-u-n 1m- ?l "I'ml'ml'l" afternoon in lho Atlantic Ill!? In: In I. ?L?lonn- Iln- Inf-nuran Irvw Ir nun-Mum In flu-Ir rIIxInlIr-nt-lh'; "mu" ?w hum Ireland. Thu rln' Ml inln ill-II HIM .Inunrl l' Iur-Ju. and no Ill'l??f'II, II, Tum- Inn: um II Th" "mum" n, I.u Inll lt'f?t?llrl?d hora . II I I Thur-:1? M. pn1 llrul nr for In" Im- not In? It," sunk. nut I: recein lrn1n wur um?! Inununrr. lal 4??1 ll 1' ?Ill?? [ho MINI horn I), tlil' an nnl!? anlluw Ihn IWHIIDK HIM ?n'l?rm?n'h' Inlm-rl I1lmn Ply n! "In" MI I Inn-um Illm-rlmlunla- v-hul Ihr- Im. 'u-ru-II In. I'llh ?t [fun-d? ?fund I I will of h"le Imw'w'w' mm In" In llu- lln'I lmmvulhml' Th" In". of ll ?.an I WIN t0 - ?"11 hm." by ur nut-rm?. m-Ih uul or I. ?law? In: mu Junn ?Jm. I II I ?In? Th? pull?). ?huh n? It?, n? lu. llI.- or "In :I'l!1 .l'll [lt'l? (Ill. I I I from Ill-Ir hul IITII "Ill I I . Ilnvn not lack lo mllIl-,m . . Io dnfundld ll wan-I l-?p Truly In lull! It: mm! Ill dlI- - unit. drhul? to pm 11 I Thur-Ila! Ifllmaon. "Th" mun anon-In. but I: no dI-on- MEG I-nmium-Il, ?hnl it is mnni red I I V. In? (I hut Innuqu nf In ll.II?l? !llII pull-a- In tn lulu-M Ill!I 'In of hunt lhu lm?l] run mn-r. m'l- ?Irv.? I mm Punll Im- nun-u uu-I ?I'urlu. Illa? 7.??l?llc Cunard amen hill? New way IlIl? ti". I?lldituui". [Tabla ll um 1hr Ilull u-mmlu-I ?may?, Hf Illul)? hm hu now-r hurl-I'I nl'kml m- I?ll-puehu In ll'nI Au-Irn-HI-rmnn ran-n. and In ll?w nl nut run! rulI?ll. n. In- - In a! llultln wlIlrll Imunonarmn xll'l I'rnm, - I - I'l'a rul 0" It?. 1? ?Yum? "f rum?. HI- 1 ?It'll n? M- all-I?I. IAIlil-u' I'llrl Hulull? (If ?ml ?"11 081"!) ?turkd tan Imu- "non? I I: mmem ?11' - II II I In puirnmd that Ihn (mum lilrl llf?l?l?illh Ith I. ll'rnm llukuwlnn Hunt In? Imp?. "IIlnl'l) nun-1n I ll? til-70m] I Ind In [In- uthnI rut Il'l [HI-tut ul' Imt runI uoulnrn mum have barn in ll?lIIlr llnl? ul daft-mo aml Irv- [Illnn In lulu- up I'lvuuhln Ilw- I [n to ruin? from Tlnn'nl llarllnIl nIrnng Huulln 1n IhtI lion- Hill nru manna-d on ?unk. 1.3 "my undrr Mur- I'll! I?llh I. strung Aun- "If! I [arm and bury Tull-I In lh-r Julln tun nrmlu hue, 'l'lr n?lru. Dunn TAKEN "Hull: .3. .Imnmm I'll-um. lA'Wll Mum-I Ham: l! mu I-IIpnIh-d [huh leIullIllI In Hum: In tuurlaml uni-HI-nuIaI mII-p II-ulu-Mvr-l I: ?r ImuIrrlI-n II- nl "ml I HIu-wIIrl. ?luv Till-Ill. ?ll? 7. lin-Iwnw In ll)? Imll I'nrmurly nl urn slumunu law I'ru- rn- lira-l": Itunwn-rlo, lull Imun law url In In- I'm In.- Irll nu Hut In of ripen-Ind, .ht?l nlIlm?vnIl of tho war. Ill'l- all I'll" nMIrp Ihu uutnrn n! Ihnt Ill" utllI-n hnvo Inv- . Inrul ?'l'll-l ?Ill I?llh I'runl. Imlnt In lhu fm'l I'runhnl, ml lull Ill hut Ill-Ir rulin- h" nu: r1n1m- I'll. TIMI I: lull: I I Hllunlnn'n nnl?ul mm Imu?. for ll! ll I IITJII ?hum hm: In. fI-ll lrusluu It In nuw Hull-u] In mun. In nrlnIr-I u-lm 'lml- Hm.- tlu- warning in Americah I HEEKB FORTUNE "?l?nrll hlu ll'll. in Ihv -- Iall -n wn Mulu'hu- Inur-Ivl n! nf mmqu Imumr-?I In Inn-1m- yr. Illnlu In ll In ?WhirlIt." r?llmul' 'Iul" I'm" mm" hudn)? Thl' Inrw In hI-r ?InIn" "Hm" ?u dull f? I'll Mr fl!? lIr m? In Tu- m-nl I-I rum llnnur- ?It In? Tl'l? Tm?Ir I'll" In In ul' .l?l1ll?um: lull um I .II-unhru rnuul). .u "ml hmlm? la IH 1" Ar'l'l? In? l? m? ls: II llHI-r? nlIIrItanInI MI ?mum? In" I II II I Arlhul. Ihll'h wun mm 1n rnvl' lull! II I'I'nluu' I 'l-I-r 14ml] I I I IN NEW YORKI fur Slur. I a l'ull'?'hll?ll lull I'm-nu at annual. II M- just Ihnl nu- Flu-lull? In.? Tum Ibo Will PM .Ilf'l'll lrI gnml. "Ill fill. Ian I). nlurrmt'r rut. ll ll ID mum rurnnl of a! tho lI-llnII-ut I'nr Ihn lune; nf Ihu? I'm-m . II'hurrll In hn [1le In mull? .vl I "uhme In Th0 I'IlluI. In a? I um ?In. ?In. ll llu- Inn-rs off I Ihln lh?l?IlHl'llgl?l?? [my- i ms 51' In Ihn Vlululn Cifh??ll" n! [1.11 him. IIHI a run. MIMI nf I ll?I ?Ninth?g ?mm: II I: In (.hudrnn.- ?urn?? Il'll! nr ml I It." VII-?lnj-h . uf nun-MI. ru?unI.- I . I?ml [ll all!? I I l? J'lhn I'll Hull.? 1' n" . "a .5 Jill-In? I?llnu' in? nu" "Hr" "Hu?r In Hu- IlerulmlIl. TII- IN ?Dr?m I I Itly horn. lmuum mom ill?nll?l_ nil [unnuan Hun Arnn' 1m- rr-lurnml nut-1 I I .l'hn llillillnl by ll'lII Jllp?nuln url wan l'f'upml hy I'm! mm". ?In? run? I huh-h god-1? .1 that ll?ll'M HInuntnI-I. l?u 1.1. "unmnm for mm ?FluJnn'l?rff l. Th" lIlHllI?l?ll I. I I at}. Immn In (lu- lIrru-nl n! II-unl, an at nun- in nnul In II I I hulrl lho lurlfum Iltll. hIlrIkIIfH mlluny I I I I Inn?. Fl Hunk]. .. :mnr luau-Ill: I Ill)?, Imu fl rumeI I much mm II-rnmcwuhmm- In InAll Ilium-II I?l1lrI-Iw Hm i "r ?mm Inmmn Inn-lull 'l?hn lunonl ol I Ilrl, in many ul' un- l'hn bani-h Illurnl?l: rim-punt llnrul Aulnnl I .ulmrullun 1n VIan nl fr.? I . pull" mu?? w? ?nal In v-Ilh- l'muII-h rhv- lI-Inlm: llIu Al- Mt ?Hm?m? Murmur?, In? ?hulk? Army If? -- - - - hold 3 th.? for running Ilfm'll hm" ?mm? In" In- ronrn-Iml lg In," ?mun? nu ?Hu- l-?Iul I'rrnlaylurlln Mn? II ?work It . I. nlI'lII. II in lull ll Inna-nut a! nl' Int-Indra Illm. In- ?In, lhu- 11-? ul I I 'w?wu dot-u" plrmanL "w "mum Y?u ?'an IIL - . for Ill" Arms ImII-Ilmcl tllu ..I I [ll-MM! II In It [Ill :Ir?lluy .nn- ulmml rm- um Ilrl. 1'1"th null llnn- Iw ?lm-u l'nr l'uklnl. May 7. Inn-Minn? 1n Mull-lam, I'Inlnmul . ?Mum ?maul?, ?dun Inn?! Inpt, 1.0 ?w - 1" . ?nun-"I nI' In thrI um?. Armin-my, nl' Alli-II ?lulu-I: ur [mm-In mmrnltu- ro-Iulu-nu In A. II. A. .II. hunml nu l?rwl. [mm thr- l'nIIu-nr- :I?lljr In: The! Vll1ItI IN :1 Huh! yuwn l'l?jllnu north, ?onuruI Farmers l'MeIchants MW mm THE ART MAIL WhI-u Wax "m?mm nmI llu-lImI'I "l I "r New Theatre THINK DUE GOUL- GOLA THE COL-DEBT AND BEST um um. Irlnn IE: In an mu ?I'u Kulzk PAYS 8 per aunt INTER w?unn? 1? If? 31x0" paramount Day In. undo your gin-u. on "Hindi"! ?Mr In Mall: Vn. a ill I Ital-?raj? "m??mrn lumen" -- OOUHTRY Hair n-misl II is ?mag DHABTEIHT Mm IN -- HIHIWHI ?ml The mil-r Tim? 11mm I . ?in Th3 mum-an Ilia-lu-Hl lm- ?I'I-um ln Vir- I Your hunincm ?Olin?;ch um 01' lan. ?9 Expmn-g or WINE ?L?th I g, n- murs 'ro sun: nu:- . KIIdnksI Easy, to Take and - Easy?Mltl the Fn?l ill Small In?ll and Uomodln?l 4 A Ful?l! HADIION I I I I Pang. FOR II. nmnniu - . Ml DAVID mun I 5 um 10 mm. Comer I.- .. I DOWDO r1- . .. 1-DL zit Ital-?ll l'ltll . . ?ll I . 1 v: ?lumen. h. mu. 1) I I, 301131;?" It I v, mm? 29, 1916. 1' El" AFTERNOON minor?ock to Apply Award Tu (hutmvoroy. inn moon . out E?l?t'tiw Jon I P'Pollding Tht- (?lutr'rl ?oor tort. Doeombor H.- Ito- .mtoo ol horo notor- dor moo- ropmnlullvn at tho pontoon- mu:- ,?oolo tormlnototl moo oodorotoott to ho lho moron-no oomtuluoo ol .?lrool Illoloro ooulht lo ll . 37.33% . oroonl mtrorpn on:- tho ?noon at. Tho boll boon to oor 4* I?Ihoo'too Iooro who on million!" on Tho broth- . obtlouolr alo- ohoo tho Ion-loo onood. II. too loorood thot tho roodo . .w tho dloouto our tho at tho M- m. It upholl'l by tho Io- Ooort. bo?ootuod oolelloton'o ohlch. ?on loll. no. tho I oo on tho roodo IoroIrod how to! tor oloot hour. ot ol' tho broth- . It on m. onto-llood to Icon! I Iotuootoot. . Hill I holo. Thor oro doctor-l1 oo poIotod Io?ootly ,to tho lot Ind to ?or'ol wool Ito r-ohod oo- II no not loch I Iotllomoot, tho! mid [root too hooro' no: hooro' iorl. to- mainland: NIIMIM tho l? l? I Idol-II oommlooltrol both old. to cool!!- I oottlo trout-onto oll Inturo . ?Mindl- It?d-both" out o- nto-tom on not otuo Morotloo. lo Iodlo??l (loom no rollrooall on] our lho-thon- rant-roma- Tho of tho broth"- look out noon-cod. Tho emu-mn- at roll- wont Into motorottoo INK lulu-uqu tho! I. oloto- It}! would Io muto lot on?. 11:- hrotlolhoodo on mud. O. Loo on- mt Io Iol Norton 3. loo-Loom at th- lrothoohood or. to mm In! por- Ioloto -lor tholr honoo. Moll: In Inootnoot . manor-II Gloom In tho - tho l? loo hoo- m-mm mm.- of tho without?. no hour! I tholr oorh Iooudtoto bouil- ljlo loo oIIolt no. to Jon Iota who on IhIt on. run-Ion. It to ow. within! the or unint- Ion. tho at 4 ?uv. .. .. g. . (?lgqt Lu? Pl lam. ?;mm?mmHlU?l lho-n hot for II root-I. Thlo to how tho Ado-Ion In- gm?om Plu- lor?tlto Lb! u- owl-lath. Poorloo tho Itoto MI I roy- ol. troll-onto. A Iohu?otloo Io undor loo: to rob. loodo oomrloot to moot tho upoqu at tho arro- mooloo. ThoI'o II II no of nour- Illnloll ohoo no troop- out orrlro. AI Colonol J. uololn? In hlo Iololloh; on lloturdlr nlohl. l'lrot I'trunto lofootrr not who oblo'to ontrolo horn-o Jonuory. Ind tho! on: not not fro. moot I'oroloh Molo- -roonl mootlu lho Mulronqu of lho Wor ltoportmoot tor tho troll-- portotlon at tho troopo. Thlo II no oour look. on too Wootorn rul- lmont ohh?h.w- duo to looro Toll-l rurordor I'll! not otort boron 'tlmo nut nook. Tram ordorod homo four wooh Ilo Iro loot [only] lho". THIRTY BROUGHT GOLD No! York. Doo'. ll?Tlto lorloot Ilnllo doy'o lulnortolloo ol' sold In- Io Ihll lyn- tordoy I'llh tho donut ol' 000 by Horton Co. in lho How York Im?l DI Ihlo Imotlot 135300.000. dopoollod hon. lno. In tho farm of Amorlult oolloo. lulu tho ldootlool [old woo to Porlo II April. IIO-I. durln; lho Idmlolotrotlon or tho 0? 0" on modo to tho old I?th t?Iool coup-or I'or ll lho II tool: to Ihlo coun- try to tho oo-o In ,ohleh It on ohm-Io Ind to ohlrh II ha I [old room/Iota! tho Ilrot moor?? llon to tho torn at Amorluo sold mloo Ilht'o ?Ml ?uvomm boon. Tho out! proolouo ro- oolplo I'll 'lIo-r Ill-Id on?! other I'urmo. m! 3mm HOLDUPBANK IlIooroaon. Tun. Dot. llourmon out. book or" hold or null roth todolr hr 5 boodllo. Tho not: blow opt-o Ihr uro om! oocopolt or M. [I'll London. Do- rombor pmu?uool I'lth which murmur roplloo to Prool~ doot Into lo to tho rommooto ol' lJ'Io Borllo poporo. Tho Harlot: Foot Ion Ihot aormooy't too-our should ohoo Prooldont Wlloott thIt hlo noto on opprot?loud to In Tho ?our-on Zoltuog. Tonhlott omt Ill-0 t'oll Iltootloo loclor In con- ttoot otth dolor of tho onloolo. Tho opooh ~ol? "north Inll In Iho ot {lotto-Ira Int-Ivor Ind thlolo thot tho ootoolo Iororomonto lo not at tho Ionguop no- od by Ill tholr Prlo'lo alololorl. Iood mooldorohlo "no to Ital I IItIIl'Ictory root: to Amortu ohlrh throw upon tho control odluln ol Ilolorinl no". - on?. Not null-hul- Tho poporo. honour. do not root-h roocluotono bond on tho owl-hoop of ootoq. Tho An- II too not Iron I Ioolo lhot tho Iood dolocotoo to I noon root-root:- It tho out-h I noon to ru'otnmoollod In Prooldoot Wllooll. Tho Var-mom Clor- moor'o oollor old lotto tho Iltorp col'lrIIt In roto at ?It I'l'ooch loo-Io. ohlto It torloo "on I, ?oat-'Iollot oloodnlot. pour rororo tho ololtcotloo Io Ioll ol aorqu tortoo In ordor "to lot tho hoot-o ohIt I load pool-o Ill." oro Ihlo to ob- Iolo." - {Poona-HI 0o 'Il. Thr?l PHOIB AGAIN ADVANCE AI lho quoo Itlunt'oo lho prlro at turloro min I Int-moo. Tudor'o quototloo II at ?onto for High" ?In lli'l?lu" . A ohort wool-Inna; lurhor rolooro II II I (or tho of the Ind ?lli- tor. Cortolo lo ohlch lho too-lo Iro oubjoct don-total llorllo to ma ood out-r Ion-Hons out! out In I orllh ?Alon I ll. om" Knoll non of Colanol [Angkor-Ito. of "Ill-odor." Albonlorlo Contour. dlod Thundoy moroloI It [.10 n'rlot-h lo I to analog- hoot. MIMI on Mo to, to PIorIdo to boo/It'll hlo h'lth ohoo oomoo oromolo hlto. ?I?ho hotly In mount to Itch- nood tor ourlol. Ir. hoolhorlto woo about I'orIyoollhI root-o old. II oorrIrotI by on olto. hlo tolls-r. luor oIotot-ov?ro. Hoodoo Om or ?oor for! Cltr: In. moor! AItor. oI lullond: Hro. Brooto. In In. Moro PhII??ood by nno hrothor. W. Hoof! horoo. tho court. It on Itotod oloo,thot tho rout-out noouoro would do- olloo to onto? Into Io: oltl tho lo roturo. tor Iholr lop-q port to too ottou to dot-I?lr-ldoot' oI connot- Iomtllotloo all low diopoloo. Tho rollrouo Itoo loolloo. It too, otII-od. to motion II mm. do" tho outlbor ul'lorod on tho WATER IUPPLY IE INORIASINO Rocontlr II bmolht to tho It- al? tho olt" lolhorl thot the wool: all city wow to!" thou lt hold boon tor non. 'l'hlo noodl- tlon. Inlet coll-d outno dlouonlon It tho tlmo. II now rollovod Ind tho Io Ill-ll! book I nomporotlrolr Ito-ll Imouot II amour. . . IT. JAMIE AND TIION for oorolroo It at. Lothoroo Church. It. lltloor Ind olupol tor Ioodoy. Do- ho II I?ollooro: Thoro ho It It. Jooloo lmbqoo More]: igloo? month; It 11 o'clock. Tblo ohooso to undo hollow ot tho Chrlotnoo oorrleoo It ?location illtobol'ot 1'1? It omit. Thou-o Io I nod-Ill ot-tho {author hill"- II It Into-r iloroh II p. n. honor. It. loot Ultimo. Proyor Iorotoo no not Won-do: oar-Ito: It 1:10. Tho will: lorllod Io Ill olroot Tho ul?uuod by John. A. lino ood lootllj. In tho Iprtol Iotlhi?hnud. woo Iotolly dootroyotl hr mo obnot I o'clock Nun-mm on ?ood, ood no lrlouroln- on urrloo on tho proporl)? or nontonlo. lho loo- rory hoorr. Tho fooltly lookonod hr 'ootolto. ohIt-h lho homo. and hod Ivory duo In root-lulu. ploro ol Iol'otr. Tho llro II Iuppooml to how otortod from o. dots-m: fluo. Tho houoo or "Ian roll- otrurtton raotololu roomn. Tho Iooll flory our"; un lho Run l'omllr who won ul' Ill till: Ito- roplno more thon r-lothlol Ihoro nu Ilmo to nor houlohold olt'oeto. Hororol nolIhII-D?- hI'I'o Ind II II pmhohlo that olhoro Im" on" old. Ir. ltroo lo portlotlr nod to ollh to'n Imoll dopoodlog upon WILSON HAS POWER 7'0 DRAFT CITIZENS UNDER DEFENSEA . ls SEEHEI for of tho Bru- fltl' Ill' II?I-up?h I'D-ll? lo mollr Ilo- II Illhl? Inoo In limo rl-Iory hul- I'nllu-ro. 0f Hun Tlu- Mull-on nm Fhl'l' IllololrIlI Alli" Ilull olgn or! Ily In ll'll'l' Ilo rotll'lrll. Ill o'1lIl-Il Iw l'ullwl Iu Irmll Illm tn? IIBVIOE AT BAPTIST OHUROH I A old oor-. vlno on hold It tho- rhuroh Thor-nor "onion. ohm .m In- I'I-co Ioltln: tho pllro of tho llIIlIll I'hrlottnu ontortIlnIllont oIlI-l ehlld rot-olvln' I from lho tron! Ind tho dumllono worm: In howl-I Illtl'l Il'lo oocooloo. boln?, rollrolr ot ohlto. lollh I ohltr rroo- Ind IlIr Ind I dunrot- Id Ind t?l'lrtourlu trol- urn-lo: Erorr ln-' otooll ul lltt. bmulht mlothlo: I'or tho loptlot orphIooloI It Boll-m. Ind moor unrul gm.? woro rocolvod. hooldoo I cullortlan of ohout bolnl roolrlhutI-ll. 'l'hto II llrot unto tIllI lull hut-hunt ItoI hold surly I oorrlro Ila-I ill "0de to lid-on. Tho hooll?lul (hon-h Ilno- 'II'ro dono by W. II. Halo. A ?oo prourom woo out ?lth tho oponlna t?Imri ['pon lho Hldulnht tilnr." Thoro ooro vovol hr l-ll- lo Fmooll. Poorlo - Kololrr. Ind, Kotlo nor] by Ihl- dll'l'l-r-I r'nl donortmonto at "to I-Ichu-al, I plonn null: or Iro. Italo. Inll roEItIllono hr Ill-loo I?Iorol Itoto Ill-I Halon Ind rtrn?I oot bro-Io lI-Itloo tolk nod pray-r by tho poolor It" ll. II. t?rnoo Ind ul by tho nofo. prlmory. Junlnr. Ind oonlor doporlntoolo of tho Hull-.l do} Tho omit-d oltl'l tho of tho lhlololr. i ON DOLLAR IN TOIONTO Toronto. Dar. II ~Tlto horns of tho Toronto otroot roll-or woro 'llurnod to-dor olth tho ol' o. Throo hundred l'IrI lohll-h hod boon coorotod. on lho rooll. omn- ll?- Ilroyod. At tho rolttlor mootloo of tho Boord ol' Ull'Il?lOrl of tho Formon I: lmhooto on Thuro- dor. tho at Mt? dot-lord. Ind In oddluo to loot Io nun dloldood ol' Hr? on do- clorod-wboth porohlo Doc. lo. tau. WIMP. In. I. Pool to tho at I ho: ol Ooltlornlo mu Iron Itor hrothor. Ill Intor ll lho! otIlo. I?mlotruotl It I f'IIt lrpuullonmt Thr- [nr whit?: on In tho mm will In- I'lullr-P furrhor .1 It! COI- AT moon. Ill War tlnportmonl mull: fur tln- II. In "WIIrIlI-rolr" olulu'h ln ?on mun? "ml" Ttwuuv mum}. In Hun-In I. ?Mum. m! In .m-ulm pn?m 'Illnmuull uni null Illa [Irr' lu-orh Im- rnuntl'n- null. but mod. I only troll-moltam: All mm- llmlil-ll .tlnloa BO): H'l'l'l'll IH 45 - 'l'n Ilia I'nll. BEGUMTIONB JUST omn rumour; Ill of ?Wnl' . l'uu'c-r ?for A Al'l'll. [It-r It"! unto I'ltloro of tho Hull-- 1hr ?no of II onrl If? )?I-uro II hold lloblo for INN- In Ih-- null-null ouonl In BUY 1 us Ins 2'1 gun-hool- -ut lrollo by tho- HrIlI-h IIoH-rmllu-nl Iv- Icy-l Ill" 'l'ltl- II lnrlull within-t thu- nl-mullro- In ll-ll'l ull- ll)? STAR. 1 In Tllt' otnlf, ll I nItloo- by Inn-n II lo rollod out far I?m? Iu nnuII Hum-5'? w" "In" H. Mu? In? Juan? "rum" Ilr' IllrtIl-Iur null.le Hm It! "Hm. n" .l "all I II It": ll "Int-llqu lull lulu" o-II-ltlI-ul Illn loll- ur Illa nl? thr' lulu-ll ml nlrt-t no Ilmrl no may l-un-' Horly ?I'll work I onIolnII hr hrl-l It whll'll thr- Amt-Il- I'Illo Iln- lhr-er-Il-ouo liu-ll onouI-r. and un "10 on. Yul .?llollr Nl?llhl?r Mr Lonr lho "r l'orroou'n MI Il-It Nit ?l?nri onnll Il'lvr Iln dollh- ory Horn-afirlultln'dliul? Mm! nomn IllI Tho-l soul urotlnollo won .0 tllII' Noon-In nu.- RanozEa ARRIVE I PROM Lon-ml. 'h-llnn. ?or t,mll'l n-I'um-r. llrl??l Ill-n- lru far or Irrml lho. from "Ill In hnrl- In Mama horoer I'll-l unto Hll? Troop. Iqu: t'nlloul lla-llrun hr Imll -..-.. I full-1? [on I llo'l?lnllol owl-Illu- l-?Ilul Nu nl llu- l-uum- ul' I?Illul lforromo tionrr hall rrloltrn Turmll. drum. 1' Ill" A. run-l for 1115 I'rq'llhl Immun- tl'roo [rum tho Pot-lo. Modltofronuolt (?humour of I?ll rlmw! by tho "Ild'lu Idll?l?ll?ll" Wnrko, ul,? [Illa I?ll". Thr- ordor, It) lho: nonunion-mom. Il?ullnlo Im?numllt't'o by tho oolul- rollrnoll Inor- ol. tom-In Mu. II Tho . I'd. ?llowo. tlntorlu. HI.- Ilyhou. who to Horn-lo tho l?mdlul hmuutod rlloo Ind homo 1o In You: In I'll? ?um. roluoltr IllI. Milli! Al'tllt nun . W0- . . . tollolool toolt:r oo'tll'oo ho autom'olm to aim mm moon-om room-n tiltr um o" ARCH mo? mma nun lo noun- I 'toodoro pm ohloh our: onloo- Iloold our: on mm II . ?Elm ?mil-I" ooh-Ime ?139 fund, argon. ?Iho Io coll tony our How Hoot lho-o oor "Colo! ottor. In om tho mum- IIJI Elm II will loll Ind-I! II ?luol "In ol "Jo. It to moth!" ?on In? tutu-mm?. .llV .llolm VIEATREE WHAT PANNI r: Wont) In ?I'rl'?'lr'llm? In lot-rootlno.plolorn ot Now lfrIIH I l.v Irma: Itoluoo Tumult? my on" l1 'Vl??lh IoJIl'r 1o Iholl In uroonlloul out of tho no.- tlullol Illurn1 [Porno om] bf I?Iry rnII-tmI-llt lIl-I II It [Ill'lultl- II Ill Ward 1. WI rm Ina-1m." lho ordn- lulu-w- lull! II In Manhunt-o. "tilt-lo olloll NI I'll" "l 4' rI-llr-I'tloln nr l? In, moonlto nu- I-HII Ill prrtIl-lu [urn-1m I Mill?? u! Iln- b. an -- "In lo nut-atoll BIG Iomlr lull-Hon or uthrr II Illr otronllh." lh-lmrloot I'm l'l1l-Inltlull. I'.u Ill-r 5n 'l?hl' tullnoo that on? Inmll' ..1 IIF lho llrtu-uu- IN. to which Long! Hum-lle ?lm-I mil-Ito II Ill-?ood?; no Illa-ludlno guru-bod!? Imm- rum-n Ih'o n: "1 mn- llmit .lr Illnnu ollu .. I, I'll eul- I, If le nollullol .uur-l roluloll?ll I rm oouli?m 'rll? In mu-l llu- InIIll-lrl I . It?'slhl'tlh . thIl-II 1lI-Ill ln- In oral Ilnll loll-r. mill-I ut-Lholnom vl ?no Irwin-1 tl-oln-l Ill ootlloro . IrII-ln LullrmuI-r. I?ll Ilmmulu. Illa I'll-t Mn Mol'uorol Ilulloro Ill-?14 alum] ?I'm-I'll U?lr'll'f 5n Inr tho ,Imu?hivr "r nil-Ill Ir? tn I'll-Ill "W'r'rll All? Hm Ilopondoul upon - Hun-I: lmronrn- auto to ho oft-opt- [ml nnll' Iron-n- In lho Duluth who a Hill! Ill ul 'l'u-lx mm hhl~ nun Ill Htunrln IlrunI ollu Mu}. ?ltt- ll'l'l a leh .1. In lln-n 'lt'l?lu vnloh In Hand lIrlh'I-Ir IllI- unly Ipooll'l- rollv In In I'lnml at ll II pnwlIlHI In "In rqulIIlolo- on lulu-ll. Illul It?: on nl lho ?and hall Ilul horn llI-r orlor olloll Ito rung-mood II IF Iu Ill'otll Wm- lurk um-I- litll' Ihu- liofonoo It'l ?In hon- in on ooIh blMlIl him In "ht-3 Illrl o?l'rl of w. and uni-Ion. ?For Ind nl' thu- tIuI-Inmr a! m. II A Illul-orr. lu-or llIlrII- ArrWIutml-rllo ho mil unltull, of I'Ill'rnr un In "to MFI HF Wor [hull gov-ornan hl? "Ir luomllru alluran or Elton or or lho lr-r pmpor phyolrol on! noun hr boordo of 'oIll b-o II tho-v oor Ind my othror who Mll- Ill lho olomlnotlon to not"? Ilonol oonnot romo up [of ro-rulolnollon I "out I SAVE up rmoo - Mll. Jurul-II II. nl Limo. ll Thu body I'm Ifrll'l' It HItlIrtI Urol't Illil onrv vlu'ol will In- Irut'n Mollnunltn nl u'hlvh I mat-Mont. lunllul'lrd by HM A. Ilrotonlo. no bur. Hullor on. I. [Inn-o. hnnum "mull In II II ill nut what a man m;.g 1-H. hut ?that h" .?lnn. Iii-0.000 WHO Nothing Put: I T0- YOUR hull lnll'o'I-l Ill" 1m?? MW "utomud Ann An? [tunn- Ion?, 1w mun: llt? Begin pans. l'nll. . Willa. tut-mt Tm: impk "Pu" Luau. death. or' HAVING YtlUI-t I'll:- . . . Allw'tl? mud' nol'mn Witle THE. 1 ., . Join Our .u ThosJ-Iogsbud Corn?t M44 .. In. ?3 I 1.1mm I I vermin no. ?ll-O. nib. to ?ll n. mm?within . I . -l Ill. 5 h' .1-.. (AW mm mm. LEADER NOVEMBER 8. 1917 u. I t. hurl-Ind PRIOE TWO won mono-d hora durlal tho mural-g Innuuhelnl Illa d?ll?l ?Dill Winn-11:1 at t?ul- dull Pruitt: H. Smith at taut-[ton lithium! hu Man in It] hulih fur Ibo-t a yur. hurl": tram It'll" uni-n la hlI ptM-ulmt dul- ?lu. the curing. 0n Mum be In tho victim at :41 nl? thinly-n and hi I'rotll Hut hon nry pmrtouo He no bonl fun old. (he til It" lull. ?lm in In. Illto. hut. n- into in hlnhut Hum hr MI 0' hi: mum lrlondl sud mum. long mum-lion with Rho-0 Iorh hid lar hill! til trium- lttu?lonu Ilmu youth- ful euro-u aura In?ll-null to I m- "In by tho mhln. inn-ail- at Ihu m. li- um Ir. Smith I. Ion of (luau-l Mark ll that In nth-r or nu. VII-[lulu lulu-n v? 80104.. Ind for I hull I. Minn In? mainland nl [Ilium m- of Inning. I?m-cl- grain-tad [rum II. I. Ind to: Ill-l 7-H wu 0f tho lahool Ind Ill-uni ?light [Iter Ile lit: mm Math 1? In! to Ilium In in won?t-d till: the Mutant" Inland lur I numb-Ir or run. from (Pol. am to hum In! from it"! to not I. of tho m-M villain-o- .111:- th of Eh! mt. Whllu load r-i' tho public ritual anti: hm in In. known I. Iljor Inlth. tho lull- cl Colo-II huh: round My hurt Ill" lill ?int-Ii to V. In]. loving nor-f rur?l of inn whit-h. In. urine! with numl Felon-l ?mlth martini L?Jtlm or batman. trim 9mm; It! [ill In" by I numMr or you-I. Ind II by 1? follow- Atlanta?one an. lunch. prom-or nl? mimll? V. I. I. and. 'tlu'l'lld Hm hhnta (In: CutlottHill city. and Sour mum-n. Ill? ADDI- [rum and Hum Dal. Imlth In: I brutal moun- hr of "to Mum ninth. tram tho fun-ml pail-til! In hold. although no lull.- mt urn-meal! Jun 1M bun undo. But-ill mill!? WING Ill'll Thu BIN-rte! than" om . of porn-nut. alt-ah on Ila-- in} am. Ih? the huh Plum will hold in [out for In?eld. Thacher at ?in! will In to rut-t [Io 91m not. Id Hither pal-n will hi In the nun-r at mum. ?on. uni lighting I Ir. bulb in; curt-humid Ill- In annals I. cal-bl. lun- Int nt- mg. may nua- will "at. uh.- XIM - EMHMM Thu Mining ?umhy I?urnomi will mark 1h! a! th Hunt!? Alum mann' mootfng ll th- ?rnm' ?n'l t'lirintl mutton. whirh ln um prom: an popullr lad In ll?ll mun Stanton. Th0 your at 3:111 int- i? dnlxulotl .- Ihl tim- spar-In: it" nrriro. ?Ir "Ill 'J'N-thll I'll lull ?rural Ihl nnlu? of on. of thin but ?mill-t.- in the llurl ni' . than Iulhorlud. .- rlnurlI-t at tho hawthorn lath-dill church. who In conducting a turn 'uh' mint in Win-born. Th. with It" Hr. t?ulnmr l- bnlu mural u- omhorn ho (nil-iri- ur- rm in "land by HM urn-I ho Illh the In? In Why- nulwrn ill-drink: Iltomnuu front I 10 ll o'rlor'h tmn' hullh-I plu- In Winn-hora r'loud ulnorl. while ?why-r Intl ample)? Il- 1th]. Although in MI no! announ- lru nu nut-ct. It". in. ruin-m:- not. Ill! .uull u, tom the union. Hr. CHIP-upper hunt Iundly lhu?ly 3:30 o'rluh thlu Il' Manon out In lit-nah and rump-n; l-Iuporlluf. nn lltl?t. ntml, dmtolI-hlnl Ihl hulldlal and I Ilfll Imuunl ul Illm?l 'thn bid on ll 1' Just in lho n! Illu- hun- nulnn uf ihn onerl-Ir Mid th- in hn rtln?durlhle. an Ill-m vain Ihounndl uf pound: or wall-I In tho hllun. than liq-tn: Ilmut an In lull blul 'l'htI limit Ind l'ohaplny rltor Iln- fun-t Hima- utltx. tl Halon lull: ll. ll Eli-hurl" hulls: Durthu-l Hr Valor lhru you. up: . D. TRIAL IE POETPONED rum?, Nun I -tlh u, Irma! ul Ilia chum" or Illa pon- Illarhar. ll?lli trial nl Albert I) Whllu. viian nhnollnl Nurtu- I. '1":wa nu Johanna I'm- nuo tutt- Sunday running, an 'p-mvt Ingram ho lib Ilnlor. John Robin". of Mum. ?111.. who It?- Wll- tin In Ill-I- II'llh 'r (Imp. Th. ?uidly alt-moon nllmuu I it A. all! ma- tlnuo Ihmuthmit lho math- will In Itnniod ?nally ?hloll h- at to W. All II Ind count} In Mal-Ir lit- mm to lit-till thou mutt-u. ?Hid-Ir. ml Iguana. NM l-v'l'ho GIHNII mull-d II .r In mil (mm I?hm today. lum- count "in Hortllus'l in In that" or immatu- imimk. H'r ?Icahn-I'- rant-l to may: ?it ?ethhu at tho Hint ministry and tho Ill-"d uncounta- tr at Dr. Holt-rich lain. rout-Ill In 'mulntu u! I nmm?? wmum [Ir Cinch-til. Not. tllo?'ldll ram. Ind-tr In?at- tut hln'lld Olin hr rota t? A. Iurh In tho "my mun?'- Mm 11mm: II: no moot-cu run. Mm. glued prior to Mouth-Ir lat lla-Ill In hula. Ill. SALE of . USED CARS OM- Iurul Mu. ?mu unl-?I rumlul MnmI-j rim-nth: I o'clock. At tho hour fur courl In I'rrn'rlnn Walnut-Ila! montlu? lhu'v- I largo I'm-d ol It 1h? (?Mr Hill to tho straw-din? An the In and. tho trIIl Ind bun put all. th- rho-d ?nursed. Qult- a num- b-w bud mun? prohqu lull- the Court room The of tho Inn-ulti- in Inde at tumult. Itr John tt' no Taylor. in: for I mm: lrir lib I?lth lImI. MINI- lh?l?lu rf?dml tho hull bond nl? (rum un??ll to lhll. ?d on hand Taylnr ulna-d. Tho bond_ul Whllu um- fur concur-aim loudly. ?Hill?! Hm Rah-rt (landw- al' Nutcr- 11ml: hu rurolvnl I ill-grim un- nnumlnl tho tith nl hit niatnr. liln. A. t? Hal-mu. Uglier m-rurwd. at ?It! homo Iiil' diunhlor. Mn. light": Val-buith In 1' Mil Harm-n hm Ml.- Aildlu Halon. I. thughl-r of [hit hlo F. It. at ll-tuintun. ml hntdu hor hOfI. Illa Illnl uni-r. John "ll?tln. or lawhhurs. W. Va. Thu fun-It'll will In ta l?hu- lotto. (3, 5nd. l-lrn. Hurt-on bu )ll? It rut linu- huh-null. Dr. A C. who ?nd lam. In. .I?lln'm ll! ?l'bo Mud Pro-l lmhdon. Nor. spacial to tho Mild mulch-cl: arrival! In Local. In! lightHome I. w? Ilth u- how all?! run at spot-In tmhuudar. In; In? mm run-I Laden. Il'tlrild them- In tho thin: in tho lut ll lulu h. tho upon-It tonight. O'Ill' Illht ranch our LIN to. urn A GUAR- of in nu- um? II will 1Ill! ?oh lulu? not WM Dotti! ?l?hll Dotti. II am, tho choice at than the Mn- In. lolli- it till nib-r. Thu mmotmmu nil lint .h ?lit to um I. turn nun [If 15. t-ulunt I'nn?l Lamluu. Nov. ll l'h-t lull-m- l?lIl'lIIllu. LD- ?llrl the: Your-- ll) tlv'fI-nur IlnvrI. 'thl I ltlt'id [Hull-Ill? lil- Itintln II: Ilu ?I'Iutoh mum Vmicu The of [In Hull-n ?mil-o ll Imyruvll'il sin-l Pit-nrh mm?: In until" In It uly In. all: ll'l'll'l'l. Ml MUN "I'd MY. l- Illill?h imam rmlurtut a- rnlul ImlI In [In H'rl'll', rutinln; who-on ilii?llc-Iliil; It II Inn-nun I ?911 lull-y. Tia Dunn-I1 In. ll'tl til-Ill. llwu: warr- "pol-oil I ll?ltl BYED IE HIRED Dl' BTATE FUEL ll; alt-Ilium! I'nnl Nor. "It?d. nl' ?Elm-hut". lad-y In nppuirtt 3'5 P.qu ltII lill? Il ?lf o! \?lr?nl- ROCHESTER TM A-nlIl-d l?rvnl lam-inn. Nut. I.- 1110 Amt-Hr?: nlnm??p luv-hub?! an: tmw-lm-tl grid lulh rm Noni-ulnar 1hr- Puiu- tumu- Bum 1.: Mn. bun last On boat ?lth mull mule l?d thin-on mm Iff? Thu min hut- bun Utw Illnbuut u?lth ?tun mutt Ibo rurlml purl Inll ll rude. or ALISTS EPOSE KERENSKY GO VERNMENT WILL PROPOSE IMMEDIA TE A ND JUST PEA CE, STA TEMENT tiliiI-li .1 Hill ll'nl; Hlnh- Ill-Imi'lliiu-nl 1~ .lwnil mu Ilr-I'nl'v llalilnu Hhiln-Invm. Ill) 11"" imn'lnl?l I'rrI-Il Ill'llh?liltl. H, liut'l- I'ull- lI'I-l nl liui'u- :1 aning 1l lil ill-n I-llil'lnl rm-I'Hinu H'l'l'l' {l?whl?llt'Ill" Iitlly 1n Ill?l'll fit-Id in [In lhIn wit-rim: ill I n't'l Ila lm- lu'rII t?ullt-ul ul'l' 1-I ll I lit-Int: lutpnulhlr' fun i lulu-It IINII ?ltull'II-nn hi A war 'It'nillt Irwl. In lil- HI Inilvll int?Hut liln IH-Itm-r11nn In I u- r1" nl fur IuvI-llnu In rnlli will hr? it! ll'l'l' I'll t? A i null? It I -l n l Illi?l .ill Inn-n. nl thu- -Ilt' Ital I I Hirlfi' InIIm-t In 1- urn-II In liltr nl?h-r all? 'Il'oll" unlu- IL1I- Ihlli 1H Hit-Ilium? l'nr lulu irm-m-l FarmI-r nl' hill} nun up? l'n? u-zu ?u ?rw nrw. nub-autumn ll:- il'u-lnl lilnml- Pramier Keramky Doponed \nt. Ill?h?l?lL Kv-i'rIHl-tj 'I'lu' mililmt ul' itml ?'Ill?k~ - \I-Hlx'i'tlii} nl'lvl?nunn lull-HI lul~ tit? aluim: Hull I?vll'nul'ml ?autumn-n ul ilu- guru-inn?. II?lu- lliitl tin-1va will pl'nlum- nu jlisl prawn It will hand uml tt'tiultl u-r \mir ltl'uTI- him llf?l?ll Imruvnim: inur ub- ?all run-l illil in", Int! um ll in thin lulu-sill lnlui Ilhl" Infinit- Th3. Ii?I-l' tr'll flu-v nl Ill Int" I 'I'll In nhl-li nu- turr- lu Ilr STILL ON SALE Thu hum-I'- Hum 11! Ilw AHM- um on ?If. and In mint rapidly. t'rmu- In um! pt yum: hr To" th- supply in A. pow md?mr or In!" will? hy mall (G "All-1? him. I Inn-i Flummw. nl KIND PlummI-I, luuml In In lilr but! Tim-Ii", Ilia at I. Th- nt pour- in Hm tho hh, rilul nut whllo tho lnlni dor I'll In m. I: could tho houuhr-I-l. 1m than ehIl-i in ninth. All?? I'lltt'l' I-??ll NM?I-Ililil. Turk. Nu! I.- Nuw Yuri uth ?lmr Mitt-hot in [at lntu u? ru- Ilium hr Imnu ovnr 1hr rlty hill to "liar-FIN! John It ?mrllul Ion would. offer I put In. tho my. Illrhol I- I l?lunbun i:an Immune Of Liberty Band: uf iht? Il l-?J Lihm'lt' Bandit dnnirt- in r-whan?pm intu limitln. will plr-nm' lmwi1 their with llI'l fur Hllt'll rxrhauuv lint than Nnvt'mhrr 12th prrfomd. This th'll?ll?'t? will he mat-Iv without any charge whalovnr. National alley wa lu'fI-I In nun 'l'lw Itn wurltr'u k1 furl I'mm .Nm ll :ullh . ?ml in lull-'ll In I'll-ml t?l?t'lflHi:- 'I'lw n-mmlu-llrn In' glint-l1 II- lmlti IlI'o- Illt'Iti'r-t In Ilm .n-l l-1- In. ll IIlIllI'l I1 m? In; .nnlunn?c? lit Illi- - iil?I un-I rut Iltrl'l? man; will?: ttIrIIn-l 1h m-n URENBHAW ADMITS FIRING BUILDING I "I'll: I. NH !i Ihih nut. Illa Ila-?L rhnr?nl ulth ?llnu tril - linml I'll ul l'nlturl?llr u! ?1 [3 ]th iH. ?hurl?: Hr.? flint lln- un-ulm- lim-l nf lill' ln in Illill? lhu nr ulntl riulu. whim-1 n11 lhl-II [Fill in" Ilm Int-lill It'll! I'lw .0 plan-l 'dll' Purl-l Sun I I't?rmll lrilm- lunwuhlr ?'Mlilnutnll. in pom-mm" mllunlu- hunt: I'll "Will I "1 In I?ll null-t! nl' I'llf' t'mumrrm- il-nuthd'n NEW iil?I?H?tfld It! I'lth a Holt In PILL Tull: Itonr - mum at marwluut haul: Hmun'n hut nir- Iur- olnrn "Tho Imp." Hm lint ant-raft. I Merritt: Wtillam Hurt '?l'lir ll'nl'anI-Im' wihlil' Tlu- land in NW u'nIiHlilIIPlIt it'l- -..-mlult uI' I'rum l'ume-lt llt?l?t?. \t?lm?li lutit' all-u-luI'I-Il ?llit't? lltil ulwl ln timin- ll? iH Hf llu- Inn'u' ilt?l?ll l'm'liimlt'lil lliwult'ml. Split in council Bottled [.nlillnH. ?if. H. :l l'ruln l'vlrnurml tnilzti' Ilu- [?nulu'll hf Inna nun-alumni flint lhn- nplil in llu- t?unnu-Il IHH and m? Hl'nl?uull l'm- l'rnm vm'h lit'v llimmuml nf 1n Hill nt'lny. "We Depend Withoui' Bloodshed" l't'l I'qut'nlL Nut nl? llu? Hululld'l?u :Illtl 'l'l'nl'k- in 1 hulu't?. run H. 1hr ru-t'n- Inlinli. civil War Threatened, Bays Washington l'i'ithllim-luil. Nut' H. l'nll unl- Inlwu- nl' l'c'll'nm'ml gnu-Hunu-nl int-u Ilw limula ul? llu1 .?iluxinmlisls. \t'lm [nu-lnm- m-wn'ulv llit'l'itlI-Iiillu lithin mum; in ll'ni'. tun-:Im- with ill-tn with :i l?it'il npiliinll Iimt'u-t'I-I'. is lluil and his fullmt'vr-4 will Hl'l nw? at Mum-?tr. in Him .ln airm- .l?nl't- multinu FOOTBALL GAHEB l-?rlnl-n AI Mllunlnn thunmn \I?Itll?ln'f l'l n1 .1 It'ilutk .ll 5?1 Iltflultnr tn gu'I? suntan. m-1ulm_ II 1 ll! n?t-lm-i WHILE IT usrs We had about 100 gallons of Extract of Vanilla. nude up baton the advance of Alcohol. which we will sell at 81.00 Pint long In it Inn. Thin is the very highs: nudity with delightful him. . T303. 300m. Plumlit-l?l? in inl?nn'nuilinn lm- ALL PERSONS SUBSCRIBING FOR Liberty Bonds through this Built trill plan all and complete the trut- action. Augusta National I Bank Shanta. VA. 'a .44. Plaid}, and cull-uni cool.? laud". 1mm: Illhl load? l-Ir aadlwam'r. VOLUME two. 23, no 'k ?worried-adult!? Inuit-mm i . . leather ?3710!. HBHBIB or sum h" I . taimton morning tatoplo Ill? I Augusta Bojrs Training With British In Flander?; my Numbers 3,000,000; 1,450,000 Overseas rhino mus nunmmn [m summon a HtiNTl-IIlI-ii?. Allan-t l'rannr- 1.!an I'm null-ruining Elam mum-t ahlrh haru nu 'Tumuiu}, ,ll yrulmalhl Millal'urlurlly. ll?ll' work nl [ha Ial'l lur'nu trauma in luf 75 um"I l? land. len; flu- nit-rul- ruad Bin-Hill uI' Ihr ah." [ha gain-gal ul' unlu- mohllan II "maria ul? Iron-I. Ia marlo Ihat an ?marl-Mummy Inn-hml Inf. all I n Ill-inuultll or mako nan ul ll'mlr nr In}- man'u mat-IIan in and au-ta hr Invitina al lhal Inaaon. than Ilw ynar'a Ilarrmla ara [alhrr?l and nhort in nrlinr The Inul ?and or Illa-Innis. nal?d hr Ilw In rluaran. I'un Mi ?1 M. ?lulu-II. nf l-I hr opulent nl'l ll"! murava In our-n llIn [Ii-rind mun-lung hul II In um! lhai Mr hillrhall Im- nnli- I'Iod Ilia fill?)? Illa? ha In" In rim-lint- tho intlralinn. Thu pro-on: II prrIVIn I [one] mu- lor IInlnr Ihn 1am- ular ruurt id rniina muth all Mon- lurpr nn "nth-Highland . an only Ia inrll nalrnnaiv hul Ill'llnai mrry Ilar I'lalluu from a arc? ilnlalnl ll'l'l'lJIi?ll I-n- mule In llII lindar [ha nnla In hula; tint"- and aumt? ?ll?ll? ad almul ilm la lhul Inrrc-uml aroomnd-llnua will [Ia-n" neat-nary. and thal liw mall" will an! Inn lung llnlaylui who-I1 the rum- plny ruculnIu-a I?ln?l. In alt-Ir nl? Illn our oannII-a nn- [ulna In manor- 0! I'rinhll?ulnan uni II Imml undcr- It may I:an wllr' in lot It In known (hal Ilm l-luulh lirant?h at [hat I'utnumr hna Ilfl'l'??ll navigahln l_n Ilur ll'nlha nI' Wan-n. night mlimi nI uni-t hm II Ilm Iru1h. Ilr, If". ill mun lhu*l?lral tn "pannlrala" [hat for. mu nl lino lanldl and ahalloa'l in a than?. a uni vallh lIr. II no- Ind ria the Ilml foul-v. The llnard nl Equip-ornaan hold an Important marlin: Huh. of the Ian-Inu- Mtora'll "lailnl in TuIIla. 'I?hl- IlonI-ra app-nintnl at II Inn-l1 Continued (in Pa? Two dmv-L UAPITAL AND CREDIT Working ropital and and" an no runntlall in IIMI. A [rowing hank account bulld- oapllai and rraalaa in Ila nInI'r'a 'Conndanu In tho It'll. I?ll II II. II llrnu volley or Inaiilnllon to coon-Irat- Io tho I. allh uranium". ?h luvlta Inn and llnall lirountl. hula for erod- a. .MERCHANTS 1 . Ar 4? 3mm] his mum MEI on the .Irnl'l I-mnl Hulunlu)? mm.? In Iln- M?l'm?l that all your": mm: in Jinan-In mqu and Inn clty n! Hlaunlnn whu Imin. alnra Iha (Inf .Tunn 191K. and um or hvl'urn lhr' lwrl1lf~luiirill clay nl' Annual. 19H, Illninnl liar-nlf I'I'nil lilull rl'IlIIl?l? rm Hatmdar, Augull ?Jllh, hr [urn Ilm hual'fl ll. ll?'?ll? in Tha hoard hua ran-[Hui nun" of man who law, 'rnlunlI-n-r- m1 north-n l'nr lilo rruInIra- lion or man ilII' lav- nl? alglalrrn In mum time im- tvn-nn Iha bill and ul lifll'. rollatrallnn Will Illn- plan in than mun? and In "Ila rllr. luau ?lly-all turn an null- ml. In far? out Ihla work aallalar- all who "In-d tn a'l?lln? Iha unidan In that ii" and 'Tlm rnII-n have volun- Irorrli l'nr rml?nllr aurh. ?am. A. ll. J. IL Ilaular. l?hrll l?ar'klnl. Janina 1i Taylornudloy. 1-3. lel- lot. Jarnh You. It ii. A. II. M. Hallo. Jami-I II. li?'lli'll. Thna. F: ?ood and ti. H. Fmtar. mama HATE [If 'l?h Ala-ads!? Aqu-t ornuall [night ?In on rnrn_ min. and lurlc-y worn ntlarhnd hr ['uunrli Farm- M'a In a rmuplulnl l'linl imlay will: ?o Mll?. .A. illil'lII-zl'll. Ill-2M} Mra i'hnr'lra h. llrulirch. ath had [01? ll'l'l'fll tllun'hn Iml hm] In'lurll hi it U'rlI-rk rninniay al. liar in Halal-1. Va Ill-linin- hnabami aml fulln-r and InnllII'r. Mr. and Thurman J-?ullrr. ann- allh nl Ihn Inn. Mn Ilrulwrk Ital llmut 3.1 falrl u! an. and waaza liallw nI Hlaun- Ion. Film in - dorotmi Irlfn uml anus-I1 nl? Iunly rharnc- lnr. In ll)? huahan?xand I'lu- 1mm; alao hr tan tic-urn? Fuller oi t?harlnlun. W. aml i'amm no! Pump In Il?m armr. Tho burly roach Hlaunmn at hill) Ihil anything. and tha funeral will 'hn n'n unndar. IH 'Whilo shopping this Hot Weather you can always not cool un- der our Ian: Ilhd our duo Soda Water Tin ara and II the amount-an. Elli ll. Irviln' That. lin- lmih-I? I?urrit-rn HiHi liml I'I'mu: Ho? l?l-rmnlII-ni \i'nr . lit't'nl?dx, Tn Ilia Hun! 1l'lralnlu' (Nina in tin II ?'nr ll Illa I'numl auirlulxlu lo our In tho Amor ir-n t?ruha Ihr inc-pin: nl Ilm pnrmanant War rr-r-urd- ll" man In lluml- Horrlra anrlion v! Ilu- ill-d t?rmul hu lm-n anlgnall arnr'k. uni lull nI-n a-aumr-d Ilw In- lit lht-lr Ihlln Iho man away. It In I duty and In," for rural Irllor rarrlr-r In naalal in Illia Imrll. all In mum in {Iallr ralullioa of 11m hnya ?r-vnr thorn." and ran randor uln- ?art no nrnn- Earl: I?nunlr In Ihla alala ha: Roll Fro-a In 1uhh-h an rnpart am noon n- mainta, and o?ar our lat-reo- In an nlar?I of lha born In Iho arr- I'it'l' Ilnna our I'Hl'l?'ll'l? mutu- ['Irriora nl' l'l-nlnw Inn I?Inll an Marl rnpy nI' 'I?In'l' Ihia arnr'lt ahnul-I he damn: I John Nniphrl (In-Jul, (Ivar-o ll. urn-n. Frank ll. Urn-n, mm or Harry H. and 'I-?lnrunrv- L. limlln I. Punk lr'allul. anlla {If ?clu' IIan hn?nl II Irrlm?. linulr Hlaunlun. Frank an? of 1-1. M. and llnalrlra- Hlauntnn. Ta. . . Hnrun?u ll? Inn of H. Inrl J. Rnulr i. Yn. l' nourgu ('Imp- nmn. mma (II J. A. t?hnpman. [lnull- 5. Hlumton. lr'a. Rn! T. llunian. M. F. hum-p. anm n! and H. nunian. linuio B. Hiauntun. Va. it it. 1: Mal: :ln_ ms: of and II Hmm- T. I-llaun'lnn. i- T. Han. and Trraa. nr It. I. C. A- [Japan Dll?un Fll lfll rm: "Mill-IE 1 ?mil and will In? ad- tn Illa Maminallon {u Ina lanlr at [In l' U. horn on [Ian Illh I'nr fora-t and ?uid oinrh Thorn arn varantloa It Allah N. and and linannhl' A ciarlral rumination. lm horn on Bnplambar the 1th. Illanhl and information for nllher of than alarm ran ha u-eur? mi {mm ll. 'i'lnl. Inral anrratan. 0. If you raise two or more Hogs 1 Don ?t frail to read our ad. on page 6 It wilil you money. nnuo arc-n: Kodak: Ind Suppliu Oil nu Hula a atrium-rah. mm is, we - ?Iiunnalirif? Th1- again-1 II. ha- b?h-n alum-nut aml ha ha.- bI-a-l "Ir-anal from thr- I'uunu Jail. Jun-tire liars-y Mar. hon-m 1hr o-nn Ina luau! In par lit-r Hurt. mill-ml 151a In. ,Halunlar INN-mam. Ila- "mm! and lzaa 'I'Il'lull Jail l'irr about. tau I Inn-ant harm-n out by a Winn" of ?lm-rim? Italian Hr ma ('umpany thawing tho man ultll ni' um l'rmu aaln In an "pm: rau- un Illn-I (I.- Iinrinx ml} laull'l Uln Ill'll?l. TIM- [Ill-ll" Ia miningHull. Ann-chin] l'rru) Mil 11'. Vllihl'f Ii-Inp- nralurra leoa hor? In fur Hld- din Allahllr for that In} hallnnihx Monday. I i I Jail Bimini In, n, .nnuhtod. run-4 ?l?liHlli_ 'I?leailly. Annual Th1- )uaw Thr- lurt-rnment 1min}- 'Ia-uI-cl a. null-- lawn! aununlu-In: that Japan am all- uatrblu? lrnulnl In Ihl? Manchurian 1n. Irlma' nI? tllu unllm Imnirr. uminr IRrHr-y . . . 0-- . I'nluu?Ilrv, l-?rnl H. Mrl?urhlt', anaislant. prurh Lunn Funn- Iain. lie-cl: a. m. p. ?'11le 4m. Wm. 1' pnalur. II and al liu?alo (lap at 1:110 Mrnlinl nl at 4 II. In. I'll llill. Juanuh W. Wannr. of i?nunlr ha: Iold hia harm. lituaud on Iliu- Huzln: pihn. to Hllnun ll llul- tar, 0! {ha lama nallhhurhomt. alum! [10.00 par acrn. EXUEANGE 1?1: llun hem: (In?niton {Ir- tt-l'minod that of tho Firut Lihany I?mwort- mi 4's: and tho Second Lih- arty 4?5 run only ?mm-rt into tho Fl?hir?, 4 l-4?a. If this in not drum Nnvomhor 1918. the hold- m' loam privilege. We are proparod tn norve tho gonoml public in liar- ing this nxohnngo effected. and if you denim to con- rort. sugar-at you bring your bonds in at once. - Nationol Volley i?AHl'AlJ?i' Llu?f nu ll'ir .hma?lalal I'maj Aux. 11?. Sim-Ir namaa Iliprarr'tl on 1hr- Arloy ruuallr to? Ilni' Enroll-"n hlliml ah- tlnn. on! till"! of wolndl. I'll) Irlhar ran-eaWill II '15 H. "In rrlullr Tnur illinulu' tum-ll! whll?h nan In from ul' :lnm alur'r Mr. H. A. Illuh? and hill? lururlimnnl in planning In pruulncl [mm [Tn- ul mm: In curry on In nlau ram-y ll Lll'Ki'll In: rmuulmln In lhia mun-Ilium and uh: IPI fall in lhla I-Ituallon In [lat Inn-null": narlnun um-vi-m. Fullu'l'lnx Mr. l'ol IllrrirliII?-ll .I. M'rl'al- llall-r. Inf llu- I'uur mil-lilo Innih r-unarn- ?hm talk 0n tha- Inimr Ilurathm. which nurllunml all al Ihu- Hl'll l'ru-a Lawn i'arly. whll'h arm: hnlul ll Thun- rlar and hr Mn. HI- Iil. [or ?mud av'lm It MEI. Illil'l In l'nlu. lullullmi u? Milt-r Min-n llailvr null-an owl hi- .?uirn Loan ll. Halli-y, II I'll [Iii-I1 in lint rulul?m-II In ?I'll II?n-an In In again null. II wu- Inlil ml to thru- uI Hiannlun. Frank. Hull. liltllil Lululw 'i'urh. L'le (lull- I'rar TIMI rah h: .?I'Ira. of Anna. "I'lu- nmrm-i'l: from [I'm rnlu? In In ihl' hour?! ill!- ?I'll la l?rl'l'll'll. ul Hm 1? II. nluiiun. I-ll?h. II almri 'I'hl- Hahn. Iulnuln nt? Ilu- l'on- la 11th a r1mm nu anus Hm MIDI 11- frail-l Annual ruin-4 Hui-1 lluraau of t'ruu mun-- haa lulu?! lhruulla ultirn ol lhu 'L'iralnla. ll?Ir lul- Iuarlng rnpurl "up run- Ilitlnn In Vlulnla on. Aunuat I. July ?rivaling For Hula aa a Ihull- Juir wan mil 1 I?arorahln month for ltllufnll l?lln lImJIl lnanl- In noflh and nan-lam IlerrI-I. antl allnuai rn- tin-1y inrhlug in mall! countlea. alum Inf 3 [1r II munlha. Tho rarly part ul ihn month wan onid, rrup Int lam war-la hruuahl warmlh. Inllu?all I amoral rain al tho and munlh. which rm- ~nrml all. I-ul null wan nl taut In In ll Iha Ihn Hlpurl marll?. linin- hava ampln in than (?nnlinuad On Page Two 'I?t'l I?ll-ml; IN T. hula-I. who racontlr mar- ml to ?tauntnn from Lollutou. in!" ha: Iaaull [ha at [II-min Hirut. Iol?mrl?l! oocuplud by right and Hahn and to own an 1amn- .buslnu'i Hang-y burl? and ahippln: In northern markau on 1 Largo Halo. Mr.? Ilarloal hu bean oomlnl Io Bunion for twenty?flu nuan- Ild II wall he" In auction. anpoclallr to trail from Pressing hurls. lander-a. million moo. hnvo 'I"iu- Iinu'n .iuln-t IT mad? furllu-r Inday and anulh nI Illa Ann. hulng lakan prllunara and mm. chim- nun. rollorular. award-g In: In I?m: an nf?ro alum-mam in- Thar l'hn I'anny-Iur-Mall and In Iunh nun-my position: on Ihn front or m-arlr Ian l_a a mum of morn than a. In Ionian 0? alulhrcar. Tho American Army Annual lT?[llr 'l'rm l'roaalu?Thn Amari- murulng taplurrd Iha al I'rIp-nlla aml nradlral' I run-Inlarablo Harmon. aailant In Ihn Alliul Ilnlu worn talc-In by tho Aninrlranl and It! Harm-m M'Idant'lr hr"! In and Itlundnd. When tho Jun-Irina: Mar Il'lr Inn to altarh at {:10 n'rlork ?they :uvumlaul In Iluplag ail ane- mr rmlalanco how-r0 lhaln and tho raid hacamo an organllad ailarh .- IIH WII ll Lnr'fulnn run I?nl'ljf . Oh! THAT RE. Ice Cream That Contain: N0 at Thus. Hammad ritual-no om . British And French Found In 'Roye Vi?inity August. than one million, four hundred and fifty thousand American neither: have boon embarked from'tho United States, General March said badly. Thin includes tho man not to France, Italy and Hi- In ropiy to quaationn, ha said that tho Eigh- tioth Division, composed of Virginia. and Penn- lvonia troops. in training with the British in March said that the American Army, now under arms. numbers more than three Nii'l'l'l. A): fur M: is: this is Iln- Ilrui intima- linn of tho Im-nlinn of any Iln- and Augusta I huin who. umh-l' llu- m-II-u-iiw :lmi'l n'nrr' nl ("limp Imv. IIH tho Division. Fm- mumha l'ill?tl? uml h-tII-m Inn-o almnimmul to All- purl-"Is Inn-n l'll?l?l'l'l'll Hill'li' or Wore in From-v," hut thvir Milt-t who ronhouta French Prom Noted In Boy: Region I?Altlh?. lingual l'hu- rpgiun of Raye iman Imw Imuh- furIIn-r phi?'l??h? in lingo: ii'unri mui hnn- rI-nu-Iu-nl lln- nulakirln nf' tln- wuud Im the Ilu- ui'l?ivr 'I'hr-rr- was hmn'jr ?ghting m-nl of Rayn- [inr- in}.r llu? night. Nul'lhwiu-ut Ilu- ri'pul- tn'u strung IIr-mmn British Bdooemu In Picardy Theatro. LIIJNIJUX. Any;th I?it-nruli' Imu- mluh- prugrr-HH. Hays. Firhl Iloig'n Inn-n llH- Arllimm-ltuyv I'I?Iflil, nI' Vii-Int Iii-r- I'luin?. Ill tho upon: tlu- [4's Hnlirllt. pushml l?uhiW??l, 'T'hn Arm-Hum: In Lorraina an unltnarllr qulat lac- mr hr Iahlnx I'mm Ihn tha villain of l-?rapI-Ila. Ma mlloa anal 0! HI. Tha avllon. which auri- lwith prupurllona of a mid In early noun ?-Iurdar moral". Into an nrxanllul unliar than (1th Ihn Amaricln Iruopa launullnloly altar tho! la'l'l lhalr lronrhra. Thu Harman mum ?Manny nan-r Rouu?acl and lahrn prlaonan. Moralial I-?n-lh hal al lent datin- llolr mnm-riml up tha ball!? or [dam-I Ihr Hnmma. By I local allar'k Ill! nuth ol M. about Inn mil-a northraat of haa boon. ran-Ind Ii" tho (in Pa" 1m WI bun hull Doraramnnl that "ll-I1 an to mun. than lornar ill? 1 un- IRTT 1'10an into til Il? I. l-d? Midi. I No will In to nail ?till? for our hind: with)? than! an and haul-anon; an Inn mr'hanth-ltd to without m. u, .4- Mum UTNEY has "The oods" and can meet tEe de- moods of the South. with endless carloads of solid- made BATTLE AXE. in the Putnej.r warehouses-~ready lor immediate delivery for the great Southern trade. During the one-l-undred-vear period that the firm has been in husiness the-House of Putney has successfully ritet every trade crisis that has arisen. Our motto: SERVICE and SHOES THAT WEAR LONCEST. Putney Shoe Quality. and Putney Shoe Service have been the accepted standard in the South? since the early days of the American Republic. When war conditions brought on one of the most dif?cult delivery rohlems in all shoe history Putney set out 'to meet tie sitUation in the usual Putney way.- .. Alter planning long and earnestly to take care oi the Fall 'i and Spring trade of 9, it gi'ues us much pleasureto . announce that we have ?The Goodin and can meet the s?w?r' demand with High?Curade Shoes hearing the time?honored Putney trade-mark. The merchant who sells-~-and the individual who wears 1? SHOES is dealing in KNOWN VALUES. ll? The I?utney IUD-year reputation for reliabilityt and service is back of every pair. Putney Salesman Are On Their Way The Putneyr Sal?smen (Ambassadors oi Better Values) have left Richmond with their Spring WW line. They will gladly confer with you about your present or future require- rnents. It your needs are urgent. a telegram or postal card to - the house will bring a Salesman to see you without delay. I LEA) ds?ls 5? xx~lti\ 5 55? 6? INNERSOLES titth "In - - run. var/55; . i; i. I I ?inwent-its?? lama RICHMOND. VIRGINIA I 00- Year Quality 100- Year Service mum-n Salesman for Valley of Virginia R. D. TRICE. care Stephen Putney Shoe Company Richmond, Va. ?gjn:%%aal .AH-.. 43.. h-L'ili' u?h i . i chm, GEO. MART BALLOON PAGE ~43hr?a?? l?covle who ?it Inad- on Top. w. helm. Ind fuhlunlhle Rubber lirul Inpl know they It! than the very but ll. ru? . .r The Liv-cry, Bell rqulpmenh [on bond- in: horn-1 . I?huuc 411 . St: Align-tn T. J. Prop. 5. n? Ihr . lnl?urtulu It a who do not read lhlI? UM Incl )'ul RD {Chin-u and Amgrlun m: Cate lip/75* gliI-rrn1uhu I p- l. I Ko- fri- ranking. Bugofw??hm? :il'h rung" m: the market Ifl'nnln. 3? m" u; El?n Km,? I Prlru mmkrutc, I}.an nulen. wt ?Luau-run nuke pit-13:? plant out pumms. "net Bum Props. 5. mum 51. . 5- Una. Jun?heIr?; IL a r' . a" 133"? ?4 I uni? brie: {bl?f?tb . . 5335.? T5 'm FIND "the ?113:2, Hf" "umon" I?ll" Slum llullrz. l.lIlnlIly, l'lulr ff a? (5.Kinny? n- ,2 ?35: nl Innunnrt. Cu?lul?53: MURPHY Chas. Slums. ?r *3 3?Ind Llano". \ri? I ml?! in P'hul 1'7. I 1? Ntwlum and Hal-'4'? Flurlt ?d Inclhi'l?ll 0 ful?ll?? min?! 1?n?hll urr .n r. .- alt". ?l??l?ymr lm 1?1! ll HI Ll? rm? r! ?12Fumlly thum gut. 2' 1" I I Inmunit 1' v? mm mm. Ladhul?lf? I?llnl?au' I I Ind London 1ge'Ihl:l 1 I- . Vh?mc In Mrmuc. I - I?llt all hum?: Ilium". I and h, - tun. 5 m. la Lat ?I?ou Down Eny stables ?Ila-n1 11!. run-Mann I r? . I 1' hg?f?ll?) - 11mm l. Huw to Find. It When You Wish .1. Pure Whistles and Wines lor l'unll'r nr medicl ml purpose: it . I . I 11ml; 1:8. I. rat-I?ll. Llqu Dulcund trans 3L. Slaumma. it . ??ll 0! the Term I I't??d Hula - TI. only whliker lull Orion will nod" my: Attention. wll' '5 ll? 1U1l..-u ,rh ".llur Bu?luh?l 14 in. ?1 1 ?roll-1?" I {n ln??F?h tin . ?lurc? I: man'mu?yl 1? {m culIlOI? :?t?nunnu l'l'll?? 5cm Stlunton- WC '0 lmmorm -u L54. or How Little Your Wants, Can .. THE EVENING LEA be Filled by local Business Men of StantonVOLUME No.30, N0. :55. STAUNTON, VA.. RHONDA DECEMBER mm. 3.11:1.? TWO CENTSWAR-TIM "oliir-IELD GRAND Ellis" AGAINST EIGHTMEN mlssuu INVOLVING I. II. FITZGERALD Alina-lo 1 Tuesday Final Hay I fictive (.untp?i?fr I la Rod Soul Sale I'nr JIM-null? in Ill-fr!" .IIHII. Kr. HII l'ulnr- 0N coll USE BEING Ill-lI lklr' 1T. all 1h" or inIlu-Ilrv 1h.- upprol-I-hI-Il I. hul- I?ll-ml} Ill I?Iul l-pnl'ln lull} Ier?I-nl ul' II'llwr- ll wIIrll. hull.)- lhal II.-- could I.-- Howl-'II . I-I. HI. JnIllI-h-Il lu- .Hm l'uuMJ Ill-J I?Ilr "f ?w [ma I'lerlII'Ial-I Soul-I I?ll- I'lulnliml rum. llu-IIrI llI.II?l \Iil" H'ol-I ill llII- lulu ?ll'I-ll hul? ill-11' l?il'nl" hill lu? l' . IllIl ll l-I' .Ii?ll I'l? Iprf?lnl I'llurlly ll. ..Il I'd) II In I. ll?llh II II - I. .- gnu-lull" u? Ill rl I in I?ll? ?Ir I n- Ill!? I. "Hull "lul l lI frail-m" luII' Ill ul Ill'llI lLlI-I'nl-ll- -. PI- Ill I'rul Jill l" (l ?I'Irll-r lA Magma" To Mr?! 1 - H'lli'l?ll M. I J. ll'h I 1 .I- rlu- I'll! l' - I-n -I?l-lu The promluvnI-II II..- I Inl'll l?.lI' I I .. 1.. mun. l?lnn I1 ll' I dI-?luv-Il ll. ll Irl' . .I.I [or .. m] rIIll- 1-. .I h. gummy-4 ] hall-ll In Fhln?l'll l'uny 1-3" I. IV ?1.4 I. I II .- ?I?Iul rourlronnl .I.I. . day l'rIIrll Fromm-.1. InlIl .. action. I 1.. I'lul?l'l lIu.I 'l'lIlIr-ulill I'l'l'llrlII' I. on . .. lid "II-don, colon-II. ill p1,. .. . dl?l?la mur'l"' "l ,f In ..1.1 .i all? rum-h. Inmhar - l' l?fh?l?l lIllI'rl I If? .Il an. aln "?Ian I?I'Iln'oll. I'll IlIlo for lam. it! ll H hl?vlL Ll" I. ll? dl-l not Ill-um 0' who in nllu?llnl Ill-IllI .I.I. II II Illnt lull-u . 'II-Iran Ill1' Ihll'h \lr ut'r. um! Hll'r- lI-rI- l?I Ill- l'l. I'll-H. I'll-I1 I - lulI r' I hum-n Il..l .IlIl I . II I run. in: II II- r_ r" l'lnllu- ill ll'l"? II. I I I I lilo FII: ..I I. H. II LHIIH InIlium up. I. II fool. I nI' on (.II ..-?Idl.lII'l lr?IIl I ?ll?ll II 1. . - I'm" l. -. ul-IIuZIl lIl-I'lu- 1 In?ll hl?ll- I. I Tun.? II l. ll .I l'lIlI ll Hour-[r I'll . I. ?I'll Ivl'H II 'li I I- - Ill" Il Nl-Mnrl Ill ll'4- I I II II. nan-Inn! l1I (II-or Ill-oi whlI-h Ir- in" or "only .l [1 an Ind Ill ll? In ll, Ills- l'mll llI??ll'Ir- Hull 1.. lull-1g". I'I'l.llml ll'llI Ill' 5 II'IJ?ill'l'll wher In Ar Ilth'l'f D?Ilfll Ill-Mim- Irulr I Orphanage Repairs A re Very Necessary 'llIu-u- will. Ill'u' Il?nll?lrd Ilu- fund fur llII' In"! U1. lulth url- rI-QIleII-ll Ill unll an. ?my Illr'l'l'l IolorrIl rlIIlIlrI-n and .- ll?r'l? lIll r ?ll IUII Ill-round) mull lu- madv- II tho and will "I?ll lw lu Ili?lMeeting Tuesday ll PLUHIT - - - - - -- - Thou boon oallml I lollIl "l'l'l?l all" I'n 1hr II Ilr Ito-sin! of .Il ll'lIIpI- .I.I-.rnoon II, II..- lulu-Ill Ionll in l."ll! hIll. I'IIl'll? llI?I?I-ilar! I I II I'H'll'll'll In.? I work [Bro-g nIlI? 11I II..-I lIllI- rnl'n who all; [auurnmonl II. I I IlIu- 'l'lw I. If?! nf ll?ll Arm.In null.? Il on- I I HFI. h' .ll "Irv . May Jun: nlar- 'Ill. thl. II-II, II -I II . Jinn-?h l.Illw l::lI1Il II II law-I "1 H'lm-l A I-Il'l? II l?ln- .. - ?in In I-l'lI-ct. mo in A lloInIlI wall ?l I I llu)? I break at mm ll. Kerr. :l II Furl ..- . roomlIlIl' Ilf gluon Ind . Thu hfldo-lo-llo was born 1.. Hm I.. I I. I l'l-lvl Irv. rorlnl "r Ho" [In II I'Ilu-r :l ..lml. ln Will I..- .I1..I Illv Il'l ..Ill. II ll "lull-hull. .?lv [In mum: l'lmri- Illry wide and Iln 1- In: l'IrmlnI." .1II In? II Ilml Il Hull IllI-r ll? IlItl \I'uf, IILII I-Hnrt 1w In lug llIl [h - FOR I h'lnl' I. r'w HIhmll -Il limi- 1.I .- mold ?Ilavml In ll'll' or .Ill 17 ll. ll FOR TH CONVEN- IENCE 0F Xmas Shoppers we are now serving: Chicken, (Ill'lnI-Ilco l..-lunar. mnl?l Mill [llill'l' man ll KPH- Um! "no Ion-.1 null Inlhl-I' .lld 1101, No mulls! half I nurh you urn. you MI.- Ir or lo?nprnuonl If you would ll Ill. Rpm. ?1110 lull-I manor In tho poor qu'I prllII. ?ucum In Illo d?ll?dl on lb. rIlurII from thIl clan-l. Ham, It you advancomnnl ?ml Ind. ymporlly. your ll I prov-L - I 1Iro Cheese In?! In I hunk lhIl pull. I. Hot Chocolate, lib-ml I'll. of Ill mutual onmm. and [our ?lull I . no t! nouns I uncusm m1": aunt-I. urea at power Ind prolpIrl- NAHTHAIN KODAIF All) - Illnl lo.- AmI-rlvun wul. I ?all "ll Ill II. I-Irry nol. In l?u- 1t on In "?l?m-Illy "to and i From-h Halli-1M ?Iloll lIl' 25 porronl [lil- l-unlnr?u dlvlulunll lrunl Ill! Ill"- Ill hull Moll drain from Fll?l'l'll Intl lhII ll'ln 22 Arm-Hum I?llrlolnnl had Il 'l'Irlnun ll1lloII Ilurlnl parlnd (Hum. 18 lo NM, ll. but: tanned uu tronlII ll.le our also The .I.Il'turml I of about and Woundn?: ll rup- In?ll" prlInuIllrI. Ill? Let us help you with your cigar purchases 1' or Xmas. We know mall at Illa lum of r-Iur amnion Inll rIu nun- loll I'llIl hrIndI In "ml thorn BROS. .v-V v?w?I-I-u' . I Jill-21H. l.'lrgluln horn hum" ul .I lluI ?In I'rll hl?ll lull! Ill 'l'l'lcl MIDI ll-I'I-nl Eh? Ilrn Ill. Illill? llH' .l lquI I llilf? lulhl?ll lml?n ?Ill-I. IllImnlIouI- ll." Inll unlu nu.- lmll'r- Ni'l'l ll.- 'I'lr-nl ll. l?llj? of null tl fill! ll .Il no ?Ill. IIMI Il IWII pollen "Hair-Mp. N?lrolh. Vl'ulln? llolnollo. villr'. ll Purmu lIIu .Ihd IIllu-I Ill. pub] unII u] lull Illj?l .-Ill II. Ill? ll?u?? Ilall I ?Ill! "Lil comp. Rain-?rump 1 Hull in llol .I.I lull lulu-f ll, ?um mill I-.I.II. [inn-I'll Attempt Made To Kill Pmmior.? His Amilaul Taken 'll'l? I'invul CAIRO. Doc. Irv?An I'll] Ill-mp! Imldn In 1h l0 HIlIlIlry, In! lrlulu-d. Fill Ollie as.? 1 . ?lls-:1 Mum." of ?In llon ?If. A, CrIlloo. LL49. 21.00" nut-blur gum. and Ilrm- of Hu- llII' Hun lI.llI- lulu "Hula-I [rum oomph-Iv 1..- lor Kunming {lulu-rill ln Ihll Ill' nu-rlmII lam-M Illh I. I'll!? lIllLl'l. ,2ll. lil'l, ll Ilqu man. than of rnnI'I-rwm-II Ill-m. SHOPPING Ila-lulu nl Itml- anI Ihlli'l?' or. IIwrl? :1 [null (II mall.? and Il . nulluhlr l'or Mm our. ll unnot In o??or many ul' lulu.- WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STA MP8 SWll?lcy a Fretwell Dru ulIu. man I. I'd-on! lot-Ila SPEEIAL REPOR TO BAK ER {175.qu APPEALS T0 l'llj' I 'l?llI' I'll Ill 'l'IIl-l II II I-I Ill Ill Il'l'lIl ll'nll of .I .. Ill - ('lliel' .4 To Public To {lid in Keeping Hts. 'lmr ll l'hlI~II Id Il l\Il II1II .I IIMII 1l' llIIi ll.nI- Ill-I-:. .I ull?. .l . rIlI'lI- I. .I uh Mill I I . Ill Iln Ill ll1I' I rll-ll .In I I Ill" Ill" II I. I'll? I l. ll'll' I In l-I- ~l'l'l'l 'Il l- 1-. -11- ll .II- hlh'l'l II lI lI-rr IIrIll- lIlI I. "11- In?. II.I lI-r?. lIlII-l -ll ll Ill.? l-I? l? Ill .I.Ill ITIIL l'l'll llju'll l-llr'l IIMII fll .Ill' In; ll .I l' .Ill NW 1..-.-- l.lIn: Rum?llIh-II l'rd'II: - lk?V. Ill-ll?llwl ll ?IrIInglluul Illn lo l'l.I.l- 'I'Ilr nllj~ It I'm-l 0 "Ir Ilu-I In mum?I? II l'lul ll?l. Il ?will?? I'm-In. II. llIlII 'l'l'llull Ill l and .'lIll I Ill rllI- -.H lI 1"l Ill Ill.I llHI?lr 1llu- (ll-rlI-lml -II "I'll "Ill 1II. ll? lh>r nl ll Ill I. Il'c [l I'IIurl New Today 4 QOBE l'lT WARN A?h. Fran." EY THE s. SUPREME COURT .rI. HOPE FOR WET XMAS N0 DECISIDN 0N ENFIORCEMENT ?or. IE. War-limo [Iro- ilrilion was constitutional today in; tho ullrl-mv (?ourt in a unanimous Ill-vision. 'l'hus 'I?uniI-Ilwcl hum of for .1 Wet lmliduy time. No decision was on l'ilHl'l-l involv- illg? the rollstiluliouulitl.? of ?10 prohibition on- Il'orI-l-ment out. framed to carry out the intIl-ut of lhl.? prohillililln lo lu Housing. .lssol'iulo .luslil'v hold till: is binding on stall-ll II..- well :Is the federal Ilfol'oru moot. 'l?hl: tll?l'ision added our of tho mile- :Ilonl's to loll fight to lollkl' country dry. The court ugnill nl-xl which the ('llHt? is to decided. court will l't?t'l'h?h' until January the I'llh. .Ium-lIItrll I'rrul..l.ll'Ill ..llIllHIl- .I II l'I I lu-ll ..Illu ll.l I?lI-l II I I. I: lI-u - IllI I ..I. I.l I ll- I I .I.I1-II l. --p'.-I- .III- lI.II II. ll\.I ll a I I1l l..-ml ill I l""1'l .llnl "f l-I ll I'l'l Ill-l'llI-II Hill-lull I-I Il?u'l?ll Il'l?l A l'IIllIlIolIl I . A ll Ill .nllII HP ll"ll llI ill." IF I. I Il.l lI- llIlIlIl'I-l I -1 I I .I.I. ..1 . I I. II hl .l Ill ?Nu-u. . ll-IlI A.-.. -- II-II . I. II. .l II. Illal..' .II. I-II Ill-l I .. I . l"Iil'..II- Ilil l'l.1 I-l l. lI ll'Il-l- l? l-I' 1-llI-.I- .I.I .I. . . I ll-' H. -I II. II .I lull-I .I I. -II.I . I .l I.I. I. .l I. -I .m-ll..I' Ill. II II. 'I-Ili. - ll I l-I .0. .I- ..1-.II ., II I. II .I.I I .l'lu' I. ll.II. I I .I.I.II1..I.I . .I.I.-. .l .I I- . I. lt-In'l .II II .1- I'llI'l. llI.I.- l'Ilrnll'rp. .ll I'll'II-'l IN l II in I 'l'll' Ill'l. ?liI' l' l? I. ul,? l' I I'l" 1ll-v-l l. lull-llbl"ll .. I-.. ll1l'1'l I-I an I. II- II Ill" Hi" I "l In full 10 I'm '5 AUTO- upsulc Freeze Last Night? MEETING Th? .I.I. I. .Il' Illv Haul. .ll I'll. .ll ll .1 HI Tl HI. IWJIIrW?lIIrh ll?w Ill Sold by . '21; mos. aoasasm .-. .-. Quality Counts VOLUME no. so. I Illa. .102.? ,Wholh I Ible in?ict Sell. Leader Ads Are The Merchandising Mirror of the Comm NG LEADER. . . . ll itl? . a .AID-L 4.. .- MONDAY. OCTOBER .3, 1.919. 53.5.. memos - -r sun n. c. cannon T0 an TUESDAY J. n? n. titular! l'Iutpler Will Hun-I'- tutu Noon-Fourth Annqu t?uu- ol' Hot-nth; hl?lh?d Ila-Inn? l-lnl- ulou Ilouln WHIm-ndu Mon-ulna; 'l'l'lmlh Hr J. E. II. ?tulrt or ton, Lin. J. II. ore-gloom. Ill to about. two bl! h?rll till- walk to tho touut?y- lJIlI'Illan. Unltutl of tho tinnl'ollornor. Tuudly own- Io? ho Iho coca-Ion at "Irul- coma" rocoptlou. llnl-tnou Ioulono 112??! Wodumdor uonllnuo through and no open to the granite. All mullnp ho held In tho Ill. C. locrotlltod Lunohuon lao lorrod II. tho nnu l-?ndny to tho and ICIt?TUlII-ll?ltl Ilolu- all?. Al haoton to tho of?l?or? Ind dolugntu. [Ito lot-l Into dono Mouton to multu lholr lily In Huunlon ?Irotll tilt-ru- and orotltuhlo. Tun-day oronlux Ottohor tho It clock. Ill.- boon "wol- Icorno oronlnl" olI-rt'htoo Ito hold to .publlc In Mtor I prononl or manual. mul- Ill. In Inform-I In In ordor In tho dunno-t room: qt tho bulldlol. All chant? mumb- If. ?pound to ho and lmr?orhoo tnoo thu oouortuulty to htoud lot the cluplor un tortu- llon to' Jlohon (rump. Augusta. Homorlul Ainmlotlon. llou? tone- at dolontoa. Doughton at tho Amorltm Horolutlon. and all who lulu: purl. In. tho prolroot from to do: to uttoud thlu rocootluu. Tho tollowlnu urn vortootlor Irranxmm-ntu ttawnrd .rng'ktng tht- convuutlun Ill. ot'l-nt in tho Chwtor?l Illntory: ?llronlmwol llru.- It. ll. Decontan Connolltuo. H11. W. H. lAnIlM. Mro. W. ll. mam. Conunlttoo. Mrs. l. C. ero. notomtltoo. Mrn. A. M. llowlnon. and hontounn oI Convonllon Ill-r. ll. (1. Nonlo and uldronn: l'roultlont IllrI-qu. Mru. W. C. Flournoy. In)! View. VIL: laboratory. Anni. Bonn. Pol- orohurx. trouumr. Mn. ll. ll. Toto. Pulultl. fourth vlcwurm- ldont. Mn. 0. K. Iowntun. Illch- mom]. Mn. 1.. U. Worn. Ilovorlor Hotel. Clue-Ila or Ghaplor II. Flor-truly Hru. Ohu, Homtnr. ChrI-tlmubnrn. Vu.; ?oratory. Mllu Nnuoto Capo Churloo. VII Illr Mn. H. A. Al?l?lhf. Iot- bodon. Vn.: ohulrmoo. Mlu Vou?l'otltl. Palmyra. lulu. H. II. our; Mn. (anqu Do Puo roar.) Augusta County Apple 9 I - Tho ontrloI at ozhihlu lot- tho lulu-to {lo-nut:r Apple in tho rumor- and Horohootl Book. cloud at ll noon todllr. Tho ho lodcod Mon. do: oltnmoou at o'clock bar l'rot. no: ll. llor?tlonlturlal. or Polytoubulo It Blank-hurl. Mr. Prod A. Hot: at tho Amorlcon Drohora 00.. tutu. o! room. Ind Ill-pt. J. H. tho Mahmud. Tron. of Luzon: coun-_ tr. Hampton. Va. 'l?ln'wml- um ho unwound hoodlum-Ir ?tor tho loam? docto- - Iona hon boon. mannaIoniqu up arm at lloul trunk mun In the Hull". lInIt for many yum-l lum? Yl'll' tIlo lor prim ulrou or tho (3. U. for having tho Imt truck on rnml. 11:! Iran. of trot-l1 Iur Hounlnlo tllulrlol, and It Wllo prldo to lump It In Ilnll clltuu Ilu troll known for Mill wltlo to Itu-u. null. they mul who know Ill-ll] lItl' Mlounl. Ito won II- ltoml to all dullun and good nolxhbor Ill'ltI Huron-In; Cunt nru four Mrs. N. ol' Mrn. John Hopewell. l-IIrIonn plul'lu null Mor- xlrot and HM. J. ot lIlIlI cllr. Rhea as Winner 0! Special Prize Ilorlturtl till [110 Humor ol I'lrnt "lot" In tho Moln- lu-rnnlu [inmpulutl not: hollu con- duololl hr the local Y. M. A. 'l?lw nl'l'ort lloltun "ml NH- [or trunk. rn-uehlnn n. con olunlon For the to m-rltro nllu pulltlo mouthn' plum tu Nt-w ?I'l'l'll. vnouxlt It:- lulul HUI now tlto town In tho Nou- [or (Inn boy who thu- llrul IUD polntu; flu-t mum-r In all noun; normal. Ilt'e ln ?tlItI.? ll. rt-nr?u uu-1u- In Y. M, An. ul: Ill tho Homo [In wurltI-ru Illtl?l' InlluWn?. I-?lulur nulntu: nu.- Iluruurtl Ht}: Jultw. Mil-n lluttur. ll; Lou Hrllu l-llulth. 16. tlt?rlu-ru wltu oro worhlnu uro Jm- 'l'l'nulln'ortl. Thnullorn Walloon uun. Frutl'l. Ilolt. Holt. John 'll'ltllu. Joltn Ellolltol'. llornCu Jurdnu. Emory Jill'- llun. (Illumth Illtu-r. - Ft)? I-?Iti H'I?thi In flnu and county. I. tltruloluun. of tho Uolror-lly or outd lhroo In tho morutmt of Juan Mnr'n court for on tho IIr?-Oll- Bunting Thu otllor In tho ntl'nlr. 11. ll. Wollb. drlvor I'or Illnxur llultln: Co.. no ?monsoon. AT l-lmuttol Moore. wull Ituuwu null roumetull eolurml GI lltlu clly. unrurml ally lloupttul Itt [or an onurntlon. RUBBER clons? HM WnInr Bottlua. Fonutnlo Futon lluxn. Itntl Ilu'lr Il-ur tllo'rou. All at tho llhu'l?o by 'tll- uro utrletly ?unor- unload. 1 moo no? i 159.? ?x In tw- lrur the EII-lenlml rllurell ull urnl' country. MI Who urn In tho lnuruumnl. mumllol'u of the: neutral or not. nru luvttl-tl to at- Ionzl uttornuon I?l? alum It! It um! I o'clock. Thori- Inn no Iul-ullnx In tho Iwunltm In or- llur llutl Ilnlt'ttntun from out or may return. In Itunwu Over $5,000 Damage When Barn Burned r' Iron! lln- or trlu'llult I-uttlun utu-r- ullm: tho lI'ltI ml Ilw rurut tlI H. (Y. Wllnun. on Ilunll' mu burned nun our Ilt?I. 'ank. a hull of Itntl ?.000. Thu oouululoll cltlul'l)? uf win-Ill. inulut. [Inlu'll? lull-u nun-ll. French Senate Rati?es Treaty Url. Pronth m'lluhl umth- .nnl tho Fronro-Muorlcnu 'l?hu rolo or your" lrl-uty u'nn for Nona n- Huluut. Thu fur nl' um Iltllunuu ll'lut ttll- uullnunu. tots At Chester Pa. Prim) UPI. II?Iltu'? rlnu laurel Unl- IImtll shut and nvl- uolou tllutn I'ulullr lujurutl. MI of tho nru Muyor I'Lnn hula-ll ll1o [or no- nlutuncu. glace? FJNNIH ll'llun Fullnlu Doyle. Don the moat holorotl on Bruno!- vlttu. tllotl tlluro on Humltu'. 'l'lm donut mull hulfo Iloun Iutltlon. Ill l'rlunlln lmro Itml- not Iwu?rtl of her ulna?. Dr. A. M. Frnuor ol lltnuulon l'roulxrtorlnn clmroh Inn round to In tho lb- uonoo of untol- I tho chum . to conduct the mound. Ml" llos'lo won of tho hold or the donortomnt at tho church Hollow mount. untl on non of tilt: mull lclI'I'o workuru to tho church. In?; tit-do hl?r 'll?IlIl hor Ilotor. Mro. (I. H. CPI-II. KANTLEEK. RUB- BER GOODS From top to bottom tho Klotlaolt not Wutor no: in all one olm.? Tltoro uro no mom. on notation. no lnllooa. Thu outlro bu II moulded Into lino place ol.? sort It can't look hoe-out! tt II mode In ono pllt'o ??lI tlul II our ooigunrv ontoo ll for turn roll-l. For only M. WILLSON BROS. Druszluto. sun VICTOR not RACE "I'lf'?l'd by "In 'I'Imr- ll-rItl-r Tluut of LI. Magnum: tl?lt'ln I If Mull Ill-ll. Prom.) N. Ut?l. Illa?Ito? ennln In tho lot: lull-ll ol' Lowoll Irum Han I?rlnolnt?u. Intll- onto In. button Illonlolt- out in tho "co by Ittrorlr mlnutum. leurou ham to ho rur- Inocl lloiurn Ilovluluu ho llIIlIl?. lla'IIl-r Time (In Ilnluru RAN Oct. tounnl Mnyourll tmluy It? would he Io Ill-I I'utnrn mum to It" would mm ll1l1 uumn nir- ulnlw l-trn-l'lmtr to mull" llum on tho nuntwurtl hw'num' wlmlu Ill lulu furor. .?u'lnrnurll plnunlul to try {or trunk-runtluuntul l?l'lTlII'lI In No- Iromlu-r purtloulurly Im' upon-I null lmuml to ?y from the In the l?ul'lrll? in two Ilm'v MINHHI.A. tlrl. uI gulf-two ulurlvru lu Ill'r'l?ll?tl trunu-mulluI-Illul rot-4.1 Itoml up only Imlny lull tho war from Mlun-oln to Hon l-?runrlm-u to contlnuu lln-lr !?l'tHl' AT Dr. J. II. 'l?llomnu. county uI ?I'm-It- In II Hm Kinu'n ?mum.? ?chun- Im Itlullullt ftll' MI nporullnl: nt tho ul llr. It. 'l?llu Want to how pol-runnle tIuI'lmc Il'm nun-n- 1m: but Ill-I'm tton luto llu llr. Ilol'l tum Ilu- not to nporutu. llr. .'I?hontnn probably Ito to ruturn to homo I?Ithln the not! too . You moon?s IUD In tlmu or ohut a ?Iu; rulluneo You ?lo-r: lulu-o lo the dontun Iudlomont. ltaw Im- vllolt In your Inlth In tho onto and oumtnoun ho wrltou tho m?F troll known Hut hull you oror thought ot? largo or eurolutnou mul hauuty that ll. norumrr lrom tho. auth- Ila-tho ooh- manual-o v. ?1 i t'llr? Walker fur mum- I trout Hlnunluu. ltuturullu; In?! It! Lu.- II um! um! Elnll-I? Illa llwro hm lulu rum- nI. tnoltotl Ilto woluhlt rotor. ll l-~I llI'lollI-Il. pullrn ntltur IrrI'l't'tI Irll II. lulul' In ?mun-r to II. r-uln mono. Ilu?t lullull tllu~ u-omuu It It lulu: youth In Inter nppuurnl to: Ho- wIlIl ul'l rlulIIl'Iu lu- .t :Iullr'u- l?l'r Iw l'l'Il}' Ito hull not Inn-n 'I'Itt- ul'fIt'I-r Ill't'l'l? you 1m! Ilronutlmt who: qul roull)? Imuuon- ml. lunt rut wont-tn all to wnu reply. .. Next Community Sing On Sunday 1mka [ll-1' Ill ulnhl o't'lurlt, tho ruxulur won-lily lw pontoon-HI "rm-It unltl .?ltuulut'. l'l' 'I'Illu ul' IIillI? In In l'lu'l lIlItl l'nulnlu Ill' l'll-Inlt Ill II. C. will II1 nl Hm M. l'nl?ll?. Nail [:mulm?lutl llf.? ll. Unlu- ml'tl Itlnl llII' IILl-Ilml ll. IltIlI? purl. ?I?ln-rl- Im utleolnl leullnm . . VI I'l'lu'll?l- I'vrrl' I.IJII1 Jul- rlw? II.II Im?It Mutu- Iu'nnh'. uwrluu ?I'll-ll. tho llu- tlrlulH-I' m-u- ulun uI In Mouton-t: IN nl' llII' "all" lo Ill ul tho E-lnulrl ['lluln moutl whom Im . .. (Elmo. Iauon t tllt I Ill In In Im rorr ult'olr ul Illtlo. NEW I Hon. II: Hung-"u. Illrl'I'uj.? I'm?th unll lull-ll unil l?lmrm-u ul' Itut'lrut wtt'l-n on lIIl}'_ I Kent To Addre?x en '3 t' 'lnh Tuesday. Orr. 21m? The ?011 rlr-mn Illul Ium-IInp: of I?Iuh l-l I-ll 21!! I I.I.I-I Amnrlu-un :lmI-luln [n lulu-n \lul' wun tltl' {?unuulnlu ul In?Il?mIf'. who" mulnl' MI. lin-tlt I'Il'll llu- Unilml .?ltutun mt Ill Iltlu- tl-nmlu. pom [It ?n In ntI Ill? Ill lIt?U In lb- IH nl!? Itln will [mull 'I'Imnl' nl? (I rnt'u- I'I?tl Hu'llrl-rlunll. l'nu. :tll- wan Ill ul-l Il'l I-vnl wn'l In Tl)? Il'llt-r IluI n-I ll Il-t :lu-Imlut tiurn'm- ll. ?llmuw. II: 3w? HI- . Ill'l'IIl'I? nIlIt'InIIl, ITI- t'Itry (Il'llr- I'I'tluillultl'w ?tril- rluu In I11 Smut-Ir .lluI-nl'n Ian {ll-?lu-Iulal. ?null! wltulutl-I? Ill' wmll- Inl'lm' Ill.? wrutn ll Ito-nun llu-rr- In" lu IHull-w I'rf?rllII'I'lI? SI-Ilulnl Imv. .uIl'h-I 'iI l-clml llf'lt l-tlhl-t' I'm-lulu m' "m1 ul lltI- rm --.Illtt I. hll'fIll Hunt the "um! ll'u'o" mu'u "ltll utll h" on.? rurtl-r In Hurlutul' n-n-n In tho I1I-?lnu t 11I llIIKhl [manly- ..II. hm In Fur 1h" tut-I wt?ltk rI?I'm II In.u_t? lltl?l tun-ll hum How to ti I'nll'l? rIIl Lul, Int-"tn I'm' tlau uI' fol-1 II1.'tl tn1tll- In Imrutlm: Mr. Ill-Ill lt'I'I. IIHILII- In- l'ml IuIl'v?. ?l'hu tu ntIu-r nl? Innmlu-?Im- Iu .ulltu--.~ ?ml-r. r: - HHIIN Il'l?. INT-HH- Junwu HI..- lleunlur lnlnully ulalmn-ul .lt Hum-nu. .nrln-II Hnlurllul? uIItlIt lu .L ulmrt lImI' wll'n Mull ?In. lint-u ln-uu Ill?r? Iur nomu tllm- Hull- Hunt. IulIn-r. Julm-u ll, Iunt ullII-r Ill?lrl In rnuttlul' Arm.- for TIP-lle twontr Inn-urn. llu untl' m~rl u~ In In the Inn. and nut nurru-tlnl: In In o?zu-n-llu-ur In-..ltll mm! In ulnll In Kol tn Illa "lull Ilumu and to In- _Ill l'rlww Imuululuulw rho?~? AHHls'rl'l'tl It ltuvwrult nullutllm Ill-v. 1'2 Memo-kl", II. It. In In nun-Hull thun- II. til-:mrr-l rumour: ll hll-luun. N. In. In Ill 'l?nmulnl'. the ?In. In: In of tho "[110" to In- how. . . SANUX SANIIK A Tonic and Blood Reconstructive for Indigestion, Dys- pepsia. Constipation. Torpid Liver. Nervous- neuu and General De- bility. THOS. who what Ito oumlhol. . Om- Wt In a modal or MIEIIGII not turn. and when ?ll your you lot out what your doctor ordorl. Smmley?tllretwell - humour! LI JOY: I. I .rg 1 I on" Persona Borrlco . . 1'1qu man . - 'l . 1 . Quality Counts Irltt HE IlI'l Iltl'v. 'I'ltli lulln'lullt: Ill-en I. In I'm IIlt :I'I'ull'l. lln- lulu" It nlnu of .IrtrI 1 .n lt1lr1 lrm I1 Iln- ll Irlp trl l unmo ?mule: l?ur .?nlm- lIlI' 111- [tiny-mu II-HI. I'm-1 to Iml lulu-lit I1I tlu- lI.I_l' qu-u Illu unh- ..I.mrl- Mum-1 won {ml to: Mr l'nt? .I unl- In- pnu'tnrl "1n Mum-4 ll. 'I?n Ill' Illn Ilu'l'u' ltu' ILHI Imll- tut-nutm- In! of flip Imus Illulltru-l' TItn lm'l nth-u.- u-ul-I'II .l-I ll) u. utln?nrl'll ll rum-hm] lruluu urn-r.- unuu-nwurolln at tt?lul.- and tho many 0f tllu un-l ro- ltuntluul-ul nu ?I?wo OUR BANKING 1 SERVICE NE gowrulnu Iltlu ?mum-t tn llu ul't'l?lt't' that ?to ~trlI?In-ul utll'nllou mull II-G ?171'? It" o'llt?Il I'?'nunfl lnrm't nr ul? mm". 1110 token to- uotln-r the l'tpt-rleurd- m! r?l?rrt' Imnktu' nt?t'tlrm?r. IllnlI) urruunto with tho all "In! run-lull?! Ill. It" Illum- olth lumlt. .1 null-ital mn- In our mh'I-t'IIM-nu'll and no In null-.IJ' HM luququ thlu Ilnnk llr mnltury I tlu-tr mot-toy. Itmll?ltt?l-?H 0 '4 ANII A HALF A "Nail-"h"; mu . 1116 Augusta I:Ilu . can?! In Wo rur- . 4 ?now - A l? - - Hhu? v.4- .mnuFuneral of Laptam (WWI-H1 a? Meredith On c? 1 ?l ?game ?y A - hv- a - (fallen 9d may humorCoot. .J. Mumlnu .Ilwl nl Ills. Hum-tthIr-I In tt'nuu- lung.- Ih-m um. I II I . homo on t'uollt'r ullurl- tho 0f ?In! .llrI'II-lt mm! In Hallo: 1y ortor and about utlly hol'o?oull Div-ht ?Inn of Tl"! Ihl- owl-s ull II 11.L1 . II . ml" 0? Mi"- um! ml Erunlno L-mrlm' Ilml tumur- llml-I - bum: mm" [or ?mun? "r Emu"- I Ill-W mornlux. I I'll ml I I '10 tile "1 0'11! You I-?Ill to know of . m-lln-llulml n. In- lu-Irl all July. For mum!? [In-nu? . It:qu Ilr?ukmnl ?lm? . tll- ?mm hall "In" A runluroltro of mumlmm "f rolul Illu \lornln -- - - II 1h:P "l"1 till; I - - d?ll'l? 0" rommll- Lennon. thorn-HI wIlIl Inn'lnlt nluln un-I hm" umnwh'w mill row mm two or Eulwupul rllureh from .tlwur: .m ?mm. ?n m? I'IlltI not In ul?I-?I? L-uurlmo Forms. town-mm", tho lookout! um.? ??u-lulu I. ultd Ilh?ll?ll. .?l?llu 'tm llunuu. ?u'lulh. l-ltnum It In a grunt untlulurllun wt? nut-u ?mm. ruplrruwm hm .mmhul, n" [ml . . - 1:qu on qurolun not tho Mnl'ulnn I'mnl l'l'kn .. rm.- unanl ermum ?muck 3" n'q'wlh'" "n If "nu'l'm "r Elmo of MN lltu lwr..unm lnlIm-II no! I Ito-4 "t'rrt-hrnl court-I1. of 1w Wu! l'llm'" "11' Ill" . l'llu :Il~ ll- I. Th". Wm "IL-"mmrrlluci?l ll: {luran um owl. um out Kl'nurl m1 I [n Tlmt'nrunu Hchoul room of 'I'rlnlu' (:lulrl'h at rortnlult)?. lury uruhlux ltlu our?. I?lIIllrlIl'II u. "l I. ?lawman. I'll ht?? :1 I ?'ml {lot the l'?'t'll'u lluttr noWH- Inu- I'ut' In-nrllu: tluI ul?JlIlI'I York thy. II) ?In? h} tumor llanI-nlwo "mullrn "Inn-unumht'" hurl. H. {Ill .?l-I-m-Iull-II I'I'd'wl olwn nultll youlut nllII urn-w up ?It'll? ?Hill?: HIM - knoll nu:- tu tun- mmqu - .. h, ?r Minn] on H. Mm .roud lurhumnd? but "Hm. ?In? n. I H: Thu In?ltIl-r! II "Hut "mu-"Mum lxmul mum If You? Iu-ulu Ill I 'l'llo Imlrr. lulu hall for mum.- tluw no It In lluI (In ll?mInI-mlny (Irrqu-l II Irll ?"wa?mm' It thuulon. lItItl In "In "w wurk ?Mill ?w ?lrl?I?ll t'll'll' mlln- I Ign'm Hm" ?mm. "mm" mall?mumulmn I. 3 -l'I I. lull") In- Ill 1? "hum- u'lmnocllult emu II -I ?In? m" ?Hint-W Ill' ?mm ?mu run}. mm?. out H- unglu" lnul II on u" I I Ill-mull?! . 1 s. I WI-?ww-ww Ilium. _-nu..1w .. I rm?wnuup. ?nun?r. my . or 170: i Papal]. II- nm-?WI? mum In All?. MW Militia: . llL?IlrIun-n Brawn harm today than Ilnm In (Incl-n. tour In In: {Inn ("m?mm II lr-II than In m" up" ?on? Inf: anII In Inn: Ibo: mu. Mill-Inn wunm?t would ?port II In ?I?ll II Ion-uh:- IIonIl mm" Ind-r HOB nun Jun-Hun dun-nu at Palm: IIu-Iollunu the II Haunt Colhr Illd "In all bi tall! ?l'llI Ill-Illa o! I In! Guiana. hn?w. II MI In I youqu on. .- I'm Ann-- - Ind hunch Icy-runwayInn" at both Palm Dolby dInIIrId In I turn-l HII publlIIllul at ?nch nowThu ?fill?! at rlh?'b? II. Mun of Wmnul II I on on. palm. IJnllI-d Mal-I I'll mud. Ill. ?and Ir! Prune. I'll! II of non I magma OI ?u ?and . ruin-I InnIInnr-II bIIan "Ill Inunlor ?In! a. Pals-I IHI I!an nanN-rn 'I'anl It". mull-Ml 1M Fill-?Ill! IN Inga I In Ind n" Ihn FlnI-Inl Irv-911a I'nlI-Iu "1?!an In erh?nn ?nl?l 'hlyl fl." ?My? Inalndk?l ?nlu I brindl- rm?uu I hIIllI born_I Popuh Inn-m ll?hrIInII-n??n kl I .man ?Irma-HI: P'H?l'fh val-nu I In HI Inf-Ila ?ung? Inn, round I. am Mad-qua! ?nu-I. nun?I In In MIth monk IMH In IMI Irv-rd mid?I I-Irnn In In? gnu-?Inlan- In": rIlImd run-I. mun-umlnn. cIIn no In'dI In. of In upl- Ir ?f'oir?t' Ih? uv'nl an! ?0 MI I'IInun In I Iron- low-NI Hull! In I link In". or (?col I fort-mm. In Ind mum-I "hi. I 'I'Iw'lr- In Hum TOHR ZIHEAED- IN.- I. I i ~ulmi?' 4 *5 I minim: Atatu- mm- Immune-I-I?mmnp ?my Cum. In I "Irm mun-n: IdanI-d. In "our Th- Borro- Irv ?Inf Prime" I In I Hf [If liar-1n- nIIrIpr rl? Inga.- In :?I'hn nu- I'm-Ii. HMI-d'nl' ?nI-h?Two Horne! 'Are Killed In Double Team ,,Runaway Ho II Ital-I II n. W. Ul'l? lutn ihun tlu harm Int-d II ol? rnIlId {Iran I thoulh lIrlIrm- In II. Irll?l unrl up unubIn II: ?what Ila Ilium. lIorIIu an Id mu err-II Ind In I. uh": our I. "In" IlrnIm. Ind InIa aural-n on- InanIyII drawn-Ind Ind nth" Ind nId Io bf! Ihnt. $759 In Received I For NurIeI? Fund I A IuhIrtInIlnn uI' I'rlqd" man-d Ind or an- Him. Irom Hr. In. II. am dollnr lram Chu. Hun-r- brought Ioul 1? the Iu- lund In luau :I'Ipun 'l'I-ll II Io Inr lo fund. MI IIan II null at tho win or In warn?- of or Humor- 0 a I Lake And Coast .v Linen Wan In: hu- lull. ll. .I'lnI roanIu In In" rlrfII?rI In- any Inna the II. Imer _In In murmur-I7 um: fur I rIIu In Ill Ihn IanI Irn not anI-Iurfl dr?rnl I'm-nun Ihair II. VII-I ErImII-ur ll.? ram-II II Ilvu bond lo- muI'rnw. - A rIrnI-rnI-II Ind nth-r randan n'r WIMI. Irn Imlu Inn" I run Inn-Ion. an I-ambing TIMI Milli Ind Innh 1ther mn Inn rnnInn Intel: In?lh Iowa at Ihnt I?m mnr? than Than- ll? "mm-?II Iwao?l nruld 11m. nut-Inna lmul nI' umInm-dnr IrmnlamrnlI nt Ibl II mu numhm. but In nIhIr In "n In A'Illrl In from Imln AI Inn. "and ?Il'll {fol-I Illa Irunlnl In Ihn I nl' l?nnoIrI of thrill-1. which an {maul l?n?nh ppm-d In? In front: I'Iulnt. 1'th 1mm Inna-[Id an Innu- thrh?I In: Inc dru- Iln or I'll! lulu-II than Hm ?l'rII-II-rn I I?rnnl whlu}: I'll up wu In?nr MI InnIhI-Mt'all Thnm. It: rM? Mrnl?lnln In Inn-Inn: Ihn af?rm. I'lln IF,th I'm I-I ?ll! hulk ?HI-Alum IHWM IMII tn. [mt I - Inn hn Imam. um "Inn- Il?mil? a. . rInI. . I . I 3~4Iw I [Men of no..qu Inrotlmulr mm In In: II tho d-Mm-nl'l ?It ImhI-n. ?annual In In Ind nor an too-Ind an-wnni. Ihh poInI un- deIrI- mportnd I - nu Ibuu than or July l'oo-d nI' Inur Ind. In l?llh 1-1- on?. clothe- Ind uInIhInI Ind l?l'll pr ?at. out It". ?I'uol ?hr? unord- II daumr- unmm hut wulu?. Ilium-I'M II lI?o out In." pIr Inn In In" HINGE Speah . Twine From-Po 1 w?rl?f (ll: A flu-1 Marlon. Aug In In II I?ll? II LI If Humor I?m Ih?? Iguana. Th. namlln "Iain lo I mu IndIIn who I plan for nun-Inn at IhIlr 1mm. TM stand In; Ioul manna "Id I'll I plan I Will run-Ir?In, pol-I In?) I I mm.? I 'l'Ilur lulu-nun but. who II ulnIbI no . Ill. . Itchi pour! I a? v. u. nun-I?m. I II I Munst- County II. N. W. mom lulu-In". TIMI mm of! Ham, Honnail-I. I. D. Winn. . Eat. L. I. hull. I). II ?rodent-Ila: I I. 0. ?Milan. u! I. II II All lull! II [Ion In In NHI Hull II :m lun?ny. II. I In or If r-ul :Ilo nun-run I "In nit-ll "0 Mun-tnbrought nmIrIIn II- 09- I ion-II ut I to and. Ind Ijn Iw?ll? widIuIm. I Nan Ihn Tenn-nu lulu-- Had n- ru-II-n? hr Ihn nan-Inn lh'l-lv Ind In- Irltl?m? ?on Duo or IHI mnIr nun-ful- lI' Fri-pared InMrha-l In ha. MI l'ml'n lw?rrnv In ?rli IJI Illa mum Ian-I'll [mm ?In? hImI Inr 'hlI Inm- mr oI .L- Itmm Inn onlump. lmI an. or both ?tin II 1- Inch- I hr nl' Ibo AmanI-In Emu II ?mum at Human. Ind. non. II - "mum". on Illa". Aunt. In] In In. Bill-I. Inna-v II I10 n'rlm. Ill Ilnld II ?If? church on It TM Int- Ivan hr Ihn Rn. Hr. nl Til-kiln: ?prlu .34 It". the. 'l'h ?urn l. Uri-rat. Clark. Ind. II. Thu ?ew-r I'm-r nnII n'l' In. mum-II mm In Inn. ?i?iidm' Gmty War: ?I?icordl Blur Inm- [Million El II II ?hp- the tuna In Iaqu II wn?u til at" nut." no ?le II: and: NI lr-l-I? - a mum It run. I: Moll-an II II VII 3 IngII. Manual 03Lunrn Ind llnur. Arum-Inn. l-tII-rrlII-I. 1'30? Ill'l? of m. unnumnm nm?l Ill Io [ho I'hurrh I. IIundIy IIrhnuI and II- llrl 1 nn In L. Bumlny Hrhn-nl 'Irln11nn In Communlly - "nu. Jur?nn . Governor Cox 0 Refuses . 0' I 01' VIrgInin Man MI: llonIlnIr, ?than Inn In I'lrI-ull mm [or mrjurr Ia hrl?hnn ll HM (If Ilnnulnr uni-"n. yuan Ian, and who Inprehtnn- l.le In Oh?ln.. ha hrnI'hl Ind umb- Ihlr [Had an Illhuunh mm oIhrrI won- nI lln- Ind 'hl'rl utnd Irmlr ?aw JIrnnI 11170:. If Uhlrr. nu In Iur- Hun-In In l'lrulnln Iar unplug Han-Iry'lfnn with uni-II nI'hIr mm on I fill?? of I hrrn. Ila loll munlr Intern hur- b- num- I'u hard of him unm IannI :Ihm W. II. IMHMII nrdun? ill IfroII Ill Ohio. Inl?lflm?l ind bun rllh-r nr from man II In In In. tllu 1I'I-ln II Iprll lumb- Ini II In". U. Ind T. 111115!? ?14. nlI'l'Fl'l?I? Wyn!- .II VlrIInln I'm- Indium "up" on (101075"? Cal. 0 In, In! the MIurn H?ll to Inf Gm. "Inna l'l'lpll'l Iml erl Fun-Ir In Col? In." {or who. In hnil I ll?ll' "mun-d In nun: I?m-In I n- rl'll?ltd In 6w. Col 'l'hn hn erItII In GIN-nun TIMI: and MIN Inm- raw. 045? HI 'lIlIIr. rrvII'IrI all. 6 I'll 01" run um In?. tho ugh-I. In: mun I [print ?mull Ih mulnll [any um Inln I Imd ?II-ll! In Ohio . inml In! In m. m. that Mo- on; mayI??l In. enrm1, alum-In "Iho "10 land (If It?" Ind Ina rIrInI-Itlnn In; I pmm- Inn at p-I-I-tIIrmIan n! mall'mm IlIrrIInn. of I Ilnurnnr'I I'Irnn-Ilnn IIan Ind? In IrrIIn {lur- nrnm?n Inn-Ill? Ilnnd. . . [101.31 mm. "fit AW ll.? Pro- II Iodnnl lam-l n?lrm human-Int of Tar-non- aro In? I ('nllu' Irur II run mind hm. HI prawn-I. It. Curly In wo- on. ro- quI. null" ._It Intlon, II hudnuIrInn Iun?rq- nun nah-II I n! nhIlIuhIm'. A luln ul [Humid Hume 01 m'l In plnur II Iho alumna. i Inn-Inn" In Will 1w Illa? II ?Iinvornur f?nI. In-nn-nnr I'ul. nn rMI-lpl nf ?I'u lnII. Iodnr. G. 0. P. Plans Win Women?s Votes, (Bl PHI-I hut. Ponzi Gets First . Heat-ink Today . All: Immune! (In. In of Imam. In In dull-min 0 B. nun. . Ill- ?II-mm lender-Inn or I:qu In Ihlth datutnd In: ?In. far . IIan nInIu- I-rn IpnII-Ilnn InlnnarnInI ululrh wunlrt by In r'nu Ind. Hnn?nr ".rdln' "mun" Iwn unanIllunI undnr durum Ihn nmpu'lun Rum." Tho Inna-uncut! . li?l??ptl?d In In In?! hlnrnIIlu-nlln'l II I um I "ny? nhIn II Him-Inf Hamlin: Ind uI-u no! It- HIrrIInn Ilnu plus [or Wan-In Irln In anIr-Inbur. no: In hour In? nId rIll?I-d Ihn IodIrr-?npuhll- un hndqunrirrl Im- Imnnl the nu. woman man. nhIIrmIn Nil of Ihn Ind- horn II l?on'rl. when InIl InIrqurI thnuundn of am- lur- w?ll1 nu boll)? than [Id- ('0an Iumurruw Im- I. hMIInr rh-ru- nl.? thII ?In rnIIlI Ic- inl?nnd. II: In lut unlhlo la hirnI-h IM by Iho Ind rmlorIl Iuthurillol. I I ?1 ?119: - . J0. mmg, . "who . .- - Bl??K-Fl?L?Ici?lon Inuit womEmoImmG no Ira-in- I. nun um m2. m- urdn? Pill-I 1W. ?Imam! mm. (mm Imu- ?lr Imp HI null. II.- It h. I. m. ?110 mm II II It'll. It In Ann-cud wnn?mnmn. Au. mun- or "In" uutndmuu II-I run-Illuuon I Inna In IMI mu:an bar In Il'ah'lli? Inultpn . NIH. I. How In" Ink: In In Mink-II In when or Loni CIJ'rn-rl. rink-d I In In loll-Inn" or tol- II I would! Ioldn Ict. I In BI Hun-1 I hr, In]! dam rulnd aha MI I (Iguana-I: noun-I I'th In In I In I nut Iod bound In obey Inmm.? noon. In Ill- 1r.nd Il?o mil I'rnm Inn Ind II anun BII- lfrIn An- Ihunv Inll Mn- II hand In human! In Huh anI Inn-n rut Ih- Amvrluu Woman Hum-In I'll urnullml In {?lnulnml with Lun- JullI II Indnri. nm .Ilnuln. rlalnly In rurhlu Io In?ux. Ihmu?u unnlrI-II Ind ar- aim-II In (Ill'lv 1th- nunn of Wnluln Ilun'n drII-r- In! Ind In Mm: Blur Hrl. EIrrlo I?thmIn ll? nl 'l?Iu! Arr-Ind?! Th- uhlrh nInIn, hr Anthony urn lnIru-durrd In I?nnln-I In In A A IlanI-nI nr and II II In IInlqu l?hl? no: luv "AI-Hrll - I. tltlunl In he drnIH?I by In- or by Irlv MI Irrannt 2. I'onln-II Ihnll ro'lwr. hr Ir nnIorcI or ?all If- I hold! ?10? wear? of bnfnu country Inlnr In 11 um In- Iru?urm II On Flu We do not tell our customers' OUR CREAM IS .I GE ul :e?g In?: I- II "mum: nummu- h? mm, rot .. [g lnw? If Ildll'lu??ll Ih?l I: II IrrIrIIn. N. T.. II flIln-I' - kt 3M5): wm- mm nuns-ah" 'f-I mug-luvInw- mu I . 1"1'9'5? ain't-Inn. amtu . r-Iu-I my. "of him lath an; I: Flo-r ?q I. ?tting, lab-4 I?d-Ir [canal inIllould bloom- II- my. 11.0mm". Ill not; El. II cumin: [ml-l In Th. In!" DP II hon-?n count on ?It I umle Ill,? Io toll-r. - -. . It. It In. nunWm? mu. man". man- my. . Ibo Worn-n- eon-min{Mann-TI on. C. - nun. II. 1.. II mm.? a 8' Innm' IIQI In B-?uml ?le 5""m 1? m" 3' WM I'M-ll I ?IE-lit: a" u" -- I Il?hli war?! I In "my. LII. In?. 1? u" ?dun-I'm . - u. 1 and Inlnm ml?: In wan-"m" n. "uh-"u '3 I I 1.1? lulu-i bnuInI Mum-I mm In riu- 265mn: minimum-u. M?w gnu-uni mum-ll II mum-I In. I . ?In 3 -Nr- .m mm no mama uw- In I Int-I mum at mnmlu I Em mm". I - - Irv-I murmur nI' "Ind wlIhchhor non" Ilon folrowod II It? haulThin IanrImIIr ill" in. in min In: Iholr 3,3? numb-r: In flf?l' I'll luff.? I?ll. 1 . Irrle I?Ih?lil n. rMn?lId?l? II- can? I IanIy lutn Ind I In I In . In "1110? In bn', an "I?ll" upo?'Io I A. Ihnlr rInh. Thu land."- rm all - II ?0 IIrI-Iilh- 1 I . Inna-nun?. ?II-cad an I. Io ro- . rulqun Illa Illa . a uoIlal"? I Hufl'rMI-Il - blink-l 1- dnmImInII I vale In In . I I mnIlnn In rolnf. I I'm-wrink- . bat-Inn I Mun nt rim-l Ind lhnutl We.? urn IfMl Irolld nlIn? Inlay romnm . (hr! hid 'u?ll Ila Ilium In? I. Tim In nIrnnr? In. II ?unanno- I In hum.- In I?lld 01' pun-mama? or pill: I0 .In} Inch amni- - nuns?muran . l? )1 1 ll I?ll: TH I I II. P. H-Ihronl?. ?lun- a! Thur-o ll d5 rIm-r IMI mun dun Inju? hm? Hf Hull . n- Imm . Bani Ym?355rC-n- I. I . . may LOOK IN THE mes? RING Ton,? SPECIFIC ON POINTS . . -. law enforcement here dur- Ilm put. several week- lle run- I lmuul mulorlele [in pulnla which no covered by ullh?l? Ihe or the amended ur- dim-nun Theclly elreele and the pen- . . in of hellod elven can on the im Alm- "bllnul aide." - 9 A Leader reporter Illempled to ill [1?th eerure nullre ruling: on Iheen pulnle n. mln' Iodey. having been o! la co "sun In pnllanmnn h.ul ur- mma Mu luv .l Ilored to linh on lhvir . headlight: when \iv?r" lw . Keven SeheIec- In: need. In a slum; wull- I 0 menrlty dimmer: helnl den-med . . quate by man! in [rent in Ihn In] [Av-"mm .nd "I?m loving n'mn lIlenn declined Io ny nr nut Illmmern IonM ho cunnlderml ndequelo llama. They the. n. mm." ape-In for line" Rec-Hun. "o . . I. of Tre?lr lays. I been noti?ed by I Mr. ?bu Ordinance lay- on or In: lnIrr-Inu- t?umm--r h" muunn . coo-m inn that the method (If an- ?mm m?hwl?a 01 ml. to? clly ul between one huur on ?m and one huur brlurr "lug" m, .llh' h? he provided wIlh nl ml Inlal Illuyl. Illnwinl in.? "n ?r while for run-unnhlu Th. "um" Illqlenrn in lrnnI and "no reIl lulu" . noti?ed mnmher l'unle Ill . . . m. n" 0' ?ummu'mnn Mayor I?lleun'n View In- lull Th. d'vk. n" Mr'r' are nan-ur)? nn nulnr elrulu . . . .ui unorn Iiilnnin I. Hm )1!?an mm n. m? Mm.? In ilcnum-y iII'llL Imllunuc-v I. I up.? u. Ilnr lmi.I\ I'll. I II- I-II- ll: -Ih~ In. -- y. ?Il mm "mar" Ihe Iluwnuwn The city .MNL I r'vpml?zup "('nubl? rnunrll. he did not amantl . i I. m" Hw ?Ir-IIn-nvr In quIrv In FOURTH TO I 51") . I II 1? [sh lhe Richmond. dn'mo'n Mun? MY 1 I Polnluer un iin lIm-a ur ?.Inu- "my dmu.? u'lqn' I nInIurl-II In equip their care will. n" Ilul preellrelly nil Tim Fourth will Iw .I lu-nornl m" nn-n Ihow n! uid mum-ll. have Ilim Ilay hero, ull plum-n at mar anIciu-e oven Ihu I?Imln 0! re Imullwu I-Innlnu. ?I?IIn-rv luv I d" (In Iralm "m "Itfo?l (.mmIiI-Inm-r nun." Th? any win "hunrn." 3 h? I?hlol l.lperurnb ulul In regard lo IIrIIllulu In In lullnwinu ulna-n or ?3 I n" pee-int ureel can ?In the "Mimi" m-er Hlnunmn? "'Mhu?m Ilde. menIIunI-ri In le Junlur llrdo?r nl Mnn?v 'p numb." nu?. Inc which rmuiree lmlIi an All lily veinhmlinn ni Hypn- I'm-m? rlee In Map when run are I'I?t'hlfl park ruin?min; nl .- ?mm? in: nr lellng on plenum-nu. tan! and night "um- veln'rln marina In Illrurllan up nul "In" A Imml In? roud- hum been even 9mm.- In IlIe eer Milli lulI lo mun ?mu-n nuwr Inr ammo In the aura llIal IlIe alreel in (II-er. and in In ?temp! to revlvn nn - of) uni ?ul m-?Il? Inc-n could Pot'?d. Vehiclon mnv- celebnupn by the uni-r In Unit the venom In: In the me ("fiction In tho car At Ilarueonburg nulal-ublln and mu tar ?rel-l not-rallm'l 0' mull remain I Imp until the car nmInI-eprlu- um. hnr-n rnrn, I from Ihe engine" In a me- on. mm.? all hell "In" m-I-ulu I ell . Thin oblot'linn hn been reel II celled lo the while Ihe day. A lawn pefly he lin-ll II VI. uld Ind-Y. h! ?nd bile lh? hl'e nu! ba-?Il' at night. Thin evenl in lur of nn [mated on principal elreela the ilrojeperlmanl 3nd I I and tin rllm- Hm rlly. unnu on that (lo-hen II Del-lull nemr iw lnnIlnn nl lhl- human lat-tor En an! ?pen for parking It all hnuru. played between iimk lln'M-rn havn lmromn cnrelann. ll nnIi blue on tho? that hrld?e Manl- II 1 Hi wee MM. lill'l' fin-NI ?In-p1 rur mmuln por- A will him In- hnIIl nl I could pinrn huh In "In ber/non II a. and 0 Drlli. Ilevlce ll lill?l rnu mm A Purl l'lu-r To "Irh - (foe! n! The puiIrI- hendn rnullun malor- Ilevlrn le Ilrgr, and in VIM: II In? unlnl bunl- lune- (In Wan! n! lhr II In: ln lur and Imrr 40? that? would he Unu- i-I' ueln-I Ir Iln their eer- I for. In l?rmu um" in lieu Ire-i MI rlrb. .ma'u-l? ?mun? . lha rum he I'lu-rl) In Jun on iIuhIllnIInn nu menu-A. 2" 'm -- vnThe? m1" . ha IniIn-l In {ree ll I A ?10 I Inn; lhry luI. b? "bu-m? ?udu' . I awn ?No. ?34, Iva. 13. Q- smvm'ozv, v, 137111,? 2. 7921. . . Inna-dim . wry?? u- GOOD ONE YEA If The Amwletnl IDNDON. July 2 Iirenl MI I lied annu "win: In deelel n! Ihr lurIl Anglo-lepean Irony. mum ll nut rue-ed. would ruui I 1hr. queallnn oi lhru-n Jun ellenelnn hen noon AGIKIC 0? n?v YORK. July 1. The New Jenny Tunnel F?l have named on tho nlle tor ?my of the new vehicu- ?lw under the river eel each has "prowl-It'd "73.1" "venue ot HM land. Uroumi he breken Ior Jenny nhalle A 8. Work on thin [re-l. emu-r- . expected In employ- in! Ind In hurn decided mu lhe market IINI. ee and other . U. S. MARINES IN TURKEY TO PROTECT YA NKS ill: 11? bleed-IN! I?ve-ea) July Ilelenhmanl of American hen been landed at lemln. liliy mlloe eothea-I 0! (Ton- nlantlnopln, Io pruleet Americana when (iruh Irnnpe retired. a Iii-purl; In the loreiln oillt'o Imley. . Null?) THOUGHT nl'rvmm my Tho Amer-lewd he.) I MIAMI. I'l- July I. ~All II quiet hon mum-In. raporIed Ildnen- or I negro preacher Iul night on nl? hie alle The prurhnr bu return home un~ lniurnd. Auoelated l'nea) NOW July I. A Aelde from the unulnement condoned by re- rerrenl wulnul ln foreign one. .nmebly Nelle-n and south Anni-'1 nan the noel ulrkoI Ihle wee malnulned lelrly Ila-d! 'tole. TAKE A KODAK . WITH YOU ON YOURVACA- TION We have them at all prices {rem $8.00 to 835.00 Remembei- If alm?t it ien?t a I Ede]: - I all. 0" Mn?. N. A. DAVIH hire. Marlhl A. mnIln-r nl Mr- I), I'ilv, IllI-Il Ii I p. m. Friday. at her hmnn- Ill MI iilIlney. [bath was In Iim of an In. mm In- Imrn In rluvennu county. Oct. I4. IKIZ. IlliI wn-I In Ihe you of her an. Hho Ivan urlre her huelmnli. II. II, l'arrleh. nl Hun-nun. lIiG'iI durlnl lhe Ivur? ilor nuehend. Alphonln Devil. Alan Fluvanne county. till-d almm yeere 1'0. "or surviving rhiidron are In. I. 0. and l. Devil. at this city: Dr. .1 II I'er- rleh. of Wayne-born; J. nl New-rt, and Min Adullv II home. The latter vu- her ronelenl Ina three yearn o! ?eciinlnl health pn- t?OdlII hem. Dem ceme to Mt. In where II. epenl er of her During her nu year- 0! ruldence In the \?allcy ville In idnnlil'ied Ilen Hm I. . ehuroh loath. 'I'o ell (lull-w ol Ille wee faithful and hm RIMOYDIK rel emlcee will be Hill] In the It. Uldwilelhodh'l (?huf-?h nl II a. m. Hindu and be cun- derled by we?meetnr. . USE NUMBER SIX DISINFECTANT M. A eete APO powerlul IIL an linen ee rer- eona we end- yet. her-lone. Ior elate. aloeeu. Mien. Nullry and em. 25a "95m. I . i II MEA SENT TO HARDING (II, Tim nlurlml 'n-u-n iiII- lnr-lay In n'ny In I Immi lull?Il'l?. linrtilnu In ume-Ilnx I SURE 'l'iu- nl Inn: \l.I i.1 in- l-uI.I 'll .Il I'll Hm hum-I nl Sntiutur Prv-Ilulhm: va Jenn-y .. 0V 'l?IlI'IileAI ?win. In linennru- from [In- rIIy I n! nIu-mln-r-I nl ill- lim ruIIrI-Il lunIi lu- gin-n ?l?IIuI?I-Ilny lnnlu-ml ul 1.1 "In" Tim I SECRET Of our mecca-v we alwnyu [In yun loml lnmil fur Rumi Inunry lump lull ilhn (If all lIl'iI? alma- nnIl luvn err-null nu InIoni l'lnlr?h quality. prim-a nl villi nu- livn Ihn care In our pmee?pllun ment, and II are the con?dence at all the Hughes Swimley (Ina) DRUGOIITI I'm to All i I 1mm INS TENNIS TITLE l-Znulnn-i. Juh 'll um IIan-l -- IInn II-Ilnln rlInml-Iun MINA-?hilly Liilv rulur Imin\ Nw'un n! .5iunlil ?In ll) Tint l'nwe-l TWIN Nu TIn-i Ill'l'" Ililx'nvl?rml lmini' In In ilu- i(.ll - Ililnrn l(Irh.IrIIn_ .?hu'iniill Il?Jl'l?r. nim nun ln-I W-.. E?l The Aerial Thriller SKY with June Caprice Special Comedy SIGNED BY THE with Ben Turpin Western Punch Play GUILTY with Jack Perrin NEW THEATR val" Mn on?- FOURTH ROUND 0F . - ?4 . A 'MI?Il'il I'm-ea) .lliIlHi-Ii i'i'i\ .i Mr: I lunll ?nl un .Iul?h l'il' In run nilI-I Iunmi uln- ml, Ilulul hunk in I'm" "mun-l- \.IliI lull in lmnl)? In innit nim- II ll: min-w I'lliHI Iv\l'r IuIil'll I'Ifi'hfh In fun-l [nun in In chin I-Iulml In .Hlu- Inn- I'urprnilnr llnIIlIeIi II. In- in; .uni .Irma I. '1 II- knocked Mn him In rnnvee will ur ill run-In ruunIi In on. hull-km?, VII lletore umml ven- Ilulniwd II [IIrkml up Ilw Illa-mil"; .nd Allan's-II I'll lo I u'ulnvl uumI-ullul II 1-. an Ilw urvne It in [will]: In hiw Inum ?nu .II I lilli'i I'llpu-nlu-I mun-ml IIHK lien-hum I'IIlv'rml Im- mlnuln l-?nulIriI riluiivurluu rI-uic-r nl rluu I-ml'l ill-llu Ind lIi?i i'nrpu-nllur i llul 'Iiu-I lulujlnl .II ?in-v 1n Inn-iwl null hump-nu VI-I- Willi In Innlimi rllhi (mun-"Inn mI-nml Ilvhl lnIt .. Inn hunk lilli \ll TWH lI-il Pup-mlx lull mi .IllI-r IllnI. brat- ?iuul'hllh II-il hunk I lI-mhml him In Inuui I'I'iltlh-t . lunuluu yvuxn'r .nli .II IIu-w I?lmu linuhln it'll? nu I hmii i-Iil In iiv llv-VI lulu ilI-Iup-?rI ?Ili'll lunh lulu ring nanwII nIuv and Ill rlxlII ?In: lull in Ii" InmleII \l Ilt'? ill'ml-Im he uni iu-ll'r nim'kml iI-ll II-n-i?. ?Ilh ilr'uln-Iw - i~i \Ilwu inn ml A . I: ullimul .I "In-vi . ll. - ll in'll I 'In Him" lurk umi rIIl mung iII-Inpu-I Illill I'll in? (gull-mum ?Inlzuu-vu-u immune-V with in! under [\mm-eu-v mlaml hm. ?ee hm'kmi lulu lulu-II hIi him Inuh IIrnriy Il'ii-- In Ilmul and I'l'llilld? inmimi lull "all right (?nrmatbr In up In luulv in I'Ilm'h I ?u-I nu mun-I ml.- .uIn-q will] rllilil II ?inl? II "ll\l'l Lulu ih-uumrv II lump- [nu-n I In l\ F'nur lnnir mnulc Inn wlnro in Inn, Iml nun Ifimumi UnoIpIo-v l'nrlwulwr In mpI-n, enul - lell In the rluhl iho Ild ll PHILHIIVHIIHH AT ,ulv 'i'hu' nl hluw- iur nmlu Iln- hqu Ilnl nun-"mi nI pal! mum pn-IIquerv Imul-I mel n- lhu lcnal (If ihl imlilI- ln-lwm-n .i-rk ul \nu-Ihu nnul tic-INK". ui Imm- I?lnm'v in ('nllin 'i?in- imul un- In-tw-w-II Nick") and uni." i'm'u-r in?, HIP ll! nc-Ir ?in-II In" Immwilnh-II tumn ?In-I'l In: ill-[Inn uni: applullml in praw- nu-I'iinll llu- Th: nan uiinill nl l'anu-nlic-I n! lhl' lI-l.nunuunmul Ilml win-I mini mIl, meaning lluwvmm nr ulven In lulu. nl wumun warn among "an nlmul I-leum-n Invan olIi. Iiw fur ik'mnnov Jud, .I ring-id. iII-mpnm nn- [In-n muo- .IIK in .I tum-l n! Ilmulemi Im-nn- (I. With inn-man riIN?rn IlIIiIlIll I?l'i'l' 2 were lhlI llckel \vunini hr nu to IIMt?ill hoolhe nn-i Iml Iu lIlI' II) inlv il-hol- I.IfiI-Imi - In! i . i ml mum: I (Luv-u In Inn lilhi Iron- npom-Il nI 9'45 I. ll. .lniv .m-l (Inn-I [mulml In. I nl urn-mm enn. urn-I mule Ihnl the ?ght Hpm?ulnlurn were ivai an they 'l?hrrn a re large Ii?uIIllnu-Il ?In Page inu?ne lSmall Estates Need Nir- linv \Ii rlinull, Whll" nvnl-l ll Wu'h 'Im I nm- Iiilli' lin- mu I rlilm- lulu .Iml uprI-I ilI-ra .. I THAT PERFECT ICE CREAM -. AT Thea Hogsheed. Inc. Quality Connie. Im- In the uni I The Protection. Too! 51ml puma rnnrede the (heir.- mmy uf nulng beat or In I rump-ray nIimlnIIter ilr?e lain. Many pmple tilt "I'll ?wee . mm In Inlnl. Ievever. Ilel their helr- would not derive anme tro- conch uIn ee would I). heir: at large eel-lea. . In thin Ila] taken. If? logo at Ilplelnlu be at eepulel your heir: to hen the . . . ?Ibems-leaner. . I li,r L. WME-N- FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH17, 1922. I . man we Year, No. 67. Four Interesting Developm Moonshiner Thinks mm- 'His Counsel Untrue; Capt. Kyle Resigns -. . -. . . .. . - -. ents .Whiskey Part Of 6326.5; Bank Bond Loot . Found In Coal wm? 'l?atrons' Meeting And Preliminary Contest At H. M. A. ?Ilrl?il II l?llII?H_ ut .. Anthracite Owners Meet 'l?o Frame Reply To Union Miners -- I (It: The l'rwu) 1 New Committee Plans To Make Thursday Girls? Day At . recommend-Ham to he ll\? the mortal In Ihe ill" of I II-I ll.? l?hrletlan mt" aeaalnn wnmen'n [triu' {rune their In the II-I In ll?Jl?lIrI nI -I of lhe 'l?hla I :Ith In the mat Vll?)? ?Ill I'I'Jt?t?l? lIy the the I In i - i i Women and girl: of nnI "Hill -- I llI'l'l II Ilium" \I?Ivrth I the the )l"l ll mIIrrIIw, mam-nu I lilt' In ye,? I.II henator [{eed Hurr- In II II IneI-Iluu )'I?Ilt'l?tll) uII-IIwnl II Inn" In ?twang Treaty In ?mule. HIM runl?lrt of ututI-mI-nlu In H. I). TlmluII-Iulu- Jr.. and Judge ?"lhm' "haw" 0' . i I'mmu "nun 'hlvm'umv. ?"qu ?ml "w rm" llII'?mr?l htIIlI Anti IIlTlIlul ll," 0- .lumI, \munu th'Illut u: I wen-re the clelIuII In"- ??urhn? pm.) W'I'll??lh II llul Inurt- Hi that the mum-ml \lurI II 1" n" the aftermath the l' I When Iv. I II I I to plead (?July "mm. Inl'- Tl?l?lt' That he ll In ?um? [m "Murmlm' ?mluwr ?I'll I'l??up rm the II emu dun?. April The .I .Il llI-' ".tlIll?Hun I nunpanulnn may I altII I), m? II morn-II hy an n?Ill thtI Inn he we puuemly pl. Will? fl F?ll?l - ,Mlumum. ?y In.? 4? Inun- Imam-II II. mm ?In warn emu-nt- qul (If LlhIIr Ilnvl-I? hm.? II I- ":Itll'll an i i I'm mm." .II $13,600 'of I I'llhaul-hm! ull I.II-- Ihm In Him?! .lr, he had In". prawn?. Thu." 'll" I?hll II IIut June it" "0 them the lhII\' ?Huh-Id nnlw" ..I preaent lIl'Kl?iIIl??l, ?Hill -If I- ?In? n? spun,? when marl llI' lhr-l In?! ?mun,? "Thu "Human. tlII- i? ll" deal." the Illtl" [m hle .. "mum- {gr-I and "mm. In.? mm: I. uwnern nIInerII Merv wall I Mm.? In?. wuum Attorney II WI In ll\' up In?. mm In? M. In mm It)? In thelr I'li'll? h, Ward It. the ?ull I.I-II MIN). . no? 1 mm ?r Tum," I ?ully?? .I are n.I Iu the merit ?lIlV?llt'l' nan-ml nll?ll .I ll'llt?lt'll ?7 Ihn I l' PM that he hull ?were 'lr?lI-I hm II mu II hltl"ll h" l? r. I bank. had It! HIM Curry. hut allerlml I part a that I had WIN In inlm? l? I Illullm .. If? I. dale ll" lti?l'll nerure. that I Im wn. puller. I I. I I-II the In" mm?, mu.? Whll? ?10 did "Mm" the lhlII. hy the I?I?n'llml?l "i rtquI-II I.ln nun In about In?! thinll." h" MWIVNI lh'? . Hall In men! and I Inlrl .\Ir II I. In.? ?l 0mm)? in!" l?tunFI'" him made hetora Inn on the the - l' l" In- Irlophonv Tl'm?l? m'm" tor the Iu "(In ?Ihe name l?mm lurk menu var-math Ihu Item-In: at anII In what mm In)" "Mum-n w" ?r 'I?lmherlake when I wn- nl II "mm, the ?moon worth of rill-IO?? "Null" II II. Jr In of?ce Mr t?unr IIknow what I. would he (Iost hut the noun-Ind? all 0 when confronted 51!. mt worth a! 'I?lmherlake he mun I ""llulLJ: "mm ?Yunhlanl?: [is] Bonus II-I. .?rbUCRle .?lury hum? duh". ?Mimi? in "mm" NM, Mr Tla. II ?If '50Now (10mpleted; it". will.? Iera" Ilule'u Inunnel hall . a II Ill eIInlenIIe II I I . lItln-I II In. Ihiu hI- that I \?I'Inhlnulnn, \Iarrh There 4 On tho-ll? and were mIIrnIIaepl)? 0 men! until II um. Jim?, "upwind "Hum weru In? two In . M?Vl?rll lIInl 0! (mi wile. IIni hm' hm," dam.- 1 "mm mm. um; I Ila- (Inn Amnesty l?or u? pm.) nun the hl?n IhnrlIy ('hunmn. - In In" 1m "wen u" I law: Tun? I ml nulull Ill? Ill, Pontlcal rlsonem In? In In.- "nm'un A?nunomw .- I "l0 nluliml A IO. Ill" 1" I?ll" alulement In The l-Zvenlng and a "he 3250 ?Whirl? lu?nrll .II the I 03'3"" defied llII' today that volume] Inr II um- - The .hmu?lulml Ihu I.I ?I?ll hln- "r ?I'l ellh II min I In ?ul\ Illhl mat the .I Intul II: In mm In rues?; m. I To mien-g tn IIme mun. 1" hi- The I..II- np um? um] It Innuluugmnr I'llnl?f and Inr II nmlI-A p-Pum ..Irpulnunn .I "f the attorney: pointed out In dine. I I nnIl I "l Th" and Inn t'nptuln Hm KleI, nI? Wurlth m" In.? Mr lmatler with llull uI- not been rIInnIIuleII with the I "In" Ill" urv the Jury I?m" mm pIInlIhIneIIt or arnIleIIu' fur the llIlIlI I Wild," "Mn" l' '57? II ?lth the of Marin: Whit h, Imam,? teen yi-uru. run-rum} ?In Tue-Ilny ?rout-l Ihc- Iurn Iham "ulna o! "mm nueallon allnout Tln- reallnatlna. iIvhlI-h Wuu leulelutlou, No Answer To I Im? l? J'u he Accepted. It became elm-II" \lr. Luv-barter Mum-l?Hunt. "in uthn'tl In In- [Jul lent-I) Krle'e ?If? 'lWl 'l'ml I ?nut. "my Mn and 5" mtIIrIlIu' ntternunn I nailed .lmlp- at II Il'l'lIl-I A 0' MI Mm memd h" m? mm?, ..N I, aylng [and ill the tunnel-tun alt 'hun'm "w A-keIl Nun rIIntI-renu- I mm the Minn"! . ?l "mla'?m'd' Tum". mm" ?r1ll? II guilty lulu Kyle he Ile ?Hull. lI-- II I.-- II. .l . March in MVII and torn, r?v ?whorl-k." ?In? mm a he reulleIl the run In In H-II- 10"? ?0 'l'm'nu I-Ilrter \lr hu?IIJIut In I "um, I- I. I-n. InnprII-Inr. In .Ir naut- "N'lml ya? "ml" "mm" 'wun Ihe Ill Tliuumn Ir 0? .- Il-l?l' IIV ?wan' Tum?. "yum" nil I tnll' him that ITlml lw Iii? (If II he I.II Imlny. an,? "Huh m? tn llIl-I Ilhl Inw. F. lh'lI'I?IlH' \lr emu-II ?Why we dldn'l I'll)! "n .I the . matte uIIpllt-atlnn tot rlt?IT?l?ll" IIHIIHHIIV II in?d?'c l8 Given do I'm, ml Kyle I'll" Milli-Ir} l" m" ?lunr' "mmlw? mm? "Mk" ..I 'Muk hm m? up u. trial the rm". I. hi, hum? Mn Five Day Term? um. rurnd my here light Ill?ll mm In ?urwluml I ll: I?na l-Il?r. rl'l?tlullol? i I\Il?r" II. l"'I'the ill?. II The I 'im Ii? I-MIIHII I'll II um II wlilmln "r niIiIl'Jt ?Lumi?n. llII?Illnl ?\I?lp that Im the a \l II John I Linus"on" .. Inc-rm Iluv I"rank":3:12:12: In?. ?In?,qu II In .II ?t?r'l?lrml?l Th" '9 I urtnr I?nq for the II. Nll?k 'I-r Inna In 'r ., "l m' Later the they had that lute Ill? l'ltl,llh ?Wk? I I \rimmlg'" :I?r um. IlnI1 I: 8100 In eIl wlIh rlnn. . 1: fr m: ..?mfi ?l I I I llaltl rm ?r "l I II that he WM I?lltill Thanh. w? Kyle, Milne-J! mun ..I ?mu, I .1?an Ill?l?lltl'H I. Marxian" aunt.? nIunuIn-lnr- I I'll! nrrI-I?I a nf MI Ill" 'lk iwm? llirilnIn- 1?want i nenr u. .II vnu wern ?qll'kln? In; In nlentl plant It In I 'whu ?mil? I'm wal?m?k wanna m" .. \?elt the I Imul'lml' ulmml "ml ?imp? I I I 'thI? other I um the would I h" ?will? ?n'irnm'h "l ?um - In the leaaburl ll huh, u" y?ur- "Inna" Inna-uh In talk when Iul- "1mm" II I T0 ReaICh I um \?nlloy turn?lIO I. wm?ldn't ?l?wd "f "m urinmm" in ?m "mm" i; A ?will!? Th? . I lmtle- I lithe} Nntlu?nl .lee Trial fur urinal WWI "l unt nyi I'IIianrunI. the I II mud. whleh I Hill" year In practically \lr elulotl that the IIm-Iared that Ala "In! It lmlk?l?d II It the HprmIl Ililtll \lull-lJ) Mr. he In make It MI Ill" II Inn.? had told thu latter atII-r Ihu 2 that he Intended Ill man a ?element out the Illumhl?l? rI'IIuIrke rent) to II II lIIul .I "\Iy lather IllIl ?In? he wa-I The HI Ill I-I II them It you were IlleIl, When you name an your eleeIItnr win thanI the re- neu'reII A will. I?lfll'll your UH: Inlnrel you "In lawyer. unit ranyleg out at wlahel In a manner BASE BALI. GOODS NOW READY 'We are repared to lur- all eqqument to out?t our team. Uniforms loves. Balls. Bats. Etc. Also complete line of Tani Goods GotOnrl?ricu Beverly Book Co. BOOK. is a demand. we make upon ourselves when we press. clean and repair your clothes, Over particular in on just as you want them. on can In callior them? Atlantic Wo'olen Co. curmm AND run-mum Oanu Ill- . New 8m other Words in knowing that your clothes will be returned to [It'll hIIrInu Al four girl-I on the court Ill the Wrath!"- School for Dell the Nn he Mr Hill lame. PRISCILLA I-?nlt men have been eummonnd Inr Jury nervlce In Mr- eult court lot March :0 H. th'er. II?reIl llarmau. It I. Denver. R. It. Black. It N. Graham, 0. W. w. King. Cleo. IlarIv II. MeaumII. II J. Inela nu ho alumna (I . II .\ttanII-I II II In all knew her h. I I . ""li'lnurll: 'l?lhln_l Mr ?Tin?I Kurr and Jull?n Hull, IIltl lI hr?. in' ?hm ?ml Irnm' MIMI ?Ind'h ,in?l "m blmay. Ilnce IhlnlIlIIx I I m" m" Tl?m?l" 'In m" ?h Hm." 'mll (hrmm'L I?l'l' mm hu I'm-Red When the pII-Iale ennui.? You dltl." l? Wh'? 5" ?r 3mm" "i ?yum?. mum" ?r that In MI wan tnund A. ?mb'rhhun Judm- 3m- lhill I .. H, "uplum," ?ml mm.? ?mm ?Ind molwumv and ?min!? ?Mm. cm. Pnl?lwm? m. lnlnuuw "in. In.? ?my "m dam-l nut Mr Kerr 5mm.? Mm? Hum [mm ?Huan'?rl my dale, Mr. Tlmberlake Ilmt he had not been In Iuen.? . . I I. I. thII ?lm ?mm? ?human? 0 W. .- Inwmg ?Ham-M- ed lIIr with thel "'kml I?lr I.- w- I-II- I ?Hui? him? the Inner tIl-' A?l' "(In the ulternmm the 'l'l'ml?ml mm" l" ?r .n were who?ll Tlullin a lim- II in" ?I'll' II I I mm?. ?Fur?. ,r ?."nwr I. . A. ?mm .luIlmI humane-II I mean I'll" II II ll II I. IiIIl'l I ?rum. rhur ?hum I rharalnx them \vllh "one ?element 3? I I. "mum," mm? Tln- Lenten 1 I ?(ill I'Moh \lr lI'IItl luv that I don't Mr the Ironclad-w! Irv-In) I I 1' (nun-h ll n'elncl I I TI-dale'. Kerr Hun -I. ?mm; ?xh? nor-Imru?mtm Mllnuy .Ieml 115 many. I. um VI um. of men run any Ihev anI" . . Ill IltlI'JllIl'I ?m ?mi; ?Ner . a eervlre nl Trl'ltv I "mum mur mom?. ?m ?mun?. Mr rum.? . ?wand lulu", up ?u Malia!? and I Iall II llne the NI t?lIllt? and .\Ir nun by m" I'llu'l'w WIN no ill, the for the trial I w" mm In" I hlII with the Wm ml ?w mwnu?ullm? "Mum "Lull- In.? loom". rm- m. on An mu HnlIIrIluy the . . . - ?In? ?."nwr mmmerely "r n. In.? Mr?lwall. amt lunI-rullv wan (-rl'll lay Manor will Illcomma; um twoevrl IIV . II mule lur and hump?: I -- - - - lulrla will thelr I 0 ruII . .. . .. m. In annIIunI-m nter Irnwn. I mr' lollwill referen- The I bulle- My, 0 I ?and In A pee-Ion o- Judah-II. not or It?s a Palatable Prep- aration. Every bottle carries a MONEY BACK Guarantee Hogshead. Inc. - Iran mums-In . i [1"me . q, I: ?tauuton ave-f whet . . - qrFRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3. 1923 PRICE TWO CENTSDOCTORS SA . ToBring Body 3 ?To? Washington?Ii-1' Tlul' I ?nal glunn "an-""um-urn" nun-tf?rf'H3h silt?); I lu-n'vu Hal: nulunr I - .I ?In-I'Inl 1I4 n .1l nhunl- q'ljm Aunt-Lula! I'h-u: I l" ll In a I'uurlh at- I ?rl'l'l In In? "uh-mnnj hung-1] I: D. a. 'Uudrn. M111 Inn: 'slrc hm] nu unll) nhm-k In! her lmuhnml'n and 'I?hlu nulmnruvm-Iur Ian In umllmu-n 1.. In- n;me ?flu-I .I. at grunl. n1 wur?y who? 4 In Inur uf I'thu-nl Ind Ill-d u?lvnl'; party In Ran I'l. Aug II ?I'Ir'u. Inn-?1 thu hm nIuImnvnI I'llfl]' [ml-1. "lli'llurrn rum-lu-IJ I l'nnl' are c-nhu-l Hnn'lInl In gun-- The In". [rt-M null I mnurn 111- N0 newer) RM. . . I In ?I'll . u! I I . luv: Ilu mm In} nu ?ngl? ?mun? In luv?. I ll r. lrll' mr Iw nl 'l?rw ?111' Its mm nummBEDSIDH WHEN THROUGH H18 BOIIY ANII HE PASSED AWAY HAD HPENT A. DAY: Illrl I MINI -.-- Ill lln? I'lI-IlrlI-nt'n ?alumni-II cumplu-tn I'un?drurd I. .rI-m'rnh. :Ild Ilu'n. DI . nu! whll'll In?: Eur Hlv' .IuII-Irlum pI-u marl fur mun-II?; A An. - 'v'r'hlld' In - - . i'il'l" Imn uII-u- Iuhul rum Jul-mum! Iunn Ihn- m" runnuu'd '4 IIH-H Ihl}. Fur Hun-mm I urn-ll .uu-II Hit-r IlallanIIl-I- "r I'uumllII-l tqu-rl. :fr'm' Hi" run-n- . "um" ll? hinv Inn! lhu murll m" . ?141' [uh-[mural n lh. .?oru ""ll Ihll Ibl . In" lo-rln n1 llml'l' tn Inn"! 11" "11- ?llululp?. ur Im- wnnu I f IM 1? . ?ha Jun- :1v-vn Illubr rI'I'I-rl In Influum-r mer doelunv-I I m? room I all?. "ut'l- Hm" All?'. him I In runmln II- umm- I104 nnII ""llrl'l'n In Ind ?r?ldl?t (If Slur? lhm' I